WRIGLEYS Jifter every meal A pleasant nd agreeable sweet and a l.a-s-t-i-n-g benefit as well. Good for teeth. treall aud digestion. Makes the next cigar taste better. V: r:4 J ytuxjcfu--' ? Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Amir Store Hardware and Sporting Goods C08 3rd Ave Phono 3 Suits W e have o many Summer Su s on hin il will clear at cost tome and look ! hem over. "DFMERS" Phone 27, P.O. Box 327. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. You married him for holier or worse and made up your mind Ilia! you would H'iri with liim through sunshine and Sturm and help him make Imth ends meet apd iluru I lie hone and look after the children and every-Iiihr. Hut you didn't promise lo lie a washing mm hum. We've got 'em fvi sale. Call and see the New Savage Washer and Dryer. "A Demonstration Is a Revelation." TOUR PARTY IS DELIGHTED O.N.R. Special Excursion Train Arrived Last Night With 205 Happy Passengers With one if tin' fair excursionists riding in the oah as tho special train pulled inlo Ihe sta, 'ion, i lie thinl annual Canadian National Railways personally rnmluctcd lour parly arrival from Mir hast a few minutes before 8' clock last night. The party consisted of 198 wonit-n, many oV 'hem Eastern school teachers both front Canada ami Hip United Stales, and seven men. They proceeded ly sleamer lo Vanrouver where Ihey will disband, some of them Intending l0 continue south and others returning tn tlipir homes in the East. I Immedialely on arrival here. Hie first business of the hisr m STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS MAKE BETTER HOME MADE BREAD fcarli tender iunt be airomj-acled b.V an eo ii at, :r.i nnfi jo llin nn lJ iw miru, ana nn Oil 1110 ari'ciitfd rlicqii.' on a rtiarlen-d bank, av- ublp n the urdnr uf the Minister u I'nbllr.ion ItlMAH, 1,ll. U J-l 111 III, amount of the tender. Ilnnd n( the Iki-minion or Cnnada or bond or th Canadian National Hallway Company will almi be ar-ppicrt a .rurlty, or bunds anil a cheque IT required to make up an odd ainmint. ! Nole. blue prima can be obtained at tin Department by deptMltlnir an accent-ind rheuue for the auni tir 1111.00. iiariui a ito the order or the Mlnlaier of I'uhln; enough jWnrka. which will he returned If the In-I tendlnir bidder aiibmlt a regular bid. I by ordr, N. DKSJAIirUNS. I Acting Secretary iienariment or I'linite work. llnwa, June IS. 1094. noor. j ne cot, nrter a moment's reflection, started for the. door, when the clerk asked him if he considered the charges too high. "No,", replied Sandy, "it's Ihe building that's not high When you buy advert Is intr yon buy CIRCULATION, and see that u: you get it. If BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. Has proilitctMl Minerals ns follows: Placer (.old, $70,002,20.1; Lode Cold, $U;V '-'H,0r,5; Silver, $0:1,032,055; head, $5K,i:i5,001; Copper, $170,010,508; Zinc, $27,-001.750; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,408,257; Coal and Coke, $250,008,113; lliiilding Slone, Prick, Omi'til, aie., $30, U 5,231; making its Mineral Production lo the end of 1023 r,w nu Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The. Mining Laws of lliis Province are more lihertd and Ihe fees lower Oiau those of any oilier Province in ilie Dominion, or any colony in the Hrilish, Empire., Mineral locations nre grnhied lo discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles- ".re ol)tnU)"d hy developing such properties, the security of which gnnrniileoii by Crown Grants. Full information logoUier jwith Mining Ueporls and Mops, may be obtained, gratis addressing -L. is THE HON. THE MINISTER OF -MINES Victoria, British Columbia. TH1 D1IET OWH. NO PLANS FOR PRINCE'S VISIT Manager of CP. Ranch Assumes Proposed Trip Takes, Place In October, Without Ceremony CALGARY, Jiifjc 7 "So far as we. know, no , particular plans jwiU he made for (Jio visit of His Royal Highness," slates Prof. V. L. Carlyle, manager of tho K.I1. Hanch. "It is' probable that the Prince will make, a quiet visit, just as lie did lasL.year. "We did not know that he was coming, hut we are deligblcd hy the announcement." Prof. Carlyle did not know when toe rrince was coining, hut assumed that lire' j?U would pro- hatdy take place in October. Will Find Changes I'rof. Carlyle was at the rancli when tho Canadjan. Press got in crowd of tourists was to besiege trie! mtn. 0t touch with him over I he lnnr ilk the purser s offiee on the l'rince v. ). Mo.tley brought the special lnn,f" telephone, and informed Rupert lo arrange for IhHr berths trajn jn from gmi(herg ihim of the announcement which tnnd table Killings fur Ihe voyage; jhe equipment of the train in- ,l" Vr'WCP :m -London. He .down the coast. These matters eluded two observation car ai'1 ",al l' would find settled up. Ihey proceeded to one of the regular parlor typo 8nnlc changes. The gardens were seller about the eity ami see all equipped with a radio outfit and Mnp proved, in', accordance they could in Ihe time at (heir, the olhnr the open mountain wi,h 1,10 original plans, and a disposal. The curio shop came siehf-appino- iv,. ii, t-.i r ,i cattle shed and a machinery shed . "J.. - Wl'l, llC lllDl If I'llBI m - in ior a goon measure of patron- kind ever to. he brought in i.prp were being conslrucled. atrn- The eauinmonf u-n was .tnnntni.i despatched "Uul what will On the way wel to l'rince on its return unpen, one of the most interest ing experiences (he parly had was Ihe visit to Ihe Oosso-Millerd cannery al Sunnyside where Manager J. Field Strang look greal pains to see that Ihey smw Ihe full processes of salmon canning. For many of Ihe excursionists, it wns the first visit lo such a plant. Eneh'of Ihe visitor was present-;cd with a can of salmon. Mrs. 'Strang assisted in extending a welcome. Impressed With Trip The tourists were all greatly impressed with the scenery of the mountains and the rugged beauty of the trip down the Skeena River. The manner in which tho trip had been managed and Ihe courtesy of all the C.N.R. of ririal also came in fur much favorable comment. E. O. Wick- erson, travelling freight agent from Itegina. is personally in rnargo or the parly which was accompanied from Jasper Park hv II. F- McNaughion. the local dis- SK.W.Kb TOIF.II3 adilrcaed lo Hut undermined, and iiulurwd "Tender fur ; wharf nuusiirti and irimm. liviu Coula, i B.C." will be recHvrd i UiU urrice until 12 o'clock noon (daylight Mlng), Tu- idi, Jglf 22, 1924, Tur the cuimiruclluii lur tu eitcnuoii mid rt'piiln to tin- wharf l Ui-lla ;uola, Skiciu DHirlcl. U.C. I'laiis and rorin ,r tiuract can le nwn and KH-ririrUiiii aud foruis or tinder ob-Ulncd at UiU IM-parlment, at tnp urrire lur Hie lililrl KnitUiier. Old I'uiit urrice Hulldinir. Victoria. Ii.i:., and st llir I'un orricca, Vancouver, B.O.; Ciiiire luiwrl, ill.'... .Vainu. ii. C, and liclla c.xila. tlx. . Tender will not tn i-oiHtdercd unlt-ai ;iiuidt' nu printed form auiipllrd by llw 5 uT-f ,hi irji?iii biiu ill Bi rortiance Willi con- I aiiiiiu t'oniaiiiitd tiMiiin mormng. east early this PREMIER REPLIES TO MAYOR'S TELEGRAM Communication With Reference to Peace River Railway Sent to Minister of Railways IMn-nr Newlnn is in receipt of Ihe following letter from the Prime Minister in reply lo a telegram sent by him (Mayor Newton) on June 27, protesting against the concerted campaign al Ottawa in favor of the Untie cul-otr. "S. M. Newton, Esq., l'rince Hupeft. Dear Sir: the. Prune Minister has aslied me lo acknowledge receipt of your telegram of the 27lh inl. making eriain representations with respect In railway extensions into the peace. Hiver country. Mr. King desires me to thank you lor tho representations of your communications which, bv his direction, has been transmitted to the Hon. On. P. Gra-fiani, minister of railways and canals, for his consideration. (Signed; F. A. McGregor. Private Secretary." TOO HIGH A Scotchman entered a hotel and inquired what Ihe rales were. He was told that the charges were a day for rooms on the first floor, $1 for rooms on the second, please the Prince," commented Prof. Carlyle, "will be luxuriant grass and hay and Ihe abundant crops. I have never seen Southern Alberta look belter lhan it does today. Around the Princo's ranch it is imply a paradise. Tho growth is wonderful." JACK TONER ON MONEY QUEST Going to See Millionaires In East Providing he can Raise the Fare to Leave ' ' City ! " Jack Tnn''ii who' i' contemplating leaving shortly for New York and lloslon, say"" he is go- iili? out purely on thAmatler of raising finances in the east providing he cah 'get enough greenbacks locally in' Ihe meantime on his aeroplane crab and clam luncheon liar al Seal Cove to enable him to make Ihe financial pilgrimage to distant cities. The money be proposes lo raise in Ihe east will be invested in transforming Ihe aeroplane lun- cheon liar inlo a modern cod fish hand packing plant. An ad ditional storey is to. be built on Ihe present formidable looking structure aiid .machinery is to be ihst ailed. Also money will be invoked in development work on several mineral claims belong ing tr. Jack, sample ores from which he carries in both "If anyone Jhlnks that I am not coming hack to Prince Rupert Ihey are sadly mistaken" says Jack. Jack is already armed with photographs of his pre sent luncheon bar. on which ho has already done considerable work, and these will , doublless be useful in showing the' eastern muUi-millionaires what splendid possibilities (iie district of nor thern Hritish Columbia olTcrs for Investment. FAIRVIEW CEMETERY VISITED BY THIEF Harry Smith, caretaker at fairview Cemetery, reported lo the city jHilice this morning, that his hut at Ihe cemetery had been broken Into between 5 o'clock YANDERHOOF Firm Firii .jjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBiaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBjaajaaaaBBiBaBB ! I Guide Posts of Business Riding along an unfamiliar road, you depend upon sign posts to guide you. Whether you're hitting the thank-you-mams in a flivver or soaring along in a costly car, they do their work equally well. To-day as you spend your money to fill your needs, advertisements are waiting to direct you. They are the guide posts of business. They point the short, straight road to satisfaction in buying. They will serve you well, whether you spend much or little. Do you stop to read the advertisements? They are published to tell you exactly where to go for what you want. They lead you to values which you would never know were they not there to guide you. And remember that advertising always points out goods of unquestioned value. When a storeor manufac-" luring concern puts its name on goods and tells .you about them, you may be sure that they are worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise unworthy merchandise. ... panied by L. E. Wells. Be guided by the advertisements - - William Evans, paving injured his hand with a fislt book, had tit go to Prince (ie'orge for medical aid. --. Albert Heymann and J. Y. 11. Day spent a few days at Stuart Lake; on a fisliinsr excursion. j Joseph Murray and Mervil Averill are going to operale a fox and fur farm al Taluk lake in connection, with their trap tines. Mrs. O. Ogston and Mrs. R. C. McCorkell are spending a few days oi a pleasure trip to Stuart Lake. ,IIJ, Miss pat llloomfield of' Fort St. James has been in town the last two days on a business trip. Harold Smith relumed home nvently after an absence of several months. He spent considerable lime in the Port Angel ihsi infill ami o.qo mis morning hospital and a quantity of his working . 1,.ininni,i as the result of his trnmc- over an em- clothes stolon. The thief gained Uakm,Mlt wl,no motoring in entrance to the l.ut hy hreaking Waslliri)(mi ,,e was seVerely a pane of glass and blood was be- injuw, ahout le naek ,lmbs spattered on a chair and the floor.,,.,,! 1,,1,,-nniiir it. in pm iii,i'-ii iiiul in kmioiiik uii entrance tho lint breaker cut his hand in climbing through the window. The police are BOAT ARRIVALS, C.N.R. steamer Prince Capt. D. Donald, arrived tat 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from. Vancouver and wayports. Pa'ssengers debarking here included M. Harrett. Mr. Mitchell. Last Saturday. evening a quiet u. Deacon, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd, wedding took place at (he homo Mrs. I". Cilhuly, Prank Conway, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maund-jMrs. Frederick and son, Mrs. and ers in (he Chileo, district when. Miss Cites, McCartney, Miss Mist, Lois Idele Johnson beoame . Smith, Mc. Pond, Mrs. Hal. C. the bride f Harold Kbner Avor-peek. Mr. McSwan, W. Jones, P. Ill, the ceremony being pevfornulMcCuiloch, MV. McLean, Mir. ed by Rev. J. S. Cray. Alter the.Lavell. Mrs. Snarling. (. Larson. wedding Mr. and Mrsv Maunders Miss Drown, Terry Ornio, Mr. and gave a dinner. On Sunday morning the happy joujir roupio left for the stale of Washington in an automobile accoin- Mrs. J. W. Nioholls and family, Misses Drown, Turner and Siolt 'Swanson Day , A. Dealtie, Mrs. J. C. Waugh, Miss Waugh, Miss -r Extraction of Teeth During the summer mouths it is advisable to have the TEETH that should be extracted removed tind preparation will-be made, for PLATES or BRIDGEWORK before the winter mouths et in. Pain will be eliminated. I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors are my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phone 575. Get Your Appointment, Yoday. Clark, Mrs. Haynton, Mrs. Mar-! Rupert, tin, Constable Harry Martin, Mrs.i in ngriiKIHs, Miss Worth, Miss Calledeu, MUs Hattio l'nuer. W. Neilson,4 Mr. Drnugh, fJttrvich, Nick: flurvich, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,, 0, A. Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs. ! Jesjus, J. C. Herg, Mrs. Martin and family, Mr. ami Mrs. K. J. Hinney, Mrs, Hunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Diliney, Mrs.! C. L. Wilson, Miss Margaret Davidson, Mrs. Denson, Miss Rose Duuroe, Woo Chan, Mr. and Mra. 15. Denning anil children, Mrs. Wallace and children. 1). Howell. J. K. Cordon, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Harris (Swuiuoir Day . Subcribe for the Daily News. Smith Block. Sterling Furnace GOAL Dallaarad tn Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Tblt I a very superior furnace coal. It rives a clean tiot fire anil la entirely tree from soot.' ctlnltPTt, slack and dirt. Some of the largest liea tiny plants In the city are now usinr tt vita entirely satursitori results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In I'scks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also A rents for tbe Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Of flea I Hotal Oenlral. Phone II