PAGE TWO. Tortured for ThreeTtear Helpless from Rheumatism Until Relieved By "Fruit-a-tives" 'Hon. John Hart Is Resigning. . . T f1 MP P C 60ISSINOT No -wonder peoplo regard "Frult-a-tlres?' as a faithful family friend and are so raer to tell wlat it has done for them. Afte-years ol sufTerinf, they appreciate the wonderful powers of this fruit treatment in relieving them of pain aud misery and discouragement. Aslr, P. U. Hoissinot, of Lailroiiiierie, Man., wrote: 'Tor three years, had to give up work ; my arms were so swollen and I was so sick. I felt 1 w ould never lie able to work on the farm any more. Hut one day, a cousin came to see me aut advised me to take Fruit-a-tives". Xow, I am in good health. I rest well and do all my work. I can recommend "Fruit-aUve4,, for llheumatium that made ran suffer so much and I thank you for this good remedy", "Frnit-a-tives"1sthe wonderful medicine made from the Juices of apples, orangea, figs and prunes and tonic-; -and h the only complete treatment ever discovered for Uheumatism, l'iu In the back, Lumbago,- Xeuraliria, Jle.idarheg and other troubles due to the improper actio u of the stomach, bowels and kiduej s. Out. 2.ic and Mo. a bos at all dealers or from Fruit a-Uves Limited, Ottawa, The Daily News PIUNGR nUI'KHT - MUTISM COLUMBIA. Published Every" Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince , Bupert Daily News, Limiled, Third Avenue, II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deliyery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United blatea, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year $0.00 $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ,. ..$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page,..,.- $2.80 per inch'" "ow All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITlOfi Saturday,, April 12; 10Z. I ne resignation of Hon, John Hart from tho position ofi minister or finance hi the Oliver government regrelled. Mr. Ilnrl is not a spectacular person but a plain businessman. no nas coniliicleil his department without any show of fireworks ami nail received a great deal of 'commendation, especially from outside financial experts who have appreciated the improved methods of keeping accounts and making out public statement. adopted by llie Victoria office under the retiring minister. 11 is in i hi oopt'ii iiini 1'ieniier uiivcr wlill secure a successor who will nil die position as well as John Hart. Eliminating The "Mister." Kadi newspaper has its own style. The Daily News, like nil Canadian papers, follows very largely (he American styles in geuerHl makeup and m'elliods of (realing news. This is very 'different from the Kuropeau slyle which is beginning lo change do conform more with Hie American slyle. In Ibis office, when a person's name is mentioned the first lime in an nrliclc, nu endeavor is made lo j,'iv his full name or .initials but the prefix Mr. js not used. Mich and poor are Irealed alike in Ibis respect. Often, Ion, in the headlines the name of Ihe person without any inilinls or prefixes is often used. II seems to be the democratic method and saves. a lot of time and space. In mentioning the name a sei-ond lime in the same article, the initials are dropped and the, prefix "Mr." i substituted. , - Mol American papers use Ibis slyle. Some Canadian papers insist on Hie "Mr." at all times but in oilier respects conform to I he American styles. ; , Tendency Is Toward ' Simplicity. The tendency of Ihe day is Inward simplieily.. Cumbersome lilies such us "His nrnce," "His Worship," "His Lordship" are dsually omitted in the newspapers. They do not mean anything (jntl they are opposed to Ihe general democratic method or treating people. If a person is n doctor, a hbhop, n mayor or n baron il is sufficient lo call him Ilr. Smith, Bishop Smith, or Baron Smith.. It is had fowt to slress too much on either lilies or decorations such ns V.C., M.M., D.S.O., .UP., B.A., or M.L.A. The best people keep (heir lilies r themselves, ami do not continually flaunt them in the newspapers. LARGE AMOUNT GRAIN SHIPPED Embargo Lifted on Eattbound Consignments Will Wake For Activity on Prairies VLVNIl'K(!."Tpiirt2. A slrik, ing increase in the shipments nf grain hi Vancouver during Ihe present grain year, over lliusc of las! reason Is shown liy . figures issued last night liy officials of the Canadian Nnlinoal Itailways. lu Ihe period Seplemher t, In April U, a total of II.KIO cars of grain have been delivered at Hie Pacific port by I lie Canadian Nuliminl system. This en in pares with a total of 1,515 cars delivered during Ihe entire twelve- month ending September L'UCKl, an increase of 7.2D3 cars. Total shipments of grain over the Canadian Nalionul since September I. 192.1, are now 121,-cars containing If, '..(' til, nun ibuhe as against 107, t: I ears and lll.iilH.OOO bushels in the corresponding period of Hie last grain marketing year. A total of .1ii,ll7.0oo bushels of grain was reported in store in elevators at various points of Canadian Na tional territory us against 11, 1850,1)11(1 bushels at the same dale nf 1923. Willi a very large amount of grain still remaining in the farmers' bands at various coun try points, Hip lolal movement oxer the Canadian National sys $1.00tl''m this season -is certain to break all former records, offi rials of Ihe company stale. Ihe lifting at midnight last night nf the embargo - on east bound grain is expected in start movement toward Ihe Local Readers, per insertion...,., 25c per Ijnc-l'akchead in time for the uassiueo Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion irc per asale line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 98 86 opening of navigation ami daily loading will eonse(iieully show a large increase, as elevator space at the lakehead ronliniies to be re. leased by shipments. AMERICAN FISH SELL FOR HIGHER PRICES Only Two Boats From Uncle Sam's Registry In Port " la , : Likely To Continue. ; ' " "f 1 1 he reorganization of Hie halcu Pulp Paper Company .,. , a ,,ip w, ,r hri'r ,,"'u" ,"L" mt '" I"J I" a soivem ; nlpllPfl. Following are Ihe ar. condition as aiiiioimced in a special despatch to this paper es-!rivas , lei-day, would mean a great deal to Northern British Cojumhia il is essential lo our progress that every possible industry be , kept going. Sometimes people wonder what benefit there could bo to ' us from the pulp mill at Swansou Bay keening running. Those-1 who notice things will have seen that .Swaiison Bay people often n " visit Prince Ituperl and spend money here. With improvement innn American Lansing lo.nno and Norma 5,-500. lo lloolh llisheries, at ll.Olii' and 7e. Canadian se s,n . 00(1. and Fisher iii p.nisr...pli;... viilw ill l.0...,... f ."." . is,, ,.., al ,.,r Ihe movement of freight and passengers to and from mm nnn in viiin :.Swai,so,, Bay makes possible belter sleamship senices here,'a, " The shipment of Swni.sou Bay pro.lucls through this port aids; n"o'on in n..ii. n-i. llt, m II fllilil flllll niill'AW tlWlfL f 1 I ll-AKniA.! . .1 .ILa. . fl . " 1 "Ml I I". I - ..-- ...... m uuti muni.-' Mi i ' i (uunnjiiirii ii iii itiilr r. 1 IIP i i a a i r . 'Jogging camps operating iu.lhe neighborhood improve travel audi n "o sm, ,n r',. lllP.,n many of the loggers come I'ere lo spend their money. Also peo-' ,o :"nd L ' ; pie travel lo and from the camps by way of Prince Bupert.t' Salmon ?; .in; oiiit-r nciieiiis in ne neriveu nut Uiose are a rt.w f . . ll.em. Prince Il.-rt people must lev o ffet the hi vUi.... 'v.r0.0 ,n They must realixo that every development in tho uorlli is good T" i rln Ji . for ll.en. directly ' or indireclly. !i 'oldMoraffe, Ji i , !L at ?" 2 1..10. 1 n " J In the Letter Box J EXPLANATION BY MONTGOMERY Kdilor Daily News. Dear Sir. I hope you will allow me explain (he report published li your paper ,,f yeslerday. I stales that I indulged in a ills 1-ussnm in or,(.r 0 .j, (n(t clerk of the commission ofior oiiic,. hours. The fuels are thai owlnsr to the unconcealed antagonism of the clerk, on the sub ject we were discussing, I moved Mini the clerk be. allowed lo re-lire, which was not acted on. After further "embarrassing nt-liludes assumed by him we. did adjourn. The mayor and mvself discussed the niallpr fur at leasl fifteen minute. longer In Ihe codncil chamber endeavoring lo find mil sniiie.. way whereby young, girls could reach I heir homes befow midnight, after their days' work. Those irls are. chiefly employed in candy und refreshment rooms in Ihe city. I personally consider this iniesliou well worth consideration ill Hie public interest. I further stale that no disparaging headlines in your paper or autocratic attitude assumed by Ihe elerk of, the. commission will have any ellec! on my duly as I see , on Ihe Police coiniulsslon. MONTfiOM LTIY. I t THE DAILY NEWS. Saturday, April 1 u-v. The Man in the Meen SAYSi- l.UTLI-: drops of wnler; Little flakes of snow; Now nml (hen some sunshiny; Now apd then a blow. If the sipi shone daily, And clouds never hum; low We all should die from ennui; now siiouiiiiwiviinpi-rl know? JAM. says that iir an, luulerl-taker were In Kii a,.presen't, llu lliing be would cboosf would be a plant. , s JAKi; also says that if a news papermau were given a present tie should gel a uieuum cleivner fur Ihe interior of his noodle. IK the price or salmon keeps going up it will soon reach Hi moon, ami then I shall know vvhellier il is ,.it or hot. TIIKIW-: are so many orxnnin- lions in Prince Ituperl that new one could scarcely find parking space. .r. or I lie laical and mosl popular snorts is dodging llio in siine lux. I'm anxious lo learn Ihe 1,'iiiiih so Dial when I eel a taxable income I may he aide lo loihf payiug-il over to the fiov- ernmenl. . (, M great yearning now is lo jet an income with which lo do 'hc.ilodgiujr. Perhaps if I yearn onir enough may jret it. utes. l'llH proof of Ihe pudding is in Ihe flavor nf the sauce. "VKIlY naive is the lament of ihe Vancouver 'harbor, commis sion. Unit when it defied the hoard of grain commissioner it never dreamed Ibat Ihe board would be o uugeiiHcuianly as lo punch il in ihe eye:" Manitoba Free Press. TIIK worhLis full of. lliwers - No Jake, no. Hie Man in ;lhe Moon is no llivvcr. : , . 1 1' is bunl to keep a good man lown. us he remarked wlien they cscueil Hie liody from Ihe bot-niu of Hie ole,fWmmin' hole. . "HOYS will he boys," remarked a local ollicial when be was (old ihere was another son. - -- IN Burma the annual rainfall is (UK) inches. No comment is necessary. i STEWART T t Ten Years Ago j in Pilnca Rupert J April 12, 1914, Consluble A. Fuirbairn came in from Decker Lake last night bringing along a prisoner limited J. F. Hall whu is charged with illcmpting lo murder his part ner, W. F. Ilehuke. A. Davies and M.r. Kidwcll de-baled on Ihe "Abolition of Cnpi-lal punishment' nl the Progress Debating Society last night. The audience adjudged in finor of the abolitionist argument as presented by Mr. Dajcs. Mr. Justice V. A. Macdonald nf Bin Supreme Court says Ilia) nine slaking under power of attorney j u fraud on the stat The Mason of Stewart. B.C., :tni Hyder, Alaska, gave an In. OGDENS GUINEA GOLD lemonade, was nerved between Jam-es. The hall was decorated wilh flags and many colored si reamers. The supper was ser ved very daintily on tables de corated with carnations, livery one enjoyed Hie dance immensely 'Ihe Service Club guv a whi drive on April V, ul Ihe Open douse in honor of Ihe Baltic of Vimy llblge. A Hirre reel Char lie Chaplin comedy was shown before Ihe whist sturled. Ileforr refreshments were served vocal solos were gUen by Miss Mildred Kirkwnod, Miss Daphne Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowler The ladles' prize was won by Mrs. (i. Marvin, Ihe gentleman's, prize by Mr. (iraham, and tho consolation prize by II. C. Beimel The Silver Orill moved lo it new place on the corner of Mb Street ami Columbia in the din. ing room of Ihe King I Id wan Hotel. They had lo move on ne count of Ihe big increase In biisi- inegs. C. Lake and D. O'Leary arrived jfrorn Ihe south where they spent the winter. - II. Ilnlston arrived from VnrU lormai nance nn April I at llm coiiver after a short visit wilh Nwarl lloiei. ihe guests mm. his parents and a business t ri iwreu anoiii i zif. ice cream a-ul to Yiclbria. "Eczema on My Face Completely Relieved" JMIm Wbifred Ernet, Box 46, Blockkoiue, N. S., wntei: "Evtr fincj I-wai little with child, I suffered eczema on my face. At timet my face wai completely covered with Urge iore$, and I tried nearly every kind of medicine that I heard of with no results. This lasted foe over twenty yean, until one day I a iked the advice of my druggist, who Lade me give Dr. Chase's Ointment a trial. After using the Ointment for a few days, the sorts began to heal, and soon I was completely relieved of the diseaie." Dr: Chasfk'fi Ointment 0 cu. mboi. all Vatrm. or Kdanansmi, llaUv Co., U, Turuuh i fflildand Extra Fine A FAVOURITE CIGARETTE IN ENGLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS Is? EASTER Apparel Dresses-newest indies New Spring Sii(s Exclusive Coats Smart Skirts Blouses of Springtime Loveliness Exquisite New Millinery VENUS HOSIERY. IRIS BRASSIERES. "DEMERS Phono 27. P.O. Boi327. OUR PICTURE DEPARTMENT Offers some beautiful reproductions of 1 FamousPaintings .Suitably mounted and framed, Prices arc $7.00 and $8.00 - SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE MAsffil PUL WORKS OF ART. 1Tw 3rd Avenue. The Home of Quality, (U- BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 123.