In,- 0, folic- 50. 1 0? I . HILLS SUNDERWOOD Distilled by the Famous London Process rn TIMBER SALE X 6556. t f -i . -tu at I'ubiir B ' nil ls ..f Ort.. II. ..I Uf t i itktM Tirf cm . . ! MICI' I I u V III br Illur4 for j i II i) aiis m uimM la It i - t .i. ir.. .n HMV afamtl I : u U Mnl l Ike hour. ' -' r. i l0 ixw Wd." i . Ur --t lb CWI rnf V .. B ' . '.r iHltflt l'oflT ' ; B i, ii NOTICI. tn f r. t. rlM n.r imi.i" ii.. I il.rr biiii.lii.ic ' IH 'II IK pr "-. . I. ' ' I.. ..lrr.M"l I" IIW I . ,ihkI II 1 I'll' ' tin .' ml '. WllklNoT r 1 .1 ' . . I ..,., rl I ItiriM H- 't 2Wh TIMBER SALE x 6655. ' 1 V. !. i. ii If rT'lve'l bv It" I . r ii. I Uier than imhhi if ,V-.v.libr. Ilfl. ' Hi ' '-tire x . munwi" ' ' -I A .11 4, I" ill SJf.miii " ' II tlitijrll, Hal-am. Sprim ah ' : a i r yr will b allnt fr re ill' i iimlx ' ' ''-.or ,n-i mI.ii. ..f ih i.hlrf I t. ; ir;a. in. In-lrlrl v..ieir re llu:rt, B.C. Ir'V'f.K II. M.ihiay. .niil( 's'r'hHli' '. IV "r A, Manl'.iialil L'. !'.'tini. A. Marfinnalil . Auirs1!-. ... Mar. M.ti.....i.i -:fw.,M!-ir: A. LONDON DRY AM. kQXfim I gin :ii !Pii'r'-'M'i.ffM r 7n ; m If Fll.l TrtMlr. lll t twflird by lh W AfaJ. In CantJ Cm4 f irm. ClRK llmltaa) MONTSCAL at iii, a a. .N A M K OF CLAIM AMI LOT NO, War Katie, l7 Orowp I tilanivery. 184 (iroiip" I .... Ma. H fini I : lndpH'inlenre rrarllim, l ilnmp t kllrlMn-r, H1 ilmup I rreni-h. 46 Omnp I Pork nf Ae. t Orniiprt Yellnw Jarkfl. ISI Orixip t siiinrt. 7n Urniip I Sinirlne. 71 Oroiip I ., Vlolrl. 4 Omnp I .......... w .. . rutivn creek, "tns Omiip f New iirunlrk. 0i nroiip I ., ... Ilnrk. llrtvup I OrilihiT ! Onsip I .. Hale Bin). ' OnMip t W. t . 1 1 (ll P I l.illte iiiimnv . 113 Oroiip I DTED it Allln, n.C . ttiK tilt) ty of October, 1911. I CLARK S umm I - af r fAMED 7 DRY Clffl 1 1l try." "Three Weeks" was adapted from Mrs. t!lyn' famous novel by I'.arey Wilson, associate editor of the studios. Working in C'tHierlion with the authoress. II u shown at the West ha line o-jtiight and tomorrow. TAX SALE Atlin Assessment District Itr.liniv OIVK MlTlfC 'that', mi Mr.n.l ... ... . - ..... .if Tul I I l.iL 1 1. flu. r.p.iu..n . . mar, llir iu uaj .... " .. . - , - .' ..,., . u I..-..I .-I...... .....c... mi ill imii'i tttrira. Aiiiu. Hi-. I atiall offer fr Sale al Piiuiir aiiiimiii ...YX'.T". trr'H"."! I 'it itif i.,;,. in iiV;;.i ii.i hZniHarier n ..ut. for illln.iilil laie .ii.M n.v mm ' 1 .1 f.r r.,n an.l MiH-n.; I if iMlitut ti le ilenla anil the r.l f m.1 vrrlUMurr cai.l aaie, ir me loiai aniuuni nu w BW LIST ABOVI NIKNTIONCD. IWllll.i,,- f MK UK IIW.NF.fl. 'f J, ' I' Bf Ijniih. F.alate of .N. A, Tatea 3.7 I I.HI (l.ll 1. 1 n 33.7B IU 11,011 tM IS. II II I3.dll 13.0" A. n it I34'i lOMo in.vl 3 1. Ml 4A.0H 10.7.1 Intrrent I.l if 'ft t.70 .113 1.30 l-.SH .113 .& M 1.30 .t .13 as 30 Co4 11.7a- 11.71 11.71 13.71 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.73 13.75 n.7r. 13 7r. 13.76 13.75 13.75 13.75 ts in 13.7:. TnUI 3V.35 4 1 .03 3M5 IS. IS 4V.V0 .3 41.03 41.05 17.111 77.10 7.40 41.03 7.3 l.7 (1.33 45.K3, f..0t. C L. MOXnOE, As3aor and Collector. THE DAILY NEW! PAGE FTVF, CHILDREN Y1CTIMS OF THEATRE ALARM ATHENS. Oct. 20 Twenly-flvc i people were killed ami 18 injured !al a moving pic-lure theatre Sun 'day nielil during a stampede 'following a false, alarm. Most of the victim were children. It is believed the alarm van raised by pickpocket. I A ,, ..k-rl imm.-iiI , I . i.l l.,l . I ... I i... ,,,D o7 ou at me ' ;,; "I , ' "'" "c troninil Hoard or Iy Hie Onveni -! Westholme Tonight and mciil of lit ,-h Col iinhia. ! T CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle- - October 7, 17, 28 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October &, 13, 24 8.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For iutadala, Swanion Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falli, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamthlp Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent. Cormr of 4U Sreet and 3rd Avenue, PWnce Rues- iia. TIMBER SALE I 6677. Movies and Movie People j WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "Three W -.'" International New. Wednesday and Thursday " The Marriage Cheal." Comedy "Haloes Wedcome" Topic of Hi1 hay: Friday and Saturday I'ola Negri in "Men" Comedy. YX New--(ia.ell. ; SOUTH SEA ISLAND QTflBV nv inuc Awn 4 V. ADVENrURE GREAT On the iieacli of a South Sea IhInihI nn it yoitiiK uml prelly white girl, criHininK to a hahe in iher arum. The clothing he-l More iMiii.viAletl chiefly of mp; ami her living quarter were a Mjualid hut visible a liorl distance up the while, sandy beach. Now ami then she wouM look up lowiml the horizon, where I he blue fky nMt the iireen wave. Thnusaml ofrnile away . . 7 . f"r i iv iHirrtuv i,r urmr x 4:t. I tLUlufA ULIll ULlLlWJ lH tiltil home. w(lh.a wardrobe Mualisl ..ii i a.rfi i irrt. nahl milra lal -mil Ik r. Halif .,al IMrl. I Hit. i .. win t alln"t f..r rni"al "f tilubrr Iiir1lr Mri..ilaia '.f lb hlrf r.f- I.. Vn !' a li' r lii-lrt. t r,,ri-tr. I'f Ml. I lllifrf'M It . flU' A complete wneat and vegetable course! Bfrl polalora, oniont, Carroll, tic, Rrady 16 hrtt and (rive full iiln ouncn of eicellrnt noiifihmrnl a laity and ampla ml lor two or even Inure, UCD MTHDCC WFCVQ" rout a in inn nan5- luxurioii (rar UL.lV iinuaL iiuUiu ,nntSi rvaints am everylhinft jlhal wealth. eonbl give her. A Klinor tilvn iinik' an inleret-!he thought of them and Ihen ing reply i lhoe critir who , hwiked down at her alHre a smile have attacks! her novel, "TUw.of amusement lighted up her Weeks" she nlaler Iffatnres; she could find only "I have often been emidemnedj humor in the Incongruous situa- as an immoral writer. Now this jion. i nol American Juslice. I rlial-J ' or slie had roumt love on me lenire anvone carefully to raail . rn island far from civinza- i every word of 'Thre Weeks' llon.Washed up on the beach, 'after Jumping from (he yarhl on wilh an open mind, nol with the deiermined idea to warch for, which her hushand wa enler- Uensualitie. and then see if heainins a riotuou group of ran find a single sentence taken auesls. she had been found by a Willi ils "context and .which can degrade meaning, young missionary, ami to (hem place where the lady's words were nol to elevate Paul's brain, ami his soul, ami I urn' him. as a siugle civiliralion now had no appeal. This is the viory shown here al I he mid-week. Uhey did into a thinking, respon-; rnr..r. , ,rr PrrM sible being of use In- his coun-1 f iXCllLIl LITE OLLll AS INTERPRETED BY POLA NEGRI IN "MEN" Wonderful Story Told In Picture at Week End at the Westholme "Men" is the type of slory made for I'ola Negri. In.lhl she . .L 'if".:- I...' is once agnm me woman wno wn known tlirougnotii t-.uropo a that "Wild Cat" U 1? a slory in which I'oln f practically the only woman, trout tho days of her girlhood when she tlomin atr the little wine shop, lo the lihic when, as IheTfamous dancer, 8he reigns conleiiipluously over a wealthy host of admirers, she is the Ppla of old, Jjie ' flame around which mol lis, f hitler, the I'ola I lie fans reinejnber In her enrlicd conlinenlal produrhons 'I he slory is an evenly balano ed mixture nf drama, humor tragedy npd, , It French IKo from I ho plain and colorful lower classes lo the nrlificiul and brilliant arlslo rrntlo ltvels. I'ola has a role which begins, in happiness, con tiiiues along through tragic line ami closes with a, strong happy V. .. .. . I... . : . cntiing. uers js ine-pan oi girl in France., whose beauty like I lint of Helen of Troy, al tracts i no alleniton or many men. It Is a pidure of die eter mil pursuit of the female by the male. Advertise In the Udlly New. Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser than you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she. desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She ts certain of full satisfaction, for she koivs adoertised goods live up to their claims. She saves limz and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy' new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written, for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment not a stock speculation POINTED AERIAL TOWARD RUPERT;. 3r. MacMlllan Tells How Me De pended on Jack Barnsley for Communication Jack Harnsley, a Canadian tmaleur at Prince Unpen, It.C. handled over 16,000 words of our lolal 30.000 word of messages 'could talk lo him almost any in addilion to sending us press news when we failed to hear the powerful commercial stations," taled Dr. Donald H. MacMillan. Arctic explorer, in an interview given to the New York Times on his return recently to civilization after spending over a year exploring in the vicinity of flrecn- land. " The waves of our station and Ihose of ltaruley'sseemed lo :ave an ideal path through other over Northern Canada. We The Bostonlan Joy Babes at the Westholme Tonight and Tomorrow Night. night. On September 8, 1923, we raised Harnsley, x 2,110 miles away. He proved our main and often our only connection with the American continent." Dr. A. MacMillan staled that static was bad in the north especially when big storms were on. The aurora borealis appar ently had no effect on radio transmission or reception. After Ibe Howdoin passed Newfoundland, there was no further communications with F.astern station's. Aall the radio waves reaching the excursion thence forward generally came from the northeast and southwest. Ground Connection The 1700 pound steel plate of the Howdoin was used as tho ground connection for the radio apparatus. A few wires were also frozen in the ice to act as counterpoise ground for an anlenna stretched between the ship's mast and the shore. The aerial was pointed directly loSvards Jack Harnstey's station at Prince Rupert because preliminary tests indicated it.Ws the best roule of communication. It was noticed that waves under 200 meters in length travelled much better than the longer wave lengths. The Howdoin car ried a 100-wat transmillrr with two 50 wait tubes. The short wave luner ranged from 150 lo 800 melers and the long wave set could tune in from 10,000 to 20,- 000 meters. "We had a wonderful foreign news service especially from the big station at Naueir, dermany. and I.eafields, England." staled Dr. MaoMillan. Resides transmitting the 30.000 words, Opera tor Mix copied over 100.000 words of press matter. A great deal of it was handled while the Howdoin was locked In the Ice north of Greenland.