Wednesday. March ?i 10? . TH1 DAILY 5IWB, Buy Your Milk With the Groceries e. m eaa tllnie ikr, raatraU ml IfcU III aalll Ik HUmtt belli trrfl-Ha Milk pare Milk, Many thouianda of Canadian houiewivei have learned the convenience, economy and thorough satisfaction of tiling Carnation. Mi'.k for (tvery milk requirement of their families They use Carnation Milk became it ii twice aa rich at ordinary milk, because it taste o good in coffee, on cereal, on fruiti and in cooking. It i always clean, tweet, pure, -rated in tir-tight tint and kept afe by sterilization. These ' housewives buy Carnation with their groceries, fbry are never out of pure milk. No delays or disappointments. Your grocer has it! I'r4rd la C'aaada CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. LTD. i: Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C. SMART SUITS Decidedly different in style developed of the highest quality fabrics, finest workmanship and latest designs Prices most reasonable VENUS HOSIERY IRIS BRASSIERES "DEMERS" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 ELKAY'S STRAW HAT DYE Make ol! SI raw lint look like new. II is permanent ami wnrpriof. Kasy lit apply ami dries tpiickly l a lasl-Ing finish , In All The Popular Colors ORMES LTD. The Rexa.ll Store. The Pioneer Druggist. Canadian National Railways Prince" Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer!, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksrnltha, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plntil is equipped to liaiidlo nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 389. NEW OFFICERS ANYOX TENNIS CLUB ELECTED J. E. C. Stroud is President for the Coming Year: Daylight Saving Favored ANYOX. March 2r5. The Annual fowling fif I he Anynx Ten'.' nia OI11I1 was hold on Friday evening, March 21, In Kef-real ion Hull, willi the. retiring prosidenl, L. F. Champion, in I he chair. Floolion of officer for look place, I ho new nlHcer being: I'residenl, .1. F.. 5. Stroud. Vice-President. It. II. Manzor. Secretary - Treasurer, fieorjro jioe, Kxcculitc rommillce, Mr. John Conway, Mr. W. F. Fvh. It. Ii. Crawford anil If. Cole' As Mr. Stroud wa not pre-Mr. Champion continued lo arl a chairman throughout Hip meeting. The Community League secretary, al 1 1 1 request of the mcrliug, outlined plan fnr (he alterations of ihe oourls ni approved hy Ihe council If Ihecosl wa not n he loo threat, ahonl cjghlccn hundred dollar being Ihe amotinl considered necessary, (ieo. fell Dial Ihe 'work should he ilone thi year if possible, een though it Cfil a little more than the figure A vol.- of thank wa tendered lo Ihe Community League Conn-nl and llm erreary on a recom mendation hy Ihe chairman fot Hie UMislanre given during III.' pal year. II wa decided lo lme (he name playing and court rule a governed in IH.'.'I. II. T. Itallion inirwlnrii Ihe etibjeol of hay lisrltl Saving, and 11 resolution wa pa-i unanimously lo have II (-4 1 me into elTool in Anyox, n ropy of Ihe resolution lo e for wan led lo Hie Community l.ea viie fur ll upporl. HIGH SCHOOL CLUB DEBATE AT ANYOX I Enjoyable Event at Smelter Town Brought Out Good Speaking Talent Al Ihe regular mepliny of lli High School Cluh, held on FriiLiy afternoon . wilh the pre-l-denl. Mi Janet MolTall. in the chair, a dedal c look place he- Iween Iwo yienm. eoiniirNinp for Ihe aflirmalive, MiKe O'.N'eill, McAlliler and Ciiwu MotTatt; ncgallve. Mie IVaho. Hire anl Arthur 'leubo. The itiihjecl of Ihe dehale wa "lleolved thai 'riMMi kliould he llcfortnator- ie." TIip lehaler for hnlh iden lid pleiidhlly, the award going o Ihe negative, ,1 he afllmalive. although preeuling Iheir fit1 more cupahly lhan Ihelr oppon- euU, had no convincing fact lo Offer. F. M. Kelley acted a judge and Key. J. (iilison, wljo renilered onie kindly advice, wa Ihe critic. A a finale lo n pleaant and enjoyahle afternoon, ice cream and cake wa erved ly lheoung lady mtMiihcr of Hie High School Cltih. STEWART line of thrt ticfeses nf Ihe iteasou wa Ihe ilance given in honor of Ireland' patron a!nt in Ihe Stewart Opera lloue hy Ihe Women". auxiliary of Hie Stewart tieneral llopilnl. There were thirteen donation for raf fie and the muio, Hie hall and WAS CONSTIPATED . FOR SEVERAL YEARS If you have JufrrreJ rriu ruiiUiatton fur jrr, trld ill klmli of fiMiif0le wltiiuul frttliK rrll'f, It Juu have Ihm-ii ubjrrt Id all tlio nlrls nnwUlrJ with cnnntiallii, initiln't you nmldor It hli-MlUK lu he atile lo keep the liowela rrftular and In rod healthy rtiilltlnn ml irrvtiil illiease ft-Ulnr a futtuld u yon r (Jteni? Mllhum'a l aja ljver rilli are Indlratca ri.r thi rnriHixei thi-lr reriikir rollevlnir Urn worM ra-a n( tnstlxllin, Mr. M, lii'diran, SuOhury, run., write: "I hav lieeu trimbli-O with (iiitiliaUun rr aevejal yar. I tieraii lo v Mil hnrn'a Laia-I.lver I'lIU aiut flml them In m the liett remedy I have ever Used fur 'j-ernlatlnf the tioweli and liver, I alwaya keep them now and renuutiirid thetn liljfhly," Miitiurna uu-t.ivcr fin ir far vial at all dealer, or nulled direct on receipt nf price hy Tfw T. Mllhiirn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 'RELIEVES VICTIMS OF LIVER POISON! Remarkable Prescription of Dr. Thacber Enables Toronto People to tnd Cause of Sick-Headaches, Constipation, Sour Stomach and. Nervous, Run-Down Condition. Poisoned! Made, sick hy ne- glefllng lo cleanse find lope Ihe Avrjr wlien 11 in sluggish and clogged tip wilh (iofeonoits waslel I his is wliy o many wake up feeling dull ah"! -"fired Innifitc coaled, bad la7Jand offensive. treat h. II explains, why a jdnggish liver ii attended )iy xu-h symptoms as Constipation, Hiliotisness, Sick Headache, Sourness1 and Has on a Weak Slimarhj I.O.- of Aipe. tile, Pains In llift Jiack and Sides, and a nervous, nm-dwr condition fymjdnms'ltiat lead to the danger-oil and epnie nick-ded unle orrncleH (n .time. nr. II. S. 'I'michfe; nuled nvdi- cal praclitioner, 'p'srfccUul a wholesom vexrlahle. prefcoription lo km?n the livechofllthy. . It in (livinjr rpiick relief and renewed reiiKlh, energy and yigpr lo niiinlierH here, Thj precrifdion. ktiown pliartimceutically a Ir. Iliacher' i.iver & Wood Syrup, Joen' cj1 rmich, plermant lo lake and contain' only Inpredi enl that are known lo phyician ffr Iheir rorreclie, and heallli- givlny properties. Try Ihi sreat prpcripllon. yonr-elf. Nolice Ihe ijnirk ilif- ference in Ihe way yon look, eat. sleep nmi feci; You will he. com-pppy naliffied; olherwie, there will he no ro.t. Dr. Thacher' Lier A Illood Syurp i nld and recominendeil ky Ornte I.ld F.or. 3rd Ae. and Olh S( lrince lluiWl. .C and Uy leadinp dnigi-. in each cily and town. ford and Cherry Cimphcll crvc! Ihe refriluueni jiviywnx while apron and cap I rimmed w ilh shamrock. Hnlh fitianciallv and Mirialjy Ihe dance wn a ucces - It. I.. Clothier and family left for Victoria where Ihe family expert lo remain mil il .June, Mi l.ui Comer airiiuiparijed lliem. .Mr. W. J. Crawford gave a hridse lea for Mr. M. Hoyd who i leaving Slewarl. ,Thoe pre- eni were Mrs. M. Hoyilt Mr. I, ItacktiH, Mi Helen ilall, Mr. It. Crohy and Mr. II. Si rut ford. M. M. Hoyd left for Iter home in Clinton after a Ion? vi-tt wild her daughter Mr. It. Crohy. the refiehmett were donated, authorities Mise Muriel and Helen Craw ford and Hand and I'dna Slrut , , , YANDERHOOF i (iejirgo II. Unit, resident engineer for the federal puhlie work department, announce I hut plans for the. new ioUollice hero have heen prepared in Ol-lawn and lenders for (he erection for lie, huilditiH will he called at onco. Tim Itaily ,'ew popularity cnnli"l is going strong and many nominal ions hava been posted. COMES NATL) RAL, "I soo thut in al) ,1 ,wiiriug countries women' f said to learn In uporajc .uumilhm tuadi inory in a few days,'! -"Well?" "I 0.411 hardly, helifvo il." " see nothing iiU'iediMH ahoul il. Women nr nulural mech nnics, My wirp can fi nnyhing; aroupd the, houiH wilh a hair pin. Louisville. Coiirir.Jmir nal, - p You need a PILOT EVERY good ship, nearing port, takes on a pilot. Usually, the law requires it The pilot knows the, channel. With his capable hands at the helm, the vessel is safe. Without him, there is danger of the shoals. When you set sail on a shopping tour you, too, should have a pilot. Everybody needs one. And well-informed shoppers always have one ADVERTISING. Advertising keeps you off the rocks of extravagance and waste. It takes you straight into the port of economy. It tells you plainly where to go for what you want. It shows you how to save stepsand money and time. By watching it carefully, each day, you are able to buy to best advantage. Often, the advertisements will keep you from making an unwise purchase by pointing out just why one article suits better than another. It points out for you the pick of the country's market and the selection of the particular kind, shape, size and color that best suits your taste and fits your pocket-book. Whether you want food, clothing, furniture or a toy for the children, the advertisements can help you. if Sport Chat Let Advertising Steer Your Steps 1 1 Ii K 11.- 1 .1 1 .. r X M I ril'llllp 1111- ltMllll UH-lll III il permanent managing Mcrenry In fjiile of Ihe Tact Ihat thero Stephen June I in charge ofthejiiavf heen several unforeseen de-Vanderhoof rreamory. lay in conneclion wilh Hie pre- .iiininaric of their campaign, the The provincial government ha meniher. of the (Jyru Cluh have slarled work wilh engine and .very hope of gelling their play- grader on Ihe. Iowji si feels. Mrs. Lewis Johnson js ahoul lo leave for Allierla, The memher nf Ihe Ladies' Aid Society made her a present al ion last week and a handkerchief lnwer wa heh lit her honor at Ihe lining nf Mr. K, F. Ten Years Ago In Pi Inc. Ruprt March ?6, 1914. A census of I'rnee lluperl i n hoiiiR taken today hy the civic ground equipment tel up at Ihe corner of Mcllrido street and Sixth Avenue, he fore the summer holidays commence ir July, 'the decision lo start on he project wa made Jut six weeks ago and since that time good progress has been made. II was not the raising of money thai constituted the main difficulty hut, strange to say, it was the finding nf u ground on which to creel Ihe naranhcHnalhi. it was the cx-'in(e peclalion of none (hut I hoy will he called ipon themselves to face the, pioMem of ground tin- roement. Though the. (lyros find it hard in understand why the suggestion is made (hat (hey should luxe o pay in order In give something away, they are till hopeful that the, rity will do Hie right thing hy them in furtherance of their efforts. A kalisfaclory arrangement with ihe civic finance committee it expected, will he icarhfd a n conference, In he held next Sat urday morning. Wilh Ihe big evenl Mill leu days olT, plans are already well liuder way for Hie. opening hase-hall game of Iho sol) schedul ed for Sunday, April between (he (lyro Chili and the Inlander Mess. The entire proceed, it Is announced, will go to Ihe. (lyro Uluh'x playground fund. Art F..sson has been selected to captain.' Hie (lyro crew while "Sliiii" Foler seems to be Iho main fore in gelling ihe Inlander outfit togttthrr. The following are thnsA front whom lh (lyro represeulallvps wll be selecled; Art Lajsott, Slun Tay lor. J.eo Waugh, Fred Heiiuing, Milton (iofxales, A .11. Nicho's,' S. K. Oamphell, Xorris Pringle.! Sidney HawoUlones, Itoug. Stork. eorge It. Tito. Dr. Tail and Joe fireer. The following constitute the talent olTering fnr Ihe Inlander: "31 im" Fosler, S.j Wrigglesworlh, f. Oarnelt, J.W. Hamillon, Tom Clarke, .1. Had- hurne, 11. Thompson, W. Walt,, Harry Welford, H. llartlell, and! Kd. .lenner. 'ot a single aclivo hall flayer reinalns in Ihe American League who was listed in the organiza tion when Tyrus Cohh made his debut. Cobb canin lo the Ameri-I can league in Ihe full of 1905. The coming season will bo liisi 20lh in the'big show. Not once: 1000 has he fallen below' (he .300 mark in batting. Sev eral times lie has bettered .100. Cobb for several years has showed signs of slow ing up but at thai he i still faster lhan a majority jof Hie big league players. The lively ball, according In Cobb, was his savior, just at a lime when his legs began lo bother hint. "The lively ball," he says. "look the preuiium nlT running and placed il all Ihe stronger on hilling, and I could always hit." Cohh figures that he is good fnr at least two year more tit lop speed, unless a serious Injury shoh set him bark His lone ambition in baseball is to win a pennant and a world series;, goal which Mil) appears, some distance away, despite the fact that his club finished second last year. SO SNAPPY The young man was fondling her rigid hand. "A nice, diamond," lie sa(d awkwardly. "Diiinioinis are beautiful stones, but on the plher hand" "Oh, Jack,' she murmured "yog make me n happy,"- Kan-sat Cily Slar. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress HoUI. Tobacco, Cigan, Cigarettes, Candies and Soft Drinks. We have a pleasant back room. Come in and. make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy, sell and exchange ail kind of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 648. P.O. Box 92 1 1 1 F Agent Tor Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Pattern and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stork of flardetj and Field Seeds, Onion SeU.cnd Ferlillirr. Pratt's laJby 0Mk Pood and Poultry SuppHss Our famous Ildsoit Coal lit aipr quantities Phono H,