PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES I IF A Request Places You Under No Obligation. 98 80 City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ..... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ....$2.80 per. inch Local Readers, per insertion... ...25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion.. ...2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion.,... ....16c per agate line All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, October 20, 1921. City Manager Plan Worth Considering. If the people are to be asked In vote on Ihe question of tne adoption of a ciiy manager plan for Prince Rupert it will be necessary to do a lot of educative work between now and election day in order that the people may be in a position to understand what is meanl. Already the method of civic government has been discussed by a few local clubs and societies but this might well be followed jip by an educative campaign which would help people to realize the need of the change and the benefits of the system to be introduced. The city manager plan has been successful elsewhere and there is no reason why it should not be a success here. Alderman And Mayor Would Serve Free. Under the scheme the duties of the mayor and aldermen would be so much lightened that it would be unnecessary to pay I mem as at present. Meetings fortnightly or monthly would be held instead of almost every night of the week as at present. All matters of detail would lie handled bv the manager while mayor and council would deal only with questions of policy. The money saved from paying members of the council would be de-voled lo securing a good man for mnunker. In that wav lhere would be very little increase in the overhead " Expenditure, ' h claimed by its opponents. T '; Present System Makes Politicians. Under the present system people are always worrying members of the council for jobs, or for favors of some kind. Some aldermen like the feeling of importance that comes from being able lo dispense favors. Also jl gives them a political advantage. The manager system iS designed lo take Ihe management of the city out of politics altogether. If it will do that it will be worth a trial. .System Has Passed Experimental Stage. The syslein of government under a city manager is not any longer experimental. It has passed that stage.' It can be seen in successful operation in dozens or cities today, large and small, and in every case, it is said, the change has been justified. . it is a reasonable system; in that it prevents overlapping of duties and correlates all the activities of the city thus making for efficiency. All Eyes Still On British Election. . The; American presidential election is completely overshadowed by the interest takei't iri the" .election' 'f'n OreatRrbiij In the republic there is no great principle at stake, neilherTs there anything outstanding or spectacular about it. In Britain, however, there is the first Labor government the country lias ever had struggling for ilsjife and in danger of being oyer-! wrieimeu liy the oilier two parties working in collusion. It is alinost a life and death struggle, speaking politically. A lot of I interesting sidelights, enter in and the result is being watched ny trie wiiole civilized world. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnrs rroin Prince Rupert. r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8wtnton B, and Al.rt t1t Tu4y, ,U. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, and twanaon Bay, Satvraay, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. 1V?X' P0RT '""ON and Naaa Rlar Cannarlat, Friday A.M. azj znd Anua. J. Barnalti. AaanU Print. Rumh. tin j The Man in the Moon I SAYS: NO one understands women except (he travelling stock salesmen. KVEHY man knows that his wife is like Maggie, but he never dreams of breathing the fact to anyone. fiOMlKI) hair is valuable. It saves the wearer a lot of time and it does not catch in a man's coat buttons. . A ROLLING 'atone Is about as smooth as anything I know. GIRLS used lo giggle, gabble, gobble then get. Now they smirk, smash, smile and set heir net.- MANY a ffirl i9 saved on the principle that if you save the surface you save all. THE old fashion of kissing a lady's hand would 'be looked on today as a fearful waste of time. o THE more bardboiled the egg, the easier the shell comes otT. - - IT is reported that what t lie Prince liked about American girls were the things they said and did and failed to wear. ' THE other day I met a man who said he understood Ihe war in China. I left him abruptly. r IF the short skirl returns if will be like the second run of a motion picture. It will have lost much of its interest. WHAT I like about both the British and American elections is that they are a long way off. THE more laws are passed the more lawless a nation becomes. VERSE TOO LATE FOR THE COMPETITION Two verses arrived too late to be entered in the. competition One is a little too personal for publication. The other follows: Honk, Honkt The gray geese swam on a glassy bay, Towards the wooded shore-line making way; A hunter skulks behind Ihe trees. With ready gun across his knees. Nearer approached the unwary flock; Upon the pebbly beach they stalk. A hail of lead upon them pours. Across the bay the echo roars. The screaminr birds lake fearful flight . . Anil wildly scatter lo left and right. Their bleeding friends left on the shore In fluttering pain, will honk no morei ENGLAND'S GRANARY LONOON, Oct. 20. The United Slates is no longer the chief, ex porlar of wheat lo the United Kingdom. The largest supplies of this grain-to the Hritish Isles jytiy,' com frorm tbe.Jhjm.inion of Canada, with iheUnited Stales second and Argentina a close third. It is only in barley and oats that the United Stales has re. tained its hold on F.nglish iny ports; in the case of oal. the importations have, slightly Raymond Fisher, field agronomist for the provincial department of lands, who spent Ihe summer jn the Stuart River district north of Vancouver, Is at present spending a month in the Granbrook district before reluming to Victoria where he will spend the winter at departmental headquarters. YOU WANT THE LATE8T INFORMATION THE LATEST AND THE BEST PRICE ON German "Bonds and Marks Write VANCOUVER SALES CO. 816-817 Standard Bank Building, 510 Hastings 8treet West, Vancouver, Canada. Monday. Deloiici .0 i TUT! DATLY ITEVS SMITHERS M. Gonzales, of Prince Rupert is a business visitor in Smilhers arriving hrre on Friday morning. Geo. Meliean who has been at I Hazeltnn for the past week looking after bis affairs In that district returned to town on Thurs day and is again a guest at (lie Hulkley Hotel. The Ilonanza, Ilabine Mining Co.'s claims are to receive an in- peclion and for this purpose. L. L Drumniond. a mining engineer of Kdmonlon arrived in town on Wednesday and, started on the I 9 n. . ' .1 - i i ' irio lor hip mine me nejv i v. Considerable work has lieen done on these claims under the su pervision of James Cronin, and a most favorable report is ex acted. " -The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid of SI. James Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ookleshaw. on Wednesday afternoon. The laities are very busy these days prepar ing for their annual Itazaar which they intend holding about the end of November. John A. Ahlrirh, miner and prospector, who has bee1!! a patient in the Smilhers hospital for the past month has now been discharged from that institution and js well on Ihe road to re covery. Mr. Aldrich is taking the Insulin treatment and as he must be on' a diet for a couple of months yet. has rented a house on Third Ave, where he proposes In do his own cooking, il being most important that lie use only specially prepared food stuffs. . The many friend of Mrs. Geo. Kidd who has heen taking Insulin treatment, will be pleased lo know that she is continuing to gain in health and strength since leaving the hospital some weeks, ago. Mr. Welch, Ihe Provincial as sessor for Ihe Omineca Asses-ment District, and Mrs. Welch, returned to Smilhers on Thurs day morning's train after a holi day of six weeks spent In eastern Canadian cities. JAPANESE ARE GIVING MILITARY INSTRUCTION IN MIDDLE SCHOOLS TOKIO, Oct. 20. -Military In slruction in middle schools, higher schools and universities in Japan, along the lines of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps in American colleges, will be in stituled shortly, according to plans of the War Office. Ofllerrs of the regular army on active service will be attached In each middle school and higher school In the country. Since Ihe army Is planning'a re-organlza lion that will decrease its units by four divisions, about 2 000 officers will be released from duly willi the troops for this service Ml'lffAryV IriU'is already'part of tne ; curriculum .or, Japanese schools; 'from ' gratnrner grades up, but theoretic.'iVin'slructlnn Is not given, and in Hie higher grades the training is not com pulsory. The new system would make Ihe training compulsory for three hours n week. Special Showing of "BILLIE BURKE" DRESSES In TWILL, FLANNEL and SILVER SHEEN Tastefully designed In latest styles. Prices rangn from - $8.50 to $22.50 'DEMERS' Phone 27 P. O. Mot 327 Advertise In the Daily News. !?f!TIr 3 tW'WV STYLE az V JtfiWlni&i 9 - I m ! s 44 L j Ten Years Ago in Pyinca Rupert October 20, 1914. According lo word brought here by passenger steamers from the south, a point on the insnb passage between Prince Rupert and Vancouver is heing ford fied. II is said that no hoslib ship could now enter Vancouver. Victoria or Xanaimo either from the south or north ends of Van couver Islamh - As a result of Aid fl.asso Rert's criticism last week, a re port on Hie change in the Wood worth Lake dam site was sub milled lo the city council last nigul by (Illy Hngineer Mason Aid. HasMO-ilerl maintained his stand but Ihe discussion was amicable. a. H. Johnson, Seal Cove hoat- buibler, yesterday morning found a small open boat with an Kvlri rude engine attached to 11 up turned in Shawatlans Rapids. If is not yet known if (here was a fatality. ADVANCES IN RADIO FRANKFORT, Oerntany, Oct 20. True and undislorleil radio transmission of the nvosic of lurgo orchestras Is claimed by the manager of a local theatre. An absolutely faultless repro duclion of the most complicated orchestra compositions has been reached, it Is declared, by In stalling two small ribbon micro phones in front of the orchestra and a third one upon the conductor's desk. 8.3. PRINCE QEORQE TIED UP G.N.R. steamer Prince Oenrge Is now tied up at the Grand Trunk Pacific dock at Vancouver with a couple of officers watching her. It Is expected she will return here later In the winter to undergo overhaul at the local dry dock. dmionMmted fiict fHEN wc say that the Brunswick is superior to any other phonograph we state a plain fact tfut you can prove for yourself by your listening. You will notice a full, rich, naturalness of tones that is entirely satisfying. Then you can be shown exactly how such a result is produced by means of the exclusive Brunswick method of reproduction. Your ear and your mind both receive the. fullest confirmation of Brunswick superiority. There is a Brunswick dealer near you who will be glad to demonstrate for you at any time. We Sign ofSlIusicul Trcstigt - ' WALKER'S MUSIC STORE 5V e . JYVJw MCRAE BROS. t t A A A A A . A , A f , o0Ai In FRESH CHOCOLATES AT 60c PER POUND. HAIDA HAND ROLLS and WILLARDS ASSORTED. I A large variety of reulres with a gml ii V will sHI any ipianlily but it will pay yn t these in Ihe five pound box at this pric. ORMES LIMITED r The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. A Sixth SL Phones 82 and 200 YOU WANT THE FINE8T CANNED 8ALMON "RupeYt Brand V Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Ittipert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in Ihe pantry nro always handy. Hlock a supply on yo,ir boat Ihnfs n good idea, SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News' TUT DADCD I'llii n J '"' su I Ufc.3 QUICK KSSUI. 3