Ollser Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day, WE BUY BOTTLE8. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Garden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby. Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone E8. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all Kind- of new and second-li idl goods 833 Third Avenue. Phone G46. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 218. P.O. Box 89S. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8L Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 te ft. Phone 68(1. Open Evenlnst Only For Special Appointment. CONCENTRATE AMUSEMENTS AT CITY PARK Gyro Club Asked to Locate Its Playground There Along With Swimming Pool Final division of Hip cily roun- trjLunL the matter of intallinp a jswinrmlrtg pool at -McClymopi :l'ark i heing held over pending 1 1 lie decision of Ihe (iyro ('lull on a ; request thai ha lecn made ly !ihe Ixtard of work that il erect it pla jrroun.l equipment mi an edjarer1 ite in Medymnut Park jiusli'ad uf at the .corner of Sixth Avenue and Mrllride slreel. ! At Iat nighl' council meeting the cily engineer submitted an estimate of $1,000 a the cot of a concrete pool at MrOlymnnt Park. II would he SO by .'0 feel, three feet high with a water depth of 2 feet. In order lt supply il with water front the city main, the layht of on fret of pipe would lie involved, lii- lie my included in the estimate. Aid. Perry fell the matter wa now ready for the finanee com mit lee- to deal with. He urged llial if be taken rare of at once. Aid. Collar! wa in favor of proceeding with Ihe projerl hut, he-fore urh a ileciioii wa made, he would like lo know What action the Oyro Club wa lo take jn the proposal of pulling in if equipment al MrClymont Park mi Hint everylhing might be con- reiiiraied al one poinl. II wa decided thai Ihe Oyro Club ln notified that a slle, wiuhl he providiil for it. equipment at McClymonl Park ami that the swimming pool project he referred hack to the hiurd of work in (he meantime. SLIGHT DELAY IN LETTING CONTRACT SALT LAKE WORK Tender are in for Ihe work at the Salt Lake being under taken by Hn Swimming Club hut Hie letting of (he contrai-l i heing held hack awaiting the arrival of Major Taylo of the Provincial Public Work depurlmeht. II i not ure yet ju how Ihe donation of Ihe Provincial tiov 'rnmenl will he handled whether Ihrougb Ihe Swimrpitig, Club or 'Jireci through the department of public work. A Ihe major i expected home tomorrow' no cop- Mderable delay i anticipated. Ihe wtmmiuz club I xfill short of Ihe amount requTred ir carry on Ihe work. They are uking that everyone using ic Sail Lake procure a hailge from ome member of Hie club In order lo help finance Ihe INDIGESTION GAS ON STOMACH Sport Chat lo derrihe Ihn preenl silualinn in the league. Tonight the Soti of Kngland and Callie are due to meet. 'Ilie winner will have; of a He, hold team will add one point to their credit leaving the lireul War Veteran. in the hole. Hie Callie are not a hit daunt ed by their defeat at Ihe hand of the l-;iiglitiinen in the firt game of the eaoii and are out lo get revenge. Tli'e leaiii will" line up a follow: Son of Kiiirland (i. Harvey, goal; w. It. Lane and II. M. I. Lanihe. full hack; P. Cameron, ii. Keloey and F. ilodgkinnii, hair hark; U. Hill, jt, ieorge Howe. tl. P. Tinker, C. K. Iiiekei) and II. S. Hum, forward; A. J. III W.Killiiii timl II I' Tlmomoii Not Enough Money Yet Raised by I .Pj((.rv(,J Swimming Club to Make up Their Part of PRIZE WINNERS AT . CARNIYAL SATURDAY Following are the winning number of adiniinii liekel to Ihe carnival on Sal unlay: 11 prizn Sack of Purity flour, ilonated by Jirackmnti-Krrr, won by lickel No. 5H. ind prizeLarge Union Jck, donated by H. P. Lipe, won by lickel No. 112. 3rd prize I.argfl box IMirily':- chocolate, donated by H. F. Sef, won by lickel No. 838, lib prize Swifl Premium ham, ilomiled by Swift Canadian Co., won by ticket No. 825. Mli prize Shamrock bacon, donated by P. Hum Co won hy ticket No. :0. MACDONALD'S FXneQd For those Smokery who like their tobacco Cut Pine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Fine Git i TBI D-VILT BRINGING UP FATHERj By George McManui Money err gollt ilu " T-T. TE. IF Si 111 S (1 TELL THCK J i'll tnke a, CHrsrCE. OH OT CO OUT N Orders Ccvrcrs me ii n .ex. ii i x n i ami On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rate of Exchange. Make your reservations for Itial Summer Vacation visit lo the Old Land early. For Ticket.. Hales and In formation, see us. - ) L-nil. .L.nataa.1 l.v V W M,wl: jw..n by Mr. J. inwilirn-.i , lickel N .631. I Mlli i.riie J.ininrficre. donated' PAINS AFfER MEALS him -; waMiori. K"iet . Vnr Mule wrier umbtT frwn m '" lrUv Pair urUin. l irxl 4in ID Ihe iUart atlrr trj naled by Ii. I. Tile, WIU1 by tfokel turxl, wl n la nauni mJnr. (, -H. rr the i mn e.nkirk Bkj 0lh -j.. vWMI rltina eutr h iwi bn Briar bn umi y m . . .. .. , . .,,. bt ftMiam WMlr, benr Um to at(by Mr. H. iMwlber. tiekel il. itir wnare BtiU a dir: brlUnr tbn 603. t mi jii u-r iin.HH thif( 1 1 it, uriie pjiir ..f bwii while ,:",:',ri':'w- , , an,a boot,. rM, -All I " ' ' ! " 1 " " wrltf:- Utt aibmr tfoutie4i iih (tuaara trouble aad idirtv.' l?'n prue irden rake, do- id4 i pi m ide (iMMtb, i rm pc-i'imletl by llnwe A; MrXiiltv, won by Ml aylMr tirrl MrM fwl M Mr I ttlrtu,ri lirkel 31 S rtra Ub I naM b bailirm villi txtn ..... ,. ., "N I mon ..erall Ull. .fur earl, ,,L roukl i w.rt , whol, pnin toy vniwai UId doM ma. bad trW donated by Itryanl A (irerr I.ld . ernrtlin; iom, medinne and lt.in by Mr. II. Killin. tleket No. have ukrn rr bollix add II Im narty. I ." . . , . , If not OMnMutj. rentorH me tealilj "!"-- rain." inratvi mire nonaie.1 uy Murray MannfarUtrrd Mlj lT Tn T Co Umltl. Tbmtto. Oct. Mirtwrn; Fuller, won by tnket Xo. H. 15th prue ;anen hoe, di-lnolrl by Slork' Hardware, won l.v Mi K. Itii. tirkef No. VJ3. Sill -en Ih Prie pirlure, ilonated ty (ieorgf l ite, won by . . M lickrt 817. Willi the Spn of Canada well ' I ,,,-laifiied i.r.-'- may be ob- away al the. Ip of the olauding. taim-.! from flu- I ,nr iifllre. the S4in 'if England, Callie aid (rea War Veteran are now w ffjrjiri nnn tie.1 in erond place or the rel-J II I TV I VI. hllK lar whioli ever may he honXlVVA,111IJ 1 V1X al leul temporary hold on City May Move Equipment eeond place ami the loer will! go lo Ihn bottom. Ill Ilie event ROCK QUARRY Lots Across from Club or to Seventh Avenue and Mc-Brlde Street to The que.limi of opening up a new roek quarry, now that the one adjacent lo Hie Prince Ru pert Club i tx rominjc exhauled. wa dieued by' the cily council lal night. ,liL tiae. who in-I ' roil u ceil the illjert. favored moving Ihe equipment to the hill on Seventh Avenue at Mcllride Si reel. Aid. Perry wa in favor of taking roek olT the lot al Hie corner of Fifth Street and Second Avenue facing the jireent quarry free ue or which Had been oirer- ed by Ihe owner. The que! ion wa laid over for a week. Cost of Quarrying Aid. CHcy fell that the col o( quarrying rock ioiiiI be hnrue by Ihe cily a whole and nol by Hie property owner wlio.a abut ting lreelH wer being urfaced He thought that the ite at Hm corner of'Sevenlli Avenue and Mcllride Street wa Ihe logical one for the future upply of Tock Some 10,000 cubic yard, il wa ftlimatcd wa available there. Ily removing il. I ho dead end of lreel would be opened up. Th cily engineer and chairman of Hie hoard of works had deemed that II would be dangcrou lo nearby building In dike rock from there but, from his ex perienre a a nicfciiiaii. he look (Mic with llieui on thai point Aid. Perry polnlitd out Dial it would cul HI. 000 in (he fir I Lid., place, lo open Ihe new quarry The rock from Micro would en n . l.. 11 II 'lllr prize llox Christie' bi- $3 per yard and III (;iiiiiitiiug mil, donated by F. W. ,Moerch, Ihe col of doing Ihn lreel work won b' ticket Xn, 855. inn enlimale of 12 had been taken "Hi prize -llox Clirillc' M- In hi opinion. Ihere would be xAz Lb. -15 1 CI.F.ItK WA.VrKD. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Kxehange, Auctioneers. Phone 652. WANTKH Kxiierleaeed Slenn. gradier fir alxwil four month. Apply Surmleiibnr oDW, Canadian National Hallway. WAXTF.Ii.-A girl fur general housework. Phone lllue 335 .tnd rail al 7JV Sixth Avenue, AVtul. If WAVTF.H. Competent girl fr lieneral houework. ' Apply Mr, C. II. Orioe, (intham Ave. WA.NTKIl. liirl fof general houework. Apply 310 Fiflil Avenue F.at. If MISCELLANEOUS MO.NKY In Loan. Park Avenue. FOR RENT .1. Martin, 'OR ItFAIV-Five nmrned flnL II. Leloiirneau. Sixth Avenue Weat. Phone lllaek 325. (f FOR -HKXT. Furnishe.1 houe- keeping moms. 110 Sjxlh Ave. Knot. Phone Hlue 217. If FOR RKNT Four room, modern, heated apartment. Apply Smith & Mallet I, Lid. tf OFFICE FOR RKNT, with' modern living quarters. Wwslenhaver Ilros. If FOR IIK.NT.- Palmer llnuse for cheap rate ami home comforts, tf ro RF.XT. Two roomed cottage. furnished. Phone Red C23 BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete up-to-date Meanly Parlor. Mobbing a speciality Ilairdresslng, Hair Hood made up, Skin and Scalp Trealmenls, Violet Ray. Prices Reasonable MRS.' LOVE, Room 6. Stephens Hldjr., over Denny Allen Co. Phone 30. dsng'r Ouarry to buiMiiii' nearby. work Mioulil not be rhiirged again! Hie city a ii wbide. lie wa in favor of Inking rock from the bit aero from the preenl quarry am leaving Seventh Avenue a a reserve. The Hly might not al way4 be aile lo gel il rock for nothing. Mr. Me.eod, the owner in, Vancouver of Hie hd at Second Avenue and Fifth Street had offered free lip n( of in rock. Make Exchange Mayor Newton ugticlci hn n pnqiiMitl'in be put o Mr. Mr Lend Dial he give part of his jproperly lo lie cily in return for grading Ihe lot. Aid. Col art Iwho expreed favor of iiing tin .rock from Ihe Second Avittiun and 11 ft It SIiti'1 corner, moved Unit ii n mailer he laid over for eight day ho Dial .Mr, Mcl,eod mlxbl W further communicated with, This wa Hcrtnjilfd by-Alil. Clajip and carried. ' Aceoiinl tloliilling lll!fl,88 were passed for payment by Ihe cily council last night. i t veo inch frame. 2 Friction clutch-m. 2S ears. kmwkJ dttwn; Ihce c..nii of 2y frame from which .'! car can b made up; mc of frame 6 tl. V in. x JO In.. :'l in. gauge. One llnrkyard Uoier. One clay ui Idler. Due graval rrtiher. Hue II. A II. elri-ftieal hi m p. 3 x S. AImhiI 2.mi feet 6 tn. terra eolla iiae. One 50 h p. alalionary lana-dian Fairbanks Mnr ga engine, iyjM 1 1. All at sacrifice price. InmcImmi lavlled al Port FUard Cannery. 127 HILL FARM. TKIIRACK Itoard 1 Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advrtlmnt TUn for Lea than BOe WANTED twen IH and :5 year H0.OO per month and bonu. j Writ I en examination. Fee Two ' Uidlar. Thoe who erved! nverea ermpl fmm limit anil fee. Female t'.lerk-l Stenographer wanted al uim-h ! . ..... .!.,. ! ltr lIMItptH HI MniOII HM-lll, Fiberi liniee. Apply im- mediately to Secretary. ' ftvil Service luiiwiiioii. I Mi mum. FOR SALE STKNiM.IlAPIIKllS, he. Full SAI.K. 18 . .iiipl. fe mr f age. I with hearing and wh'e, ' ami reitenee fr lb ummer holidays. Nol a convalecetit bnine. but where anyoue mil of orta will convalesce. Home eowkmir, Hinne grown vegs-latde ami frail in eaMn. I'rli milk and home mmde butler. Tenni. Splendhl ae-eouimialalitm for etalblren. with playing Held, etc. Kjtlire chargryf. eitijr,,, wjfc urel. To aavr diaifMMntmttl make yiwlf reservation early. For term, ele., writ l.nrjfear and Frrmli. Hill Farm. Terra re, im:. FOR SAI.Kv Five roomed house on Second Avenue. Ituildiugnh iiovcrnmeni wnarr usei as a news stand. Mne to-acre lots, one I -acre lot al Terrace. Prince (leorge, lots 10 and II. block IM; lots 10 and II, block IIC; lots 28 and 39, block 117; lot. 6, block 151. Apply A. C. Little. Second Ave. nue. . 15 FOR SAI.L. Sixteen nwm room ing house and store; all furnished. Full sized has"mrnl with new hu( air fnrnare. Price 7,ati0.00. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the lry Hock, HXU Amhron Avenue. If FOR SAI.K. l Terrace. Lol 15. consisting of 10 acre, block I7U, one mile and a half from slntion, church, store. pot nfllee, hotel and sclnxd. Price 75.00 cah. Apply A. C. Little. tf FOR SAI.K. Three house. Out of (own clients have iifslrurl-ed i to dispose of Well located rrsidenees. See us for do tal!, MrCafTcry .1 Oil. bop. Lid. If FOR SAI.K. launch hull, sixteen feet long; cedar; new last summer; 50.00. Il.ti. Kxplorit-lion lent, 10 x 10, 12 oz. khaki, I fool wall. Phone lllaek Mil. I.0OOIX0 OUTFIT for sale and gasboal 33 feet long in good condition. Can be sc.eu al Hie Aeroplane Ark, 8''ul Covo. fl FOR S.M.K. New and used .Machinery, Iloals and Kugines. Northern Kxcbange. If BOARD AND ROOM BOARD nnd Room at Ihe Inlander centrally located, otio half block (rum Post Olllce, 8.10 Second Ayi'ii. phone, 137. tf FOUND FOUND. An lAU. Owner en's have shmn at Daily News olllce by proving ownership nnd paying for this advertisement, l.f. INSURANCE. FRED H. STEPHENS Non-Ilonnl Insurance Nnllmial Hen 1'j-anklln. Second Floor, Federal Illock, TAXI Taxi 67 Pbona. '.all I Mori. Prompt Serv to Iy in N t St. i' R0S8 Q BOS. POOL ROC I Meaker Bi.n, Acrt- fro'i I AUCTION SaLU (lotals Hougf F Hied., r H. H. rJEMMINQS, AucUk. Furtilturc m; ..tj. Thiru A. Phones lllaek I n' t-4 it MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, W ed' days, closes a ; From the East Mondays, Tours ' urdays, l.3n v m. To Vancoutree Tuesdays, Mad 'Fhursday Saturdays Sunday CP.lt. MIT r" from Vancoufte Sundays' 1. We.niubiy Fridays Saturdays. C.IMt. May " To Anyoi, Alice Arnv- N edneiwla jiiindav From Antoa, Alice Arm Tueday Thurelf To Sleart and PrtniUr Sundays SAltirrinva V ti i n i AX From Stewart and Premkr Sunday Todays To Pert Simpson- Sundays . From Port Simpson Tuwdays To Alaska Points-May tt. IV r : From Alaska Points-May 2. LI :v ' To Quson Charlotte llan W May III and From Queen Charlolta P Muy and i .' and rv To Naas Rle Points Simpson x U Thursdays From Naas vlvee Points SsUirdsrs Box Collection i 5-1 Ornham.-A!lm Av 1st Ave. ,V KightU lUli Ave. ft Fult. n 8lh AV$. A Thomi'- SI Iltli M(t. A Shi -i l Ave Illh Ave. Com n.l 0th Ave. A Hays i , Ave fith Ave, A llavs Circle 8Ui Ave. A notion 5lh Ave. & Mcllrid. - Pro. Oov. Iilitg Pro'. Oov. Wharf O.l'.p. Wlinrr 2nd Ave. A 2nd si 3rd Ave. A Fullon sl !3rd Mt. A Oth Si. .1 ii 1 1 , f 1 v Al t in I ; .'fl i..'5 a 1 Al 1 I- t I t. 8''' .' f ( til S.I! ?! J tl PRINCE RUPERT Tl' , Tuesday, May V ) t High .... 2i.5i p"1 Low : ' J . 15:15 I' "1' . Wednesday, Way " High I0: '.' , i-ow ; ;.o 10 10 p ni