PAGE BIX. Till DAILY HbttVS. I WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 HOOTOBSON WEEK END SPECIALS Alder! a Kggs, per dor 25c Hrawbeiry Hhubarb, o in. r.r Orecn Onions, 3 for lladislies, 3 for Head I.etlure, earh Spinach, 2 lb, for . Hothouse Tomatoes. Florida Grapefruit Strawberry Jam, llejrular tl HI. at BUY NOW. .. 25c .. 10c .. 10c .. 15c .. 25c per lb. ... 50c 3 for 35c SATURDAY IS A HOLIDAY. Rupcrt1ableSuHl)r Thicc Phones; 710,111. 212 Special Reductions on Breakfast Foods TiI1oiV Itotled Oat. 3 (H-k?.. for S1.00 Oeani of WbeaL er 5 lb. ark. 3 for $1.00 I'urilj Bdlt?l Oat. ier 0 lb. ark ji for .... $1.00 Purity llollrJ Oat, t for 95c Toa-led trn Flak-. 8 for 95c Grape Xul. 3 for 50c I'o'l llraii. 3 for . . . . 50c lirwldcl Wheat. 3 for 50c PuflVd tin-.-. 3 for 50c Puffed Wlo-at. :i for . . 50c FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. ECONOMY STORE Phone S4. 417 Fifth Ave. EasL Strawberries! CANNED F.xtra Special iat'li Large tin. 25c 5 tins for $1 lb. On tin r-nle 75c Farmers Market M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue Laundry Office P.O. Jlox 88. Prince Rupert, B.C. in 'THE RAMBLIN' KID" A ioverrI Western drama offering many lfirilli King of Hie greal outdoors ec him break Ihp wild ungovernable broncho no olhcr living man could ride. Watch hi great rure at the rodeo for the girl he love. Follow his mah-ing fights ugaiu4 overwhelming odd. Laura Laplanle and strung supporting caL CENTURY COMEDY "SHE'S A HE." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. PROCLAMATION Of RETURNING OFFICER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In tha SKEEMA Electoral Dlatrlct. T, WIT I'lBUC .OTICE I hereby riven ! the tlertara of tbe tlecloral OOtrirt afrrald thai I bare rrrrlTrd III Vc.t s Will to rue direrted. and brannr dale the I a 111 day ft Mar. ISM. ewnmandlnr me to ran trw roikminr question, namely: - Da you approve of tat aalo of star by the flats m llcaaaad premlaat without bar ondee Oevarnment control ond refutation? In I eubtnltted arrurdinr lo law lo the Clertora qualified la ntr for Ihe election of a nteniber of the LerOlatite ..ernbly for IIv tllertural Dolrtrt aroreaald: and. further. Out in obedience tu the md Wrtl a poll lull bp ifn al elrhl rhrk lo tbe forenoon and shall be rlosed at aeten o'clock In the aflenwon on tbe toth day of June. 11. fur laklnr and receivlnr tor role of Ihr Mid lleetora In earn tnr dUOloo of the I lerioral Dutrtrt afore- Mld at tb repeenvr plarea following: Butedale ;(dantale elation Copper CUT llnitnle Nine Kelyn Oleniann Hanall II air! Ion kitwanr knlmat . klOMmkilutn kh-ptnt '. I.IKW Crerk roLLina division. UlOr tnytin nrrtn Nrm HaielU I'aririr Itm tlnria krrna i.rwifci mllhrr SeOl HairUuQ Mirf Inlrl noo Car Trlkvi Trrrare of hk-li all wrwm arr hrrrby r quirrd Ui Ukr imOrp and to Krru Ox-tn trrlira (mu-dlnrtr. I IVE nndrr fnj- hand al llairltofi. B.C. ;ttil Tralk-tb day of May. IM. 4S. TIH.1BIU.. r.rturnlnr Offlr. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intaatlon to Appl, U Laaaa Land. lo Skrona Land Uirirlrt hrcordlnr Dl-rlct of Coast, and alluale on Camtwnla aland. Take 5otlre tbal Oarrn.-e C. Balntrr and iantra Mr.ulty, nf I'rlnre llui-ert. B.C. m-cupatka liteoranre arret and broker. In-trad to ati'ly fur t-nnun to Irav tbr follomr deM-nlird landt: Oifunen. nor at a pt plantrd at tbe brad or a bay the eaM end of Campania laland and abnot one tulle fmfn tbe xtti etid of tbe land: tnrfM rullovlnr tlie alnnoaitlea f the Hvre line at Mali -mater line around tbe lilaud to trw plare nf ruoinienremrnL and mnuiMnr arre. noire or r. C. Z. BIHTFR t MMLS VctCLTT 5anie it! Annllrant. Ter W. K. WILUAM. Arent. hated April tnd. 1tt4. Hardware enter into tbe lite of each man, woman and child to a greater extent than i realised by mot of u. When you are trivinx a thought to your hardware need, think of thi reliable hardware boue." Thi is the find meate from Handy iy, who will have oiiietliing useful and inleresling to ay to you each week. Wfllch for him. Pleated Skirts SPECIAL SALE Price from 115.00. Price this Week $9X10 "DEMERS" Phone 27." P.O. Box 327. M ANSON GETS DEMONSTRATION Is Nominated Amid Scenes of Excitement and Enthusiasm at Fort Fraser The Liberal party rouenliin , for the purioe of noininalinjr a candidate lo contest the nrwj Omiucca riding in the preriil( provincial political ctompaisn. and lo form a dilricl ao-ialion wa held in I-ort t-raer on afternoon, at which fifty delegate tillemlcd. say the Ncchaco Chronicle. I Amid! a scene of cscitcmeut ami t'iithu.ian) the Hon. A. M. Man-on, attorney general, re-cehed Ihe unanimous endor alion of the eonxenlioii. I A district Liberal Association Tor the ridinsr was funnrd. and plan made for the campaign. Tlie officers elee(eI were a-fol-lows: Hon. reilc, Hon. V. L. MacKciuic King. Hon. iee-preiileiit, Hon. John Oliver. President. Iln?h U. WilNon. M a pes. Flrt viee-preiilent. Lyslrr Muhany. SctoimI ire.preldenl. tla. Karrell. PleaaMl Valley. Secrelar'-lreaiirer. inloii It. Itobb, Kuril Lake. Public Meeting At night in the lar?c town hall ta puldc ineelin? wa liehl a! which two hundred and fifty people atlendeL Hon. Mr. Man- on at considerable length iHke on a number of tmiKOiant uli- jeel lliat-jre at present uper mot in Ihe mind of the people of tin province. He dealt witli the formation of the Mrltae ar!y. ami Hie royal ronuniinn lo iiiiiuirr in'- tlie rban:i mad' Hank Mand PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT Form 12 (taction 41). PROCLAMATION OF RETURNING OFFICER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In th PRINCE RUPERT Electoral Diatrkt 1" WIT I'l BUi OTICE l brrrby rlien In tbe toter or tbe erinee Itunert t.leriral lU Irx-t Itaat in ubrdienre to Ilia MJr4r' Writ to we dirrelrd, aud bearlnr date I lie tentb day of May. hi tbe ear of our Lord one llrind nine hundred aud toenir- four, I require tbe pewnre of tbr aatd Votera at 7 be iiwmmil offiee. I'liure ltuirti. H.t: , ,m the UiirUrU day of Mar. I 14. at t-lr o rtork ihi. for the ttur- pfte ol iritiiuialliir and rlerlmr oK i-r m l reprenii ttieiu In the Lrrllilure of Oil Pnnlnrr. To PJeOa of Nomination of CandMataa hall tm a followat The randidatra ahall be tiiinated In rlliiir: the viilliir aball be aubM-rilird by lo rrrOlerrd rirtera of tbe dUlrlrt a roNirr and rHider, and by trn olber rra-iterrd oter of tlie ald dl-trtrt a arntinr to llw nomination, and lull be drlivrrrd hi tbr Krtumina; orflrrr al ail) tune lielaeeu tlie date of Oil. I'nirlainalHju and one i.m. of Inr day of lertiiluatkm. In Ihr event of a ll be-Inr le-rrar-. Miih ll mru oil lltr fortilW-th day of June. Illfl, al Hurklry Hay iiulira Inlet r.e.H-rrtou llirt lnenie Jeduay Un Hill l.rkt-trt aM-it reauH: 'oma r blrh eerj quired hi lake relf a -.,rdlulr. o.luud :lrMlt I'orl Miiiimm VtUtrr Kuiiert Vurrn i:harh-lle VAty iriuar par alH.0 khh-rale tbur4 Harbour Tl-ell Tow lllll Wodii niter lrl la lrrliv re notke and rovrni blui .IVI. lllidr HO IuiimI al I'HIMt III I'l.hT. B.:.. tbla neiiieemli dJl of Mar! .- ir.unaiHj unie iiiinurra an toeiiir four. EH. II, Isrtunilnr Of flier. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES Hiirklry Hay Cuuislira Inlet (ieorrelown HarniKiri Invernraa J cd ay Ijwii lilt! UrkeHirt .iiaaneu Oceanic ouua Of which all ACT. PROCLAMATION OF RETURNING OFFICER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In tha PRINCE RUPERT Elactoral Dlatrlct TO WIT rt lllJi MlTICf: la berrby riven to the F.lertora of the electoral bllrlrt afore-sold thai 1 liave rerrOrd Ilia Majri-'a Writ lo me directed, and Itearlur date the lOlli day of May, 1f4, eiiiiuaiidiiir iih tu raune the follonlnr nuesllou. namely: Do you approta of tha aala of baar by tha glaaa In llcanaad pramlaaa without a bar undar Ooarnmant control and regulation? In lie aiibmltled arrurdinr to law tu the Kh-rtora Qualified lo vnle fur the election of a member of Ihe Lealalative Aanembly for tlx? Electoral I'l.lrirt afureaald; and. runner, mat in uiieaienre to tlie aald Writ a poll shall be oneiird at elrtil ocHMk in tnr roreniNiii and ahall lie rlowd at seven u rlix-k In tlie aftrni'xiii on the oih day of June. Intl. for tiklnr and recelviur the Vulea of the aald Klertor In each fM.llliir (llvlnloii of tlie J:ircliral IHMrlrt aforesaid al Ihe rr-illvr place" louovt ma ; POLLING DIVISIONS. Ilanka laland Oalund Purl Clenietita I'orl I'rlnre Juipert Otieen llharlotte Oily hrrurn Hay Saiidplt skldrrato Tliiirslon Harbour Tl-ell Tow lllll Woden Itlver tH-raona arr lirrhv ... quired lo take nolire and tu rcrn theiu-aelves acrordliirly. OIVKX under my hand al VIUNCE III I'KllT. B.C., Hill arvrnleeutb day of May, ll. CD. II. MOIlTIMKII. llelurulni; Officer Optician and Optometrist After one month of careful conscientious eye testing, our patrons are advising their friends to come to us foe glasses. Ttu i concluMte evidence that our Klae are Bijn? entire atifartion. Mr. Ireland ha made the eye a long and careful ludy, and ha the know. led?e. kill and experience to fit any eye that glae will help, and in eae you do not need slae.. ran vite you valuable advice. We are (rcSini; the optical buine. by deerving ! by ivin superior optical crice. "A stiti-h in time ae nine" ha " more filling appticalion (ban in Ihe cae of the eye. REMEMBER, YOU RUN NO RISK HERE. Satisfaction Is positively assured Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Nole - We an duplicate len or repair any frame. by Mcltae party coifcernins the building of Ihe Panfio Oreal Ftern railway. He claimed that J. Ihe books were audited, and -Mr. Justice Oalliher. who ha been on tbe trench for many ear. abso lutely exonerated the poverHrHnl of any breaeb of trust or wronif doing. Sjteakiigi tf finance tbe attorney jreiieral ,lalcd Ural while he gro debt of tbe province is seventy-one million the net deht is not more than thirty-eight collected retenue, Heiluelion of laxe during Ihe pat year wf?re 50 ter cent to Imuib fide farmer!':; 00 icr cenl on ier.onal property; :5 per rent on automobile icene: 100 per cent on amateur raniuement; and 1 Vi percent on other antusemeiil. or Commercial Strides Mr. Manon went on to bow we liaie leeu mukiuv pietoiio commercial stride during Ihe la I, eighteen months, ami aii 1 hat tbe industrial pru;;re a-t year wa such lliul I'JZ'J wa 20 million dollar belter than I'Ji-'. Goiiimeiitiug ukii the lopiar pieslioii Hie Allorney ieoeral said tlrat our operation wa greatly uK.-rior to tbe luanuer in which it i handled in 'Jui-hc-?. and showed a lriking coiiutari- son. He said the balance lire( sliow lliat it co I lie province of (Jurlwr Hirer iitilliou dolKar for Ihe operation of seventy three stores, or approximately i" per cent: wherea In our own province the onerating "ol i 700.()0(i Tor ixty-eighl o per ceiu. Freight Rates Ili-fore closing Mr. Minioii dealt wilb Hie freight rale nue-lion, iluriiig wbirb he said W. F. McClintock. cbairmau of trade liiiin- the figld. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Cincinnati 3, St. Louis t. American League 1 "l roil 2. New York 8. SI. Louis I. PhiladHphia 2 Cb'elamJ 11. Ilostoii 10. Chicago 2. Washington 8. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Hook now for Old Country. Passporlo secured unci tickets in-suetl via White War, Cunard, Auchoi'-Doiiuldsou Hues. The Cunudiaii Nalional. Hallways make direct and convenient con-nwliinis willi ii'leaincr' of there line. Full Informal ion al City 'iickel Ollice. 528 Third Avenue, Prim- Hupett ll.C VUum 2C0. REBEKAH LODGE HOLDS ANNIVERSARY BANQUET Fifth Year of Organliallon In City Was Celebrated Last Night In Metropole Hall i The local llebekali Lodge celc-' brated tlie fifth niinierary of H etablihnuMit with a bamtiel lipid lat nijirt in the Melrt)xdr Halt after Ihe regular lodge nieet-j injr There were oer 000 Odd-j fellow ami llebelrBh preenl and '.he affair wa a dUltoel niece-- ' Mr. J nine SimpiHa. nobb-gruud. jiroidfl. Tlie toat !; Lod?e Itrbekab wa proMc by J. ItroiiKh of Sniilher who organized tbe olse here aud Mr. Tboiiia Priet repomlei. Con-tribuliuic to Ihe prtgratn of the rlrniii? urrr I '- fS Mimm mtil j.Mr. L. O. ljiren with 'ni;: Mr. J .M. Smoke Sr.. with a read- ins: Hurry DajrpHt and Mr. Siinpoii. and Mi I'.. M. l-jirle with recitation, and Mrs. J. M. Imii MV. (!. V. WilkinMin and Mr. J. MfTn!o!i hi Hi a trio. There wa al eomui.uiiily ing-' iug. W. Vauphati l,iie w.1 r.' roniaiiil. The galberini: di-percl with the iugitig of "Alibi lam: Syne." j Tbr committee in r ha rye con-' i-tl of Mr. John MrK'rrlinie. Mr. Thoiua Prie.l. Mr, llert ' Morgan and Mr. Jatne Sunpvoi WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. HHillY lI.A.M Cloudy,! calm: tiaromrlrr. 341.1 i; Iciu..t- ; alure. Id; -en moolj; M i pokr steamer Atametla i ;5 from Ketchikan northbound: 8. p.m. jMike lH2 Oaoirl Kern .iOj mile fnoit Powell Itjter lHrund, for Kelcbikan. liF-XO THF.K POINT.. V.Uwiy, calm: baroHteler. I: temper-i alure 18; sea smooth. Ill LL IIAIIIIOIt. Itaiiiiu?. calm: iMirWNieler. WM; leniera-ture. 10; Irzht swell: 8 a.m. -poke tUZ lxrite 38 mlks soOll of lleef llanl bound for Cunodiewa Inlet. Noon IHiillY ISIVXO. - Cloudy. million dollar. It wa pointed calm: barometer, out that under the Hwer administration Ihe. civil service ct wa 3V trer cent, of the edlected revenue, wberea ilurin? the fiscal year ending March 31, iPrl, it was only 1(5.5 per cent of the 3fl.SU ; lenier- ature. at; sea moolh; 12 lNke steamer l-irdcna arrtvin? Wale l-Urnl caHnery ihiIIi- lMuud: 11:25 a.m. frke Iraoner I'rincr Fna abeaui (Uew Nusxet north biHinil. IiF.I THLE POINT.-Cloudy. calm: barometer. 30.05; tenipeni- lure. 57 ; sea Holh. HILL HAItllOlt. llainiiu. ItKhl -out hea I wind; barometer. 30.08: leinocraturr. 57; light well: o:30 a.m. joke leowr Niirtbwe.lern off Idol Point simiIIi ImmhmI; a a.pi. oke steamer Canadian Farmer. Ocean Full for Aloria, left Ocean Fall It 30 p. m.: 0:55 a.m. ixikr -leumer Mogul abeam Scarb-t Point outt bound. For the DEAF PORT-O-PHONE Su.rriiie in it field, only one that gic Hie natural tone Write for part M illar. . S. P. Miller, 207 Campbell Bldg Victoria, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 2743. i. ( seaMi lenurra win iw rrrurq ij ri"i. --, i xuil.lrr of Land, at Vtrturia, B.i. NOTICE. laf-r lluni iHm on the TUli da of June. Ittl. for tie" twrrliare of l.lrrWr X lo rul l.esii.uoo feet of Spruer. Ilembwk. and )lar. m an area situated oh lltr wealrni IsMindar) of I., lili Tt cltop. lint Arm Jn.katla Inb-t, Movlt lulri. yureii ciiarloltr Idaml lii-irot Die- 1i year will be allomed for re moral of tlmlirr. I Furlbrr partlrlar of tbr Dlilef f'.rt-ea- and commerr,. bureau. VaiN-ouver 'EI:", SSS, ",,'v "r v"inrl l l I t f I I I I. .. I I i Ian - a i i aj aaaaa n Hoard of Trade, bad slated that freight rale reduction mean from four lo four 'and a half million dollars jwryear to taxpayer. 'Ilie speaker declared Premier Oliver should be retained to con- I Tilt: VATTIK of an ainiratl.Hi for tlie Isaue of a I'rovlalonal Ortlflrale Title for IjiI fire IR. (la,, sertliHi one (I ItuiM-rt. Man fJ. (Dlvaralon and Uaal of nhMk thiny-flve Lily of f'rlnee. sallafarpo-y pnH.f of tlie lem of tlie Cerllfiralr of Title coterlnr tlie ale.te land liavlnr lien produred to me. II la my in itelitlou to Urtie. aftrr tlw eiilratlmi of die iiMMilh from tlie rirt publiratl'in liere-of, a l'rovl4oiial Ortlflraie or Title to lite above land In the namr of Mih ttrr and Mah loo Chuiir, tlie orlrtnal lrllfl- cale of Title Is dated tlw nth NovernlH-r. ivia, aim ia nuinoeren 7iai. Mud lierlalry Ofriee. rrlnre liuiieft. B.C. JIM March, Itfi. ii. r. Mtciton. Hrntrar of Tltlra. WATER NOTICE. TAkf. MlTICK that lliiuir II balilnrtou. 1 wlio.r address la Maasrli. will fur! a llrenre to lake aud line Vlmu aalliHis of waler uul of an iiimamed imnd, Tlie water will be diverted fn iii the ioud at a ih.iiiI aboul too fret north of Hit- north-eaat! mnier of block Ilia It.l.. 7, plan lltr., 1 Oureii Charlotle Manila, and will uu'il : for liiduairlat uiMin the land ri srrllied aa block III li.l.. j. plan ll, Oliren liiMi.iiir iraiio. I iiir iMllirr W on toe rrouiid on tne 1 u ID day aa iMiitled of May. an an app anpll 1 via. a ropy or una nonce and canon purauaiit tnrrrio and lo tlw " WTUrr Act. Kit," will lie filed In tin- ofriee of tlie Water llecindcr al Prince IiiiihtI. Ob- I jeclliHia Ui llw application may Im filed wiiu tne aald Water hri-nrrii-r or with the I'.uinplroller of 1 Water ,..r lllrhla. iifaiii", I'arllauwiit rarnauilit iiuniniiva, irtoria, wrla. It.l.. 11.C. aner tne riral I In a local new wiiliiii rifly dara aiHwarance of tlila notice i'apnier. Tim dale of the flrat imbllcallon or till notice la May fOlli, it. v. it .m,v .!', ..4.,..,tgUi Tuesday. m, j mi II T Cash and Carry Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Ordtrt) Until Further Notice this Store will Open at SJO a.m. and Close at 5.30 p.m. dally. Nine Years Ago A Few Remarks The passing of May. 1824, marks the completion ol our ninth year in business, as the Table Supply firtt opened Its doors on June 1, 1915. During this lime, our expimlon has been rapid. We lake this opportunity to express to thi public our appreciation of the splendid support accorded us, and to assure our many loyal customers that we will dj our utmost to retain their confidence for the futur.e Looking back, we cannot help recalling just one Incident, which occurred on June 30, 1015. We dlipotatf of more than 2,000 full size quart baskets of slrawberrlei in one hour between 11 a.m. and 12 noon, at Be per basket on the day before a holiday. Prince Rupert coniumert never received such value before or since. Our policy of quick turnover and small profits has been a winner. Men's and Boys' Dept. Boys' Fine Caps In I'M ). Ill "W n Mild lireit. All sues. . 5S.2V Special, 55c Sago or Yaploca 2 lb. Lots, 25c Men's Fine Caps In a lariie aorliuei of color Slid new lfsl)Mi. Ml ones. Iteg ;.5l and 3 8i. Special $1.45. ShreddedWheat, 3 for 35c Limit 6 to pch ruioMir Lobster, 'a lb. Tins, Special, 25c. I.innl I lo each -utomrr Men's Odd T router In Tweed a tad Fanrj Wmrsted ami Jrjrr. Kcf, 5fMl. Special, $3.35 Quaker Peaches, 2Vi's lt.y. 10f. Special, 3 for 95c Ladies' Dept. 3C Only, Ladles' Crepe Hunt ard Porch Orestes llairtl rmi'i" Imi1mi liai - I kimw alio-s. a ipulily. we Mr t ayrre Willi u T Ho line ouxii' Monday Morning at 12.IV Washing Soda, t I be. Z&c Limit Id Clark's Potted Meats, 2 for 15c Canned Pears, 2's, tin zOc Canned Tomatoes. Tt, 12'ie Tin. l.ltlltl H Baby's Own Soap, 1 Corn Starch, 10c PaeU)t- Children's Pantle Drttut 2 to 6 ers I . Mud Crepe. oi, a Ip loely M I. a thi I a tea Special, $1.25. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 20th Century Clothing Mr. E. J. Skinner has been granted the ex elusive selling rights at the Premier Mine, and has made arrangements for a special trip there on June IsL Therefore he will be in Rupert all this week, and expects lo break all previous records for sales, as his range of cloths and prices are the most attractive that he has handled In the past eight years. Walk right In and get a perfect fiU Watch Our Shoe Ads. and Save Money Mr. Coady. our Shoe llepl. Manager, i,i-slrucled lo put hi shoe slock, on a turnover b '-incaiis that every pair of hoe which have been shelve for six inonlli or oer, will haxe to be o! ' lie i business, and we will allow no departm'"' store to drug along wild slow moving stock. Ibr few for Monday mid Tuesday. See our windows. No. 1 :i( Pair Men's Working Shoe, lo le -r Oild mill end or six lines. Our average -u-l. .".)0 each. No. 2 15 uir Women' Pump, tu clwir at We hud 2" pair on nle the last It day m :i.r.ll which wa Hair Price, No. 3r-5(l Pair Women' While CaiiH Ponn Leather Sole , No. 4vrj Pairs' Women' While lauxu s'r,lt I'tiliip. Lenlher Sole' No. 512 Pair lufiiiils' Choc. Ankle Tie pump" 0 lo 7 Mi No. 6 Vt Pairs Children's Choc. Ankle Tie Pump-- 8 lo 1UW . . . ; No. 7 .'ID Pair tlirl' Pumps Patent uml low Lenther, wilh 1 Sirup lluekle. Sixes 1 1 I" 1 No. 8 20 Puirs Ios' res Sliof. Sixes I to llrown nr llltick No. 8 .'10 pairs Youths' lire Shoes. Sixes M l Ilnmii or lllnrk ' II $3.45 S2.S5 95c $2.5 $U5 $2.15 $2.75 $3.45 $2.85 Universal Trading Co. Watch this Space Wednesday for Change of Advb