presidential Candidate iq Factor im Election CLYDE BLACKBURN iian Press Staff. Writer By vroct of personalities faces the voters of the res next Nov. 4 when they will elect a indidates are strong personalities— appealing to enter a presidential : a the 1944 eleetion, t decision OG . voters Out- lief in the equal rights of all oups Who eitivens regardless of color et regard~ Along about Sept. 1 these two ‘leaders and their team of cam- paigners will begin their assault upon the voters. They plan to | follow the course by which [Vt y » Steyven- | Harry Truman won his amazing ec} NR Tests ietly able | Victory in 1948—a direct persona] ‘ }appeal to as many votere as ft MONTREAL—Rdward T. Hur- x tuating 118 humanly possible to meet in|l¢¥ prominent in the field of of the |the flesh chemical research in Canada and It who has Been with the Canadian EDWARD T. HURLEY £.T. Hurley To ndependent torate wiil eld by the | breaking | them but that experience was in 1948} gained while he was in the glam- fourth }oreus role of a winning com- of linois|mander of the fighting forces remains to be seen which inklin D.| Will be most suceessful in that National Railways since the) Herbert | field, Eisenhower is more accus- °P°™ng of its research labora- | tomed to meeting people of all cere at Montreal in 1945, has political | types face to face and winning aeen appointed controller of tests and materials research for the company In his new post, assumes direction of Mr the Hurley thou- Stevenson is a shy and retiring |5ands of tests conducted annu- Republi- |™@"% not. so stalwart or com- ally at Canada’s only railway to power pipand) ig a figure, bald like Ike Reece D. Kisen- |#0d slightly shorter, but with a These include the quality newt: Oe | certain nobility and obvious sin- | evaluation of the $165 million at home |@erity which has brought many | worth of materials and supplies victorions |®°Mparisons between him and | purchased annually by the rail- Allied | Abe Lincoln way; research into the develop- parkling| Eisenhower has a happy fam-|™ment of new and better pro- ily life. He is stili married to| ducts; checking and revision of presi- | 2's childhood sweetheart, the | Specifications for the diversity | cineare highly photogenic and pleasant- |! requirements of the CN Sy8- nt in the | Visaged “Mamie tem, and selentific investigation nded ob- Sevenson lives alone with | {oF the claims department that way | two of his "teen-age sons in the s one | gOvernor’s mansion in Spring- | tempt to justify errors or wrong- nplete , fleld. His wife, beautiful and doing in their party ranks ifting of wealthy Ellen Borden, daughter That part of the campaign t office in| Of a wealthy Chicago family, | Will be left to party aides and it ne of the! divorced him in 1949 on grounds |!8 doubtful if any sort of bitter- sibilities | Of Incompatibility, complaining | "ess and acrimony will be ap- that his political life had come | Proved by either between them wtant Their oldest son Both can enter the fight of He re is in the Marines long-established party strings or tion in Eisenhower has never had to °ligations irive give thought to the domestic In the campaign for nomina- ran last | issues of government at either “on Eisenhower made some nths to. the state or national level, apart whistle-stop speeches and re- from those which influenced the | Porters with him Said he was a e, country’s ability or willingness bit of a disappointment. He did we to provide a strong armed force, NOt seem able to get into the ror into Stevenson is a grandson of a hearts of his listeners. That may nomina- | Vice-president under Grover come with experience Cleveland, member of a long| Each candidate has a char- the office | me of lawyers, a key man in the acteristic that should be popu- formation and development of, lar They believe in_ short the United Nations and a state | speeches with every word megan- governor since 1948 ing something and in this Ste- He has long had to give deep! venson probably has the edge thought to most of the prob- the General lems which beset a president of the United States and he has that advantage over Eisenhower cn many iffairs ame de- on DERBY, England (€P)-— Mast elther can- “ cn Roth are believers in the com- Saat ere eee on" : ve’ greatly fort and guidance that comes cm i yo . ile ‘ : | 10r- | trom. trust in the Divinity, if mot | COPBTESalon Here: auee. & i guided cd ; : the present time man can do dogmatic. religionists, : ‘ : thi But a _— Neither can be expected to get | MMOS" € Veryuning. DAE: DRY Sit down into the gutter of politic: ‘alls his failings by almost every lomes- | engage in name-calling or carp-|°ther name but sin, the Church r class | ing criticism. Neither will claim) 0f England is faced with a formed im all the virtues; excuse or at uper-human task.” ssure of - . n the ad a a aa aa a NM aaa aa aa aaa eat Ma MaMa MaMa! ind poli- . ng ihe ‘ RRIVIN THI WEEK ing tne racter of |§ | \ able and ich mat very little puts the **ateatatete question of fitness and nal leaders New, Stock of y and hon- : 4 a : MODERN LAMPS ts somes COME IN AND regard for ; SEE THEM TODAY ed he or his 5 : ‘ee > : Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Potala a ae a ne ene eee eee ae eee eee eee” By DOUG HOW Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (P)—The men di- recting Canada’s defence pro gram are putting on a blitz in an effort to maxe up lost ground on a production schedule which they now concede was over- optimistic The American steel strike hasn’t helped things At this stage, with the half- way mark coming nearer, there is a marked probability that the scheduled three-year, $5,000,000,- 000 program to prepare the country for any eventuality will lextend into a fourth year and cost closer to $6,000,000,000. The program was first an- nounced in February 1951. Is |highlights were plans to build the RCAF 3000 new planes ard 4a squadrons, to have a 100 iship: navy and 115,000 men in uniform. The 115,000 has f been raised to 120,000 With 98,000 or 81 per cent of that total in uniform, manpow¢ is so far not a big problem. B production is The latest implication of current situation came in F' nance Minister Abbott's recent statement on the governmen financial position after the first three months—Aprii, May. Jun of the current fisca! year In a nutshell, Mr. Abbott said that in the first quarter of ibe year only 14 per cent of the ae fence budget was used. To live jup to the $2,125,000.000 appro priation, ‘the two departments most concerned—Defence and Defence Production—will have to spend money twice as fast in the next nine months as t! have in the first three when monthly average $102,009 000 Wa ‘Army Adopts New Scheme LONDON. ()—A tract young men demic and scient ability to the technical branches of British regular army hi initiated by the War lected candidates between the ages of 17 and 20 will qu Those recommended will | granted national service com- missions as Second Lieutenants after serving six months in the ranks, Following a further, six months of regimental duty they will be assigned to the Military College of Science where wil) study for a degree | scheme to at- of high a ific they eam mmi « nemecn te bb | | MM TLE — e ‘ j | j | — aici that the exception of the F-86 Sabre tion—aircraft, tually would but Ger Pressure Started by Government To Push Defence Production Plans Mr. Abbott's conclusion was|year. The US. steel strike is the expenditures “do not) one drawback. It has had some yet reflect the full magnitude: of| effect but officials say the blow the defence program.” has not been a major one. But there are several major factors pushing in the direction et fighter, production of most|of spending the whole defence the major items of produc- | budget. electronics, war-| One is. that traditionally a hips, guns—is not up to the) large percentage of hedules originally conceived. | spending is concentrated in the The reason is said frankly to | last three months of the fisce] Officials confirm. this. danen| be over-optimism when the pro-| year. Another is that production pram was drafted. They under~| should begin to hit its stride rated the tremendously complex’ late this calendar year. job of preducing modern arms. | A third is the drive, the blitz Last fiscal wear the defence| which officials report is being program planners budgeted for) waged to get production pro- 200,000,000 more than they ac-| spent. The difference have been even greater! of new faces are making their for mobilization and des- | appearance in key jobs in Ot- ch of the 27th Brigade +0) tawa. Whether they can get the any. . program: finished in the sehed- Officials say they won't be |wled three years is a big ques- ble to tell until -early fall tion, impossible to answer at vhether they'll “underspend” — (this time. official term—again this’ Qne senior official: says he's RE - ROOF NOW Your Reof May Not Last Through Another Year We will give your free estimates on re-roofing with asphalt and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 115, Ist Ave. West P.O, Box 721 grams back nearer the original New 1952 Austin Station Wagon SPECEAL—1948 Indian Chief Motorcycle 1—1949 Austin {—1989 Chevrolet Sedan 1—1948. Thames Van 1—1950 Austin 1—. 1949 Austin Panel 1—1949 Morris FRUCKS 1—1946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1—1951 Austin. 5-ton Truck 1—1941 International %4-ton Panel Superior Auto Service 4 2 | , \\ | ie rrince Rupert Uaily News ’ i Thursday, July 31, 1952 a lot more confident than he still not betting heavily that ¢ was six months ago. But he’s target can be met. defence | schedules. A substantial number cae 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 Lana nana ania ROGER ee raced. milk users es — mam, ohn There. must se Carnation: i net One of the main reasons ’ be good reasons: Carnation rei have compa : found Carnation ! wich othe Br favor — fuller bodied creamier. 18 CO" -yeefound: that Carnarion nie eee ee gesults, ‘Get Carnation c/a Staeatiert oe: } ae pAY TEST A panne THIS 7 OS we just one week, USE Eacnation Mill in Pisce .. t-brand. Once Pty lca Lee Be rd carnation, we at USE CARNATION sre that no other bs wh eee meee Peas sacisty YOU the neces- party ranks, Besner Block — Phone 210 taining the Prince Rupert, B.C, Stewart, B.C aaialpsinis POS! W \ ; \ Slake that thirst e ee e with delicious iced tea! Simply make tea double strength and 2 while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice. Add sugar and ah lemon to taste. It's quick and easy aot by to make and so economical, | i Px-12 ae L I STRIDES By JACOB FASHIONS Ladies! Here is the stride you have been looking for. Fine Rayon Gabardine, zipper closing, and sold under the Famous “TAN JAY” label. Well tailored with self-belt. Black and Navy only. Sizes 12 to 18. a TIS I i DRESSES Ladies’ Cotton Wash Dresses in a large assort- ment of colorful prints... . these Values Friday. Sizes 1? to 46 ne 398 NYLONS First Quality 54 gauge 15 denier in the newest and smartest Summer shades. This is your opportunity to buy Perfect Nylons at a real = 36350 Sizes tn 9*n 11 SLIPS ; By LUXITE \| Nylon Tricot Slips with eyelet and lace trim. A pots hentai er QB) BOYS’ SHIRTS Sizes 32 tn 42 . Boys’ Check Shirts in large and smal! check | ta tt o 27 5 BOYS’ PANTS Size 8 to 16 years ......... Boys’ Dress Pants. .Rayon blend cloth. Grey,and beige mix. “Sweetwater” spot resistant and water oO a 6.95 College CORDS 8 to 18 vears _ By “DAYS” of Tacoma TAN - CREAM - GREY 7.50 28.95 THE——— UNIVERSAL THIRD AVENUE AT SIXTH STREET Sizes 8 to 18 years