Serifcan' Myr tary Wright PAGE SIX. THE DAILY NlrrVB. Tucilny, Juuuury 23, BLANKETS SPECIAL THIS WEEK All Wool, Blankets Kuglish Make, Pink mid Hluc Itunler. H 7 11). size $9.50 pair r , 8 lb. size . $11.50 palp 1) lb Whipped Singly $13.00 pair Grey, All Wool Blankets . Full, 7 lb. size ... $6.75 pair Grey Union Wool Blankets 7 lb. size $4.75 pair Baby Crib Blankets All Wool, Jneger make, reg. JM.00 $3.25 Baby Blankets All Wool, yo ami 52, reg. $:i.25. Sale Price, each $2.50 Baby's Colored Beacon Blankets Just a few lefl. Special 95c each H. S. WALLACE CQ. LTD. Cor. Third Ave. A Fulton St. leiephonef Specials For Wednesday and Thursday, Jan, 23 and 24 only. SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Campbell's Soups, 7 tins for $1.00 Your choice of the following lines: Toiualio, Vegetable, Ox Tall, Mock Turtle. Celery, tonsoiiune, Million, Pea, llouillou, lleau or Julienne. Malkln's Best Orange Mar- 65c malade, lb. tins, special Squirrel Hrand Peanut llut-ter, l'ic-Nic Pails, ea. 60o Cocoanut, Sultana or Cherry Cakes, individually wrapped, each 35c Candy Special Jelly lleam or (iuni Drops, .special, per Hi 25c Canned Meal .Special ( Corned Heef, Iloast Iteef or Heef Steak and Onions l's, 2 tins for 45c Per doz , . . $2.50 Watch this space Tomorrow Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Phone 84 Cash & Carry J 1.0. Fresh Fggn, doz. 45c Creamery Hutler, per lb. 45c Sugar, per lb 11c Sugar, per 2 Hi. sack $2.30 Sugar, ini) II.. sack $10.50 Telfcr Hiscuils. per 2 lb. tins 45c Kelclmp, per bull le .... 25c We also carry a supply of fj . Fresh Meat. AH orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMI80LES, CORSETS' BRA8SIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, QLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. TIMBER SALE X 5767. Sriirt Tender will lx rwrlvnl br the Minister ut Landa 11 Victoria nut later than noon un the ilt day uf Krbruary, !9l. for the purrhaw of Lleeiire X 4767. tu rut 3.110.000 feet uf Spruce. Balsam. Ilr-tulork and Cedar, on an area Htuated un Channel Island, Gardner Canal, Hinre 4, Cuart UUlrlrl. Three (3 years will lx- allowed for re moval of timber. runner particulars or the Chler rores-ler. Vlrtoria. B.C.. or District r'uresler, rinr llliperl. B.C. m TIMBER SALE X5851. Sealed Tendera will ! received by the! , .'iiiiriri w immiw 11 toria no Miri than noon on the 7lh day of February. lil. for the purrh e of Li irenre X 58J1, u rui lineal feel of Poles ami I'tlinar. on an area situated three miles S.h. or kltwamca. CaMar Dlslrlrt. Two l years will be allowed Tor re rnoval of limber. Further r-artirulara of the Chief Foren ler, Metorla. II I.. or District Forester. I'rlm-e Unpen. H. m TIMBER SALE X 5763. Sealed Tender will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria not later than noon on the tlt day of February, 1111. for the purchase of Licence X 5763, lllemlock and halsam. from an areaituaied at the head of Turks Inlet. N.W. of ITInce llupert, lue S, UiaM Dlslrlrt. I Two ( year will be allowed for re- iiuoval of timber. I Further particulars of. Hie Chief Fores ter, victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. ITlfiee Hiinen, H.i;. LAND ACT. Notice of Intantion to Apply I Lsaaa Land. In s keens Land Dlstrlrt. Ilecordlna: DIs. trlct of Coast, and situate on Zayas Inland. Take notice tnai lienrs-e kerr. occupation butcher, of Prince Unpen, B.C., In-i tends to apply for permission to lease the following- described lands: Commencing; it a post planted about four chains north of (Jacinto Point on Zayas If-land; thence fol- lowiiir lite sinuosities or the shore line al hls-h water mark around the Island and returnlnr to point of commencement, and containing 3,000 acres, more or less. GEOrtGF. kF.nn. Name of applicant. HOOMES K. FREEMAN. Agent. Is your time worth 250 an hour? if If It la, tb prica 70a art paving In doing your own laundry it ttra vacant For our Wtt Wash Mrvica will take alt tbli worry Ad work out of the bouaa and return your family bundle ewatt-1 7 clean, ready to turcb and Iron or banc on the line. Juat phone our representative will call. Wet Wash gc a pound Minimum Charge, 75c. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. it Sn TRADE BOARD COMMITTEES Executive Assigned to 1924 Duties by President 8. J. McLeod S. J. Mcl.eod, president of the Prince Itupert Hoard of Trade, announces the following assignments of committees for the year 193, the first named in each case being the chairman: Membership David Thomson, S. 1. Campbell and Joseph V. Scott. J Trade and Commerce O. V. I.Nickerson, F. O. Dawson and S. K. Parker. Hailways and .Navigation C. II. Orme, W. II. Tobcy and K. C. Gibbons. Port Julia Dybhavn, David Thomson and J. W. .Nicholls. Mining Olof .Hanson, J. W. Scott and Thomas McClynront. I islieries J. W. Nicholls, O. V. .Nickerson and W. E. Williams. Legislative It. F. Pullen, J. W. Scoll and J. W, Nicbolls. Knterlaiiinieiit S. K. Caiirp-hell, F. (5. Dawson and I). Thomson. Finance K. C. (iibbons, T. Mc-Clymont and C. II. Orme. Freight Hales F. (5. Dawson, D. . Slewarl ami S. K. Parker. Insurance T. MtClymont, K. C. (iibbons and, J. Dybhavn. Civic J. V. Seott, C. II. Orme and F. Dawson. Public Works K. Parker, N. II. Walloon and W. K. Williams. Labor D. (5. Stewart, D. Thomson and Olof Hanson. Lumber W. K. Williams, Olor Hanson and O. W. Nickerson. NICKOLAI LENINE OFFICIALLY IS DECLARED .DEAD: HIS LIFE WAS A VERY ROMANTIC ONE THROUQHOUT (continued from page one) reported that I.enine was a very studious puiul, iutrospiclive in his thoughts and shy in his relation wild his schoolmates. WIiimi Letiine was. 17 his eldest brother. Alexander UlianolT, was sentenced to death and hanued for un atteinpl upon Hie life of Czar Alexander III, which wa orpaiiizcil by a terroristic organization of which be was a prominent member. Not a Terrorist I. ciilne himself never was a member of any terroristic organization, hut a desire to avenge his brol tier's death J said to have ruleij his life. His active revolutionary work began In the early IHl's, wlien he entered (he University of Kazan, fron'i, which he was expelled one mouth later for participating in a students' revolutionary movement. Then be moved to I'etro-grad, attended the university, and studied for a lawyer's de- KSTATI OF ALFRED WVNDHAM CARTER) DCCEASID. TAKE VITICK that Probate of Hie la.t ulll or the above named deceased was duly Issued Mil or I he Vlrtoria Iteiistry of thn supreme Court of ilrltlsh Columbia 011 the 3rd day of January. I0M. to CIIOI..F. All.VES IIKI'I'EI. C.MtTKIl of Victoria, the EirrutrU therein mined; ALL I'KIIMIXS Iwvliiir claims aa-alnsl this ealate are requeMed to send In aurh claims In wrltlnr duly veriried to the imdeririied AMI FI.IITIIHI TAkE .NOTICE thai on ami arter IIh- First day of March. IBM, the Kieculrll will proceed to distribute this estate liavlnr rerard only to those claim of which the shall have been duly uotirieil: ILATEII this Sill day of January, llil, CIIEAKK CIIEASE. Solicitor for Hie EkeruirW, 410 Central ilulldlnr Victoria. B.C. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Always ahead in Prices and Quality See (lur Window. All goods marked lower. Ayrshire Moiled Mild Cured Macon, per lb. ... ... 30 0 Orders $5.00 and Over Delivered. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes. Candies um Soft Drinks, Wo bae a pleasant back room. Come In and make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. SEVEN YEARS OF TQRTUR !E Headaches and Indigestion Ended By "Fruit-a-tives" Thi Marvellous Fruit Medicine Like thousands and thousands of other sufferers, Mr. Albert Vamer 3f Muckinslwtu, l'.Q., tried ruanv remedies and went to doctor and ipeeiaiisls ; but nothinj; did him any rood. Finally a friend advised him to try "Fruit t tlTes" now he is well. As he says in a letter: "Forseven year,! suffered terribly from Headaches and I "digestion, t had belchinjr gas, bitter stuff would' tome up in my mouth, often romit ng, ind was terribly constipated. I took Fruit-a-tires and this grand fruit medicine made me writ". 50c. a box, 6 for $7 u0, trial site 2jc. At dealer or sent by Fruit-a-Uvea Limited, OtUwa, Out. gree. Jle spent more lime, however. In revolutionary propaganda among the l'olrograd workmen than at his studies. He was ar rested, served a Ions term of imprisonment, and then was de ported to Siberia. He lived for several years a ijuiet life, at Minusinsk, a liny Siberian "village. During this period be wrole several bonks on political eeonoiuy, which gave him fame as the real exponent of the Marxian theory. While in Siberia lie adopted as his penname, "Nikolai Lenine," by which lie rose to world notoriety. He Is said to have -chosen it because of bis deep feeling over ihii massacre of several hundred miners in the Lena gold fields by Ctar-ist troops. Was a Wanderer In l!01 Lenine finished his term Jf Jcporlalinn in Siberia and emigrated do Switzerland, where, toglher with two of his friend, MarlolT and l'lakhanofT, be published a newspaper entitled "The Spark," devoted to revolutionary propaganda in Hussia. He wandered from Switzerland to (!er-many, In Hngland and to France, eking out a simple existence by journalist hs efforts, or was supported by wealthier revolution, aries. I'p i 1 Ou I Lenine had worked along ''general Marxian lines, hut In llial year he dc-larhed himself from his comrades and organized the Bolshevik faction of the Social Democratic parly, the same faction which he swefd into power in Hussia as the Communistic Dictators. When. Lenine arrived in ltuia after the overthrow of the Czar, be made bis first appearance al I be All-Husslan CungtV's of Soviets, urging, the workers to seize the power and do away with the Kcrensky government, .Vol havjug found an ear, the llolshevik faction, under Lcnino's leadership, attempted in July, 1917 a coup d'etat, which was supprcKseM by (he I'elrograd Soviet and the Kcrensky government. From July 1017, until Lenine returned suddenly to Petrograd to become almost over night the Diclator of Hussia, he was in hiding. Secrelcil in a straw slack 011 an Island in the Neva, not far from Kronsluill, be re-maiiii'd for days while platoon of hVrensky soldiers, aided by bloodhounds, searched for him. Peasant friends brought him newspapers, ami carried messages from him lo Leon .Trotsky, later second in command of the Proletarian Dictatorship, who was (hen praclically in control of the Petrograd Soviet. Lenine was characterized by observers as the greatest intellectual force In the Ilusslan devolution. He spoke German, French ami Kiigllsh, ami read works on economic problems in all these languages as quickly ns Ihcy could be' received In Moscow. Having a world vision, ami desiring u world-revolution, lie tried lo keep in touch with the thought ami alTulis of all countries'. REVIVAL SERVICES KITSF.LAS, Jan. 22. number of members of (be Salvation Army have left hern to hold a series of revival sendees al the various villages up river. They are under the, leadership of Kn-voy and Mrs. McKay, corps. Sgl. Major W. Wrlghl, Post Scrgeunt Major J. Freak, Secretary 11. lioltnn, Quartermaster S. Kennedy. Song Leader 11. Huberts, Sgt. Mrs. J lvUi'dt, Collecting KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS INSTALLED OFFICERS F. W. Wesoh Is Chancellor Com mander for Year and John Bulger, Vice Olllcer.. of Skeena Lodue Xo 15, Knights of Pvlhias. were duly installed last night by Deputy (Iraud Chancellor P. II. Linzey. They arc: Chancellor Commander, K. W. Wescli. Vice Chancellor, John llulger. PiTlate, II. Hawkins. Master of Work. U. M. Hlake. Keeper 0f Hecords and Seals. vt . v. Wood. .Master of Finance. Sid lluinb- liu. Master of F.xchciucr, (icortre Johnstone. Master at Arms, Love. inner Unard, W. Perkins. Outer (iuaid, F. W. Hall. NEW HAZELTON A petition is being circulated II ski II L" tlu I liinii Minn I U ; 'Hoard uml the Canadian S'ulionu' J Hailways to eslabllrh a national 1 Park in mis district. Harrison K. Clement, formerly (engineer in charge of the Delta ami llfgblaml Hoy mines here, has been appointed manager of 'the Premier Paymaster nilnc land the United Mineral Lauds Co. with headquarters at Sail Lake City. Fffty young folks last week enjoyed the annual sleigh ride ghen by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mcl.eod of Vancouver, who for merly resided here. Albiu llaggluiid and Ijjwlu Slraiidiuist, who ivecnlly arrived in the district, have purchased farms in the Kisplox Valley. NOTICE Advertisers are remind- ed that copy for adver- tisements should be In the Daily News office before i p.m. today to ensure in- sertion in tomorrow's els- sue. tf SYNOPSIS OF UNDaCT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant unrsrv4. surveyed Crown landa mar b")ir.mptd b) llrttlah subjacta over II years of at. an4 bf aliens on declaring- Intantion to becom British subjects, conditional upon rasldeoca, occuiftloh. tni Improvament for atrtcultural purposas. Full Information concerning reg-il-atlona refardlnr pra-emptlona li Ivan In Hullatln No. I, Land Hvriaa. How to Pra-ampt Land," copias of hlcb can b obtalnad frea of chart if addreaslnc tha Uapartmanl of lnda. Victoria, B.C, or to any Oov-rnmtnt Astnt. , neeord will ba (ranted covarlnt jnlr land sultabla for ajrlcuHural purpoata, and which Is not Umber-land, l.o, carrying ovar 1.000 board feet par aero weat of tha Coait Itanc tnd 1,000 fatt par acra east of that Ranee. Applltatlona for pra-amptlona are o be addreeeed. to the Land Com-mlaaloner of the Iind Hecordlnt t vision. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are maue on prinlal forma, coplea of which can be obtalnad from the Land Commlaaloner. Pra-emptlona muat be occupied for fire years and Improvements made lo value of lit par. acre. Includlnt clearing- and cultivating at least rive acres, before a Crown Grant can ba received. For more detailed Information aae the Hullatln low to Pre-empt Lend." PURCHASE, Applications are received for 'pur chaae of vacant and ynrteerved Crown landa. not being tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaes; minimum price or first-class (arable) land Is It per acre, and aecond-claas (grating) land 12.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leal of Crown landa Is given In Bulletin No. It. Ind Series, "Purchase and Leaae of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial altes on, limber land, not etceedlnf it acres, may be purchased or leased, the con dltlons Including. payment ' of stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES t.'nurve-ed areaa, not esceedlng It acres, may be leaaed as homesltas, conditional upon a dwelling belnC erected In the first yesr, title being obtainable after realdeilce and Ira-' provrment condition! are fulfilled and land haa been surveyed. LEASES For grating and Industrial pur. poaea areas not exceeding (49 acre may be leaaed by on pei-eon ar a company, ' GrlAZINQ Under the Orating Act the Prar. Ince la divided Into grating districts and the range administered under 1 Orating Commissioner. Annuel' grstlng permits ar lamed baled on numbers ranged, priority being given o eaiabllehed owners. Htoek.ownera .nay. form aaenclatlons . for rantt nansment, Free, or partially free, erinlta are available for settlers, -ampere and travellers, up to tan uid. Phone 376 The House MACKINAW Coats and Shirts BOYS' MACKINAW COATS. .12 oz. all wool, in laucy cheek. tle.-iKii. .Sixes 21 Heg, ll.U0. .Now ... .-. J4.M MEN'S MACKINAW COATS. .12 oz. all wool. Sizes :w-H. IU ?HMHi. Now . J7.M MEN'S MACKINAW 8HIRTS !I2 uz. all wool. Slatifiehl'' liiiike. Ilrff. Vut. Now $5.95 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. -1 Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 BETTYllPSON In "The Woman with 4 Faces" It's u. Melodnma. h"i the Melo ha kjd gline hiid h d rain a is leue ami holding. The story of 11 otilhful, h " tifnl. killed, coiitiimmate girl rrook with a charming c sonulily, who dplured thf heart of a oiing di-lnct iittornr Hctty in four ditincl rharacterizalioiis to cnlhrall aiid in . tify joti, Th" iiiz'-wiiiiniig criHtk play uf the scrrc Itichanl Dix ami strong cnt. International News. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd BatUlion C.E.F. aiBHBSSSSSSSMBHatBSSSBBVSSSSSlBBBHBSSJSSSBB Recruits Wanted Ag limit 18 lii 15. Young men from 111 lo (H tan jilili with parent' -oii.enL tlomineiiring VeilnedNy. January tli, u rouiirelrii ive ix weeks' roun-e of military trainiiu will le rondiicled miller a regular army instructor loaned lo Hie. Ilegiiurtit for this iuiri'oe. Physical training mid boxing under quulirhd intruc liirs. necrults will be examined Mondays and Wednesday! at 8 p.m. Admission 35c and. 10c We Cah Cheque. PURDY'S The Autocrat bf the CANDY r World e 'e lire solo ngcnU for Pufdy'a l-'auioii? Ulioeolntcs '! nml tJamly. Mnde in Vam-ouver. There- is nothing finer in the world. A box of Purdy's iiinkcn u ilslightful gifL"ls nil times. Hlart the New Year in the right i)rU mid give your mother, nsler and swOelhenrt u box. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY 18 DELICIOUS AND THE BOX 18 BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. Phone 376 of Quality .t