PAflE TWO, The Popularity N Lure Of Mirage Carries Away Mnnr. Of SALAM To all other countries, in advance, per year Transient Display Advertising. .. . 1.10 per inch DAILY EDITION Major Martin sahe Wa lured !! H38B has been earned on merit only One trial will convince you. The Daily News PBINfiR 'RUPERT - BRITISH -COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Uaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: $7.50. Transient Advertising on Pmnt Page $2.X0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion.. 2."c pier line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c pej- word Legal Notices, each insertion Ific per agale line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 . Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - M Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. tp Tuesday. May 1, tll. Many Possibilities On This Coast. Ojily a few tnoiilh- ago a niau vva heard to declare he could not see what poiliilily there was thai Maelt village -would ever he any larger than it is loday. Since that time there ha been considerable interest taken in .Maxell. A clam cannery has made it headquarter and now (he Mark nnd gold is In he snielled there. A good many lots have been purchased in Ihe Imvii-Hc and very soon, if everything goes well, there will be t regular itayroll at the place. .That is one instance of the possi- bililien in a new country. Should the present black sand mining and imt-lling prove successful there will doubtless be many other similar concerns operating in Ihe same neighborhood, for there is plenty of black and and the market for gold is illimitable and varies little. Anyone who can produce gold knows what it will be worth when produced. In that respect it differs in a marked degree from copier. ' ' away from his route by a Having Faith In . N ' British Empire. . Until rerenlly it was the fashion at meelings of working-men to deride anything which smacked of patriotism and to sjieak lighlly of Ihe British Empire. .Now Ihe Labor government of Brdaiu is leading Ihe. way in exlolling Ihe virtue of the Empire. The latest type of polilical speech is that of the Colonial Secretary. Hon..J. II. Thomas, who would have the British Empire the "Land of Hope and filory, something o be maintained and defended and made worthy or all." Sympathy Goes Out To Major MacLar?n. T''e. s,mPathi ,1f ho Nrilish Empire will go out lo Major hniarl MacLnren who has been making a brave attempt to en-circle thu glolK? in his airplane. The despalchen of Veterdav Male that his machine was badly damaged. Posiblv todav'there w ill be betler news. Of one thing we are all glad. " That 'is that Ihe major is safe. Short Campaign But Make It Snapny. This is Ihe lime to lenrn all about politics. It is the one subject of conversation in certain rfrcle. Everywhere Ihe relative, merits of candidates are beintr discussal .i tv hal views a.o advanced in favor r,r one man or ngait another, ) nre all influenced by small things while the big thin things h or pJ( ,,y nnu we no not mdice Ihem. It is well now and men io turn our allenlion lo consideration of the eriim'ent. "Headaches, Bilious Spells. Are Now All Gone" Mrs. John Ireland, NoWeton, OnL, write: "I wi great luffcrer lim levcre headachei and bilioui tpellt, I tried a number of remedies without obtaining any bene-fit until I wai adviied to uk Dr. Chaie'iKidney-LiverPilli. Theie completely relieved me, and made me feel like a new pertoa. I am very grateful to Dr. Chaw'i Medicinei for what they itk done for. me, and you may uh my Utter for the benefit f tHew." Dr. Chase's Kldney-Llver Pills -u. faoi of S UU, Kdmaiuon, lum a Co.. forwto again iiliilinn TRE UAtl.Y NlWfl. f FIRE ESCAPES AT HOSPITAL .Matter is Discussed With Cltr CamacII and Financial Ale teqwtsUd A delegation from lite hospital h iard consisting of l. SMI. js. K. Campbell, J. II. Thomson tond K. II, Mortimer apeare.t lie. 'fure the city council lal irighl eeking financial assistance in connection wild the put I ins in of firfc protection equipment at Hie hnsptal recommended ly I'"" deputy Wr marshal ami the uperinlendent of utilities. Mr. Mellae staled that I hoard already hail it hand full in financing roniilrratde improvements thai hail Iwen made during llio past year. It could nut jsee it way dear to lake rare of rs ni;o i, moii r.- .. mr.t, on lurmer ev pen.iiiure aim uiu noi .... --'-- '"tfAI :.. My man 10 an pans 01 ine uriusn r.mpire ana me united i Slates, fn advance, per year $0.00 in paing Ihe hal It had beejij decided I Id I it would be I li best course to ilirii the situation with I In ,nci' uiln a viw ' f a per insertion Recommendations Mr. llanrpbell read Ihe letters of the assistant fire nAtrshal ami the uertnlendcnl of utilities. The former recommended im provements ill the fire escapes of tin' nurses" liotitf am ihe hmpi-lal building and also alterations in connection with the operating room, linen chules, furiiuc'e room. kitchen range, etc. The letter of Mr. Loe referreij particularly to repairs in wiring and fire alarm equipment including exit lights. The mailer of fire escapes in Ihe hospital, Mr.- (lampbell deem, ed most imporlant. The present oies were little better than death traps and il would lie 1m. Hsilile. to pet a patient mil through them. An estimate had been secured on the cost of put- tins in proper fire escape with double door entrances at Ihe ends of the hall. II was helwcen t00 and 800. The superinten dent of utilities had ;xiefi an estimate of v.ino for the fire- ahirm yslem and f'.'HO for a cystem of exit lipht in ronduil. If all Hie recofiimenda lions were acted up on the cost would be about f2f- miragc. lie thought he saw aii expanse of water, but after leav- 000- considered only thr ink nis projier course, io ioiuiw i, ne lounil tuai lie wnsrover thel,,rI,, a"omieiy nccesarj-, now- land instead of the water anil soon be came to grief ncrninst the0 t t Im fire alarm system, exil side of a nioiiiilain. That is a common Ihing in life. It is easy to lie lured away by something (hat looks good but which proves to be nothing hiil a deception. We buy fake slocks, ,we follow the ephemeral in "politic, we go into foolhardy businesses, we follow the foolish pleasures of life and then we suddenly fall with a sickening thud and (he mirage is dispelled. Beware Ihe mirage! J is the one thing in life that i not what il seems o be. liliN in coiikluit and the fire -capes. Might be Uld Over Aid. .Vlacilouald atrreed that sonm of the recommendations might be laid over for the lime being but some were urgent. If any lo. of life Iioii.I ccur, the council would be jointly re.pon-sible with the hospital board. TIih request for assistance wa worthy of every consiileralion. Aid. Casey fe that the asit. ant fire marshal has been Iryinv lo show all Ihe authority he possessed in Prince Hii(iert. There wa no reason for Ihe council lo stampede though he adnulled that some items w-re necesary Finally it was l;ie., on su?-?elion of Ihe mayor, lo leave the matter for the hospital board to go into with Ihe finance rmn. inlM'ee. When a decision! Iras been made, b) ihe committees a to" what J nece'ssary and Ihe co.t a report will be relurned Ihe council. TEA AND SALE AND SOCIAL EVENING BY PYTHIAN SISTERS The I'vlhian Hislers lul.l Inn ofhnd' sale of borne cooking and fancy work in the Boston Hall yesterday aflernnon followed by a whist ilrhe and dance in the evening. About JprtO was realiei at both affairs. Mrs. Fred Wermiy was ron-ener and In charge of the vari ous departments in ie afternoon were the following: Sewing and fancy work Mrs. A. harsoti and .Mrs. E. J. Large. Home rooking Mrs. !eorgj Leek and Mrs. J. Howe. Tea tables Mrs. Kred Wermig. Mrs. I); MnCuIloch ami .Mrs, W. C.ilchrlst. Ilaffl'"- -Mr. John Ihilger. IJashier Mrs, C J. Slveu.s. Baffles resulted as follaws: Pair of earrings, dotraled by Mrs, John Bulger, won by Mrs Oeorge Johnstone. NighUlress, donnVd by Mrs. I'ederson, won by Mi Winnie .While. Cakednnaled by Mr. J. Howe .wot) by Mrs. 11. II. IlemtuiDgs, I Bureau scarf ends, donated by Mr. T. J Rhenton, won by Mrs, Lawler. China phle Won by Mi Margaret Slyruk. There were fourteen tables of whist in the evening and the winners were: Indies first. Mrs. I). Wilton;, la-lie rousolalioii. .Mrs. I. Werrni?: nx'n flrt. W. !(. llu?he on. rut uilh II. II. Ilemminps; men's consolation. Simon Swan kid. Ilefreshmenls were ened tind ilancinu folnwel. music of a hiuh sfarularil bebv fumitici by the Sons of England orchestra, eon-itinp of Mr. !. Wilton. A. Sil-ersiile, p. iimenui and Master Ten Years Ago in Piln.ce Kuport Tuesday. May y GufneaGoId CIGARETTES MilO &n0 Exhw Fine ZO'ZB' The Man in the Moon SDMK men lunate, oilier" boats. SAYSx WHY men gel nenotis when lliey Kny he fateful enience which aks a woman to be hi is because il is n senieuce fur life. "111 II lesson lo'.hV learned from yesterday i thaf summer is not here yet. YOUIt eneny ran be een any time jf you lake a look in the mirror. KI'UillAMS are-, like women. I'hey are ery likely true hut Tl is wie to IiMik them oer several limes before being sure that you! understand Iheni. , MW that mo-t of Ihe iiolill ral candidates are in the field. people will be' gi-tllllg out their microeoies and iiiagiiifying uieir virlues and shortcomings. i nr. nr-i lime a' man gels a manicure jlie fe-s himself a devil. Till man who sets ou lo look for l-'isy street never finds It, iii i. i you wmi you were, a lien and cnul.1 set lil and pro. duce diviilends at Ihe same lime. IIII.NK twice before voting once ami then think again. A MAX is just ii worm because usually some chicken gels him. WJIAT a Inl of education is being wasted these day. At one lime pari of a ma'n' ediica- nnn was learning to mien up a hofe lo a hiiirzy. HAD A WEAK HEART WAS VERY NERVOUS FOR THREE YEARS MM intu- tmon, .Mlandla, .. wrllM: M inh ui Irl you iieiw hw murh A Jlltliurn' llirl ml .tv rill have dull for m. For iwrlr ihiw i-r I i vry UA1 run lon, lil a wsak hssrl, tn. a 'i iirrwsi tlitt wiiiKllms inil1 lriMl mm iy. ; I liard vf nuny t-opU wlirJuc) rrnini- iiirtntMl -iir iinrt and rvs run, so I 0r(fc-ii io iv nwrn a trial. Afi'f I hart tMt n N.1 fouml lliy hie) itisw nie risst, ik) arur liavlnr lakHi llvi Ixite I a rirfiiplrrjr rrllfYvi. I raiiiMit rsroiiifiiciid ymir t'llla mnurti, arn! won lr atvlmt iiiyniw havlnr wmIi In-art .r troul.M with nr0MiM to ui" twiu." ' MlUiurn' II, a x rill are 10a a Ihk l til' talT, nr mail"! rtlrft en rrlpl ff ffle by Th T Mllliurn Co., l.lmtled, Toronto, Odi, May 27, 1914. Uillmin Toiiilinsiiii, Ihniiinion gnxeriiiiieiil iiiiiosioner f"-rollcclion of ore for the p;ina-ma-l'aeific oximkoIioii uci yeai. is in Ihe riiy and will make ln-lie.i darters here for a inniilli He will lii lira ul.y Bay. Slew art. Iliiicllon ami Ihe IJurs-ii Clmrlollr IslaHds. The oil li'Hini in Fjiluurv i al- Thomas Murray. The committee ltritetUlit ,,H-e. alleniion an.! in charge rompri.e.1 Mr. Wer-h ,, (lf (jfpp., r,MI(M,rn.i(l mig. Mrs. Leek. Mrs. f! W. John-Lu,nwiMn. We.iern lUnada has sione. .Mrs. v . iiiienri!. r . iv. Wermig, W. II ail IS. Jfihnlnne. W.i eer seu. j The I'rincf liiierl Orrlieslral Sociely will gie its first n-cilal' jin the K. or I. Hall Ho- week, lliltiilcr the ill reel ion of I'nif. I'hiiI1 ) iKaiifTuiiinn i are horn unfor-' RETURNS TO VANCOUVER buy nld molor i i Frank Morrison Say California Fading Effect of Depreailon In States Frank Morrison, son of I). II. Morrison, contractor, formerly of I'rince Itupert. is bark in Van couver, ami lie says ins father i lil.e to come north oon if 1 I'rince Hup'rl begins lo ileeop. Frank say that nllforma i feeling Ihe effect of Ihe fled and iiemth disease regulations, the presidenliul election and Hie oter-booriiing of the eouulry of recent years. II U estimated Ihero that they hae enough lo last for Ihe next fite years without building any more. and of course Hint means Ihe coming of a slump. When the members of Ihe InilMin trades and many of the real estate men leave, there are more emply houes and offices and Ihe place gels a It is now very difficult In get work in California ami even in Vancoiner and Victoria most of Ihe positions are filled. l. Wj Anderson, provincial gfivernmenl road superintendent. Is leaving lonighl by Hie Cardena on a tour of inspection i Dm BeHa Hoola district. SFRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Ctcm W ill sail inn PRINCE RUPERT r VANCOOVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE a ml intermediate ; d..v nini HiMiii.iv nl ll.oo p.m. FOR ANYOX NVednr- FOR STEWART Snl.u i S.S. PRINCJE JOHN for VANCOUVER via 0 i. Nl.ioil-. June 7 PASSCNQLR TRAIN, OAILY EXCEPT SUN0IT, je i run. it ,! fju, r i-i(t vr ' r sirro, tit poinu Cur cm44. rvit ui aacnor aul oecan anaatHie unci. CMf TKIM Offk, 12M ltW4 At, erl IhtptX. nm It CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service . Sailings from Prince Rupert SJ. PRINCISt MARY. Per VuMinir, Victoria and 8att!, May;,1Ul For Ketchikan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway, May 9, tl, M A PRINCESS 1EATRICE. For Butadala, 8wanion Baj, East Bella Pelt; 0cti Falls, Namu, Alart Bay, Campbail River, tfli Via couver, evtry Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full in formation from W. C ORCHARD. General Agent. Comer of 4th Street and 3rd Ayanua, Prince Rupert, IXJ UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. lailiar From Prior haprt. t VAICOUVKR, VICTORIA, Omm rail. I.MHH T.iKil, I tr vlOOUV(R. VICTORIA. Alar ear, 4 I.uim ftaf. SUMM tmr aerox. atiot aaai, stkwart, w.u s4f s r.m. rr eoiT aiaiPSON nm ni. cri, ffW.? a. (tl trwl A.nn t. e.m.1.,, A,ml rrlw. Ratst ,( BOYS' AND YOUTHS' In Have Arrived, bard wearing material, at moderale r; EXTRA BLOOMER8 OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Oreen 85. suns NABOB W VACUUM PACKED COFFEE KM Try Nabob once. It te delicacy amongst the drinks of the world. Vacuum packed, it brintre you all the fuHneii of its fragranoe and flavor. You will note the difference. And you will never onnic ordinary coffee again. And Nabob Tta is 'Tea as it should be H .