WkM Ymi Wul A TAXIQQ in a harry WW 'Pbene tt t Care and Bast Servloe I n tha City. Rates Reasonable VOI, XIV, NO; 7. OTTAWA, J cm. U. Not iuce I he days before t fori nut ion i tlic King cuinnei nil i lie iMiiiiicai siiuaiiou aroused u muni uml comment ii II is ilituig' today. The arrival here tomorrow of Hon. T. A. iJrernr and Pre nirr Donning of .Snsknlrliewun will, it is rxjici led, lterul Jlie iprmiig "f direct negotiation for a wider western' repreenta Lnii in the canuicL The emphatic declaration tit Winnipeg liy Holier! Forke, lailrr of the Progressives, that hi party I gning "to keep the QUEBEC NAMED urn the suyth, I Manner fly Ink ' next session is regarded as precluding any pus. 'Miiiuiy or a formal arrangement i lie i wren i,iirai nun rrogre. slvr. I t 'I he advent of Crerar in (he icaliiieU would, however. It I felt. - Miiiir a considerable measure of ion. narosse rerooeau lo sue- progressive Miiinort alllionsh ceed LaU Hon. L. P. .(here is n doubt if eilher lie or Brodeur !Mr. Donning are willing to join tir government. UTAWA Jan V. lion. Nar-j It i Ihoiiuhl I hut Mr. Crerars I'ecudraii, I.. . ,i, uicinbcracccssioli lo lic cabinet, would ' legislative council of die eoiilinveitt upon Mime reor- .'!ir poire IH97. lot heen opsonization, the adnpliou of fiseal - lieutenant-governor of indley wild other tn.aller in keep. IirVr iireeediiiir the Ule llnu.imr Willi Progressive view, us fhllHWMj :lnHleUr "vili.r'r - - i 4 Ju -air the veek. I Mr I'rrodeau li a notary ol -I and i the director ol .: financial institution In y We was born at SI. 'Canadian Transporter Due In Im ltirlieliiu Oiunly, Ouebee.j p0rt This Afternoon Instead IPSI ami w a graduate ofj of Yesterday 'jI t nitfrrslly. lie herame al r:-nsr of f.aval University in' Owing lo the misreading of a f!V a,;d Ihe name year was ap- wireless tnrssagr from Hie ves-i Ml member of Ihe legls-scl. (here was general misunder- .-uuncil for Sorel. He was'slamling yesterday an lo the lime u.n mlo the eteculUe rmiiicil lull) an iiihiiider ivilhout MISUNDERSTANDING AS TO BOAT'S ARRIVAL htilUu"- fKtv lie HOSPITAL DISCUSSED Trades and Labor Council Against Reduction In Training Nurses' Pay . Delegate J. J, UillU inquired ar'lSst nrghl'S ' meelin of Ihe Trades and Labor tnineil as lo the inolhrs which had prompted the propjUed reduplions in the pay uf nurses in (raining at the 5eneral Hospital. Messr.s. Wig gins. Mardouald and Mlack all prolesleil against any action I hat would reduce the standard of living uf Ihe hospital girls or that would make it more dilli- eult for Ihe daughters of work- fug men lo train for the nursing profession. Iloss Mackay, member of Ihe hospital hoard, claimed thai a reduction of -five dollars per month and a room in Ihe new Nurses' Home provided a higher standard of living fonllie girls al Ihe hospital than a eoutiiiua-liou gf Ihe prevent allowance with accommodation in the exisliug'liuukliouse. He review ed Ihe arguments urged in favor of a still greater , reduction In Ihe allowance the prevailing rales all liver Ihe province. Hie til Hlnde of 1 lie graduate nurses. and Hie desire (hat I lie financial advantages of the profession he tod unduly, .emphasised. A comparison was also made of the ease Willi whim a girl cnuitl train for the nursing profession as againsl the leaching profession. Mr. .Mackay said that, since a reduction in Ihe allowance of Ihe girl in training was Inevitable. Ills efforts had been to make that reduction as small as possilde. From Ihe standpoint of elllciency, Mr. Mackay fell that Ihe radical reduction proposed would, in three years from now, produce serious discord In the hospital.,41 He said that Hio situation in the hospital three years from now would be Hint girls entering; in December 1123 would receiving 31 per mouth while girls entering a mouth later woild be receding only half that amount, lie felt that It was Impossible lo have harmony and cltleleney under such conditions. . t A motion was passed strongly protesting against any advance in the charges for Ihe use of lliq case room. Hospital conditions and prac tires In, (llasgovv and F.diuhurgli were reviewed and II was generally fell thai -hospital cond!loi In ltrlllsh Columbia oiitd ;profil greully.by' Wpltf&ft r.UiV mtuiodi hi vouV ul.lfti; parts .BBBBBBBBk aHMKjisflHHIaH saV ' - IrmWr sW tf V9aaalsWivVViHaaaaiHsaaaa - -:ur iisaaBBaSBaBiaaeaMBSna!aSBBBStf PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCr HUPr'HT, H.U., VKlJ4'KSIAYf JANUARY u, 102 i. (iaptaiu Kriiel A, Ingram and his Jride, furmerly Mr., Mnrico (Jiiru.-o, uerompauicd liy her daughter, tiloriu tkiruo. arrived m America recently to spend the Clirislma holidays. President Coolidge Popular with Americans Because he Saturtfiy't Circulation Itlt is Plain, Unvarnished Man i1 My MKN" IMiACON, Cauadiuu Press Corresinindeiil. NBW YQUK, Jan. 0. The other day William I.. Ward, an iron manufacturer at Port Chester, turning that hi men ap-pesiWHl' ta.tii4lniult.MdidlY for-tlolviji Coolidge- for Preyidiitf asked u foreman what there was about (Joolidge that he liked. This wa the answer: "lie's u plain sort of guy. goes along without much noise, and besides, Ivvo or three y:-ars ugo lie liv'ed in half a double house for which he paid y:tg.r0 a mouth. He's like u lot of us." FRANCE HAS TIDAL WAVE Damage to Shipping and Pro-Party Done by Phenomenon BIARRITZ, Franco, Jan. 9. A tidal wave here today tore a dozen fishing vessels from their moorings and wrecked then., The wave swept away the parapet of the promenade on the embankment. During the tempest, sand from the sea was washed hundreds of yards Inland Into the grounds of seashore home and shops. At Rouen the tide In the English Channel backed up Ir. ihe Seine estunry and meeting the flooded stream sent the water over the rocka higher than the 1910 record. Shipping has been badly crippled and the river front buildings are f lobded. DEVALERANOT Release of Influential Republican Leaders Is Not Contemplated, However , DUHI.IN, Jan. .It is slated in llrpubliran circles) in .Dublin tlial Ihe government 'has mi In. lenlion of bringing l)e ylera to trial, and this decision-Is believed lor;appIy to oilier pri'iilihenb lle-puhlican leaders now In, custody. 'The release, of the more influential of the leaders, jiowever, is not al present cojilcmplated. If Ihey re lo hn held Hfler tebs runry some parlianreiitarv. pro vision extending !l"l, lemporary power o hold ;liemtl! have, lo be" niade, undUhls'. nmy,be ifoite',.as pavL of lhv iSuiiliilipr (jpiuliinTii gyii r'loii uc lTlrii:li :x. pjr.u auhually uu!l: a jeiej That foreman disclosed what in all probability will prove tloolidge's greatest asset in (ho coming President campaign; he is a "jdaiu sort of guy." and has lived like a'. lot like Ihe sreal majority of his fellow citizens. Coolidge, political record and hi plalform will likely be assets loo, Ihougb both will be open lo allack by his political opponents. 1 1 ii L one thing Hint is incontrovertible is the sturdy homespun ipiulily of the man. He is far from being an ornamental figure in the White House, and Ihis very fact is a recommendation to many of his countrymen. He is of (he Lincoln type; he smells of Ihe soil. He is a genuine, all-wool, yard wide native product. Coolidge's residence, his personal record, his birth and breeding all are. of Ihe nature in which Hie people id Hie I oiled States delight. Born on a Farm r.alvin Coolidge was born on a farm al Plymouth, Y( July I, IH'e. He studied law at Amherst College and immediately after he was graduated in 1895 In. miivi'il III ."i i it 1 1 ii in ill t ii . Mils jlhc city which has been bis I... I ,.f II... V.. -II. rpA ri A in TTfcl 1 T P '"'"' " ',- III rill P IKIAI iuml',on city council, and pro-IvlriVLl llIrtllUnssed steadily upward Hiiointh he olllces of city p solicitor, nayor. member' uf the House of Hepresenlativcs, J'resident of the Stale Senate, Lieutenant' (ioveriior, (iovernijr, yiiiePresl-dent of Hie Uniled State. , and finally President. Elwell Whiling,.-lhe Washing ton corresiondent of the lloston i, I I l.. w .1 Ii. ..! atri s-m 41 a. The Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Hesl of Food--Good Service. Private Hoxes for Parly Use. "take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. CANADlAf?OLlTlCAL SITUATION IS TENSE RAMSAY MACDONALD SHEDS LITTLE LIGHT ON IMMEDIATE PLANS OF PARTY With Arrival of Crerar and Dunning in Ottawa, Much Conjecture Arises rriUliDlUllD iOVERNOR flu OF 1 f LlinUU "1 i r folio. r I married and ha i-" on and -one daughter. In : ir he n I.llwrul ami in I jn"ii, a llomaii Callmlic. PROGRESSIVE LEADER HEARD bbcrt Forka Says His Party Will Continue United With No Compromise WINMPKO, Jan. H. A.l.lre.e- VI a farinem' conveiiMoti nrn iierl Foike, leader of the Pro. -he Parly in Paillanienl, I' 'id lioit, as far as he wa rou- ffiied, Ihe Progressives would1 I'lillnue their present uniled n'y In Parliniiient with no f'luproinise on any prinelples of i weduie. 'Mils hlalenieul rauses ntiirh peculalion as to what the ef-'l would he If Hon. T. A; iierar, former leader of Hie frog reus ivcf enlereil the cahl- -I FILL BE SHIPPED BACK TO ALASKA ON NEXT STEAMER il'ulee Hoy Hmllli of Anchorage, fho was picked up hy the cily f'llce in ,u noyal llolel on unday evening for ucliug praiigcly, appeared heforu Dr. If. I leinayne; Dominion govern- nt hnmluratioii agent, yester "y afleriiooii In euslmly of Bflar tfl. Wiinl.tr. U.C.M.P ""'I I' arrived . In J he cily '"nid llio Vidorla on f?nnday Kht and will be - ntiieed vahoaril nl sleamct' on her return lilp of arrival of Ihe HiitMdian Trans-porler for doeklng here. Having heen Informed thai Ihe vessel was o arrive at Triple Maud at noon yeslerday, llapl. McOickrie wenl out in Hie morning to pilot Iter in. She failed lo turn up. howfver. and the eJiplaln relumed lo Mrt tasi night to find IImI she was mil due unlit noon today. ".apl. McC.oikrie went out huh hi Ihis uiurning lo meet Ihe steamer vvhh li is really due here late Ihis afternoon. The Transporter will go into dry dock for overhaul hut. will not load.lumlier a she is heing transferred from Ihe Japan "'r-viee lo the lulled Kingdom. FLORIDA DESPERADO WAS KILLED TODAY Sheriff and Five Members of Gang Lose Lives In Fight WT.ST P.M.M IH:Ai:II. Florida. Jan. . The notorious Ashley Mohley, head of a gang of hank rolifiers ami desperadoes, which made Ihe Florida Kveruhides a rendezvous for veal-, was killed today h" pi'lioe posse. Sheriff Fred Maker and Ihe fl'e meinhcr of Ihe g'ang were killed in (ho fight. NEW MOTOR FUEL HKIU.IN, Jan. !.."... Gas uener- aled from chareoal Is befng used Instead of pas generated from henxlno on Ilerlfu mulorJiusoi. Hxperiuleids 1 hv 1"'p'1 conduct. lit ed for a year wun enarcoai- htirners, and I hey have been r.oiiid eeoiininlcal ntid otherwise miijcessful. CANADA'S (ITTANVA, Jiiii. . . . .. r. I.Ai. 1 1 ! i C on i ii ui in DEBT tl.Ti:alllj(Jil. 31, wai M5,53,00, nn Increase ' nt. Ihfiijs ... ..i lasfi'yealr. Laborites in Britain Apparently Intend to Move Slowly in House I.ONIjON, Jan. U. Itamsuy .Macdouald, leader of the Labor Parly, delivered a conservative and restrained speech on Ui9 opening day of parliament making no reference lo any plans i.utior might nave in the event it were callsd on form a government. He stressed only a policy of appeasement in foreign affairs with special reference to renewed relations vvilh Russia,. He also suggested social reform in regard to employment and housing. None of the radical planks in the Labor platform were mentioned. An address delivered by the) : Labor Leader in Albert Hall last WAXTITMrMT TA night is interpreted as l''dicating fly)Jlu,Pj f 1U that the Labor Party will pro-i cei'd conservatively and slowly PADTAIM fAAV with no inclination lo pressing j vlT llilll LIAIV e.ireme arncies oi piaiiorm. The meeting, while being a great recent ion Iig honor of Labor's Victory afllie polls and Ihe prospect of a place in the government, was in spirit a serious afTair. Even though the audience loudly sang "The lied Flag" and failed to sing the National Anthem, the speakers, ap parently sensing the serious re pousiiijii).onironnfl party, made ,fevv radicaL re marks. '.'-?'. "Capital today contains embers which a strong wind will scatter over J he inflammable material in Europe and start a new war," declared Mr, Mac douald. "My parly desires' to enter ollice with a broad fool and big heel lo stamp out .every one of Hiese embers." MISS CALDERONE TO MARRY AT ANYOX , Will Become Bride of O. Clconne of This City Miss Vienna Ciilderoue. who has been employed in the C.ana- rdiau National freight office here f ir several years, left fur Anyo.x oeraoi. in o vwk .in vrtii.ii.igi: ftM r-i.h kat K- nffll.llw which has just been published, attribute, his political success o Hie "iiuatily of cold judgment and the 'qualily of doing the work immediately at hand," Ho. last week to be married to (5. Clconne. Mr. Ciconnc has a fruit business on Sixth Street. Mr. am) Mrs. Ciconnc intend to return lo Hie city and will reside on Eighth Avenue East. BRITISH IMMIGRANTS GIVEN PREFERENCE Will net $15 Cheaper Fare to Canada Compared with Other Europeans OTTAWA, Jan. t. .The ministry of immigration announces the' making of arrangements whereby Mritlsh immigrants will get special preference of $15 in fares from Europe as compared with other European NAME OF HULL TO BE CHANGED Called Klngston-opon-Hull, It It Saldi - LONDON. January 0. In? or der to prevent confusion wltu sums him up as a man oLolher ports of th sania, name "Ihrirf, caution, 'courage, bataueo'ihroughout Din world. It l.y con-und ii keen sense , of what is sldered Hkely thai the ailcleul righli" , tV ;.' f - jport !of ;tluH, on he hast cojjst JL was ' gViicrnUy "antfclpaiedJif JiiYjfhiiitt Vf llf vliaTt'g :fy&Qauuj inafvSHomigipuniie ta;.eanu Miigsion-upoiuiiun, u y dale- fNi-lhevni;pVtbllcaii nonilha- vvliich name it is. already known Contfntiul on pugo r-oiet Toi'tfiV11 reiters Land Secured at Friendly Cove, Vancouver Island, for Purpose YICTOUIA, Jan, U. I in behalf of tho 'Historic s5ics and .Monument Hoard of Canada, Ihe Department of Indian Afllairs has arranged a lease from the In-: ior u monument 10 uo creeled lo Captain Cook and the llritish and Spanish seamen of the eighteenth century on a spot jusl west of the village of Friendly Cove ml Ihe west coast of Vancouver Island. There Is already a monument on a small island on Hie yillago erected in ID03 by the Washington Uni versity Historical Society. STATED CASE ISORDERED Mr. Justice Morrison Gives In structions to Magistrate Connection R.C.M.P. Men VANCOtVEH. Jan. 'J. Police Magistrate Ceorse Jay, 'of Vic-loria was yesterday ordered by Mr. Justice Morrison of the Supreme Court to grant a slated case in connection with the convictions registered hy .him (Mag. istrate Jay; on November 30, against W. L. Smith, Frank Fer nandez and F. V. Eccle, It.C MTP. employees, found guilfy of otfences under tho Opium and Narcotic Drug Act. ' FISH ARRIVALS The American schooner Allen with 57,000 pounds ofijialibut wu llio Only boat .offering fish on the Fislr Exchange this morning. The. catch was old to Ihe lloyal and Atliii Fisheries at SOc. and l-'.io. NOTICE ' Camultau. Halibut Fishing Vessel rIJwne.n' !Ah-ioclaliou. A meetiugor this association wlU.VLts' held; in 'the. City, ilallut 8 p.mf Vediie.sday January fy. Husi'n?s--Col-shleratlon and ndoptioa tjf' llylaws, All owmys of Canadian Halibut vessels requested PieslUenl.