Tha Latest In Restaurant. FISHMMARKET Hcd Salmon, While Salmon, BOSTON GRILL Alaska Hrey Cod, Jted Cod lillets, Halibut, Shrimps, Third Avenue. Grabs, Clams, Kippers, Kin. Best of Food Good Service Hnhnon. pored PRINCE RUPERT FRESH MEATS. Private Boxes for Party Use, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "Take Her to The Boston U VOI, MV, NO. 8H, PllINCE Ilt'PEItT, B.C., SATUJUUY, APItlL 12, 102'.. VUr4ay' Circulation 1B47 Strict SlM XRS. PRICE FIVE CENTS. AIRMEN a women of imes Raging Storm in North Delays United States Flyers: Further Details of Flying Condilions -SEWAIID. April 1 2. With i ku ami mrr the northern end Ihe I inled .Slules urmy in charge of world flight arrangements I ,f doubled curl) today that the machines would jump from SiiKu to Se&.ird before tomorrow. .Major Murim ul .Sitka reported hi- intention of fly hip direct !:: rolling out Cordova- litis would mean a jump or .jU r,!i!r und ihe coarse taken by the machines would be ubovc the iii ol Mka and 1 00 mile from the coast. SHIPYARD MEN ! LOCKED OUT IN GREAT BRITAIN Ui.MWj.V Ami t: About I iv 'ntO shipyaxt workers jlll'Jtll ll rat lr..-m were ou i Uy 'i rnniiniiT , failure f slrikinfj mem- 1 tieir union at Kvuiliamp- ' iiik to return to wok. x wa rarne nui In ' with thtrutllrtialMih tirftenertll utfTaYhrablr weaffier.l ... ....... i...--- r i it UUi'lJMlal llliili'j-r mi. POSTAL STRIKE DECLARED OFF Government Shows to Oeal With Salaries so Employees Will Walt OTTAWA. April I;' There will . -v tnke m the ptil ervlrft M lav. Iadent f Hie ttaoudUu t utitifi of Potal l inployeen ijy muiruirtl Die nerninl a ! urn their willius:ur had ' idiown to deal with fjilarO' " v would wnil until miffleienl i' hud been ulen fur nelioti. I' lie uriiiin wa unneeepluble lo 1 enire at larpe the polal 1 a It i Mated, the Mnke ortler w "Intnl. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FAVORED BY VOTE OF HOUSE OF COMMONS Private Bill Gets Support from Both Sides of House But Few Take Interest OTTAWA, April I -' By ole of y. to ,.'U the lniie of lin-uioiim defeated u bill inv idiuir for (he uboliliou of capital pumohinetil. premier Kinit and Arthur MelKhen were opMed lo the bill while Hoberl Forke ioke in favor of it. I'.rnel l.iipointe. mi it i lor of Justice, favored re-teulioii of the ilea! h penally while McMuiTny, holicilor general. wa oppueJ lo eapila! puiitfdiiiicnt. The bill wun n private iiieafiiri) n nil Ml ul lib."rly to exprem. tliriiiHvU en freely. BRITAIN ADOPTS DAYLIGHT SAYING l.ONMJ.N, April IS. - The Houoe. of Commoui )jue llio nee-oud iTHdiinr to a bill providing for the permanent CMlahlitdiment of a nix motit li ts daylight waving period from the find Sunday of April to the first tfunday of Oc t viler. u slur in raging on III (iulf of of (he Pacific Ocean, agents of Destroyers Leave TOKIO. April IS. Three Japanese destroyer 'cf' the naval purl of Ouiinala today- fur the 'Kurtle Island where they will meet the United Slate army avia-lor who are attempting a flight around Ihe world. WinU iimLiim the i fM.miYouiis will prosecute. Ihe trial Pi nice lluperl In Sitka on Thur-!in lalr i'''' B ,,im " Mr day. Ihe I tilled Hate, world flyer J W "-turns from Ihe eoat- passed m low and eke over Ibej " Kr.cbtk.i, wa.erfro... that l,e, LOGGERS HERE weir nine in wae -rreuni; 10 Ihe erwwd uf jieople who were' gathered al M4tH if unlage bj witue their passing by. On I ftfeoutd of tMir vUKillily ,adl Hie qualru new row fnuii here and followwJ Ihe tal line far a Mible. Till- wo lhj are mwotly loKer? and it is ex-reao why I lie lliuhl to SiUa pectoj (hat work will be found look them mer fnur liourx andjfur them al tanm eanipn in I lout r than MuJ"r Martin, flishljlhe diMiirl yithiu the next i-ouiiuuiider. had rieled when - left here. l IH.a5 'I'riurf Ittlperl tune . n lilite mer an hour after not here. I.leut. Iiwell Smith iia ! over Ketchikan. I.losely (ntlowiirx etiuie l.ieut. Wade. Lieut. Krik Ni-Uoii and Major Martin in the order giren. Route or Flight In rfpoue to many imiuiricx which hae b"en made locally, the folluwiiiy eiilulie -rlirdillc of loi on the llighl from Prince HiiMrl to Sauln Monica i" published: Silka. Ala-Vn; IVr-Unn. Alaska; Chisnik, Alaska; iMilrh Harbor, I nula-ka; Naiau. Alka Inland; Attn. Attn; I'ara-imilnr 11iiikI, Japan: Itctlcbu, Japan; Aouiori 'Honshu Japan: Yokohama, Japan; Naitanajd, Japan; Clicinulpho ;Jen.eii' Korea; TVinatau, China; Shanghai. China; Amoy. China: lloug Koni:. China; lluiphoiir. Indochina: Tourunc, liido-Cliiua; Saiyou, liido-lliiua; Bangkok. Slain; llnngouii. Burma; Akyal. Ilurma: Calcutta. Imlia; Alluha-bad, India; In-lhl, India; MuHun. India: Karachi, Indiu: Chubar. I'eiKia; Jtandur '.bbuN Persia: luhire. Peroia: Bagdad. Mcnopo-lamia; Aleppo, Syria; Koiila and San Slefano. Turkey; Hucharet, Ituiuaiiia; Belgrade, Serbia; Vien-na, Aunlrla; SlruVnburg. France; Pari". Ftaijce; Loudon. Kugland; Hull. England; Kirkwall, Orkney MiiikU; T'liorchaxen. I'ne I-landrf; llofn-llornufjord, Ice-land: Kcykjavik, Iceland: Aug-inagxalik, (Ireelimd;. hlglul. (Iieenland; Indian Harbor, Labrador; Mingan," Canada; Quebec, Canada; Montreal, Canada; Key-port, New Jeiey; Va.hingltn. and Ihence overland lo Sanla Monica. The ponlooiiM, which were in-lalled on Ihe machineK al Seal-He and are now beiuit used, will lie replaced wlli binding gears ul Calcutta and lhee will b used unlll Hull, Kugland, l readied when pontoons will again be used for Hie homeward llighl across Ihe Atlantic. Wild and Wicked The lonwcsl and most (reach-(continued "on pago lx) DELAYED BY RAGING STORM INVADE council take hand in cleanup campaign ROY MCKINLEY TO ! FACE TWO CHARGES 'CcBed Bandit Returned to 'rf Prince George Will be Tried Next Week pltlNCE liEOWiE. April IS. ! Hoy McKinlcy, Ihe caped bandit, j who wn brought here la it filirht from Alice Arm by Coitslablej Harry Martin of Prince Itilpert, will be charged with selling' Thiuor lo Indian and resisting! arrest, lit will Iks defended by! I. K. Wilson and Alex McH. AWAITING OPENING OF DISTRICT CAMPSi mimes ti U(c lil f uiieuiplnjed al Ilie 'provincial lalor bureau. riie-e fortnight. Toniiihl ''' loggers are lwiug en( (o Buckley Bay. trip of (he prince John 2W were sent to this point. Ufll I Awn WII I UAVF LABOR GOVERNMENT'IAIN MAlKhlNZlt Has Largest Group In Parliament and Will be Supported by Liberals COPF.MIAOKN. April 1? The LnlMiriles clectiil Ihe largest number of members of any parly in the parliamentary election ami with Ihe assistance of (lie iude. peudenl Liberals form a new government. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division I. Arsenal '. Sunderland H. Blackburn It, X Bolton W. I. Cardiff C ?. Burnley 0: Huddersrield I. .Manchester C, I. l.iverMio :t, Miilill-sliiM-ourili I. .Notllitgliam F. u. Aslon Villa U. Xevveasllr f. 2. Chelsea I. Shelllcld I', n. Birmingliaiu 2. Tolleiihaui 2. Kverlon S. West Bromich 5, Not In County 0. West Ham !'. 3, Preston X. E. t. Division II. Bradford City 2. Hull Cily t. Bury I, The Wednesday 0. I 'u 1 1 1 it n t 0, CIhuIoii Orient 0. Leeds t'niled I. Dnby County I. Leicesler C. I. Blackpool 2. Manchester I . 5. Crystal Palace I Nelson I, Port vale 3. Oldham A. 0, Bristol Cily 0. Southshields I. Coventry City 2. Slockpnrl 2, Southampton 3. itike 2, Barnsley 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. Hiberniuu.s 2. Airdric 0. Motherwell 1, Patrick T. I. (jueenspmk 2, Dundee I. Hungers 2, Morton I. Ayr Uiiiled I, Hail li Hovers 0. Celtic 0, SI. Mlrren I. Clydebank 2i Aberdeen I. Falkirk 2, Kilmurnock i. International Game , sVolland 1, England i. This unique traclor said to be the only one of its kind in the world, i built to nui on Ihe track ot Ihe 'never-stop ratiroad," wlurh is now under coiislrurunn ul the Brili.-h Empire Exhibition Women Take Hand in Cleaning up Town Hf Smithers, Invading Meeting w SMITH KKS, April 11'. After missioners on Wednesday, several i tames eiiiereu me meeting piare uuu exireseu meir views in a most uiieipjivocal manner. II appears Ihe provincial police have had their "clean-up error! somewhat frustrated of late, and the siMikeswoiuaii said Ihose she represented were in full accord with (he authorities und would support Ihem to the limit, further that any attempt to recognize undesirable men or women would find litem rallying under the olice banner. FOR MINISTRY Member Likely to get Cabl- net Position ; HART LEAVES POLITICS (Sjieeial to Oaily News i VA.NCOl April 12. Willi I the lesigiialion of lion. John Hart, who is uivittg up his posi. lion as a ineinber oT the (iovrrn-nient o devule his lime lo tils own business, ancouver is ex- ,;llJwiwit. steamship & Barge Co. peeling to gel a representative in , ,M,,,.r lllt. Anyox-Stewarl-Ta-Ihe cabincl. I'.apl. Ian Mackenzie orw carriug service re-is the ruvorile for Ihe portfolio . Amw ssMvU xvai ami his re-eleetiott is looked up-jWMcked a few weeks ago. The on as assured. 'Plummer has been lied up at For some time past Vancouver vallrmm.r rr M.Veral monlhs has felt lltat the city should be avvuiling a puirhuser following a represented in Ihe provincial ;,ril, frut, Toronto lo Vaucouver cabinet, but Ihe two men who as, fM wh scnt.rui T1P had been considered best fitted ,a wa ,uii nl Newcastle in ror the iwsilioii. W. .1. Farris aiid;1(j0a uj fljr a w,(0 was uller A. M. Mucdonald, are scarcely nu, itdgian Hag. eligible. Mackenzie is Hie best i man in stgitl ami it is generally thought he will get Ihe position. Mr. Hart leaves the' position because he is ipiltlliiK public life. He is on perfectly friendly terms with Hie ministry and will continue lo sive the Oliver Oov- eminent hi support. He will i,l, i ti, u i,..slliiin unlit nfier 1 1... ! election, when Hie new man will ! be appointed from lite member returned on the Liberal side. EXPERTS COMMITTEE REPORT IS ADOPTED PAHIS. April 12.- The reparations commission nlu meeting yesterday unaninfousTy adopted the report of Ihe committee of aperls, - of Village Council a session of Ihe village cum of Ihe towns mo-l prominent . ... . . i As (he village commissioners also nsMicfaled Ihcinsehe with ;(hi expression of opinion it would sccmi that Smilher w4ll hardly prove a home from home for itinerant members of Ihe underworld. ANOTHER STEAMER FOR ORE SERYICE Coastwise Steamship A Barge Co. Has Purchased British Ship J. H. Plummer steamer J. 11. Plumnier of the Kiikwood Inlercoaslul Steamship Line has been botiulil bv the FIRE DEPARTMENT KIDNAPPED COUPLE JUNE AU RECENTLY JtMvU'. April 12. A serious , kitliiappiitg easu developed here ouier uaj One of the mem bers of the local fire department Hurry Sperling was nvarricd (o Miss Mary Cerlrude Halm and shortly after the ceremony the fire department staged a run to (he Halm residence, kidnapped the young couple and look them for a ride around the cily on the flru Iruck, then reluming (hem uninjured except for a severe shaking. Subscribe for tie Daily News. Board of Trade Activities Working on Praiiies where Prince Rupert is Favored A sumple of the number of resolutions that boards of trade in various prairie centres have been pulling before Ihe House of Coiouiuus recently urging the development of prince Itupert as a grain shipping iorl us a result of local Board of Trade activi ties was obtained by the llaily News yesterday from James A. Scott, it rancher of Vermilion, Alberta, and properly owner of Prince Itupert, who is at present in Ihe cily. Acromjw trying the resolution is a letler that Mr. Scott received personally from leiiry E. Spencer, Progressive M.P. for Vermilion, who also urge- ihe use or litis port lor .-rain shipping purpose. Both .-esolution ami letter manifest the strong agitation in favor of de- elipmnt of Prince lluperl which! will undoubtedly lead al no very. far distant date lo the establish. meiil of a terminal elevator with all the necessary subsidiary facilities here. Progressive's Support The letler received by Mr. Scolt from Mr. Spencer, dated at Ottawa, follows: Mr. Jas. A. Scolt, Oeneral Delivery, Prince lluperl, U.G. Dear Mr. Scott I was very glad to get your letter of the 10th in. slant, pointing out Ihe advantages of Prince Itupert fur a ter minal elevalor,-aml-;;iviiig ouc reasons therefore. I miglil say there is a system atic propaganda being brought forward by the various boards of trade in Alberta to bring the advantages of Prince lluperl lo Ihe attention of Ihe government, and I have received several resolu-i Hons from, Battle Itiver. i am enclosing a copy of one of these for your perusal. I am entirely in sympathy with the arguments you put forward,! and next lo prince Itupert I t ft Ink. New Westminster should be. con sidered, preferably lo further building on Durrani Intel at Vancouver. Yours very truly, II EN It Y E. SPENCElt. P.S. I might say thai the rales are lite same on grain from hd- moulon lo Prince Itupert as they are from l'-dmonlon lo Vancouver. A bunch of the Alberta members met Sir Henry Thornton last week with respect to elevator facilities at Ihe roast, and you will be interested to know that he is favorably inclined lo having an elevalor al Prince lluperl. H.E.S. Walnwrlght's Resolution The resolution from (he Board of Trade of (he cily ul Wain-wrighl. Alia., passed on March C, is as follows: Whereas Ihe Board of Trade of Ihe city of Waiuw right. Alia., is aware that Hie jreople of Alberta are vitally interested in the full and proper development of the westbound route fur all commodities, and for grain in particular; , And whereas Ihe harbor board of Vancouver is asking; for addi tional grant or 18,000.000, to establish further faciliUes at Vancouver, and Ihe Board of t rade of Prince Itupert is asking fur the establishment of grain handling facilities at Prince lluperl, claiming Prince lluperl has: 1 A deep water port, up to ami along the water front. 2 Available harbor sites ami trackage properly already the properly of the CV.ll. 3 Natural rock bottom foundations Tor elevators, etc. I A port where elevators may be spotted Immediately adjacent lo deep water for the delivery of grain direct to the vessels, thus rendering it unnecessary for Ihe con. structlon of piers, Jellies and (Continued on puge sis) MINERS' STRIKE IS NOT LIKELY Close Vote on Rejection of Em ployers' Offer Result of Ballot LO.NOOX, April 12. -There ! not likely to be any miners? strike in (his country Just now. The majority in favor of reject ing Ihe offer of the employers was no small (bat no action H likely lo be taken, especially since Minister of Mine Sliinwall has promised tjti behalf of llio ') V ? ru " ei M vert-juir-a-w rt J) f imiuiry into (lie' wnole"nues(ion of miners' wages in comparison with Ihe wages paid in other in dustries. The oflicial figures of Hie bal lot taken by the miners 'on the offer of (he owners of a minimum standard of .'J-V4 per eeut above the jre-war level made public today showed for rejection and 322,3V2 for acceptance. NEW GOLD BANK OPENS GERMANY Will Extend Credits to Industries and Is Free from Political Control BEIILIX, April 12. The newly founded Herman Hold Discount Bank will begin operations on April 16 with a capital of 110.-0(10,000 gold marks. The statu-, les of the new institution desig-' nate, it as purely private, wholly immune from political control. It primary function will be to extend credits lo German industry. SENT WARSHIP TO THE BOTTOM Australia Carries Out Part of Washington Treaty by Destroying Vessel SYDNEY. April 12. Witlr solemn ceremony lite veteran warship AusU-alia was sunk today 20 miles off Sydney in accordance with the naval program under the Washington treaty. CHILDREN'S WARD IN HOSPITAL For a Children's Ward al Ihe Hospital, Hill CO Chapter I.O. I). E. promise an hour's laughter in "The Neighbors" and a rare treat In music from "The Oeisha" on Monday night at the Thealrc.