PHONE 8 i?i PRiNCe- 1 N.,IM I II 60X392 RUPERT BARGAINS ON JAMS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. The bifc'gest bargains ever offered on Kmpress llrand Jams. Kmpress Strawberry Jam, Vs. per (in 850 Kmpress llaspbeiry, Vs. per tin 850 Diack Currant and Loganberry. Vs, per tin .. 85c (i recti paRi", Gooseberry, l'lum and all other varie- lies in 4's, per lift 75c Fancy Mcintosh Apples, per box 2-75 Mrlnlosb Apples, second grade, per box .... $2.35 No. 1 Jonathan Apples, per box , $2-75 ECONOMY STOR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 Or W'riin P.O. Dox 575. Prince Ruoert, B.C. E Land act. Oman Charloita Itland Land District. Dlttrlct of Prlnea Rupert Taki' Vilire lliat I, Samuel sUnisn. or Marll H.c... (irriiiiatlnii flitlienimn, ln-ifiirt In applv fni' irriiilsslni to lease th rniinwuir ilii ill'l laiiclr. : i;iHiinienrlnr at iiiisi u'miuil Hi-Hi' Hi'' !oitlhft riiniir or Maxell Inland, and thcni-i' 5 main to low walir mark ; ihfiin- fiilluwlnir low water mark In a iMirthvHrrterly direction a ol-tame or SO rhulnn (I mile i i llieme wet-.rlv J chaliif, llieui-e noutherly SO rlialii d ' mill' i In "I of riiiiiiiwiii'eineiit and Containing- 15 acre (more or lean). SAMUEL S1MPSO.V Appllrant. Peter Keay, Agent. "Mb nntmtwr 101 WATER NOTICE tfm.lAM m-A 1 1 a I I. 0 UI.NES. LIMITED, I.N'C 1 MEAT the choicest in (own ami the lowest in price. Compare them with others. Farmers Market combined. Good to Home Industry l'lic canned mtlk industry in Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. NOTICE. Notice Is lierrby riven that application will be made to Hie l.rtl.latlve Assembly of the province or British Columbia at the licit Sennlon thereof, for an Art making provlnlon fur the vpitlnir or a-eneral pro-! perty or the Presbyterian Churrh In Can-j ada, the Methodist Churrh and the Con-I irrepatlonal churehea or Canada, In the I I'niU'd Church or Canada: ror the holding, tine-and administration of the property of I nmirreiratlona etiterlnir the union of the ' said churches to form the L'nlted Churrn ' ,,r Canada, and for the holdinr of the Pro- ,i.riv nf fi an trrniru t Ottia viillnir nrtt tn rrtnrlir Scientists tell us that there is no such thing as rubbish nowa- H!ivi Ttmv Itnvn f.iirnpil IhlnifR TAKE .ViTU'.K thai Andrew Sostad, sources of ku-ut ri.e rtirliief.r Onlfl Mines- Ltd.. Inc.! uAA- I Mia. WO ItriMituuv. New.UltTlL. York. N.Y.. will apply Tor H licence to lake and use 30 cubic reet ier second of ..tor ,,nt the Wnmi ttlver. which riowl Westerlv and drains Into Tkli Ann about two and a Hair nines soutn or tngineer Mine. Tim water will be diverted from the stream at a point about one mile up-.i ream from Taku Arm. and will be used 'rock, with the result thai fewer LIVE TURKEYS AND GEESE Arriving For Thanksgiving. Dook your Order Karly as our slock is limited. 100 DOZ. ORANQES Special, 2 doz. for .... 35o RupertTableSuppiy Three Phones: ?!0,iii.2i2 iul backyards. This coal is callcl "NANAIMO-WF.LLINOTOX" and has been proved to be the HhST by the heavy demand that H being made ilaily upon the local stock. To be suie that you are getting iliis same "NANAI.MO-WLL-LINGTON" coal you should order direct from Albert u. McCaffery Ltd., who arc solo agents here. Their phono numbers are tl' and 564. AND FLOUR UP r-igar Is Easlnq and High Feed Prices Drive Hens to The flour market is asain on the advance. After a setback of 30c per barrel due lo a temporary slump of the wheal market, flour again assumed ils onward Hrilish Columbia has been 'march upwards willi a 20c per inost kihdly treated by our own per barrel advance on Wedncs-pe.opte here. Grocers tell us j day. llo'led out priees are up 'o the demand for Pacific Milk is j.sympalhj with flour. Predir-in proportion's of about 5 cases lions arc now thai flour will of Pacific to one of all others reach the price of 12 per barrel j in the near future. The eg? market is again firming up after a temporary weakness. Wholesale price advanced Cc per dozen on fresh extras and jo her grades during the past week .Storage eggs are moving out i freely with a shortage of cheaper cooking grades apparent. New Vegetables In Ihc line of new vegetables. Drussel sprouts are due from Washington stale thiT week. The price will be from 30c to 35c per pound and t lie quality will be ex-ra fine. Local D.C. sprouts, which are not so well beaded, are retailing at 20c per pound. D.C. growers have withdrawn prices on apples and the Calgary therein; ror the truu reiatinK to general market advanced '25c per case all mill i-illKrrfaiiiiii4i ,iin-nj , uu pviiri - , , ally for the carrying of the aald union into around last Monday. Apples at ef piled at victoria. British Columbia, present quotations are good buy- ,h,, 9,h "'&Sl$tl' WmIM "'- 11Fr0'" '"C Ir-"'ll OUllOok 1 S I Lanlev Street. Victoria. n.C.iit Will not be a buyers lliaikel On bebalf of the applicants, j,,,. . f tins ear. A CLEANER PRINCE RUPERT Some very fine Grimes Golder apples are now for sale in local stores. Lacking the color of tbr Jonathons and the Macintosh Ileds, they are nevertheless con . m.hI. uprn fiinneplv the most ielies now grown in Jlritlsh Col vvrirtliti-MM waste into valuable 'umbia. Tasty, and Juicy, they profit and employ- Many readers will not be In sympathy with these statements sidercd one of the leading var are fast sellers. The orango market is very high now especially on large sizes which have advanced from 85c to as tbev contemplate the niles of i I per dozen. This is the clean ashes and clinkers, representing, op of the Valencia orange crop much good money all gone up in SW"-TRtaT. EiSSn cron-gr'ntedsmoke. They must feel that an Mineral claims, surveyed as i.ots jvo. is. . imneeesyary proportion of their in. ion. 07. . l. S: 7:l , ... . t m ami ivi oronp i. ;asiar putrict.' coal bill represents cosily rub-. This notice was ponied mi the ground on i tau the Mh dtt.v of June. 14. A copy of uisii. mis notice and an amiiicatiisi pursuant; Fortunately the people of thereto and to the "Water Act, 1914, 1 . n . i win he md iii the i.rriee or tin- Water. Prince Rupert are becoming IWttH? W a'"1 more acquainted with Water l,.corder or with the ftMiiptrollerJ Hjo fact that there Is a COal, inn no reductions are expected until new navel oranges come on the market The sugar market Is a Utile weaker, two declines having been announced during the last ten days. lligh feed prices have forced a large number of bens lo market viei.Xi.' n uohin u.iriv iav after the : gtiaraiileed by the blSResl dealers and No. 1 fowl fresb killed can oJwspeT''"";: iiie' ffrai Stib- 'n Prlnw- nupert, that leaves re- now be bougl.l for .t.c retail. n iiiiiin or tail- notice is October oti, markably matKaiJiy little lime ash. asti, c clinker nker or or Turkeys ana ueese Local dealers announce that By Anfljiw MtiiJnAiM.'lriPs are buiivi made to the laueaj -bipmenU of live turkeys atd Monday. October 20, Un PAQE SIX TIIE DAILY NEW8 WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. "THREE WEEKS" Kluior (ilyifs classic, world-renowned love story in motion picture. The novel the world will never forget. A history-making screen triumph containing everything that mailt" the hook i sensation and metre. Fast-moving! Unusual! Colorful! Kaleidoscopic! The most discussed .story of modern times. Seldom does a photo-play remain in your memory after the final fade-out. Mere is one you will remember just as the world has not forgotten the immortal romance from which it was minle. Hemarkable scl'iiery ami settings. Kxceplionally brilliant cast, Conrad Nagel, Aileen Pringle, John Sainpolis, Stuart Holmes, Hubert Cain, Mitchell Lewis, IMen Dunbar, Joan Standing and a host of others. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION THE BOSTONIAN JOY BABES, in a select program of High-class Vaudeville. Admission 50c and 25o Dainty Dorothy Would mention Our real courteous attention Reliable work, fair profits and pnnnpf service is what you may expect to gel at this shop. We are experi- cuccd aid propcrly equip- ped. lillllllllllllHlitV'' tlWlllllllllMllilllllllllllltn Phnno us to call for your garments. If you want to confer with us about cleaning our advice is always a.1 your command. Our rapid cleaniiiK and pressing for men is popular priced. APPLES APPLESI APPLESI This is Apple Week at the Farmers' Market. Fancy Mcintosh's, reg. 3.00 Tor $2.50 Jumble Kings, extra good, leg. $2:50 for . . .. $2.00 Don't forget -our Dig Pumpkin deal is gotl for llallow'een. One Pumpkin Free for One Farmers' Tea Dag. 1 Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD DAD 8IOHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watohes, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist geese for Thanksgiv in trade are expected from lli" interior. S. v-eral enquiries have already been received from southeastern Alaska points for sfilpnienls for their Thanksgiving .which is , aboul three weeks laler than :ours. Miouhl I tie local market itc overloaded, this will provide a splendid outlet for dealers here. llclail prices prevailing here today are as follows: Butter 'Drookfield, Shamrock, and Woodland, lb IGo K. C. D 45o Vanderhoof 45o Dairy No. 1, 2 lbs. for ...... 75c Lard Pure ... 22o Compound 20o Dure Hulk Lard 20o Cheese Ontario sidids ... . . 30c Stilton, lb. '. 35c Kraft t5o Wisconsin Drick, lb GOo Swiss Loaf 75c Napoleon Limbergcr 70o Roquefort 0o Edam, lb. . . . 50o Swifts' Dutlercup, lb i5o Eggs Alberta, Fresh Sectmils .. .. 35c Alberta, Storage Firsts .. .. 50o D.C. Fresh Pullel Ex'rus ... C0c D.C. Fresh First 7c Local Pullets 700 D.(". Fresh Extras 75o Local New Laid . . Vegetables Egg plant, 2 lbs. . . . Green Peppers, lb. . lied Peppers, lb wcel Potatoes, lb i J. ll.C. Head Lettuce . Oo Carlic, Imported, pel lb. ... BOo Tomatoes, D.U. outdoor, bskl 500 Tomatoes, D.C. hothouse 20o Orcen Tomatoes, 6 lbs. ... 25o Hubbard Squash, lb. ... ... 8o i Vegetable Marrow, lb 5o Pumpkin, lb Oo I Citron, lb Be Pickling Onions, lb 15o jlled Cabbage, lb 8o Celery 15c jllilissells Sprouts, U.C.. lb. .. 20c llrussells Sprouts, Washington lb. .. 35c Fruit Apples. Joualhon, 3 lb 25c per box 92.00 Apples, Macintosh leds. 3 lb. 25c per box ; . . 92.75 Apples, (irimes (loldcn, crated $2.35 Apples, ( rimes Uoldcn, fancy Apples, (i rimes extra fancy 92. Ho Jumble Pack, cooking, per box ... 91.85 to 92.50 (rapes, Concord, 5 lb. .. .. 75o Orapes, Malagas and Tokays, It ... 20c Oranges, Sunkist, doz., 35c to 91 Lemons, Suukist, doz. 30c to 40c Dananas, lb . . 15c (inipefniit, Calif., each .... 10c (irapt'fruil, Isle of Dine .... 20c Comb Honey ... 40r Kxtracted Honey, per lb 25c Cantaloupes. .. 15c, 20o and 25c Dried Fruits Dates, bulk, 3 lbs 40c Dates, Dromedary 25c llaisins. bulk, per lb. ... .. 15c Knisins, package, lb ., 20c Drained Cherries, lb 75c Spanish Cluster llaisins .... 40 Lemon and Orange I'cel .... 40c iCilron l'eel 55c lllark Cooking Figs 25c While Figs 15c Currants 22 He Prunes 20c25c Apples . . . . .... 25r Peaches, peeled 25c Apricots, lb 30c Pears, D'AnJou, winter variety 91.K5 Gasaba Melons, lb. ... ... 8c Coconuts, each 25c Quince. 2 lb 25c Cranberries lb ', ... 33c Nuts MmomU 25c Mtuiiiiils, shelled Valencia. . . (10c Almonds, shelled Jordan . . 91.0(1 llrazfls iiiid Tilberts 25 Walnuts, California No. I.. 50c Walnuts, Manchurian 25c Walnuts, broken shelled . . . 50c Walnuts, shelled halves 65c Chestnuts, lb. 35c Peanuts , 20c ('.round Almonds 85c Almond Paste ... . , 75j Sugar While, per loo ., 'J.25 Yellow, per ion . , $8.75 Flour Flour, ill's, Xo. 1 bnad .. 92.5(1 85c Pastry Flour, ill's 92.3'i ! Fish 350 Ited SalmofS, fresh, lb 25c 25c Halibut, lb. ... 15c to 25c 35e Smoked Kippers, lb. 15c ,1 5c Kippered Salmon, lb 25c Potatoes. Woodfock. 100.S 82.50 'Smoked Dlack Cod, lb 20i Potatoes, Moricetown, 100's 92.00 . Finnan llnddies. lb. ... .... 25c Potatoes. Kamloops, 100's 82.50 Salt Mackerel, lb 25 Potatoes, Terrace, 100's .. 82.50 Faslern Salt Herring. 2 for .. 25c Walla Walla Onions, 0 lbs. 25o Salt Codfish Fillels, lb. .. .. 30c Walla Walla Onions, sack 83.50 Tlnneless Salt Cod brioks, lb. 25c Spanish Inions, lb 10c Deels, 0 lbs 25c Dcets, 100's 83.00 Holland Herrings, per ker 11.05 Msats I'owl. No. I b 23o Carrots, 6 lbs. , 25c lloasling Chicken, lb, tOo and 45c Carrots, 1 Oil's 92.50 Turkeys, market price Oreen Deans, 2 lbs. ... ... 25c Oeese. market prico l'errare Ilulebogas, fi IJis... 25c Ham, niced, first grade .... 15c Cauliflower, head .. 25c to 10c Hnm, whole, first grade ... 3Kc Cabbage. D.C 5c Dacon, back, sliced 45c, FAMOUS AD SLOGANS THAT JUST FIT TfcOLLC outstanding cigarette Just Say at Varieties H J HEINZ COMPANY THE CIGARETTE WITH THE ORIGIN ALT! LAVOfi !Ofbrl55 25 for 35? InTfmofWforTOIOOfcrW I Cash & Carry Specials M. B. JELLY POWDERS 6 pkg. for. . 35c MALKINSm 1 BEST J M. B. TEA 2 lbs. for $1.2 Spring Clolhfs Pins, tl doz. for (Srmuilatcd Sugar, 20 lbs. for , 25 $L75 I DRY GOODS DEPT. Values extraordinary for shippers who mre lo come i: . town during Hit" wet wenllirr. Wnshwell (linghams. guaranteed, special, a yards $1.25 mourner SatinetD". :l(lin. Special, per ynril ... 60c Velveteens in all wanted shade, per yanl $1.00 Lingerie Crepes, per yard 40c Alt Wool Serge, 5 tin. wide, per S"'l $1.10 French Flat Crepe, per yanl 52.45 Falriipie Daronelte. per yard $2.25 Fiicciinne Crepe. Hroraded. per yanl 52.25 Pure Wool Tweeds, splendid design, yard 51.J5 Nottingham Lace Curtain. 2 Hi yard long, pair 51.85 Scotch Madras Curtain. yard 51.25 MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. Men's Fine Fur Felt Hats, $2.05 each. Color llmwn. Dlack. tirey and Fawn. Sue- (l iB 7 :i-H. Ileg. 9.1.50. Special, each ... $2.65 Men's 100 per cenL Pure Wool Sock, 2 pair for 05c. Medium Weight. Itibbed. Color lleulher. (irr ; Illack. Meg. 975c pair. Special. 2 jwur for 85c Boys' Jersey, 100 per cent Pure Wool. In Plain mid Combination Cor. Medium Y jt Pullover ami Iliitlon Shoulder. Sizps 20 lu ,M V. f value to tfXWh Speciul 51.85 Boys' Tweed Knickers, 05c pair. Colors Drey and Urowu. Sue 2(1 to 2. F ' special, pair 85c Universal Trading Co. Gloves! Gloves! SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. ' Finest Kid Cloves, Trefoue make, all color-. IW-gui ' Tor . ... $1.85 pair Fancy (iauullet Kid (iloe, emliroidereil lui ks and f-- In Drown, Dlack, (lrey. and Tan. Regular 1 $3.75 plf Full Dress While Kid livening Clove. Degular ' ... $8.50 pair Ladies' Chainoielle Clove, all rohirs. Value o il '1 . . . 85c pair Men' Tan Cape ami Crey Suede (iloe. Value t? for $1.75 pir H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St Wc .stock Pictorial Patterns. GET IT AT! llaron, side 35c lu Ayrshire Ilacon, lb Veal, shoulder Veal, loin ... Phona I H1CH cus -GROCERS PHONE 586 Everything in Halloween Specialties Veal, leg Pork, shoulder Pork, loin ... . , , , Pork, leg .. Reef, pot roast , J0c to Heef, boiling 8c to Heef, steak 25c lo Ueef,. roast prime rib Lamb, chops t5o 35c IBo 35o 25c 30o 35c Lamb, dhnuldcr ... Mutton, leg Mutton, chops Million, shoulder ... Lamb, leg Feed 35clVhcal, No. 5 15o Oals ... ... lOo Ilran ... 35c Rhorls 25oIJarley ... . 45o'pniltry Mnh . . 100 q til