TAXI fknd Servl, 'rVi''.;,; ',-,,. i a a a i ' If. . J ' Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L J MATT VIDECK, Prop. YOI XIV NO. 247 DISCUSS COALITION PROSPECTS IN BRITAIN MURDER MYSTERY AT HAZELON IS STILL BEING PROBED BY THE POLICE Liberal-Conservative Coalition Canvassed in Great Britain Openly nly Following LONDON. Oil. 20. - In the British elections 1.122 rnudi-- were nominated on .Saturday including 12 who were ui rd. They were untile up of 5:12 Conservative, 501 lihor. Liberal, I '2 Independent, t) Co-operatives, H CommiiinK hi. ui-In and Chrmtiuil Pacifists. Owing to many withdrawals of Liberal nimlidale. there hf 2)7 straight fight between Labor mid (loiieratie. ug Inefly to Labor arty activity in nominating nt the last there will be 227 Iriatig dai contests (!-1 candidate number It, 1 0 W vtim .' are Labor, ll' Con- i'iv. i( Liberal, one Inde- '' ! (.ii-iliility of a Liberal - v ;i 1 1 -iialilMii 19 now be-, ' i i nly canvassed ill the' HALIBUT PRICES ARE STILL KEEPING HIGH . .1 ill r.iiidinie high fur ' tares at the Kih F.s-n- The American boats cll-ilm iifiuiiifr averaad v iivi jnr and Me and the urfti- -Imlilly tinder.. Tim .it- l"i t hr day to to I led 6(1.- , n,t two Amertoim boat ir ;i2.onn pound and five n i l. .'MOO pound, were an follow: American - lilinl. t.'i.iMHI lli.. Ml S I -He. in Dm- Itixilh Fisherien a -i,m Co I . I J.mio lli.. al .Mr mill the Allln Fisheries. Canadian M M Clirtxttifdter. 12.000 lb . l t. and Hr, to the Booth k 1 ' i Canadian Co. ''.in ..f Jacks. 7.000 lb.. bI ' ' nn Hr. In the Canadian i Cold StnrnR? Go. K -amsu, 1,000 Ib. and Mab, ''' . a) tl.Tr and He. to the aman Fish A ("old Storage 0 Dorrecn. .1,600 lbs., al 20c - " Hr to the Itoyal Fish Co. FORMER MAYOR VANCOUVER SHOT Pistol In Pocket of Coat does off Whan Qarmenl Being Changed VANCOl VEIL Oil. 20. James 1 udlajr. .former Mayor of Van- r is in the hospital in n erjiiyn condition as n result of having accidentally shot hlme!f Wlnlc changing liis eoat In the oilier building Saturday evening an automatic pistol in one of the. Tiiii iKi'kels was discharged and lie bullet entered Findlay's ab dnnirn Oct. SO. (later). tninc Fiuillay. 70 years of age. died al noon yesterday. He was born al Montreal. He organized 'he B.C. mechanics for overseas ecrviee nild look thai body to l imlaiid. He was there given an nll"intineiit under the minister of munitions. in addition to bring mayor of Vancouver in lOIJ he was prominently connected with ri largo number of elvic nnd nllilclic or-Kanizalions. r A. Kelly, the well known Oneen Charlolle rshind lodging nlcrator. nrrived from Vancou that bis of the newly weds lo tender Ihem V'T on the Prince TUrnerl Salur- the Prince Albert denies ii:.,. n,i., . . ... . , ,.,,.! ii.,t .iminiire lo lima welcome and wish them ever iiiuiii ii ii j iirtvtAAiiAii mi mi' Loekcpori "l: Nomination TERRACE BRIDGE IS NEARLY DONE Last Span Was Put Across Last Week Decking and Painting Not Yet Completed The bridiru across (lie Skeena Hler al Terrace should l-' open for traffic about November 15. Major It. M. Taylor, distrirl engineer for Hie provincial department of pnblie work. lted line morning. The lat epaH wa put rus lal week and people have Iready croel on the bridue In-luding Dr. H. C. WVineh. M.L A .'he decking has ye to be put unl the painting completed, uwevrr NEW CHARGES RE. HOME BANK Prosecutor Says Indictments Will be Laid, Nature of Which Not Disclosed TOltONTO. Oil 2 New In- dielincnK the nature or which at present are unknown, will be laid before Hie Oram! Jury in eoitnerlioii with the charge- against the directors and offi-rlals of the Home Hank, it wa announced by D. L. McCarthy. iroseruliir for the Ontario gov-rumenl. PRINCE ALBERT IS LIBELLED. SHERIFF IN CHARGE OF SHIP Commercial Cable Co. Claims Vestel Cut Cable Near Frisco and la Suing for $90,00'' Libelled for f'JO.000 by Ho Commercial Cable Co. id New York. the. steamer Prince Albert, fnrinnrlv Hie UttUU'l lv of HlC Canadian National Coast Steam shin Co. ami for the past year engaged In the liquor carryin business south from Vancouver and Victoria. Is lied up at Mc- loria with the slii'iilT in charge and I he n ew paid oh. I'.ialniiiiir Hint, he Prince .M bett was responsible for the culling id the Pacific cable outside (d San Francisco last spring, the cable company has launched soil againsl Hie vessel. The compnny holdtliat the cable was broken in three separate places al the time In question by runt runner" anchoring lliereaboul and using the cable as a catch for llieir anchors. Capl. John Mchniis oi linn i ii i'i o in' 'i"","i- i able mt Northern and PIIINCK on Saturday MURDER APPEAL IS DISMISSED Five Out of Sli of the Men Convicted Must Hang; Other Being Heard OTTAWA, Oct. 20. Without -ailing counsel for the crown, he supreme court of Canada today dimiscd the appeal uf five if the ix Hank of Montreal bainlit' under sentence of death. The proceedings were by way of an application for a writ of habeus corpu the only ground of argument being that Judge Watson, who tried the ease, was wilh-nil Jtiridietion. 'litis dispute of the rae of Frank Morel. fain- liino. Sernfini and Valentino. The ippea) of Leo Davis, which was a Mtrale one. wa taken up and is beinjj heard today. SCHOOL POPULATION OF KETCHIKAN ONLY HALF PRINCE RUPERT I'll'' m'IiooI population of Kel-'hikao it i aunounred I 167. whirh is about one hundred more i ban for last rear. Thai i only dioul half of the schod populn- "ion of Prince Itupert. The big new Kelehikan school, which Cot 150.0(10 i now open and a pic- tire of it in the Ketchikan Chronicle shows it to lie a very fine building worthy of a progressive city. BULKLEY YALLEY FARMER MARRIED John B. Lanns' n of Smlthers Weds Miss Bessie Forrest at Victoria SMITH Kits. Oct. 20 Another veil known fanner or Hie Bulkley Valley, who has decided that dugle bliss and balchiug were not intended for the life on a farm is John 11. Laitgslou. who arrived bae' home on Thursday morning accompanied by ltis bride. j Mr. and Mrs. Limgslun werei married in Victoria on Ocloberj 7, and spent part of llieir honey I moon there and in Vancouver. Mrs. Laugston who was for-, inerly Miss Bessie Forrest of Newport, N.S., is a sister of Mrs. C. L. Dimock with whom she had been visiting for the past year. Mr.' Laugston is a real pioneer id the district, having come here Trout Chicago about seventeen years ago several or which were spent in prospecting, mining, and trapping before he located on his farm which Is about two miles from Smilhers. In addition In the regular farming, "Shy." as he is popularly known, is somewhat of a chicken rancher and has n large and profitable flock of fowl on his place. On Thursday evening a number of town residents and neighbors gathered at tho home - j Iwtppiness, PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper Hl'PF.HT, B.C., MONDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1021. Demits Drake ;:nd John Ttlioo, fihernieu from Newfound-laud, were lo: I ' a fug off the (trail J Hanks, finally to be pu ked up b i Portuguese schooner When they arrived home hleir families were holding memorial services for them COLLISION ON ELECTRIC LINE Two Killed, Many Injured Near Buffalo Yesterday In Railway Acoldent HI FFALO. Oct. SO. One Wnf-uiRii and one man, botli of Philadelphia, are dead and four probably will die, while 75 are injured and are now lying in the hospital and in -private bonies a the result of a rear end collision Sunday afternoon on Hie Niagara FaHt-llurralo high speed electric tine. A number of people received slight injuries in addition to those seriously hurt. LAPOINTE AT WASHINGTON Is Exchanging Ratifications of Halibut Treaty Behalf of Canada (Special lo Dally News) OTTAWA, Oct. 20. Hon. .Ernest Lapolnte, minister of Justice, has gone to Washington for the formal exchange of ratifications of the Paclflo Coast Halibut Treaty which was approved by the Canadian Parliament and by the United States Congress last spring. It provides for a close season of three months annually commencing November 15 of this year for halibut n all Pacific waters. FOUR BANDITS SHOT WATCHMAN Blew Open Safe of Union Oil Co. Tacoma and Then Got Away TACOMA. Oct. 20. Fnur bandits shot August Wolper. watchman 'for the t'nion Oil Company. early this morning, blew open the safe and escaped in an auto. Wolper is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Dulltie ar rived from Sealtle on the Prince Itupert Saturday night. Mr. Dul hie, accompanied by his field manager, J. Tt. Turner, proceed ed by train to inspect his mining properties nt Dorreen and Smilh ers and Mrs. Duthie Is remaining in the rily until he returns. turd' Circulation 1,771. IRAK BOUNDARY UP OCTOBER 27 League of Nations Wilt Hold Special Session to Sottle Dispute OF.N'irVA. Oct. '20. - orricial of the League of Nations an nouiice that a sufficient number of favonUnV replies' have been re-eived froth member nations to assure a special meeting of the council lo settle Hie difference between (Sreat .Britain anil Turkey oer the Irak boundary. The meeting will be held in Brussels on October 27. S 'LVOR IS CRIPPLED AFTER HITTING TREE1 TO BE DOCKED HERE i Towed to Prince Rupert by "Salvage Boy" Commanded by Capt. P. F. McManus Crippled after having hit a floating tree in Queen Charlotte Sound early one morning last week while comjng up the coast from Vancouver, the John Halt freighter Salvor, formerly owned by the Pjicific Salvage Co.. ar rived in porl at 10.30 yesterday morning in low of lite Vancouver Salvage & Dredging Co.'s boat Salvage Boy, Capl. P. F. McManus. The vessel has a damaged rudder and propeller and will go into the local dry dock after site has unloaded a cargo of package goods for the Imperial Oil Co. After Hie accident, the Salvor was picked up by the American molorship Oregon and was lowed lo Safety Cove from where the Salvage Boy brought her to Prince Itupert. The Salvor is commanded by Capl.. Rush, a well known coast skipper. BOMBS DROPPED NEAR BRITISHER Pekln Navy Continue- to Bombard Manchurlan Line North of Shan Hal Kwan CHINWANC.TAO. Oct. 20. Four bombs dropped by Man ehurian airmen of the forces of Oeneral Chang Tso Lin fell with in 700 yards of Ihe British suh marine L-73 yesterday. The naval craft oT the Pekiti central government forces continued to bombard the Manchurittn line Morlli of Shan Hai Kwan. Strttt 40S Suspected Murder at Hazelton Difficult to Explain but Police Working on Case There now j : Further particulars of the suspected murder among the Indians at Hazelton are contained in the last issue of the Omineca Herald published al New Hazelton. An Indian named Matthew's' is mysteriously missing and it is feared that he may have met w ith foijl play. However, his body has not been found nor tract! . of who might have been responsible although Inspector T. V. .8. Parsons, assisted by members of his own force and the HoyuT). Canadian Mounted Police, has been working on Hie case for several days. REGISTRATIONS ! COMING SLOWLY Isiderable liquor was consumed, City Solicitor E. F. Jones Advises and the missing man left the Householders to Make Their .cabin to get a further supply; Declarations Early 'and that was the last seen. of ihim. The police, however, have Though about COO persons since found remnants of clolhing, . have this year paid their 3.00 and other indications which lead-pull tax which, entitles them to to the belier thai MatthrXvs was.' vote at the civic election next done to dealh and his body di?-. January providing they are.posed of. As Matthews left the' otherwise duly qualified and take out their declaration before tober 31. up to this morning only . 18 persons had so far registered lo thus .qualify JiemelYe,.. as ho'useholde'rs." The lime for'ifie''Wlo?evflffre will jSrittrthaleriat thkiug of such declarations ex-'ires at midnight on October 31 but City Solicitor Jones was urging this morning that declarations he made as early as possible so as to avoid congestion towards the end of the period. In past years there lias always been an eleventh hour rush to get on the lists. It is thought at the City Hall that the most of persons subject to the 5.00 poll tax had already il hiaid up s a result of an effec tive canvass thai was made during Husuntmer by (Jeorge Crate who was engaged by the council for the purpose. CANADIANS IN 0. C. POLITICS Number of Candidates Connected With the Dominion on Conservative Side LONDON, Oct. 20. Canadians or those connected with the Ooininion nominated Saturday include: Sir Hamar Oreenwood. East Wallhanislow, where as a Con servative he will be opposed by both Liberal and Labor opponent. Colonel W. Grant Morden. Conservative, who is again stand ing for Brentford and Chiswick ulso lias tvvo opponents. O. S. Hall Caine, son of the novelist who is associated with the Canadian pulp trade, is again contesting Fast Dorset as a Con ferva live. Captain E. Wallace, aide to the Duke of Devonshire when he was tiuvernor Oeneral of Canada, Is fighting as Conservative In llornsey. Percy Hurd, newspaper enr- rospoiulciil. Conservative, is contesting Devizes. BIRTHS A daughter was born at the Prince Itupert Oeneral Hospital on October Itf to Mr. and Mrs. 0 Fasolo of Prince Itupert. A daughter was born nt the Prince Itupert Oeneral Hospita on October tS to Mr. and Mrs Nishikaba. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parties; For rates, apply to Boston drill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE GENTS. The Omineca Herald says: "Matthews was last seen about a monlh a?o, following a general, jamboree held by a number of Indian men and women and hair-' breeds on the reserve nl Hazel-Ion. Durfnz the celebration con- parly alone, and as no one saw after, it is difficult to exT plain who the assailant was. if indeed there was an assailant. and it will likely, be some lime, evidence which will lead to the arrest of the guilty party. ,.. The police know and have . questioned all the Members, of, the parly, except one. who haM since been picked up at PririceV (ieorge. Those people can give-, little information upon which to, vyork, although there ' is 'sonie'' hope for the oflicers. The clnlliv ing recovered was found near lhe:. roadway down by. the Slough,, sor. is not believed that t lie miss-i ing man ever reached South Hazelton, the reported source of the liquor supply. Inspector T. W. S. Parsons ot . Hie provincial police arrived from Prince Itupert on Wednesday morning and with Corpl. Bryce. of Telkwa. and Chief Service of Smilhers, held a consul tation with Constable Cline in Hazelton on Wednesday morning' and plans were made for further investigation. In Ihe meantime several of the boys and girls in Ihe parly are in jail, awaiting charges ot, . being drunk on the reserve and of supplying liquor to Indians. Their eases will be heard this week. Other cases are also e,x-oected to develop. STORIES OF ARREST JANET SMITH KILLER DENIED BY POLICE Allege Rumors Originate at Pink Teas and Other Parties; Drastic Action Threatened Vancouver Sun) Following persistent rumors that an arrest had been made In connection willi the murder iT Janet Smith, nursemaid, found shot to death in the home of F. L. Baker. Shaughnessy Heights, some months ago, Wuller Owen; superintendent of Provincial Police, denies that there is any new development in the caso. There are some terrible stories being passed around and when we trace them down we find that they originated at 'pink teas' and other gossiping parlies. Something will have to be dope and drastic action taken if thesit rumors, which drag the names )f citizens through Hie mire, persist." Superintendent Owen sutd.