Prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 May be too Late to Cross North Pacific Owing to Weather: Destroyers Meet American Flyers. NE LIVES ARE LOST FROM BOAT Saved and Brought to Canso t NSO. X H.. May 'ii. Seven men all Mini were left of Ihe crew t t f eu and one paenser ::nl Ihe (.rnnsby trawler Mi- '!- which dashed itself lo K 'e on Knri' in Islalul Mliuiny lit are fighting Iheir way lo i verv here. I ne irageuy cosi it..... i . i. i ii... ii. .. . .r II Is believed that Ihe okipper bound for Orimsby. I.tiglaml. hIipu she In-t her bearings and iin on Ihe rocks at Forchu. FIRES IN NEW YORK AND NEWARK TODAY i M W AIIK, May 27 About '.'0 ve are believed to hnve been '"l in a fire which destroyed Windsor Aineii K Hotel early lhl. imnnlng. M'NV YOIIK, May 57. - Four I'cisoiis. wo children, a man and wiiiinin were burned lo death ' a fiid early lists nmrnlng. I lie look place in llni'lcm' I'laek hell oday when between "lily and sevenly people were a '"ted lo safely by police and 'iienieu COLONEL HENDRIE DIED YESTERDAY HAMILTON, May John m llt. . . ' ""'. prominent buslines man preti!n,1 ,,f Ihe Ontario ''key dub, died yesterday, morn- - "oMuAvjujf nu operation. f llVllilV Were Given Dinner Last Night at; Winnipeg and Leave Saskatoon For INMPI.O. May i. ljjlern puldfhers and editors eu route Itr Vanc-ouver by way of Prince Ituperl were tendered a dinner last night by Ihe Free Pies and I'rihuue. Premier llracken of Manitoba w'as present. The parly leaves louiphl for Saskatoon. On arrival at Saskatoon the party, which numbers approximately fifty men and women will be met by the Hoard of Trade and shown around Ihe cily arriving at I'Miuoiiloii on Ihe following day I hey will be met by the reception coiniiiillee oT Ihe Kdiinui-ton Hoard of Trade and conveyed lo the Macdouald Hotel where complimentary breakfast is being served by Ihe Canadian National Itailway. Later they will he taken for a drive around (he city and lo Ihe I'Almouton Oolf and Country Club, where they will be tendered a luncheon by Ihe board of trade. The Flmouton newspapers have arranged a dinner al the Macdonald Hotel in Ihe evening and Ihe parly will iiflerwn;-d leave again, on Ihe Continental Limited for Jasper Park, where they will spend twenty four hours as guest at lusper Park Lodve, before going iAi lo Prince Ituperl and I hence to Vancouver for Iheir meeting. WILL RESIGN LONDON. May 57. 'The Mao-donahl govcrnmenl ha decided lit Ihe event of H being defeated on any essential feature in the forthcoming debate on Ihe Housing Hill In immediately resign ami uppeat lo Ihe country according In I liti Daily Herald, the Labor organ. eubnorlbe for the Dally New race. RUTH GILLIES SECOND Cceil Murker. oim of Itev. . O Hauler of this city, is (lie winner of Ihr first prize in tlic recent Daily New cay competition ; j'The second prize ge In Ruth. Lot... . .. ' ..e t c'.-l i .llirs HI .lllliuillim.ini i-lIM"... TOKIO, May 'it. An Amem an destroyer left Yokohama while Nes.le Smilhsoii get thej tuunting for lliikiHlatt In pick up u n-imt' plane IK-Iunpitig third prize. S url Ma- l.areu and take it to Hong Kong when il will bel The five cay wliich receive .e : un aiiutlier destroyer lo Uiniua. T c plane will replace thai which crashed willi MacLarcn kviiIi, liiinua. in mi nrcidenl whnh il whs feared might ale MacLaren'is effort. ( lilted Sliiles destroyer leave tomorrow lo lake up their hi along the mule uf the Atneriraii flcr on Iheir way frum rr 1 r ICnt?....!....... In ll.iitulij.. m a mn w liniirini A Ik U ft lll II IM I j May Abandon Flight I May 57. Muari prize for honorable mention are: Andrew Leask, Ocean ldl. Jean llnrn. New llazrltoii. Sheila Hrwarl. Prince Ituperl. Fraiu-ej llarrell. Alice Arm. .Mr Elizabeth Wilson. Ter There were some good paper sent in from Pacific and one of Cflilir lirji f-7iu. in u.c null ,, f , tt i-IO'"l llui-I.aren may he ewnpelled ' to'V ... . PAI. IT 1 1 I A MP ZZ . . ." Z . iY.7.V orable i..e,.li.n clas. MIK I I ai.lU nu"" :" "":" .":... : The iaters papers urn were examine cxauuncil a wit iiiuittuiw liv e.p.ciire of in- acohleiil lo me ., . , , , ea planer Akyal, notwilluUnd- t a, wl I l.a I n I III aaa4 1 CI aa t Inn Oeorae and Queen Wary ' V, .7 w,rk " prmlncial cim- Entertaln Royal Visitor, to - ,,,,, )rar , .Ilflr. Undon ifT. '".T, ' ' JH"' "' "lr-wllli whom 1. he h,s hat Ihe Hnll.h flerIi( complete ameinenl. I.O.MKJN. May Kl.. ,ul1 lw jlavii 1u,l,l,lf fnrllil"lil , ,er1te liV !!. merit, of the lie -iKc and Queen M'ury aae a la" tu:iiei Ial night to Kin? iiieieiKi or naiv ai iiurhiiixiiaiiif , . , i i r - in l0 eek. iMirii nay ' uciay I'arai'e t.oer were laid for il.- ......I t ....i.i-,1 ..rioooL ru. ..r h 11)13111 I. '.9I111M J l annannie ma ialioiiml ai Uif tiiittmre w lirnti'ii nrniirii hp he ..araer wlileli wa ileeoraie-l rir.W.r Arf KlYlrri A nr. jiii iinwerp. iiic i"-ucioc nu- hIjiiik 'he Italian national ol'jra. lui-M Hi im ...... .... . , ... ,ir. Ocil Ilacker'M paper was " , T work' ajfo rorwarded to . , , I iKhl will make mxh !,awa wl,.ri, j( compete C(1I11.,cle, wi, with eeral ul.l t lo peril of ctoliiK the .North owins to iok anu bllz- METHODISTS LIFT BAN I ON AMUSEMENTS WHICH FORMERLY FORBIDDEN SPHINUFIKLH, Mass. May 7 The Methodist ban upon amusement except those "which cannot be used in the name of 1111' Lord Jesus" was lifted today by a five to one vide of the Melh odisl F.piscopal (ieneral Assembly here. There was no d-bale. Adopt Ion of I lie majority re port removed Ihe restriction. dauciui: and games of) chance and theatre attendance in force since the inception of the church. ITALIANS HONOR BRITISH DEAD Place Wreaths on Cenotaph and Grave of Unknown Soldier LONDON, May 57 'The Kerond day of Iheir llalian Majesties visit of state to England began with a pilgrimage to Westminster Abbey and the cenotaph in Whitehall, where they paid homage lo Itritaln's war deitd. On Ihe urave of Ihe unknown shldier in Ihe abbey Ihe King and the Crown Prince laid a heart-shaped vvrealh of laurel and palm leave. At Ihe base of Ihe cenotaph Victor Emmanuel placed another wreath on the empty tomb and saluted. BIRTH On May 50 a daughter was born at the Prince Hupert Meneral Hospital lo Mr. and Mr. M. B Pointer of Ueoryelown. Ol. the prize winner from the other Cecil Hacker i thirled. earf ;of aye and u pupil of Itordcn St. cIiimiI, I'riiwe Ituperl. Ili eay va an oulflamlinK one and I here wn necr the least doubt a to H'Iia! Im Iim un. lit. tL' .if. .nil COMING TO RUPERT'lf l'll relumed from Ol- . tawa it will be published at a later dale. Tha Latest In Restaurante. mm BOSTON GRILL . , . Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Dozes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI XIV, NO; 151. PIIINCK HlPEHT, H.CV TI. ES DAY. MAY 27, lU2i. Vur4r'( Circulation 1621 Strast ! 3BS PRICE FIVE CENTS. VS. "It. . is- SHIP FETCHING RESERVE PLANE SERIES OF TORNADOES IN SOUTHEASTERN STATES CAUSES MUCH DAMAGE 4 rv Fefci iVcu; Pane rom Tofeio or Britisher CECIL HACKER PRIZEWINNER Cels the Radio Set In the Recent Dally News Essay Above i u rei eni piiuiogr ph of the Unke and Iiuclie-s. of Y-irk taken retc tJy when Ihev viiled the King-ton and lii-lnct Ilosj.iUi). The r"it are .-liown arriving at the institution. Series of Tornadoes Cause of Much Loss of Life in Three Southeastern States ATl-WrA, .May 27. A erie of tonindoe? tiislitiienry All in Fori tieorse . Mackenzie . . . Oinliteca . . Prince Ituperl Skeena . . . .. . Liberal II. F .Kergin II. i. Perry McKay M, Ma ii sou !. PaUullo C Wrinch Conservative M Ma n sou Sain Oicker S. M. Newton II, S. Sargent Provincial It. Armour J. A. Shearer C. II. f.esler A. Sheirord F Dockrill raru tjKmmmmmmmmatMg&jtjtMgt. JaBa)BflBaHHMBjrpl Pursued by Mweii big wolves, it is said, Johnny Starr, trapper and lumberman of Jordan Hiver, Sask., braced his back against a tree and shot five of Hie beasts;. The other two fled. lMiolograpJi shows Starr with his kill. READY TO ASSIST VENEER INDUSTRY IN LOCATING HERE A report from Ihe finance com mittee recommending that the cly clerk be instructed lo notify the Skecnn Laminated Wood Co. Lid. that the cily had no site lo offer it for a plant in the city but that jt would do everything in it power towan:i reducing rales In facilitate the plant being established here, was adopted by the city council last night. BRITISH AIRPLANES LONDON, May 57. The West. minster (.turtle Kay that when the Air Ministry's program is completed, Hrilain will have 000 up-to-dale first line airplane and a similar number of reserve employed u.vciusivoly in duftsucc VERDICT OF MURDER IN SHOOTING CASE NELSON. May 57. A coroner- jury returned a verdict of murder in Ihe rase of Ocorge Clarke who was shot through Ihe heart on Friday night allegedly by William Athol al Heatou when -Atliol denied him permission to searcli hi shack for u.prcled stolen liquor. INVESTIGATION OFFICIAL MONTH EAlZ May 57. An-nounccmcnl was made yesterday by Hv J. Page, chief of the-n-vestigalion department Canadian .National Railway, Montreal, of the appointment of Arthur Ho-kelh, stair inspector al headquarters at Winnipeg. Mr. Hoskclh succeeds Ihe late' J. M. Hanner-man whoso death occurred recent ly. Magoffin in Interview Urges I Development of Prince Rupert as a Shipping Port for Grain S. .S. Magoffin, formerly of thi.i city and now of Kduiontoti, has I.cen urging Ihe development of Ihe grain route by way of Prime ItuperL In an interview given the Edmonton Journal he declares there has been shortsightedness somewhere in overlooking lhis.orL The interview says in part: Although not concerned with the grain business .Mr. Magoffin, having put in a great deal, uf work on the line between here and Prince Ituperl, is keenly interested in watching the development of Ihe western grain route. 1'here certainly has been shortsightedness somewhere," he !ald to a Journal reporter, in giviiiff almost exclusive attention to Ihr Vancouver outlet and over- ! looking Prince Hupert." which i .Matollin thinks is the only logi cal route for at least some forty i (Million of bushels nf "rain thai. J Canada is now selling annually lo Ihe Orient. "Twenty millions of dollars were spent in establishing a closely equalled on any other were weit lliroiijrhiline.. I that all going lo be the stales of 'Mis1iwippi, Alabama and Louihiaiia Ia jiighl and early Unlay causing immense damage and taking a large toll in life. While full information is not yet to hand reorl show that .'!o lives have been lost and seventy or more have been in jured. The damage to farms and buildings wrought by the tortus will run into many thousands of dollars. Candidates Nominated in Northern B. C. lost " he asks. Has Ideal Harbor Prince Ituperl has an ideal RUPERTPEOPLE SELL COAL MINE G. Scott and Nick Qurvich Dispose of Interest in Edson Property Final negotiations for the jrrade or Tour-tenth or one per', purchase of the property of Ihe cent, and a sis-deRree curvalurelMcLeod llivcr and Hard Coal throughout this line giving an Company on the Alberta Co-dl conomy or haulage not even branch, five miles from Coalspur, concluded yesterday by Fitzhugh Hums of Minneapolis, who ha l.eeir'hiiJjifcUy; for the past few week, says Ihe Edmonton Journal. Mr. Hum -add hi harbor ror grain handling, say associate are in control ut the Mr. Maxofliu, and although Van- McCillivray Coal and Coke Com- couver has a Panama service to nany at Coleman and are also en- Europe, there is no reason whyjgaged in development wwk oif the Oriental grain trade should some coal land (hat they have not be handled through Prince recently acquired in Ihe Saunder-f ItuperL he think.. Creek district. He -and his party I'o Ihe criticism that the nor-.hift last night for the properly. theni line otrer no return The mine has been idle for some freight Mr. Masollin replies (hat (ime on account of the strike. the bulk of the timber product The former owners of the Mc-of Hritish Columbia for point Lend River Hard Coal Company east Js now moving out over were J. G. Scott anil X. Curvich what was originally the lirand of Prince Hupert. The mine was Trunk Pacific railway. at one time operated by (a narty A for ft he general economic of Serbians but the controlling i principle of shipping prairie interest was later acquired by (grain by way of Ihe Pacific. Mr. Scott. 'The normal output i about iMagollin says it is the natural'lSO tons per day and the coal. jcour.e. "One may as well try to groe largely lo the domestic Jmake water How up hi 1.1 a lo market. It was opened in 1920. attempt to slop Ihe grain inove-l .nieiil loward the Pacific," he I said. MOSTLY AMERICAN FISH SOLD TODAY .176,000 Pounds Brought In SI J ' Schooners and Gets Pretty Fair Price Six American schooners and two small Canadian boat marketed their catches here today. the prices varying from 1 5 In 1 1.30 Tor best grade fish. 'The sales were as follows: Hesolute 10.000 at It. 1 0c and 7c to Pacific Fisheries. Western 35,000 at 13.V0 and 7 lo Cold Storage. Yellowstone tt.OOO al It. 30 ami 7 to I tooth Fisheries. Houauza 35,00U at It. 10 and 7 lo Allin Fisheries. President 5S,0(i(Uat 11.10 and 7 lo lloyal Fish Co i Pol l lock 30,000 al 13.80 and 7 to Cold Storage. Nautilus 3.500 al 15 and G lloyal Fish Co. Plop H00 at 15.10 and C lloyal Fish Co. to LARKIN ORDERS THE STRIKERS TO WORK DUHLIN, May 57. Forty-rive followers of James Larkin, Iho Labor agitator, were arrested Sunday and released on bail later in the day. Lnrkin directed thu strikers lo start work today. Suborlbe for the Dally News. ITALY'S KING VISITSIONDON Is Greeted by King and Queen'and Welcomed by Immense Throngs LONDON, May 27. Immense crowds welcomed Kine Victor 'Emmanuel and Queen Helena of Hal) on Iheir arrival from Dover where the Prince of Wale metx them. King George ami (Jueen Mary extended the visitor a conlial welcome and personal greetings. The visit of the Italian Royalty will probably last five days. GERMAN CABINET HAS RESIGNED AND ACCEPTED BY EBERT HEREIN, May 57 -The Herman' cabinet resigned yesterday and 'President Eberl accepted Ihe re- signaiton anvi requested Chancellor Mark to carry pu current affair until hi successor is STRIKE FOLLOWS RAID DUHLIN. May 57. The port of Dublin J completely Idle today a a consequence of an unexpected strike called as an afler-tnulh of the arrest yesterday of 15 followers of James Larkin In a raid on the famous Liberty Uall.