Tuexlay, May 27, 1024. The new quiet 12 wins .Six conhucnts hail Hie .extraordinary success of Ihls latest Meminglon model, Ill thousand of offices Ihe fir I trial machine has been followed by installation after installation of New Ouiet 12's. Kvcry day it is making new llemlugloii users. so decisive are its many -iivri-orilics. Its natural touch and iU exceptional iesions"iveiiess are a revelation n -wiM and easy operation. And the beauty oi its writing is ui idvantajio to everjr owner, tunl a source of pride to eery ivpisl. Kvery operator -hoiihl try thi new tipicliine in Hie interest of her cm plover, and in justice to herself. Thy l'w (.'""'I 12 costs no more lliau Iho ordinary lewrij)T. Knsy payment terms, if desired. . AV will flladly demoiislriile (he New (juiel 12 in jour officttitlioul obligation on your part. McRae Bros., Ltd. GENUINE SHOE SALE I i Hi t -Shoe Sale was sui li a sin ts l.isi wef'k we have decided to continue d for one more week but that's final. We have added more broken line and re-arranged our prices to give belle values than before. 95c -At this, price we offer (Children's Outing Slippers and W omen's ilubber Soled Pumps, elc. 51.00 Women" Silk lloe in tirey, Heig, Cordovan, Mark and While. Heg. ?l.50 lo 1.75. $1.95 A variety of Women's Pump, Oxford, U, md unite up In dale but well worth buying, and also While Canvas Slippers wilh leather soles. S2.95 -Same as alioxe. but more up lo dale and all regular 0.00 losil.Tid shoes. $3.95 This line include om splendid Tan llalf Oxfords, ?elc. suitable for growing girls. $4.95-llcre are- datnly l)ress Shoes Tor Men and "Hoys who lake men's sizes." $5.45 A few pairs of .Men's Hrogues and Oxfords. Meg. .:( to !?tUl shoes. ti m.ul order house ever offered yoti niir.li genuine s.iU utoimI at Mich a low figure. Walk in and uiH,ke,.)4yjr. :uoiee.al Family Shoe Store For every occasion I A BOX.OF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a lleaiitiful llox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Holu Agents:- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. AVE CASH CHEQUES. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For pienk's, -hoo.e "Huperl Hnuid" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are always handy. Slock u supply on your boat Hint's n good Idea. 80LD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Local and Personal ... . . B li.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. . Hayneri, Undertaker. Pbone 361. tf football toniphl, Acropolis Hill at (J.I5. S.O.K. vs. Callics. tfM Will l.'IIISSSH Cut Flowers, Pol Plants. Mrs. McCailliy. the llorUt. Hiiiud block. tf A bylaw with respect lo city fire limit wa laid over for u week al lasl nimbi's council meet inf. 4 (.;iil. It. I,. Johnson, well known here, hn been appointed Lloyd's atfcnl for llrjlisli Colum bia. Thomas lray, retiring luiliun agi-iil ul Mussed, hoards tin1 steamer Prince John (iday al Masc bound for Victoria. Judiic 0. I. .Maeauley of I law sun is in Vancouver on bis way o the Yukon, lie has heeit ifinliiip the winter in the Has I. 4 We sell Laminated Material .also l ir Veneer. Consult us be fore buyiuir finisliimc for your house. Albert A McCalfcry, Ltd laqhlaW-OacVl m CATARRH M the BLADDER UKtmtnM If On recoiiiiiienilalioii of die fi- iianrr -ommtl(cc, Hie city council Ici i.icil last 11 i til to pay its an nual fee nf G5 to die Union of li.C. Municipalities. A lellc" from the Prince Hu perl Club staling thai it was uu able al this lime to enter inli the city's proposal for grading I he club's lots was received and filed al last night's council meet ing. Tire Ladies' Auxiliary of the Prcsliyleriaii church' will hold a Tea and Sale of home cotikiiic also a sale of brbUe elolli covers al the home of Mrs. .1. S. Mrl.eod 303 Fourth Ave. Kasl on Thurs day afternoon. May I'J, from 3 to rt p.m. Mayor Newton left, on the Prince -John lift night Mr die (jueen Charlotte Islands mi political rampaigii trip. Aid Collarl had been chosen acting mayor al the council mcclinfr and. jusl as he was taking (he chao-. Ilis Worship walked in staling thai the Imal was not leavuiu lid late, lie presided for Hie rest of the evening. .No objections having been poslcd against the project, the city council last night pill tin mi nli its first readings a by law providiiiK the conslrucliou under the local liiiirovement plan of a fifteen fool paved roadway from days Creek uIoiik Sixth Avenue In luminimcl Slreel Ihenee In ScmmiIIi Avenue and along lhal avenue lo the city limits. Consent of the railway company lo the ue nf il rihl- of-way is yel In lie received. - The city council last nlhl re ferred lo I he Itiiard of Works a report friiiii I In- oily engineer re commending (hiil die pulling in of a roadway on Taylor Street, in compliance with a. petition r 10 111 properly bidders llirve. be left over U11l.il next yar. The reasons of the engineer hi making Ibis lo'oimuenilaliou were lhal certain si reels Icailhip tu Taylor Street would have to he repaired before ciuipuicul cmibl be taken oVer Iheiii and lliut the whole of Taylor Slreel should be done in. slead of a portion of it as pro jected. 4 Passengers sailing for the Ouccn Charlotte Islands m die Prince John lasl niiyhl included v . llastie, Oscar lliinlop, . F. Karich, Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. I Wal son for Port Clements; Ified Adams, r. Ilayne, MnyoV S M. Nowlon and C. T. Cabrera for Massed; .1. MeF.ntee and K. .I0I111 son for l.ockeporl; S. Kobayashl. I'. .McCulloiigh. A. MeCuiin. .1. While. A. .1. McMillan. I', llassall. Mrs. 0. Palmer, ti. II. .Meanher. Father Godfrey. 1,. Tookc and A. It. Norlan for Huckley llay: F. .1. Hennessey. W. II. Lloyd and T. Ilyau f or Thurston Harbor, THE DAILY NEWS. PAfJH THREE FIRM BELIEVER IN THE FRUIT TREATMENT Thousands of people ows the splendid Kruit Medicine "Kruit--tires" lastinjr debt of jrstitude, which they tlidly py by testifying to its merits. Mrs. I.ur Alford of 28 Florence St., OlUwt, says: For years, 1 ss a martyr to Constipstion ind I)'pep sia. I lure tried cathartics, salts and so called tejetable laxitifes but all nere unpleasant and gate no permanent relief. Finally, I decided to try "Fruit-a-tirr". I hate been using "Fruit a tiTes" now for seven years; never hate Constipation or Stomach Trouble ; and bate been in the best of health ever since. My hutband and children use "Fruit-a lives" regularly". "Fruit a-tiTes" contain Intensified fruit Juices combined with tonics. and 50c. a box at dealera or Fruit a lives Limited, Ottawa. Women's Silk Hose for $1.00 al Family Shoe Store. I Jo II will pay you to read care fully die Family Shoe Store ad vert iseineiit. l-o For quality and preparation, set Hunters' Coal. Phone Green f.22 or llluc 515. If Mrs. W. P. Armour, is leaving ay tonight's train for LMmiuiloi! on 11 vacation trip. Dr. (i. F Darlcy is in die city from llella Mella and is register ed at die Prliic&JUjperl. Hold. 4- 1. Jir. v . All Initial loi ceiciiioiiy am! ocial eveairig will he Held hy die local rJk sponge on Weilnes-day evening, May 28, at (4.311 Jim Vale,., found 25 uilly of ill oxicalion. was fined $25 wilh t lie iptiou of thirty days' imprison :nent in the city police court Ibis morning. Aid. Clapp's ameiuliueiit to I he trades license bylaw eliminating a beverage license clause was finally ailoided al lasl night' council meeting. ' 4 The wedding dress and bridal veil worn by die bride al the ex hibition building on Victoria Day was made by Mrs. J. Itenl who also dressed her for the cere iiiouy. Hercipts al the Fair ISoard- F.lks carnival on May 21 totalled Hr ami Ihe net proceeds will be in die neighborhood of ?15U. The finance coimuillee had a meeting last night and passed accounts. 4 - Passengers booked In sail Ibis evening 011 Ihe Cardeua' for Ihe south include P. II. Mills for Vancouver; Mrs. J. H. Kwnpil for California; Mi L. Martin for Victoria; Mrs. II. T. Webber for Surf Inlet. 4 Having completed his report 011 the Kitlen Island road route, 1). J. Hergin. local ing engineet for the provincial department of public works, left on lasl night's Iriilu for I In in- Lake lo survey Ihe proposed Hums Lakc-Kndak. road. o- The llaplisi Ladies' Aid real ize :i'.'.ril at the lea ami supper held in the lied Cross Hot last Friday afternoon. Those in charge wire Mrs. George (b-banl, convener, Mrs. Itorl Mor gan, Mrs. Frank Morris. Mrs. J. J. Sinithsoii, Mrs. It. M. Newell and Miss Hughes. x The remains of die bile .1, 11. Kvvapll will "'be 'taken south by Mrs. Kvvapll on Ihe Cardeua Ibis afternoon, lo lone. California, where Interment will lake place. Mrs. Kwapil is taking her family wilh her and does mil expect lo return lo Prince Huperl. Flowers were placed on Ihe coffin by Mr. and Mrs. . 11. Mo-Donald, Mr. and Mrs, L. Slyles, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Mussallem. Mr. and Mrs. Morscli, Mr. and Mrs. Mc CalVery, The Lindsay Callage Co. and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Finnic. MAJOR MCGREGOR IS HONORED BY MEMBERS OF SCOTTISH SOCIETY Last night members of I lie St. Andrew s Society honored Major foliii Mctlreffor, V.C., on the event of his recent marriage, by presenting him with a beautiful cut glass water set. The pre sentation was made by I). C Stuart, president of the society. ami Major McGregor responded suitably. After the presentation Ihere was a musical program to which Mrs. A. It. Hunter, Mrs. .Jarvis Mcl.eod, Mrs. William Millar, J. K. Davey and Andrew Murray wih vocal solos and John Llreni- ner with a violin solo contribut ed. Miss Nora I'ryce accom panied. Refreshments; were then served. Major Mc'iregor sailed this morning for Vancouver and ex peels lo bo back in a few weeks with Mrs. McGregor. PRESENTATION FOR BRIDE AND GROOM Ladles of Moosthaart Legion Sur prised Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hudema Last Night Some twenty ladies of the j.Mooschciirl Legion paid a sur .prise visit last night to Mr. and .Mr,. A. Iliidema, who were mar ried last week, and presented them wilh a beautiful silver sandwich tray, Mrs. Field spoke in an appropriate manner and the bride and groom replied. The evening was spent playing cards singing and dancing and re freshnieiils w-ere served. ANOTHER NEW BOAT SELLS HALIBUT HERE Resolute Arrives with 40,000 Pounds of Hatlbut on Maiden Trip to This Port Sclmoiier Itesolute. one of Ihe Heel nf new American boats buil recently for die halibut busine on this coast, arrived and sol her first catch of So.oiio pound 1his morning gelling It. in fur first class and seven cents for second. The Itesolute is owned and skippered by Jack Kniilson and Jack Carlslrum. She is seventy feel long and is powered wilh a 1 1 0 Atlas Imperial deiscl engine The vessel was built in 'Seattle and is registered at Kelchikan She is a five dory boal and car ries a crew of 1 3 men. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National Hail ways announce low Summer Ex cursion fares lo Kaslent Canada and the United States etfeclive May 22nd. also lo Jasper National Park, Kdmonton, Calgary, on sale May .lr. Choice or roules slop, vers. Make a I rip around Hie anions iri-.ngio lour tu one lircclioii through Vancouver l ull iiiroruialioii, City Ticket of fice. 52H, Third Ave, Prince? Hu- nerl. Phone 260. i SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Salurday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. un til ti.;i( p.m. and on oilier week days al 2, t and G.I5 tun. The lasl boat homo each day- will leave die Sail Lakes Jloal sharp al 7 p.m. isunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged fur. Launches, row boats and canoes for sale and hire. Prince Huperl lloathouse. trlvorli,. In IVollv Mews' t tf ftottl U TORONTO jU In Centre of Shopping M and Business District HO ROOMS 100itSPHvttft.fh EUROPEAN PLAN S. WINNttT THOMPSON. MAWO. QM. Ktnooooooaanin n wmufiip OGDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN ALWAYS THE SAME f Cli - I Ui (t OGDEN'S WW LIVERPOOL zlb.TIN BATHING CAPS We now have 011 display our new season's slock of llatliiug Caps in all the latest designs and colors. Do Not Wait until the 11 ice I ones have been sold. Comciir unit gel yours loday. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue & 6th Street. Five Only STEEL CRIBS in White Enamel or Ivory This Week $15.00 BASSINETTES, $9.00 Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped (o handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL W0FIK. PHONE8 43 and 388. .