PAOE BIX. .Just Arrived, a 8hlpment of ENGLISH FLANNELETTE, Sheetings and Bedspreads Directly Imported from Manchester 27 Inch English Flannelette Nice soft quality. Special per yard 25c Sheetings Best quality, absolutely pure, no dressing. 72 inches wide, at per yard w $1.10 SI inches wide, at per yard $1.25 English Colored Bedspreads Satin Finfch jn Gold ami While, Skv and White and Pink and White. 72 x 00 inch. Special at each $4.75 White Honeycomb Spreads -Splendid quality. OH x 80 inch .' $4 75 72 x oo inch ;;. ;;; $5.75 Agents for Pictorial ltcview Patterns. New Summer Quarterly now on sale. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Phone 9- Third Avenue and Fulton SU ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417-Sth Ave. East. Let Us SUPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS in Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Weeders Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co 60S Third Ave. Tel. 3. DELICIOUS! 'Jlie fine creamery flavor of pure Woodland BUTTER is distinctive. He sure to try it. Ask Your Grocer For WOODLAND, The Best Butter." WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm lo the home. Phono Black 210. P.O. Box 895. l ! SPECIALS This Week-end Only: SUGAR loo II,. sack Suar $10.50 So lb. sacks Sugar .. $5.45 20 Hi. suck Sujrar .. $2.30 10 lb, sacks Suf.rar .. $1.15 Loose Sugar" 11c Icfnjf Susar, -Mb. pk?. . 30c Lump Sujfar, 2 b. pkg. . 30c Lemon Kxtracl, per I oi. bottle '. 35c Lemon Extract, per 2 or. hollle 15c Frcslr Meat always on hand. Order of 10.00 and over Delivered Free. , CANCELLATION Of RESERVE. nuTict: is iiininv i-.iviv ,. ,i . . v. . c. . U. , .LTl irrfcrfi rii.uur uer Lot 4if. Ourro Char- one iiiiaai District. Is cancrlfesj. G. n. .-SADO. Deputy Minuter of Laodi. IjinIi ueparuurul. Victoria, 8 C, tiia January. 9l. NOTICE. TAkK AOT1CE tint riM- luil.llr.iL. ..H luir iwiht wire a twi rr futir l con-orullve wrk. wr shall aiplr to the Ili-rotrar of Ji.lnl stock Cunir-aiilt. Vie- NOllTIIUtN LIMITED RR.YANT COMPANY. LIMITED. WEEK-END Spring : I I Al Cleaning Specials for Friday and Saturday loco Polish, quart tins 75c Positively unequalled for furniture, floors, etc. Why pay $1.35 per same size tin for other expensively advertised polishes which are streaky at best. Sunlight Soap, carton . 25c PCarliue, large pkg. ... 30c Sunset I yest all colors, 2 for 25c Chloride of I.ime 15c 3 for 40c Washing Soda, C lb. . 25c Crown Olive Soap, 7 for 50c Oatmeal Soap, C for .. 25c Lux, 3 for 35c ' P Tor $1.00 iem Lye. 3 for 35c P for $1.00 Here are a few City Special secured whilst in Vancouver recently: Norwegian .Imported Kipper Snacks, packed by King Oscar people. 2,500 tins to sell at 5 for 25c Never before sold under Hc each. CANNED FRUIT SPECIALS. Heavy Pack Loganberries. 2 lb. tins, flavor and color tin best we hac ever sampled. Peg. value 33c. Special per tin 25o We have bought heavily on Hiis particular line, in fact this i (he largest buy we have cvr made in one line of Canned Fruit. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones: 210, 211, 212 Sterling Furnace COAL DtllMftd In Bulk. At $10.00 per. ton. Ttili it a vrrjr luixrlor furnace coal. rtvra a rlean hot fire ati.l la mllrrly Tree from tool, cllnkfM, alai k and 'dirt. Some of the larrett hrallnr planta In the city are now ukinc It uii entirely aaUtrartory return, STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. We are lo Atenia for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlcat Hotal Central, Phone II CLAIMS SHOT GRAYLEY IN SELF DEFENSE AND DIED IN THE HOSPITAL Alaska papers give particulars of the shooting of llert ray Icy at Ketchikan by Jim Smith. One account says: 'Jim Smith, former patrolman of Portland, .shot and killed Pen Orayley on the street a-t night after Orayley had beaten up Smith in a fist fight. "Orayley died -In the hospital two hours after the shooting. An operation was performed in an effort lu save his life. "Smith" claims self.ilefense. 'Smith asserts Oravlry had threatened further bodily harm. When the men met last night Smith says hecrossed the street to avoid Orayley ami told the lat ter to stop. Orayley kept advancing. Smith shot twice, the first bullet striking Orayley in the teg and the second in the abdomen. J "Smith is reported to have served sentence at Anchorage be- fore eoming here and is also re ported to have killed a man while on the Portland police force." BIG HERRING HAULS ON WEST COAST OF vance Over Same Month of Last Year JI NKAl . Apr. 12 Alaskan ex ports for last month gained $123,000 over llioe for the same month last year ami had an ag- regale value of l.t7'J,50l, ac cording to the monthly state ment of commerce issued by J. C McHride. eolleftir of cuslom. Copper ore showed the heaviest Oozens of Spring Coats to choose from, fsizes 10 to 10. Kxcellent Coals al Lowest Prices. BENT'S Third Avenue. Opp. Bank of Montreal. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Kelgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to S. Phone 8. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Now Agent for Society Brand Clothes showiiif; Spring l'al- terns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue TAB DAILY ItfrWB. Saturday, Alri Blue Ribbon Tea Good house-keepers are careful to specify BLUE RIBBON when order-IngTEA. They do this because they know they will get the best tea'in the market at the lowest price that the best can bt sold for. There is no tea in Canada so good or economical as BLUE RIBBON. re Kain. shipments made being BOARD OF TRADE ACTIVITIES .valued at '.7j.5ao. a gain of ; about 4193.000. i j One feature of the month's rx- port trade was the shipment of 120 ounces of palladium having! u declared value of ?t0.008. VANPflllVPR K ANnl Tl,c value of fn" halibut inmAJUICn MLmUl ...hipped ,Urin? the month was MJ.000 more than was exported VII710IUA. April 12. Informa- in March. 1P23. Fisheries, jliou has been reeeived by. the ducts as a whole showed an in. Irfj. Hi. Ilk Hunt. till, tiatlu. t.. thai i.t ? ... - rwiMiorotiv nviiiiKs jMiTitr- (Victoria t.uamuer or Commerec crease in d-cl a ret I value amount. of it Iterrintr herring tntr lug In to t:t? t3;.000 non ......t-.i hxlf'nU'tiX!iKnwn' ' "c- m ,,ll,,,,,at enormous hauls ! Tilt GAjSIAH NOTICE. I TAKE M)TIC Ihit tflcr tHiMlnilroi - - , I ui rnr n.scii.J"ae oeen mane mis season uy gained in value seme boats operating in llarkley 5,0o. tSound. All previous records have of.leen liruken. larger uautilies of uil wilar. ?r rou,r eonjwir fish are taken in each drawing .HrrMnr if joint stork DniiMnir. vie-! in of the larger seines now in ,lnrl. B.C. to rhanrr Mir nam to il! that .wo ,.l ia !!, I .,,iUii ami less or "BRYANT ami crier, limited." :use. iisii is wasted than i ?AV'2 lKriT.Bu,,e, Bc-' "" formerly, the loss now having' been reduced to a minimum as' compared with a few weeks ago,' when half the catch had often to jbe sacrificed owing to suffocation and crowding of the fish when the einn was drawn in. ALASKAN BUSINESS ON THE INCREASE 'Exports Show Considerable Ad approximately RAGING STORM IN N5RTH DELAYS UNITED STATES FLYERS: FURTHER' DETAILS OF FLYING CONDITIONS. (continued from page one) erous leg of Hie entire flight around the world will be that across Hehring Sea betwwen Attu ! Island of Ihe Aleutian group and I'aramushiri Island, Japan. This jspan of wild and wicked land I and water,' which is over 800 i...n i .-.up..- ii ..I s iu"rt oin-rs ii ocrii wiliru only the most' intrepid of airmen would attempt to navigate.. Climalic conditions are "change able as a woman's mood" and freipienlly jloislerous while Ihe villages are) widely separated and means Tor making speedy rescues are absent. The aviator who encounters a forced lauding on one of these rocky shoals or in the ro.ugh waters of the northern Pacific would face privu-tioll'Lild possible death. For obvious reasons the four machines 'will lly closely logellier win-! making this passage. To furl Iter ensure safety, another toiled States gunboat has been senl from .an Francisco to be close ; to the flyer when they are mnk-j lug this and oilier d.Migcrous j northern hops. Al I'aramushiri ( Island, three Japanese deslroyers will meet Ihe fliers to assist them in Ih'eir commuuiralioiis. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. IMOIlY ISLAM). Misty, tight southeast wind; barometer. .'PLOP; temperature, .'!; sea smooth: midnight spoke steamer Princess Ilealrice in Clew Nugget northbound. IlKAIl TltKT: I'OIXT.- Cloudy. calm; barometer. 2U.HI; lemper- n I Hi e. 33; seu smooth. IttJI.I, IIAIIMOH. Cloudy, calm, barometer , 'i'J.Hi; temperature. :.; sea smooth. IttJI.I. HAIlHOU--:ioudy. fresh northwest wind; barometer, 2P.-U7; leniperalurn, 10; sea choppy; 0 p.m. i"loko steamer I'rlncess Hun olt Pine Island southbound; 8 p.m. spoke sti-amer Mogul 10 miles from Alert Hay soulh- Ihound; 8.30 p.m. spoke sleanier Hiiiiiaula al l'orl Ilaidy uorlli-hound; 1.30 a.iif? spoke steamer I'rinciJ (jcpryu abeam I'olnlcrs Island' southbouml. Noon IMOIlY lfI.ANI).-l,urt cloudy, tighl southeast wind; barometer. 30.01); Irmpcrnture, 17; moderate swell. I)KAI) Tlli:i POI.VIV- ltaiiiing, fresh west wind; baromeler, !;o.-83; temperature, 1.1; sea moderate. Iltld. JIAItIIill Cloudy, fresh northwest wind; barometer, L'O.-U.'J; temperature, If; oca choppy; 11.10 a.m. spoke steamer I'rlncess Mary entering Filxhugh Sound sDulhboiiud; 11.10 a.iii. spoke inotorshil Apex olf l'iue Island noulhbound. When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and see that ou get it. ' tf WORKING ON PRAIRIES WHERE PRINCE RUPERT IS FAVORED. i ultimo d from page one) ttcll conveyor. 3 A deep water port from har-Ixir front to the sea and so safe, easy of access ami nl-Irnelixe to shipping. (J Approach over an exceptionally good railway giade through Ihe mountains. 7 Natural advantages rendering Hie -osi of maintenaiic.' negligible, and the raising large revenue by harboi dues, cargo rales and other liandliiiK charges unnecessary. X Kipialily with other Hrilish Columbia Hirts In export rates from Ihe Prairies and l the United Kingdom. Therefore be it resolved that in the opinion of this Hoard of Trade 'I he government ofGatiadii. when appropriating money for Ihe development of shipping fa cilities al the Pacific eoasl ami grain handling facilities in par. ticnlar. should carefully weigh the above-mentioned ipition. and if found in the best interest of the people of the Middle Vl aiul the grain growers In (articular, utiliie the natural advantages of Prince Ittiiirrl by 'con-slriii'tii: h lecuiinal elevator nl Ilia pom i with all Ihe necessary subsidiary farrtiiies CAHADUCIFIC fsAlLINGsV TO KUltOPJiX MAKI'. Kr.Sr.RVATinXS KOW .nl la .Vprll ii mom sr. ion TO GLASGOW TO LIVERPOOL Mailxini .Vlisilrlair rnOM MONTREAL TO CHCNBOURG-SOUTHAMeTON- ANTWtee Artl May 1 MIow. May II. Juiif II ... . .Mrtiu TO BfLFAST-OLAiOOW May I. May IV Metaaama May 8. Jiiih' Marlorli TO LIVERPOOL May -j, Vlay 31 vt.Hitreal M v. Junr 4 . Misitralin 'ROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL May f. May 1 . Munlroyal TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG. Ma) T. June I l.nirr i.f Srutland Appt; Afrntt tvtrjrwhara or X7.PC to cp.r. K. runs IKK. ben. AU staiion. vanouTr. Ttlcphon Seymour ItJO, (.an. rac. KyM TraAc Atatl. FARMERS' MARKET Pol lions), per lb 10c Dolling Iteef. per lb. . . . 8c Mil) Sleak. per lb 15c Foreleg pork, roast, per lb 17',o Kidneys, per lb 15c Tripe, per lb 12'c Fanners' Special llleud Ten, per lb 65c llarvcsL llraiul Coffee. .1 lbs. $1.35 Chase A Siiuborns Coffee, per II i . . . 60c Hulk Cocoa,' per lb. ... 15o Seedless Itaisitis, 3 lbs. 50c Clean ("uiianls, per lb, 20c Prunes, i! lbs. for .... 25c . I'nlni Olive Soap, 3 for 25o Sunlight 25o Itoyal Crown 25c Jtnyal Washing Powder 35o Orders of $6.00 Delivered. Phone Blue 428. Phone 376 The House of Quality Big Specials New Stock Chintzes and Cretonnes ;PJ inches and 0 im hci wide, (tegular value "jc ::d 'Jt; per yanl, Special ul per yard 45c and 60c Special Madras Curtain IJO inches wide in six good dt'iKu-. Ilegutar value , , yard. Specul per v.inl ... 50c SOT UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Ladles' Department, WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "Flaming Youth" A slaitling e.Misc of ultra modern sM-icly fffAvhtt the author hadn't 4 lie courage to sign hi right name Youth, Joy. Jazz. Cigarettes, liocktoiK W'liilr lvi lied Kisses. Itollirkiiig l)alice. ItiolOiis Kl i rial ion s, I'c, Nerve, Spice. FlupperiMii on Ihe Spree. IMsiire Mail iMiighlc Sciisitliou-Cniviiig Mulders, u llathiiig Parly i la Silhoue" -Sans Kalhing Suits, Ihirkncs (hen a flush f electric ligliP then Screams! Scrambhux' Scnnipertiig! Stupendous cast Colleen Moore, Milton Sills, Elliott Dexter, Phillips Smalley, Walter McGrail, Sylvia Breamer, Myrtle Stedman and Betty Francisco Fun from the. Press Admission 50c and 25c. Why Can't We Save? QNCE again you say t!;b as you find that expenses have eaten up all your income. How is it that other people, with no larger incomes than yours, arc able to buy many things you cannot afford ? Perhaps it h because you have no definite plan of allotting your income. Our useful Memoranda Book, which the Manager will be glad to give you, contains Budgets for both families and individuals. It will help you to plan your expenses with something to spare. A few hundred dollars In the hank will give you a wonderful feeling of security snd Independence. THE ROYAL DANK OF CANADA 8. J. MAtil.KOI), Manager,', I'rlnco llupert Uranoh. T.