B7T7JIKI STOCKTAKING c Thrrr fimoua articles real comfort evry man neel; I'almulite Khatinc Cream, I'almotivr Soau. and the nw I'almolitr Afttr Klmting Talc to gl that writ-groomed look without ahowinc on your face. Ktgular orltr 70c HH r - ORMES LIMITED 2141 Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent Discount on all WINTER OVERCOATS STEVE KING Phone 100. Phone Green 85 'I hf rd Avenue Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hour: It a.m. In 0 p.m. Open livening ly Special Appointment. DENTISTRY Dr.- Jos. Maguire t Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SU Steam I lent ml Hot nnd ..id Water Hale by Day or Month P.O. Bo 75. Phone 059. EPSON COAL We can now Supply or FAMOUS EOSON COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 65. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. B.C.'s Best Brew Because Cascade is produced at British Columbia's model brewery, where quality and purity of ingredients, combined with perfectly hygienic conditions, are of paramount importance. Insist on Cascade pure palatable appetizing the brew for YOU. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED JTt It BeerwithmtaPecr TM. by ' ''"r Coutro! dl-played advetdnement In not pnbll.bed or Columbia, noard or by the Cumniueut of nrltlab January il'i, J 02. ifucJuy. THIS-DAILY NEWS. FADE nVH. Void a bargain for men! 70 we 50 PRINCE RUPERT ADVERTISED IN EASTERN CITY Qeorge McNIcholl Draws Attention to Advantages of this Port and Vancouver waicr an. I general conditions f - harbor al holh Vancouver and I'rineo lluperl are such hi In pite t Ik-iii preal advantage over all olhcr porl and lo give mini bams lo IIh prediction lhat well - sustained iliinuliilion of( commerce and industry. The tnin- injr outlook i particularly ..good. The sold and diver mine at Hudson Hay Mountain, , near Smilher. are on n liipincr basja, and considerable I "Vancouver nnd rinr lluperl i will one day occupy tin Maine position nn Ihe Canadian Pacific Coast Hin .fan 1'nmeisr.o and Kealile hold on (n pacific CnaM or Mm United Hlnles," au lien, A. McNIcholl, general passenger or Mir Canadian Xalional llnilwnys at Vancouver, who i at present in Montreal on busi-nfM ami whn gave mil an Interview In which he reflected till! niilifllism and confidence with which Hrilish Columbia I looking Ipto I ho -immediate fu. I urn. i Confident of Future j Thi'ic in no need for anyone ,lo repaid the future of Hrilish Columbia wilh anylhinir but enn-flilcncc." said Mr. McNicholl. "The niilural silualinn. depth of (Uicy will rank in I lie not very! d:lanl fuliirc among (he preat .seaport or I lie world. Vancouver eeni lo have (he peak j'tf had business (-oiiditinu. When I lefl Iheiij Inst week lliere were no It' than nine bonis lying in the harhor refilling for Hie prain carrying 'Irade or awaiting berthing space. Al I'rince lluperl I here i aw ait-inir hiprncnl on Hie duck, one million feel of lumber, and sinti-lar activity in being shown in olhei phases of industry." A far as general business condition are rrinrerned, .Mr. McMeholl pointed out thai in. crcncd acllvily in lumbering and mininir Is re-nlfinz in a Fool1 Saved in A Days! " Nothing but 2arn-Hut could have dona it." ay Mr. A. Sfcrrynua, 1W. John Street, Nurlb, I Unuliuu, --in dncriblriK how br rijjbl fool, crusUd by a K(fon Jim-1. M healed. "The fleth wn lernbljr bruied, bUcteoed and inflaiqed, and X fainird away with pain. When il va quite imposibl for me to move about, mv hdband't mother get roe lo try Zant-IM It wa torpriun ! " Witbio TWO DAVS all anell.r and divalnralinn h id ditappared and pain wa bannlmt. In l"OUI DAIS, through tbw lniely u of ilim Hul, I could get abujt ,a mod ; the injured foot wm ihorojxhli ha.d." Zam tiul e tl fKi' frful aom ptic bealer which tac..iy I rt the tlinof corruption and dixrate and ktows new beJihy tnwe Ko common ointment or alve ran jnuilii rampare aiih am-KuV Ui a l o-day ' UK all ileiler. or I'KL.. llfj-li lot Jc ifxtaee from Zant i o. Toronto. GIRL WAS CAUSE ESKIMO MURDER Tvio Natives to Hang for Crime on February 1 at Herschell Island HAD SHORT REPRIEVE Witnesses Convicted Themselves In Their Evidence Before Court WIXNII'Kii. Man.. Jan. 22. (lly Canadian Pres. . The final chapter in an Arctic fued, refill. Iiik fro. n I he de.ire of a white nuin lo pnf.e. an l'.kiinn maiden, i due lo he Tailed al the Utile harrnck'of the lUiyal Cana dian Mounled Pidice al llerxrhelt l.land. on I-'ehruao' " I. when ...-. deehiiiinenl ofr""' heinp!A,lk nliak "Ki!na ". ' e,am- Or-rk l:p.L ia i. 1.1,11. " II ili.n.l Ilium, jil l-i.l.llne i ' ..t ..I. I'aciflc Ooal financier, whown epouihle for I he deteliiptneut of Ihe Ilulhie mines laler ae-innd by Ihe iiusjieiiheiin in. lerel. The laller inlei-enlH are al lakiniT j-lep lu deeop oilier proiuioinif properly in llrJlnh Oiliiinliia and a con. fiderahle increime In niininir mil put in' (hat province ran he evpecled I hi year. C.G.M.M. Activity Mc MrMrholl In led thai iniich rredil houll lie uien the I'.'inadiaii (ioverunient Merchant Marine for Ihe increase of liun-herinn arlivily alonjr Ihe Pacific Coal. He pointed mil Ihal since .(he ('..(l.M.M. hoal.H entered the texporl lumber Irade al I'rince lluperl. many of Ihe smaller tiiinhcr mill thai were languishing hae taken on a new lease of life ami are now in a heiillhy iKnkinui tribe or Prince Albert Sound, hansr for the killing of. Corporal loak of the' (l.C.M.l'.. nnd Olio Hinder, a while trader nf Coronation (ip'f. Arcnrdinp to Ihe !ory, Otln Hinder' fapey for a yoimjr I'nki- t.t.i ntel .liat ai.t it 1V ft l K lint t ii i. in it'M iii unit uuu 'f a inru.MT f lur trib-vn Ihoj, laIc Yni for funl which ' .Utial.wl iik Ilia lillinfr nf IIia KUHtl l llIIMIMI M all(t J two while nHMi, eernl K.kimo l" nn eon.iiiion. ny mump ai rnnre, (f Knpnn(l ),ishop for Ihe lluperl Ihe boaln of (hi "rviee;,Prror.t wll0e cliarpe reaches liave plven a reuular ami easy. 1 1 owns and villages are Kept busy MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great, armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or ' manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and, how much actual money you can save by spending a . few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS n and wom"ii. mul the lpanst-jiullt" . amJ t of ApapWia, described asook Ihe case under cuusidcra- bail Kskimn" were found not lion, and apain came to Ifie enn-j in Hie uuunering uisiriei inrnuKU composed tif stenmlmatme n, wwr o., ami oecmeu in inieriere ilrder for tit's placed by the rn,,,ors and traders. Th trials; wilh the sentence imposed. This Canadian .National Hallways. iamid the unitiue srtlinir of HiQ sentenee set Ihe excution forj Vancouver ami Victoria as winter and summer tourist resorts. The bulk or this I radio comes rrom the United Hlales, and il is an eueouraplnp and notable sign that aniony the lsilors ap" Inany who are paying second or third calls, prov-iiip Ibo permanent atlractiou of these cities. The increc.siiiK favor which loufisls are allowing In Ihe north Pacific eruises of the Canadian National Hallways steamships and lo Hie rail trips over the National lines through the mountains is also bringim; new tourists in hi we numbers In ViincMUvrr. Mr. Me.N'ichnll pro-diets that Ibis year will nee nno of Ihe heaviest on record in tourist liulllo on Hid Pacific Coast. Monlreul Hiuelle. If ynu find you cannot gel Ihe dally News regularly, call in ami subscribe for it mid have it do. Ilverol to your home. If fended Ihe accused. Mr. Cory did hy Ihe Justice Department. It not deny the charge of murder, was aiiege.1 uiai one oi ine pris- jclusion that Hifre - i. r'... i : l.n.i ;..inMrH...A.. i.. .I....H. ..I r...... .VllIT lllr 1"UIP iimim nun iiiiriivirmr. This hnuhl be noj decision was! lo aml "t .November J, ami l,.ad P-,m-.l a; Kski.no Rirl. wh.ise parents had , been .uu.Hensl. The girl was f I'"!. rSl. I jorse . veteran essenfrer vras despalcl.ed from . 14 W lw ff""r mil.,1 ntlher than hae her lefl a -M" all?"VT .,i..,...nl I iincoiixer enriy in cpichioit nil wariiir uir ih-w in mr inn ,n "Tscliell. bear IK..L- II... vieli.n .,f flmlak. " " ' F , ....a I . lit . (whom he had arrested rr bis part'"-, a "nn.. ; 1 111..... .....I hiMa. I.......n. luiiiusaiiu inn.' jtiiuiM-j in. M.v.i ill Ihe fued modes ir transfmrtation. jmnny Trial In North ...j, , i i.ir .i.... I ansine from Ihe commodious 91 "IIIJ 41 11111 nntrii lH ' a ' inleresletl Ksklnio men, nnd Hishop I.u.as. of Chipewyan, Alaskan cers at Ibat point. The denuiml for n slay of execution continued! however, and- finally the cabinet look up the case for (he third and last lime. This resulted in a de- steamers jn Hie cision lo postpone Ihe day of ex- ervice to Ihe primitive, edition unlit February t. The ilojr sled anil canoe. Jmemher of Ihe lloyal Canadian Indignation j.Uounled Police who, in the ca- loul 'from Ihe Indians of Chine-; llieiiealli seiuence arpuse.i f - . outlet ror Hie producls or those , , rurl(.t Kkinio indnation in certnln Mnarlers '' ,n "PPi-"on made at the pre mills, and Ihe qunnlily of luiu-,ri10l a Nr, . an,, North-'nn.l Ir-d lo the submission cahmel meetinir to Her- bor awallinK shipment has prown 0millk nw, ,is feliow pel'ithms askinir ror the posl-,srt,ol Islan,l. communicate.! ifroni 3110,000 feet per boat lniiiiin-.n ... ir,v.i i.nfore .lo.lae ponemenl of the executions, to . ' lT ' " nhoul one million reel. DuriiiK jthe winter months Ihe small i. lo fhanpo Huhuc. of Hie Alherla courts and " Justice nepariineni. 1,0 " "',,,:, V" , . Hominion cabinet reviewed the ,he flna 'n of a stipendiary mapislrnln Mr the norlhwesl territories, and a Jury i Hrsl inslanoe on Oc-i,,,e cnpinci. Col. J. II. McMullin, superintendent of provincial police, is exneeled Inninrrnw from Vin- Anolher reason f.jr optimism 'Al.l.,i,. HnI), (sl ( llu. ,ya December 7 ami Hie decision . nf ,orja 011 a (rjp of insn(.clion. ; is the growing popularity of Canadian Mounted Police, com- llu povernifieul connrmed tins . i i- meneeil on Monday. July Id. and dale. L concluded five ihivs laler. Irvinsr Popular Indipnalion wnsjt II. Howell, an Kdmonkm harris- aroused, particularly in the cily ler. con.lucled Hie nroseculion. of Toronlo, hy a number of slalo- uhiln T I. c.ir-nf Wlmiloeff de-menls which were Inter denied COULDN'T SLEEP i HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK; bnl eonlended final Hie lime was oners was a young boy or in Mr. u. A. hh.i. uol vcl ri ne in try Kskinni oris. ycarsv. and also that craves were vs.. whim. -i am very iii Jinrri In ni same mXr as uug for ,.,e condemned .Krtl.no- n white inen.siiici;lhp unciviliied rn'iore me scnience oi ueaiii was i:skinui Hi Hnjammcondilion pronounced. The Justice. Dens ie early' Hrihm or Iwn Ihou- parlmcut denied both these allc-sand vears 1120. - - jgalions, declaring thai tho con- CAnvtctaH Slwaa sensUs of reliable oiiinion from, Hislmp I.ijcns, commenting on Hie north, placed the age of the the I rials, declared lh" prisoners 'prisoner referred lo at betw een were so fiiiuk Dial each man -' 'and 25 years. The graves, re-prarlicaUy eoiivicled himself. jHTreil lo were dug, according to Three other member of Iho.lhc department, for the reintcr-llibe wern also- tried. Found i"""! 'f , remains of Iho lalo guilly of manslaughler, Kkooluk,'sK- l'l'ir ind Hie lale Corpl. nuslicine women and (sorceress of ,J'nk' M'"' Mii)rsi nf ho It.C-Ihe lrihi U serving one yiar im- M-l'-prisonme'nt at Ihe Herschell Is. Wat Postponed land posl, wliilA lillpsi and Am- I'ollowlng receipt of some of oruk, males, charged with the the petitions, tho cabinet again ( riwr MiKquoriiibiilt, Iti.inkrul tor iHlnx Mil Wtii-n I rime hmur fnmr avtria. In lo, my in-art was very badly rrfcti-l uy fiirn.iuii, aim my ni'rvri wrrt a ilrraiirul wm-k, I wa very nlHirl wIihIihI, ami mult nut po.nlbly uleep it nlfht. In fart. I n In Mich a ronilitiint I rrll a If I did not 'lh aniwift to xiwak lo inn. I tnoiitht 1 011 Id IryUlllMini'a lloarl anil Nrrve 1'IIN, ind iM-fur li.nl liken two mixes I isiulil enjoy r'"l niaht's ret 4 well as aiiynne. There are lots nf reliirnwl men .wli are, surrerliit tlie saum ai I did. ami I reel mire llul If lliey won lit imly try Mil-bum's lleirl anil Nerve. Iill tliey will receive Uie Mine relief that I have." Prlre top a bnt at all ileilern. er mailed dlrert mi re'relpt f jirli by- Tlin T Miiburn Co.. Uiulttd, Toronto, oot. FiveRoses FLOUR When Iluyiug Flour ask your Crocer tor -FIVE ROSES," J i The Worbl's Hest John L. Agent. Chnsue Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hock, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, U . Phone . Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. Big Reduction on all Coats and Suits BEN T'S i