PA(1E TWO. THE DAILY NEWa The Daily News " PRINCE RUPKHT - BHIT1SH COLUMBIA. Every Afternoon, excpl Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULI.KN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the I'.rilMi Empire and the United Slate. In advance, "per yar " To all olher countries, in advance, per year Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Local Men Were Sold ererywherc In Canada. $1.00 so.nn Tranient l)iplay Adveriiing. .7 .$l.t0 per inch , per inertioir Transient Ailvrti.ins on Front Page,' $2.X0 per inch Local Header", per insertion "c. per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ,2c per won! Legal Notice, each insertion l.rc per agate line Contract Hales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 88 All advertising should le in The Daily News Office on day preceding pnhlicalion. AH advertising received subject to approval. Wedue-day. Jan. 9. 1921. On The Job. The two local riizen who voluntarily interviewed the Al-herla grain comniiioor at Vauroiiver on Monday and told liini of the admutage f Prince Hypert a an elevator port a u! ii inviting htm lib i'itmt Itptf lit P for ti mpir itrt In lt ' ;',lH'jAiiuiufLuged in lheuual j ldk oflaetfid affability "whirl the MtpiiIar saie for diioblful vole. ' Way Clear To -Improve Salt Lake. . Xow that Ihe provincial government hasVome into Ke sion of the bait Lake, lhal popular summer and winter resort may be more advantuegoiisly improved lo make it suitable a the i-oiiinltinily recreation park. Arrangements will likely lo made whereby the city obtains rights in return for which it will be exported to lake a hand in making Ihe betterment nec'esary. Some limited improvement have already been made bill, up lo now, the inkrcsls lhal have, bseu resjKinibIe for them have id -way i-en al a disadvantage in not being nsured of ipiiel Vancouver Is Not The Oniy Port. After going at length into an editorial dicusiuu of ort i li.'trgcs at amouvcr and administration of the harbor romuiis-sion there, the Kdmoutou Bulletin concludes: -(Koituiiaieiy Xuncioiver is not the only Pacific port hy rail from the prairies. . Prince Hupert in Ihe north and Portland in Hie xoilh are equally a-ceible. More lhaii half of our easthound grain now reaches the seaboard through l niltd Stales Atlantic ports. There is- no reason why west bound grain from the more souiiierly section or the prairies should not reach Ihe Pacific at Portland, if Vancouver is not go ing lo day fair. Itupvrt i practically as near the northern sec lion of Ihe prairies as Vancouver and is quite as much entitled lo,lho trade. Instead of urging a still further increase of Ihe elentor accommodation at Vancouver it would seem to be the part of widom for the eople of the prairies ( urge elevator construction at Prior- Hupert. The support that Vancouver has n-i i'ved from Ihe prairie in the jiasl has been given under the impression that Vancouver would play fair towards the trade thai il was so anxious to get The board of harbor commissioners have made plain that lhal is not their intention. 2 Perils sf Neglect Digestive ailments are frequently neglected. People say "It's only a touch of indigestion-it will go away." What begins as simple discomfort is allowed to become a serious chronic ailment Never neglect the treatment of digestive derangement To relieve disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, Beecham's Pills act promptly and usually overcome the difficulty. Take BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest Sale of o ny Medicine in the World HEAD CHIEF IS DULY INSTALLED Rufus Dudoward VesUd With Office at Port Simpson Amid Much Ceremony I'OItT SIMPSON. Jan. 5). Ten! year ago the brail chief of thi vilLir.. a I itL.ik-irti 1 f . re !hi ibalh, nominalM hi- nree- nr. lite mailer ha lain in alyance until last Monday when. Unfit DuUwani. nominee if the late chief wa. at the request of (lie KilniKlaii Irilie, publicly in stalled in olfice I,y Itrv. Dr. J. 0. Sliencer. I he resilient misionary. In hi address previous In installation. Dr. Siencer save an addrr statin? that Ihe're must he a heatl officer in every busi I . . .! ... . t It J I.. . ianii iaiipii v rnm. iiiiiiiur-ti lit stalled a head chief, hi nephew. Clarence Watson, wa inlalleif in llie office vacated hy the now head chief. The brass hand wa in attendance and enlhenetl the occasion with runire selection. In honor of Ihe event some small donation were nude by Ihe Kilandaw- Iril.p lo Ihe eteral institutions in Ihe village. There was general good-bd. low-ship and eeryhoiy was trappy. PRESBYTERIAN AID ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. R. M. Taylor was Choaen President at Annual Meet ing Yesterday Afternoon The annual meeting of Ihe Ladies' Aid of Ihe Prehyerian Church look place in Ihe church hall yesterday afternoon and Ihe following olCAers were elected for Ihe year: I'resitienl. Mr. H. -M. Taylor. Kirl Vicei'reidenl, Mr. I. Mcl. Hnuler. Second Vice-President, Mr. W. 11. Wilson-Murray. Secretary, Mr.. Sam Massey. Treaurer. Mr. Oeorge Horie. Kxeculive Mrs. S. K. Mr. C. Slarr, Mrs. I). O. Slewarl and Mr. W. J. Kirk Patrick. Reports for Ihe year clolng were leceiveii ami plain) were niadi) for the annual congregational dinner lo be held next week. FRANCE TO WITHDRAW . FORTY THOUSAND MEN PA It IS. Jan. y. Canadian Press-- Forly Ihousnnd men will be wilhdrawli, from the French forces of occupation fri fi" Hulir and Hhine within I In next fpw weeks, it was made known today. The French aov ermuenl, it was declared, had decided lo keep in llie occupied territories Jhe minimum number of soldiers required to maintain Hie occupation. Ihe un-n will be evacuated in four stages, some remaining at frontier gar rison in eastern France and other demobilize ultogi'llier ill enforcement of the eighteen months' service law now be coining effective, under which ten division of Ihe present ti rmy wilt disappear. J In tke Letter Box )l,lit OBJECTS TO HEADLINE or. laily .rw. I lour heailltn Vaneom -I J lUlerjryineti l.ivlurrd for failing jlrt Aid Liquor Heform" leave. a hail tmpreion "in many nn- llial mind. Why I r hard ' lit hoosl lite slock, nf Attorney, iSeneral .lahon? Why nAI ay In jour headline .Man.on With draw Object iotialde Phrase.. The Minilerial .oeiatinr, fought liwiiti and nail against Premier Oliver's government sate of 'liquor. When II p.tet Ihej- aid v will reniain n.ubM anil . how il work." Il wa a rolwal failure under Mr. Karri" administration and II I a roloal failure under Mr. ness, village ami rilv. that these .Manons administration. men were under appointment of Mr. Mann trie- In put Ihe lioil which i given llirou;!i thhlam on Ihe municipalities. Ihe ttcople and that any ntiUance or 'Senate and Ihe lUergy. He pas. jahiise of ttower so conferred was cd the buck' to Hie niunicipali- disloyally lo iioi a wen a tonic, i nej- rriauairn. "r i--i men. Ihe name r some ruler. me nuck lo llie enate ami rfn . . i . .. 1 1 I . it- . t. . 1 1 .. t I tin were a a nan ni"ii in uie- n-!inai MPfiiy iiy rt-iuan-i. I HI of Hie i.eorle while lhoe oflnow now naei naei Ihe llie huck imck lo Ihe oilier were a erfunie. 'Jualificalion of a ehief, Sitehrer .aid. were that should hae a mind of hi- owTi:fjn .... ... . . should make it known lo In- in eo- i t'un'rrcmil.ilpil mi hiii? IIik iiriiMirliinilv niul lakinir .'iilvaniaze . . . . .. v. ... c " " jl'ie; ami ne snouiu i- wuunv "nol of it. Such is. the spirit that gel- tilings. If it were mauifesledr.a.nn Mn, dhale on all iue.j a little more generally Prince Hupert would he nrought more diIinctly into the limelight and eventually would gain -ome-thiiig langilile thruugh iL Th; fact that Commi.ioner Mather-lull stated Prince Hupert was not generally known as poihIe grain shif-pinx lrl indicates that some good effective msronary work, has heen done by Uie local men even if no other result oldaiu.t from IhHr inteniew. Many Admire Frank Statements. While the?e little outbreaks of the Attorney. General in tell ing ix-ople what he thiiiks of them without employing varnished language may be criticized byome person, they at least indi rate Mr. .Maiisou'a sincerity and show that he i lied to no one. MrMuiisoii ha) narrowly than once when he assaulted the dignity of benign organization and individual- fir I lion. II. II. Stevens, then the Senate and nov the Vancouer Miuiterial Association but, in the long tou, the average person admires him for his frankness. Between Premier Oliver and the Attorney (isueral there ha been infilled lately a novel touch in provincial politics. Both have indicated mure than once that their .sincere opinion are not lo h i Imp hearing on the welfare of hi people. The luti of a chief wr lo lead hi people in e-ry'long that wa siK1 and helpful, lo ad-ie. and if nes bf. reprove what he knew- would harm hi l-oide.j 16 -land for Ihe risht on all ques.i -loin affeelinjr Ihe well liein? of j i hi people and ela rood examplei 1 for. hi neonle lo follow. I Followed by Banquet After the installation ahnur lhre htindretl people at arount well filleil lable jiijd partook of a 1 three four meal well .prepared Clenrv and lhal --accable body I'r.lnf mrn rtrnl ilC. .Mill your n;paHr sie him aloriou heal am a l.ihera! in rKtlilir hut Liberal enoush to le Hit uoeliallrnced. Why should th Minilerial .socialion help patch no a failure which they liave oppoed from il ineep. lion i;KO. fi. HACK Kit. Ten Years Ago In Pi ine Rupert January 9 ,1914. The heavie lav pa)er seem lo favor the eily enlertnp into an agreemenl with Ihe prince IHiitiert llydnt-Weelric tVi. for eseaoea geuiug imo noi waier more - . ., l.u..apf r.r aiul nMtortm 1 11 SIIIillIT 111 rirr irif7A i riivi-,. fruit. The dinner ended, a niirn-j . " lierof speec he were made, all o-j W. J. Wiuen.lrr, nianajtr oi surin? the newly.appoinletl thief ihe Portland l-anat runnel i.M.. of appreciation and co-npera. wh in Ihe city- yesterday -en- lioif. iroute lo Victoria. . He stale While Hiifu nthloward wa in-.that Ihe" hi? tunnel 58r.o feel. i : now in A parly of provincial game warden i at. present on 4ame I-Iand near' Victoria. They will Capture, deer which will he Iran ferret! lo firaham Island of the Que.'n Charlotte firoup. There are no deer on the Queen Char lotle hut an attempt to he made lo elaldih them. Tbe Man fi tke Mom J SAY- j AN incubator chicken I n ually touch for the reason that it neer had a molher. OVnHllILXHH during the hunt- ins seasuii "i hear you went hunting with your chum floli What did you shoot T" "Jut Hob replied the hunter. v iii-.. a 8 ri says you an woriderfill, look fail II i lhin lhal you are ickeniiis for a bad attack of the "simp." over Ihe place. ii- you wain to ie your owers a a delcrlfve jul try and track Ihe orijin nf some nf Ihe ruriiors one. hear daily on he street. ; f TIIK latest song hit is 'Chenii-lry Hiiies." It i ai. Ihe air I ery lrong. r- - A FAHMRIt named. his pig Ink because il w always geltinsf out of Ihe pen and running nil O.Nh nf those funny thing in life Is the amount nf tobacco WATCH NOTMC. (Dlftrtloil i4 UM). TAKE SOTICE that W. E. Colli wm. Imlun Aroni, tKxe tMtrtt U Prttw-e niiltrrl, D.C, will ijpljf fnr I llcsnre la u- ind umt le.eoa rilloni t dir of siur obi or mdiii annanca iu on Mriuktua portion or Tilnnin InUlin Hrtrtr nn. i. mm niwi werrijr tnn nrams lino OtllMtn tmnl one and a half fall oorlh of olifrvaiorr I'olnl. The wir will be dtttrtnl fnmi1 l late M a t'H'l a u mi i i i nine nnniwisi or Mrtukaii iiviiai) villa re. aod will tm Uid for do. nmt purpow trrfsi llu bn Armbd tt iMlakjita Toiilts. TaliuniH-iii Indian lit rrrir, Tin. f, ThU nnllrc it rtoatsd on I If tn.iMt M Itw J1U day tt ovintr. ivii. a ropy or mi nuiiic aiui an ap plication Proliant ttwrrtn and to the ffiw An. tt." lll l nhil In the of fire of I tin Wairr Rcnirdfr al I'rlnct iiuprrl, b.c, orjjrrtkiua to the apt'tka tliai tuay tie rilt-4 m I It) th Mid Water HMDraer or itn uie comptroller U water BlfUli, raniamenl Bulldtnra. Vie tori. B.C.. mltnln ttilrij daya trier Ox flnt appearinrr of tbli notice. In t loral ne. paper. The dale nr llie riril pnLlira lion of tlila tMlli-e I liereottjer 11, Itfl w E. Gou.lsij. Appneanl, kullau, Afest, afent. Wed(fVday Ja t y 9 Better than porridge Children are apt to bolt down their food without chewing. That means poor teeth and poor digestion. The best food for growing children is Shredded Wheat because it encourages thorough mastication. Contains all the nutritive elements in the whole wheat grain, including the bran which is Nature's best food laxative. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat delicious for any meal with hot milk, sliced bananas or other fruits. Shredded Wheat friend" pti will 1o hi tf you (end him a well filled pou-h The friend doe not nci-earily have lo he horn in Scotland. ldl yTU ever hear Ihe slory of Ihe seuBtlll that lol mi the lop of a stnov.v chimney ami turned iUelf iulo blark'hird? - 4 IF we ale turkey fitr six day week throughout Ihe year we'd probably enjy a few lantb chop on Christina day. IT i nndertfa1 that mlnreil silk envelofies roalaltdng Iadi. wtmming eoluniee are Ift be all Ihe rage for llie furthcoming wimming eann. W K read lhal llermany I lo ell clinrily slamps. We alway 'houhl there wn. enoitalt charily about Hie mark. When you hear n man say "llitl you ever see Ihe like of I?"- you bet your life he is either lalktnj about Ihe w. allier or Ihe Income lax. INCREASE IN LOGGING AND LUMBER CUTTING EXPECTED IN ALASKA Jl'NP.At:. Jan. 9. According In C. T. Uanlner of Ihe Sawyer-He) nold Lumber (Company. IVJl is lo be one of Ihe biggrsl year in the loirstlntr industry for southeastern Alaska. The assumption i based on the num ber of orders which have been placed, and llie number of in quiries rece'ived. At present the tiemaml eenm In be mostly for pile for fish I nip and dock, to be used by Ihe canneries. The aw- mill TIMBER SALE X 5852. Sealed Terulert VIII tm rereOcil by (tie Minuter or l.aniO, al Victoria, not later than -noon Uie t;ih day irf iannary. "iii ir ute purcnae or Licence tH to eul J.00 feel of Cedar. Snrnre. Item. link, rir and HiImih, mi an area allnated ni urn poinn aiNire or ofokenu Lake haoae t. Iiat Und MOrlcl., To if. feara mil tm alloneii for re-inoval f luntier. Inrther partlrntara of ihe Chief lor. enter. Victoria, H.c. or Ulatrlri roreMer. TIMBER SALE X 5468. mere iii ii orrrred for Mle at Pntlie Auction, al tHH on the toili lay ()f "nce or llie ii . V.i.l"?""'' rr,n lotlwrt. llie Licence X B68. to rut Mt.ft'H) feet HM. of He In M. and cedar, an.l au.ono liii IL of cedar Fulra. tM an area aliiaiei' teteen llanall and Ck, on opiMiiti aiiu of SU.a ,, Banre .rr r ,Mr lei l.;Mrl,M'., !r,lr"-" "t Chief rorM. are a s 4 a tltr ordd and t ompav d wi Mi the prope' -live cui -iiirr ihe t-ornpany had last year, ti i certain thai the pre.eiit year will wllne me eullins of a great deal iiiorr tlnilier than did H'J.1. lHO ACT. Mtlkt'ef Intaet'M U p LaaML4. ' In Skeeaie Land IWinrt, rmwi i irKI T CmM. and :tiMe Zaaaa Maad. t Take ,WW thst Oenrre kerr. 'e 'ai to letter, at erliice Knperi. p m i arsdt a ltT t' ftemHi lo lea Ue i MtKHlnf dearrthrd Unit rwinetidnf l I I pmil ptoatied abwat tmr rhaiaM nurlk M lartnvt eaMi ab Ua tUil; Ikearv r4 Milnf Ike aiaMNMlltea ut lb ahner line at rk mh ariHHMl im tanasi a-xi Mrnaar Ut Mul 4 cxncnr or. hw HI and awnulntair. . acre, aanre i i4okai; ittan. un t apptteaM. noovir. k rniiMW A rent , LAMO ACT. NeOat af IMaMla U AeaJf Laaaa LAd i nnwi I. uwt notnei. ne enrdinr biOrtrt f liati Take ivliee Uul turte Murphr. of Prtnee Kwi-erl. h.l . w-ettpslksi rurtneer iKlenda I a4r fw penaiMi la ka the fattowiat drttied land Comniea etna al a tl ptaated ar ! hvmi aoom. eaaierly pM on iani, bear lb motiin or nardner lanal; I hence rollowtnf the lnualiek f the ahnre Hne at hUh aaier mark around Uw oland. retarnin to Isnl of ctAWnenretnebt. and 'on lain Sir aefea iMHldred arte, nwire or leva. UMHIfs S. Vtflllir. lame or Applicant I. M Jiiinl1, Dated lantnUr fjth. tl. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. COAl Ths Famcgi LADYSMITM-WtLUCT Lump and CcB I,M- sterlhio Stave and Egg . We deliver In a , crKa I'bone ur yotir im day or sh? Prince Rupert Coal tt rttent 15. Main Office UcUI Oiln HOME FROM H0L MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraitr SU Slram Heated Hot i Cold Walfr Itale hy Day or Mon P.O. Box 75. Phont U m "Vht 'Beerai&mtaM Bottles of Satisfaction Cajcade" the beverage of .piling purity and tonic tang g'vJ the perfection of satisfaction. "J brewed right and bottled tight the most elaborately equipped brewery on the Pacific CoJit. Experience the tatitfaction of drinking llritith Columbia' b,tr INSIST on "CauadS ' i Government Liquor Stort. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Tula dvurtiviiiiul la not publUlieit er by tha Mquor Control Uurrf or M Goyerninnit of llrillaa .tivi"'