AGE SIX. Pre-Inventory C A I 17 Starts Tuesday. Janv. 8 XAliLj m r m - Our Annual Pre-Inventory Sale is of unusual interest. We cannot give a full description here. See our windows. LADIES' COATS. ( Coats to clear $4.50 5 Goals to clear '....,..... $9.50 5 Tweed Coals $7.50 Others at 25 Discount. 0 Hiibberizetl Tweed Winter Weight, value to $:15.00, ai Half Price. Cow Hrantl English Hnineoals on consignment to us to go at 20 off. (1 Dresses, values to $:17.50, at . . Half Price Children's Serge Dresses . '. 20 Discount. Ladies' Kuthrobes 20 Discount. Children's Union Suits, per suit $1.50 Hoys' Vests and Drawers, pr garment 95c to $1.15 Ladies' Jaeger Underwear at 20 off list price. Watson's Silk and Wool Vests, $5.75 values Tor . Ladies' and Children's Sweaters, at 20 Discount. Corsets A variety, values to $ i.75. Sale price Ladies' llloouicrs, Fluccc Lined, while, per pair . . , . Ladies' Hulbriggnu Hloomers, 2 pair for Ladies' Cashmere Finish Hose, II pair for ... Ladies' Silk Hoot Hose, all colors, per pair Ladies' Ilealher Hose, Penman make, tier pair .... $3.50 $2.95 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 . . 75c . . 65c Ladies' Waists, I) dozen, Tricolletts, Crepe de Chcne, Silks, etc., io clear at $2.95 7 inch Plain and Plaid Coatings, per yard ... ...... $2.65 Childrens' Mitts, values to 75c, per pair 50c Hoys' Toques, values to 00c, each 65c Ladies' Kid Gloves, :i colors, pair $1.00 Kinhroidered Pillow Slips, $3.50 values for $2.65 Chamoiselte Gloves, at per pair . .s. 95c Hlankets, 7 lb. weight, all wool, per pair , $9.50 0 only Soiled Hlankels, to clear at per pair $5.00 Yarn, H ply, J colors, at per lb $1.25 Curtains, Cream Scrim Lace Trimmed, per pair .... $1.95 Mens' Khaki Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c Men's White Handkerchiefs, each 10c Mens' Cashmere Sox, per pair 50c The Store and Windows are Full of Desirable Merchandise at Great Reductions. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 A Powerful Melodrama of Modern Domestic Tangles. "Jealous Husbands" A story of blind husband and indiscreet wives, a wife's indiscretion and a husband's folly. A slory for wives, husbands and sweethearts. Girls see "Jealous Husbands" before you tell him "yes.." Earle Williams, Jane Novak, Ben Alexander "Penrod," George Siegmann and Bull Montana. COMEDY "HELLO PARDNERS" and FOX NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. Phone 84 Cash & Carry Janis, strawberry, Hasp-berry, Hlaek Currant, per (in 90c Jams, all other kinds, per tin .... 75c, Syrup, 5 lb. tins, per tin 55c Syrup, lb, tins, per tin 23c Strawberries, per (in .. 45o Raspberries, per tin ., 40c HlaekbcrrlC, per tin .. 35c Loganberries, per (in .. 35c Pnars, per tin 30c Peaches, per tin ... ... 40c All Orders over $10.00 Delivered ECONOMY STORE B " rilfcll NIVIIUO F-ttV 111 I 1 OCPer CentOC I J Discount J on all COATS "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. ANEW YEAR RESOLUTION TO SAVE MONEY AT THE FARMERS' MEAT MARKET. Here's How Itoliiu Hood Flour, i'J's $1.80 Koliin Hood Flour, U8's $3.50 Itailiiuii Flour, US's .. $3.00 Ilolled Oats, G's 25c l'ulatoes, Karly Hose, sack ... $1.60 i:.C.I), Huller, lb. ... 47c Pullet Kggs, 3 doz. for $1.35 Farmers' Tea, per lb. . . B5c Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. 50c " Sunkist Lemons, doz, ,. 25c Honeless llnm, per lb. ., 25c Premium Hacon, in piece, ll. ... ... ... ... 45o Llbby's Catsup, bottle 25o FARMERS Marie Phone Blue 42S. Dr. E. S. TAIT DEDfTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINOE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U 8? Phone M. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. LOCAL MASONS ARE -GOING TO SMITHERS Officers of Omlneca Lodge are to be Installed A parly of local Masons 'will leave on Die easlbound train tonight for Sinithers to undertake Hie installation of oillcers of the Ominccu Lodge. Included in the party will be Aid. Geo. Mnuro. district deputy, C. II. Onne, A. . hilge, A alter Gale, Fred Stork, M.P., Dr. V. T. Kergin, h. It. Mortimer, W, G. Orchard, Frank Dibb, W. I). Vance, T. McMeekin, Percy Tinker. K. Un-win, George Frizzed. George Woodland, Howard While, W. II. Tobey, II, F. McNaughton, Dr. II. h. nrmayne, W. Hughes, Frank Morris and G. V. F.vitl. The party will return to the city on Friday night. UNITED STATES TO QUELL PIRATES ON THE YANGTSE RIYER HAN FItANCltM'.0, Jan. 0. Or ders suspending naval construc tion temporarily on the Pacific coast lias disclosed that the kov- ernment plans to build a flotilla of light boat solely for the purpose of combatting pirates on the vangtse river in China. It was said that the Helhlehein plant here and t lie Todd plant at "Ta-conia wilf be able to bid on the vessels, if emigres grant an appropriation for their const ruc- Stion. iDBreinraiT rrr,i innr uimi LAR WITH AMERICANS BECAUSE HE IS PLAIN, UN. VARNISHED MAN. (continued from pace one) lion, but bis bat was not definitely in the ring until Dec. 9, jwben Frank W. Sterns, one of fills close friends and political advisers, made the announcement of his candidacy. William M. Huder, Massachusetts mem". ber of Ihu Republican national commit lee, is Coolidge' cam paign manager. For several monilis Huller has been ipiielly operating in behalf of the President, laying plans to have dele- gales favorable lo Coolidge chosen from the various slate. With Huller and Sterns in tho foreground Coolidge will have a splendid organization, for in the background will be leorge Harvey, former U.S. Ambassa dor to ft real- Hrilain, a majority of the Itepublican senators and congressmen, and the bulk of the National Committee. Front Porch Campaign Coolidge will conduct a "front porch" campaign. Then; will be no tearing around the country on a presidential special train. There will be no rear-end talks every half hour while the delayed special knocks the railroad schedule askew. There will be no buby-kissing and but little handshaking. The Coolidge voice, while' not at alt melodious, is almost ideally adapted lo the radio. This was discovered when he read his message to Congress, Telephone Specials For Wednesday and Thursday, January 9 and 10 only. SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Maid of Clover Creamery Butter, in bulk, the best butter made in Canada, special, 3 lbs. for $1.40. Christie's Reception Wafers, reg. COc value, 35c; 3 tins for $1.00. Combination Canned Fruit Special, 4 Tins for 95c. 1 Tin Pineapple, sliced, 2's. I Tin Peaches, t's. 1 Tin Pears, l's. 1 Tilt Apricots, Fs. Niagara, Falls Pure Hasp. berry Jam, i lb, pails 65c ftriniesftoblen No. 1 Apples, wrapped, 7 lbs. 50c; per box, $2.25. Watch this space Tomorrow Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 THE DAILY NfcnVB. Wednesday, January 0, igjj BY NO MEANS ALLOW YOUR BOWELS TO GET CONSTIPATED U you allow your bowel to become rnll4tfj you will hivp billou attacks, sick headache, niated tongue, rutil breath, aallow connexion, nck Tlualln twfore the tyn, while cr tlie tyrs ilull and yel low, heartburn, water braUi, He. Keep your bowel regular by utng Mllliurn' Lata-Llver Nil. a by doing so you will bp able to keep well and have oo more trouble with your liver. Mr. I. Hublii, llalbrlle, safc.. write: "I wa very badly troubled Willi eoii.ll-palhm, ofleu trad bad headache, my tongue wai coated, and I felt anything but well. After taking Mllburu'a lata-Mtrr Pill I have relt much better a they rrr taluly did mc a tot of good." Miiiurn-a i.ava-l.lH-r l'll are lie. vial at all dealerii. or mailed direct ou receipt or price by The T. Nllbnrn Co, Limited, Toronto, Out, The speech was broadcast and Coolidge's sharp twang crackled through the air and was caught in every part of Hie country without damage to h single receiving set. Therefore his .managers are planning lo use. the radio extensively. Coolidge will slay at home when be makes of his speeches and every radio fan who wants to tune in can listen. 'the uflieial opening of Hie Coolidge campaign was held back until after the President had read bis message to Congress Coolidge, it Is reported, was personally responsible for Ibis, having the conviction that the people would have uu opportunity lo read his views on the many controversial questions pending before being asked definitely lo Commit themselves lo him for nomination. Flint message was eaaerly awaited, particularly so as it wa felt that it would bear a weighty influence upon I lit l2l campaign. When it finally came, it was just (be type of Ihiug In catch the public fancy. It was . plain, matter-of-fact statement of policy, without frills or poli tical burictmie. Coolidge, did not straddle on a single item. He left nothing out. and look a definite stand on everything. The speech appeared lo make a ravorauie impression. mc concensus of press opinion was that the President had dealt with public problem in a sane and definite way. ami thai his pronouncement would si rengl lien him among the taxpayers of the country regardless of parly. j Leaders of the banking, industrial ami commercial world united in declaring that the path lo industrial prosperity had been opened by ihe President's pro. posals. Conflict With Johnson In declaring for participation in Die World Court and in opposing a bonus for soldiers Coolidge came directly in con flict with Hiram Johnson, so far his only openly avowed opponent for Ihe Itepublican nomination. Johnson counts upon opposition to the World Court, which In characterize a part and parcel of Ihe League of Nations, and support of Ihe bonus as Ihe issues dial will win him voles in the primaries. Natural ly his supporter hastened (o make political capital out of the speech. Spokesmen for Jobn-on loudly denounced Coolidge a a reactionary" whose policies were destined lo win the support of Ihe "Interests." Similar comment came from Hie camp of William !ibb Mc- Adoo the leading aspirant for the Presidential nomination on the Democratic side. McAdoo admitted thai the Coolidge mes sage contained good points, but all of its commendable features were first advocated by Demo crals ami were pinched by the President, he maintained. He also asserted (hat in some feat ures of Ihe address Coolidge proved himself lo be on the side of the "trusts, monopolies and combinations," und complete)) but of sympathy with the "plain people." Hut the "plain people," to judge by the many letters that, hutc been prinled by the news paper, and by Ihe casual com menl one hears on the streets, do not appear fit be greatly dis Imbed by these interpretations of Coolidge's attitude, They seem to share the view of the l'orl Chester foreman, He is a "plain sort of guy," and "like a lot of us," li:y say House of Quality Men's Military Grey 8ox .Medium weight, ribbed. Keg. Sale li ice, per pair . . . . . 45c Men's White Handkerchiefs Kxlrit good ipialily. Hale Price, ea. 10c Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters Pullover stle, all wool, in mmhiua-- lion color, all sizes. IH'g. $7.."0, Sale Pries $4.95 Men's Overalls Willi bill, Jie;ty black Oeniiu. Sale Price $1.45 Men's Scotch Knit Qloves All wool. Sale Price ; . . 65c Boys' Fleece Lined Combinations Tiger brand. Sizes 22 lu :I2. Sale Price, per suit $1.20 Boys' Wool Gloves l.eolher bound, with dome fusleuers. Sale, per pair 50c Stanfield's Red Label Underwear Sizs 'A lo Wl. Sale Price, per suit '. $3.95 Turnbull's Cee-Tee Underwear Pure wool, in while or natural color, sizes .'H In H. Sale Price per suit $7.95 YARD GOODS. While Flanuehlte. Ileg, :iUc yard. Sale Price, ." yard for $1.00 Striped Flannelette. Keg. iOc yard. Sale Price, II yard for $1.00 Striped Flannelette. Keg, :i()c yard. Sale Price, 5 yards for $1.00 Pillow Tubing, 50," ami t" wide. Keg. Hoc yard. Sale Price, yard . . 60o Pillow Tubing. Keg. ()5o yard, Sale Price, yard . 50c po" Sheeting. Keg. .fl.25 yard. Sale Price, yard 80c 82" Sheeting, Keg, 75c anil 85c yard. Sale Price, yard 80c (irey Cotton, Mil" wide, Keg. J15c yard. Sale Price, i yards for $1.00 (irey Cotton, wide, IU:g. iuc yard. Sab Pricu, II yards for ... ,,. $1.00 Children's Flannelette Nightgowns, ages from 2-0. Keg. $,:i:. Sale Price $1.00 (Jirls' Vest. Keg. (15c. Sale Price 40c (Jills' ITiiiui) Combinations, sizes from 28- ;2. Keg. up lu 2.25. Sale Price $1,55 (iirl' Nightgowns, sizes from 8-12, Keg. 1.(10, 'Sale Price $1.25 15 per cent Discount off all Girls' Underwear In Wool and Cotton. The remainder of all Children's Coats and Dresses In Stock to go at 20 per cent Less. One Third off all Girls' Hats. Satisfaction or Money. Refunded JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Special Bargains in Men's Furnishings and Clothing Men's Pyjamas (iood ipialily Flaiinelclle, 111 beautiful designs, sizes :t0 lo . Hale Pnrr $2.95 Men's Business Shirts III fancy ami i:rul colored trip;-, 'size It lo 17. Sale Price . . . $1.95 Stanfield's Blue Label Underwear-Size :M lo It. j?ab Price, r nil $4.95 Viking Underwear - Hold Fleece pun wool i ombiualioii- all sizes. Sale Price, per uit $10.45 Men's Fine Fur Felt Hats In h large uortineul of color, sizes II 7-H lu 7 '.US. Sale Pric .' $2.45 Men's Bannockburn Pants All wool, sizes :I2 to HI. Suit' Peter $4.95 Stanfield's Mackinaw 8hlrti and Coats AH purr wixil. 20 per cent. off. All Boys' Suits and Overcoats 20 per cent off regular price . All Men's Suits and Overcoats 20 per cent, off regular price. 20 per cent off Men's Hats, Caps, Silk Shirts, Wool Shirts, Work Shirts, Pants and Sweaters Universal Trading Co. Mail Orders promptly attended to Phone 375 m A NEW YEAR FEATURE kjxLiLd $A 1 F t Ten urn Day t! Sale iJTLRjEJI 1 F Commencing Thursday, January 10 LADIES One Third off all Millinery. Ladles' Dresses, 20 per cent Discount. II Coal- -Keg, value up lu ijOO.UO. Sale Price $42.50 1 Coal Keg. tr.U0. Sale Price $30.00 8 Coals- Keg. :t..00. Sale Price $24.00 20 Mixed Ladies' iiml Missl's' .Sweater. Keg. ?:.r0 lo 8.50. Your choice for 12.65 Ladies' FlaiiucleU'i Nightgowns. ' Keg. 2.0O. Sale Price $1.60 Ladies' Combination, silk ami wool, sleeved, half sleeved and no sleeve,, knee ami ankle length. 15 per cent off rngular prices. SHOE DEPARTMENT. .Sir. Fisherman Here is uur chance We cannot replace Ihem fur Hie price we are selling nl. Men's Knee Kubber Hoot, while- sole. Keg. !tri.50. for $4.00 Men's Knee While Kubber Hool." Keg, 7.oo, for $5.50 Whilo Kubber Hoots, II" tup. Keg. $11.00, for ... , . $4.50 Mark Kubber Hools, knee length,, rcil sole. Keg., for $4.00 II" Kubber Hoots, while sole. Keg, 95.115. for $4.00 15 per cent Discount off all Shoes for men, Ladles and Children. 15 per cent Discount off all Ginghams, Dress Goods and silk.. JAB0UR BROS., Limited