Jay, October 18, 10? I. There's a Difference in Diamonds A GOOD DIAMOND shonM he spark IIiik ! Hear like Hie purest water. Our Diamond Kiigfigi'ineiil TlitiK ure chosen willi Hie euro of long c-perienre in Hie Irmlj mid arc k.J rolor. perfectly cut ami free Horn flaws They will always keep their aluc. bemuse we are iilile to buy in ,c ,ei markets. We buve lling at 25, $.(), 7r,, MOO. .i:0, 5(H). XOIKI. We like to lntw them. BULGER & CAMERON lw LIMITED. Knl'-i our .J. Ciiii.riiitiin be tore N". 1". fffN fciujuiArmL. t ! li I time honored llMif ftendofyoursU I tHfBBIb DotlUd n bond under Nj Ml I' ' I his advertisement Is not published or displaved by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Oovcnimcnt or Hrilih Columbia. the CUNARD ANCHOR & ANCHOR-DONALDSON Special Xmas Sailings to Old Country The CUNARD way i the best .but In- eapenslye. ''any of our most ai'Mculnr travellers delighted with '" 'K'w IhliiLcabln unurii travel, FROM HALIFAX To Quoenstown and Liverpool S.S. i ..i mania I'cc. t To Glasgow S.S. SiihnniH Her. H To Plynouth-Ohoroouro-Londor S.S. An. I mill Dec. 8 FROM NEW YORK To Queentown and Llnorpool S.S. l ainnia Dec. rt S.S. riii i.iaiiia Dec. 13 To Glasgow S,S. Tiicinia .. Dec. (5 S.S. Ohiniliiii Dec. 13 To Plymouth-Cherbourg-Southampton S.S. Miiniclniiia Dee. 3 To Cherbourg and Southampton S.S. Aiim'imia Dec. 13 Full Infnpmollnn tm inmii np Pnmnnnv's Offices. 22 tlngs St. W., Vancouver, B.C. Sey. 3C43. N Delumnieo nml fiun- I In ft'v l.ove sailed on Iho I' Shliu-tifli. .. I ..( 1 I. II 1. .....! I lit. Ill V lliultl f,lS ,n i.iinc siiio'ii n 1111 r i,,...,- .... I'l'iuee lliim.r! s.n . t-v -s. :,iil i Inuiiiess inn. He I- f"f Vancouver mi u holiday expected back (n nbmit a week or I,.,, ,l(iy- ! Local and Personal llayners, Undertakers, l'hono 35 1 II. 0, Undertakers. I'liouc it. TAXI ami Messenger Service. I'liono 079. tt I'll for a king "SUl'IlKMK" Colfee nave the coupons. If . class vaudeville at the Wesllioliuc ton i III. Special meeting of Trades and Labor Council to-morrow night at H priii. KiiIkIiIh of Columbus meeting Ibis evening in Metropolc trail at H.I5. (Jeoige Horie, sr. returned on the I'rinee Itupert Saturday night from u brief business trip south. Mr. and Mrs. Chai's Taylor, who have been on a lri couth relumed home on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. The Japanese freighter Taihu Maru is at Swansoii Hay coinplel in? lumber eargo for the Atlantic Coast of the United Stales. Mr. and Mrs. It. I'.. Itenson returned Saturday night from Alie Arm where they spent a fortnight. A lea .and sale in aid of n Children's Ward will he given by Hill GO Chapter in St. Andrew's Hooms, Saturday, October 25 Ivlwanl Wesley, Indian, was fined $10 and costs in the city ldlee court for intoxication this morning. Mrs. J. O. Trelheway passed Ihroustt on the Cardena ester day afternoon hound to Alice Arm from Vancouver, i II. I.. Whit taker, represents live of Kelly-Douglas A Co., ar rived in the cily from Vaneou ver on the Prince llupert Salur day night. - - M rs. D. J. Matheson relumed lnone on the I'rinee Itiioerl Sal unlay nlfrlft'TrdM )VielnriaWere she went lo attend the funeral of her falhef. ' '; ' Mrs. N'ormaii Wail will receive for the first lime since coming io Prince llupert mi Thursday . iw-lober S3, from four to sis ami on the first Thursday or Hh-inonth. We-lholme lonigbl " I Hit! I WKHKS." Elinor (HjnV siaiMn.-iM'el, in picture and tin- ,Jn It AlifcLS in select vaudevilt- A. 31. Davies. who In en vMling in the city w 1 1 ; , sons, Allan and Frank .lurned lo Victoria I'rinee Itupert Saturday Da on ii 'i ' Th three children I W U a Hourne. former clly poll stable here, were sent on Sa'i; day night's boat lo V;in. c where their father is now 'o : ed. Willi.... (itddhloom, who ! :i been on a business In.) to 1 eiifro. returned lo the eily on ' !i Cardena yesterday nfici nw having slopped olT at Helta Hi on his way up IL'e eoasl. Hay Worlwk, representing F. ii. H.iwMiii, reiurneu io me city at Ihe week end and will be in town for several days. His Father F. il. Warlock of Victoria i-lus jjuesl here until Wednesday. At 8 tt'elock this morning, tin I fire department had a rail lo Ihe residence of George. W. Kerr, lllonlcn Street, where there, was i .nan ciiimney me. il was ex- liniuiishcd by the use of chemi cals and no damage was done I'moi deamei Cardena, Capl. A. I'.. Dickson, ar lved from Vancouver and way ports at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and sailed at for Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm; Ihe vessel hail Ihe following passengers: for I'rinee llupert. A. Iliehmoml. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor ami William tioldhloom; for Slrwurl .1. K. Symonds. Mr. ami Mrs. C. A. MacKenxie. Mr. Iluthetford, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. W. .1. Asseltine, Dale IMII ami Ileywood; for Anyox Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Clout ami Mr. ami Mrs. McCulln: for Mice Arm. Mrs. ,1. o. Tret he-; way. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREfc Mr. and Mrs. T. Andrew are ick home after, having peul a couple of weeks' in Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. I.. M. DeOex, formerly of this city, has relumed to 1ier home in Vancouver after having pent n moiflh in Calgary visit inc: with Mm. J. M. Clancy. W. Ulaen, the well known Auyox baseball Umpire, relumed to the city last Week from a vacation trip East and sailed last night on the Cnnletia for the smelter town. (Jajtt. C. A. MacKeuzie, well' known Stewart mining operator, and Mrs. .MacKmiiife were pa- engers bound north from Van couver on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. Dale l'tlt, manager of the Premier mine, paaiMMl through on the Cardena yesterday afternoon returning to Stewart after hav ing lieen on a business trip to Vancouver and ether southern cities. Interesting matters are on the) agenda for tonight's couneil meeting. One will be the report of the superintendent utilities on the matter of power supply to the elevalor. Another will be Aid. Clapp's motion for the sale of tax sale lots in Section 2 without reserve. The condition Archbishoi l II. DuVeruel, wfiieh was re ported on Saturday to be critical, is unchanged todays Permission having been received from the 'underwriters, excavation work for the II 00 gallon oil R. E. BENSON, lias- jii.il !! ti rued from Any.'X. by ii.. i make uii nfiioinlmenl r..r a silling for ilxcr-cas Mail? hat i ni"rt apjiiopriate for a liifl for Xmas lliiin your ANJUUUNCCMCNTS Hospital Annual lx O.cl 31. . f. Anglican Church lla'zuar, Nov. 0 tf Lilheran M.iinitr, )eccmbcrs2. MetropoU Hall. I1II1 GO Cbapler I.O.D.'k. Hnl-lowb'en Tea nml Sale October 25. "Sun Flower Slftf n'lido- In I he' Mikikrt 1linhlk Vrv- I W nn.l (O tf I .ueen Mary Cluiptcr Wliisi ! Drive ii m.I Dun . N'..v 7. Flks, IL. tor. If' SUNDAY SCHOOL HAD CHARGE OF SERVICE METHODIST CHURCH Parents Welcomed by Pastor Who Told of Work Being Done Intermediate scholars of Ihe Methodist Church Sunday School look the entire service at that church last night and acquitted themselves in a manner that won Ihe most favorable comment of a congregation which took up all the accommodation of the church. The centre seats had been re served for Ihe Sunday School children while adults took their places at the sides. The musical program consist ed of congregational hymns and choruses by I lie Sunday School with A. J. Lancaster at the pipe organ and an orchestra consisting of Clifford Cameron, Willam Murray, jr., and Kddie Walters accompanying. The singing was exceptionally good. The scripture lesson was on Ihe Beatitudes which were recited from memory by CI I fiord Cameron's class. There were als appropriate reeilalions by fSeo. McLean, Hob Irvine, Neil McLean, Itronson Hunt and Hilly McLean. Concluding features were a tableau pielurizalion of "The (Sleaners" and a chorus "We are Ihe Iteapers" by girls of Miss, Harding's class, and a dramatiza lion of "The Ten, Virgins" by Mrs. John Manson's class. Back up School i In the announcement period, Itev. (I. (i. Hacker extended a wcl come lo the parents and told of the work that being done in mt sunt was mis him hoik; ill lank i. l in the it i lane between the City',, ,.. I , , , ., ,. . J he Sunday school. I here were ., ,,, ... . , t ill and Hie Wallace H ock in ,- . , , ,, on idk syslem tliat is (0 be infalleJ no . - .... , in U City Hall eommeneed this ...... ,,., . j morning. The work is being ... .... . ,,,., done by 0 mt day labor. www.. c. Caitil' . . null . . u . bnu'ino' t in- . w- j- Masj ss wa ' fiiun uif Ull . t,, , . ,.. ., . teresl in the church. A. Richmond of the Richmond, Ag a of obervjn(r 1C IZt h.V WK"t 'th nc-hu,,dre.llh anniversary of Ihe 1.. f mad ?l,en'Ve V.toundin of Methodist missions pactions for handlfcg raw furs aniJ furier MimuIa(in;r t)ie work in x-wwii, iic mm nluainieii.-,J,ii him.olr himself with 111. Ik. P"l creations Tor ladies. Kxpert remmlellmg will now be able to be done right in lrine which Mr. Kiehmond re4s w I b 1. , , - ., ... . . ,. I U. C. rraser a soloisl fully appreciated by Ihe ladies. The Itiehmond Fur Co. will be carrying a fulj line .of ' -lovely eliokers al very r''nrtniile price. Any infiiriiiiii hoi .uioiiO fprs aud rici- will le -hi'itv' tAit-u. Kx-liaii.' Ul PI,., tie :?3, services will be held every Sumlay in Ihe Melhodisl Church Ibis monlli. Next Sunday evening Hie Women's Mis sionary Society will be io charge and Mrs Is. The following .Sunday Ihere will he pictures of the missionary work 'i Japan. On Sunday, November !. Ihere will be special Thanks- rivinjc Services. The crown appeal againl tin lismissal by Magistrate McCly- oni or ijiarence Hoane on a 'mri;c o selling liquor to .ins will tn lieard by Judge 1 1 ni Ihe County Court to- :- r(v Patronize Home Industry BEEF, PORK, VEAL, Direct from Producer Consumer. to Uniting Hecf. per lb. ... 5c I'ot lloasl. per lb , 10c Sl.-w HeeT, per b 10o Itoast Heef. per lb.. . 12'ac Steak, per lb 12'2c Try a cut of our Haby Heef. Your Money Hark satisfied. if not Chas. Kelly Third Avenue. Next McMeekin's Old Store. ' XMAS PHOTOS 4 Sittitms Any Time by Appointment Hest Work, Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and th St. Phone lied t!. ' True Economy is not so much what you pay for an article as what you get in return. ff SALADA" is incomparable in value. Try it today. Private Greeting Cards We have, without doubt, the finest lino of Greeting Cards ever offered to the people of the North. Nothing better produced anywhere, ltight up to dato and the prices are righL An inspection of our lines vjll convince you that our values are from one-fourth to one-third less in price than elsewhere. Printed at our own shop. 'No middleman's profit. Don't place your order until you have seen our line. Von will save money by doing so. I Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert ; DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate Points, each WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m., each SATURDAY 12.00" midnight. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 midnight Oct. 18th, Nov. lsl, 18th. PASSENQtP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ..VIT?. Pr,nce Huperl S.OO pJIl. Tnr PIUMCE GEORGE. ED.MtmO.N. Wl.V nirt-vl, ill point Enifrn Cnd. Unnml stile. 0tNCV LL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Tlet Offlet. S2S TftlH A, rrlne Ruptrt. ph4nt 2S0 smmsr Until VmiVV mad - y aaiauc cheese dishes with Kraft Cheese you've no idea of how annfiTincT nnrl . -r- , - ..v. aatisiviliu noktkai "3,Ja couPon t Nratt Booklet 4MiriitckMuBiHiMki,t with scores of tempting recipes., Stmt, l.'R 1 .v 43