~ 1 AFTERNOON WORST bet 18 Prince Rupert Daily The large number of fatal Thursday, July tinjuries f: ightning oceur in erat one tthe 1 Ott ODDFEL LOWS HALL ISAS RNR RARER RARER MARR «ge pUceRHE OB RRN NASER EAHA N ATR SAT T ae ESSER Ree eee an eas iw ted EEMRRHRHOETAERARSARASoG Naas ; SERRA ABA W. Py OO ae Ge ee IO s Assorted Pp ales al ) ) WALLACE’S DEPT. STOR CRE TARP RRR ROR Ree SERA RR RRR ancls =" Crooks Like Priso throat of a sentiment: News 31, 1952 Canadian Nat On BC Alaska GLOUCESTER; Eng Rag- He agreed pri fison re Rated Tops f) A Ni C fF lan Somerset, a Gloucester mag-| within reason ould be istrate, believes he has discover-' duced but sentimen EW YORK—The motion pic . s ed the 1 n why many crim-! not be tolerated where crime is , — ae ara stan ads Every Frida Ni ht inals return to prison time and ; concerned Seine ten : “~ * png , iN S N hh fe res ritish Col- y g ~ = ; ‘ “It raises a bis Alaska was pro- The lock-ups he cl i ional too comifo! Said, “but it o ected as the t a conference of hole in the poc € used on * ement officers here, | of in the US last ¥ eek r A| C ers said it was almost ritative theatrical . cel the food and 1g con- Engines use nigh sp ) B ard.’ y prisoners were a _ considerable j, taken at up to 12.000 po + a o >? >y nt 5 they ont 7 é : THE DIKES i ee what they got tures a second, for analysi ; ‘ ; at home automobile behaviour ity Deily News Want Ads YARD GOODS CLEARINGS Ween en eee Regular Prices $1.36 - $1.58 A lovely mouse wife Reqular Prices Every vard of 1 Every vard first 100% FREE | ib) CHOICE OF OVER 750 ASSORTED Fam s BUTTERICK 15¢ - 25¢ ~.35c¢ REMNANT TABLES 9oNnnh 2909 ge REGULAR PRICE YOU PIECES RAYON AND CREPE 100 PIECES ASSORTED FLANNELETTE rom popular selling Reg. 59c PRINTED PLASTIC 39c¢ YARD ylasti fo Curtain Table Buial tock rous housenoi purpose Marquisette Curtains, and Yardage 50% off cea» KNITTING WOOL Monarch 4-ply Sanforlan Monarch 3-ply Swan Guelph 10°; Nylon 34c advertised first . Buy your knitting requirements for the Fall and Winter. Choice of all the popular colors, REG, PRICE UP TO 52c PER BALL All nationally quality yarns - $1.78 Inc English TOOTAL f Stns A selection + , ' $2.24 $2.84 - $3.16 like the patterns IOI ION LO LO ec IPA IM I GI a Oc OO GO as For Thrifty Housewives! Group No. 1 PER YARD mn of luding rid fam exciu Group pervard $1.49 ae thi q if yr cl] ft el| \ ‘di V ult be ex { oT th D4 red t | quality, tak $2.08 nateri: an n from 1 ilar stocl ALL WCC. GABARDINE $4.99 rR YARD i a ae ee HOLLYWOC PAT NS peas ee a es os < a PE Sy DRAPERY REDUCED 33 1/3': TO 50%: OFF Renin Pees 61.99 Be $2.9R - $3.50 - § ee PER YARD fy rom assorted materi: and patter of choice drapery It tock time. to select new \? ae yare clearing time inc drapery at a home bargain LLACE’S DEPT. STORE: CNR Picture |Not Much Night Life ou are dealing with the pros tors Then ping to evelopment there.” Quebec Port Developing Into Big City Note: Takeoff point for Seven Islands, before iron-ore ir re development development hit it in the 40s, r-Ungava is Seven islanen |was a village of 800, mostly if the St. Lawrence River |fishermen depressed through downstream from |joss in. storms of their fishing ee Caniehes |gear and a band of Indians who i . ee "t : tl eked out a precarious. living ries.) from the fur trade. PES It is located where the St By FORBES RHUDE Lawrence River, about 100 miles anadian Press Business Editor wide, flows into the Gulf of St ven Islands, at the wide| Lawrence, and it shelters itse.f ith of the St. Lawrence Riv- behind the seven islands which is “city lights” for some 6000 form a bay and give the town who work along the 360- its name. railway being built into Today, it is something of a .dor-Ungava and on asso-|boom town of 3000 people, with projects two new luxury hotels, new su not much night life, permarket, other new construc honky-tonk features of tion. uction days has been The old section mostly still but the re are some} shows the signs of the harddays irs and lounges and ajand is still without modern sew- ces of recreation erage, though it hopes to have 1an may forget the/it soon A few Indians cling to fi . while or jioin|their ramshackle homes on the e-song when someone | outskirts though mogern house ut a guita and a large schoolhouse have nes. however, a man in| been built for them a few miles he bush may be lonely.|@W4Y leet a riendly strang- WELL PLANNED will talk with him, Fortunately, the town as orig sis e with him, flatter! jnajiy laid out has wide street off him in the parallel to the waterfront, which to which the friendly | seem to lend themselves to de- has become accustom- | velopment along sound lines. It a week, aman may spend |i, sejf-governing municipally— take he has saved in the!', > 4 company” town Today, it embraces a lot of sANKER NURSEMAIDS territory, about 10,000 acres D. Ross. manager for Im-| with a 13-mile waterfront Bank who has served in Within it, about three miles ‘ther .frontier communi-| from the old town, are the mod is Pickle Crow. Ont.. and/| ern buildings and services of the wkni N.W.T., says yase camps of both Iron Ore 4s nur ea tlk for| Company of Canada and the ip and down the line, do-|COMtractors on the railway and virtually evervthing — for | #55 iated projects except their shopping Within it will be the giant ur ledgerkeepet peaks six | iron-ore terminals and loading cuages. our teller four, and|@ocks, and a townsite for th est of our staff speak Eng- | peopl who will be employed on ind French. Nearly every|them and the railway drop in.” | Jt is even suggested that it s says the history of fron-| may become a grain port, with own is something like!ore-carrying ships returning from the Great Lakes with grain rst you can trust everyone|cargoes which would be trans- {ferred there Early optimistic reports en visioning a city of up to 50,000 population have tamed down trappers, engineers the drifters appear, make a few dollars the boom is at the height Mayor Jack Layden, native of see the same types; some- even, the same individ TV BUYERS When the ae of a From September, 1949, to onstruction period fades, 1ey ‘ nino on Now they are talking March, 1963, 9 tofml of 66,525 Kitin and the aluminum) television sets were sold in Can ada | Paris, Ont., who came to Seven} settles -into an ore-| Islands in wartimé as a radio} port. land operator with the RCAF and, However, Labrador Un now is personnel manager of | probably only at th; end Iron Ore Company, predicts a} development. Some of the population of about 5000 when | optimistic forecasts mai . construction ends and the camer! ay come true. Evenings 7: - 9 : p.m—Matinee Saturday 2: » fan pcs em Ua ie te ) \ ITH i} | at % eT Rot a a Se ok LMF wauniiy _ Techno f mM cic uN aT OTE A Famous Players AME. TODAY— CARTOON SELECTED SHORI | PLL SUJBECTS wet a ' OR Oe The fighting story of the great Cochize! Starring JOHN LUND - JEFF CHANDLER ce. ue PLUS TODAY to SATURDA CARTOON - NEWS Evenings 7 - 9:00 Saturday Mat, 2 - 4:25 CAPL7O. DANCE rripay nici Legion Auditorium Welcome 10 Everybody ADMISSION and Old $1.00 Modern Time Dancing WESTERNAIRES {AUSIC BY THE CANNING? PRESERVING? SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS. PRICES EFFECTIVI AUG. Ist KERNEL CORN 2 tins 41 Niblets, APPLE JUICE Sun-Rype, Vitaminized TUNA Crawiord, 514-072. PUREX Per Roll BLENDED JUICE 48-07. PEARS Pasco, TOMATO JUICE 34.|saut 13: HAND -E- WRAP 3Oc| MATCHES 27: JELLO 3~29c\FLOUR °1.45 ORANGES 288's—3 Dozen for SHREDDED WHEAT 12-07, PINEAPPLE SLICES Q.T.F., 26-02, tin BLEACH Perfex, 3?-oz. CUT GREEN BEANS Sunbeam 87: LZ for 33< 35< 34 2Z tins 29< WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES | OVERWA PHONE 843 FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OF $10.00 OR MOREPHONE 8 24 Lb. Robin Heod DATES ATES 31k: GRAPE-NUT FLAKES 9 for 4.5: 733 gf 90: LUX SOAP Bath Size. 3 Bars for COFFEE ° Our Best Blend COFFEE Our Popular Blend ITEA LT?