pl cies . REFLECTS are ey Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It |] Canada Régaided as Arsenal Ray and REMINISCES pani 3S ~ Ra : { | pa «a oe me ‘ Of West in Atomic Wart are The people of Canada and the; partment of defence announces | | The brain jg of Circuls 7 United States would be the|that this year, $57,570 will pro- | at Tt starts yon . ips mineral Wealth could | how much bigger we are ‘\\*"|\ owners of three-fourths of the) vide boudoir, table, bridge and | ran YOU are bors first atomic war, th The: y might dissipate Sc automobiles on earth—if all|trilight lamps for officers’ wives |” Ops until yoy é more oilier's Magazine says uncanscions Sesame WAFY CX" | were paid for in the three services. A total af |SP@@* in publi a : he! azine notes in a w hibilt to Yankee visitor 6.754 have been ordered The — a. rth 1 7 trot } ‘ I > yu p j ee ; were hell bent Gn policies which He urged that US. companies : ziit : 5 y eans ; If they succeed in reducing the meeting to a | would have- made world war! With big investments in Canada =i: 8 S, ie n ‘ three a near certainty | should give Canadians a chance | ‘ = ie ocks 20c and political level the entire organization of the Red re¢ ‘ rue e entn ganiz ‘ ; ia : to buy equity shares of American § UDI R BI — | . F But as between Eisenhowevi y 5 . . uns ie ‘ Cyoss is in danger of being brought down to the jand Stevenson most of us feel |"0lding companies or of Cana- A A A A Aah Girls’ Silk Pyjamas s niy “fiving cacere ing ying } DOE BOLAEN Genera sien Designed especially for the fisherm American influence on his coun- 4A BORN POLITICIAN ’ t y17t 5 nout oainst dian operating subsidiaries raga} ‘ } ; re I such clear cut conclusions. I . me treacherou ground A hen Tor Ces could then co elf ! la the sit of them “If that were done, those PPh KING ORDERS 4 ’ : ~ fee Shots $ hd ond ve in to wreck it an he greatest erime of the | as among the ablests contenders adians who still look upon us as Q * Bile contors a bogey might be able to f : va is cnieues a bog to forget | Boys’ Gab Pants $3.10 and (Communists to date will have been committed. ' -! - PLUSH PLANE : OF COURSE, Ike is an unknown | “us year—just as the Canserva- | P i Sport Shirts $1.20 and § Ike i THE NEW quantity as a political eam ives could win next year in =a . Legal Sale of Drugs Urged paigner ‘He may ‘make himse:t|Canada. Tt is possible, ‘but not| | WASHINGTON (AP) — Ti _ Mora Cord Overalls ‘ . av av of &: j ‘ s vetti htinate bi wih: 3 exactly probable, in both cases King of Saudi Arabia is getting a Bab alle $1 10 4 uys and does between now and|—1 ‘should guess a little more | (00 a . y -10 an 13 | . et ie s | Orobe . 10%) ‘ with a king-size bed and al id problem of teen-age drug November 4. I would say his| Probable for Eisenhower in the fat . » oben 7 OO ate i ' i C g & best chance would be te cut}USA. than for @eorge Drew ue le vated re phicrinoig’ - yne, com he Waite Girls’ Plastic Aprons ected himself loose from the profe aon — aca ag a ‘Mo Sieh Baby Sleeve Plastic Bibs -page statement, based (sional machine men and just tn both cases, the world events as wsocean Air Lines said the CANADA'S NO. 1 RANGES ror Pee > ie a ee Sete a f the coming me s wil ay | Plane, one of five Douglas DC-4 : , : : : take his own line. However, if|°f the coming months will play | Piane, ; a ull cat astonisnment l iat it considers is a | pe does that muy have & greater part, perhaps, than | Skymasters sole to Savdi Arabia Pullover Sw ers : : . . i . ‘ Si 8 ona 1. -l\any mere “ds > Of . is being converted into the “most Come in today and see this ressive increa ar > nun oe i : Ake hard job getting any kind of |2"¥ mere words of the candi 7 ; a ome in today and s hi oat ee sede ede : t Der addic . o-Gperatio! fram the party iates. I was interested to note | plush of all Fe aaa trensports new met Gas Range Cc Sweaters iwhout Canada. regulars who control, many ee : owt og ae: oe ait 7 sat i nt Model No. 2210! See the sep- Two Only Boys’ Gab Coats ; 5 Tr > § i ‘ 1@ company Said ie thron . Vioere than a dozen Vancouver youngsters, male — Yo a : oe Y arate Ww AIST-HIGH, DEEP The’ strongest iactér oh the? B@med as the most im ant'on the king’sy orders, must be ; Chest committee calls OF PSE four-engine airplune equipped : BROILER the “X-Ray irls’ SUk Pant female, have confessed to Laking drugs. Detec- ide of the Republicans in this point of all “the prevention of raised above the floor and must 7 G , Sil Pa . next elec t ts ; Oven” with window in door ion #8 the feeling that|2 third world war rotate 360 degrees no party should be kept in of iia 1s nadibiacheleh il ‘ ‘ and light in oven to banish Girls Dirndl Skirts, size 10 and |2 : “peeking Other features leted fice too long The Democrats ‘ . . a A include automatic lighting Baby s Winter Pyjamas jave been in for 20 years now Concerning this, the committee report says: Eat they Rawe nine ey of all burners and “insta- “Thi devel ment add § ignificance to the |cumlated the inevitable number | ee ee ee COME IN AND SEE OUR a i you carefree automatic g » " i . : ; : zrafters, job holders, an c ge MANY ‘ NCE VALU erevidence that the number of addicts must be in- mS man : : THIER CLEARAN ; ameaiaas ate ON ALL DRESS GOOD: easing, for without suecessful techniques of treat- In every free democracy on ; oes ; ; are earth, the slogan “It’s Time fo! ent and rehabilitation, only death releases the ; ; Cc J a Change” is still the most po- f ay their investigations are far from com- idiet from the 27 f the drug of his addiction. tent idea in politics. Nobody bs J ' eae s . ‘ ,, | knows at what precise moment SH A R O N § The committee came to the “obvious conclusion the people of any country get Men s and Boys Clothes and Shoes BROS. NEXT TO BUS DEPOT that the problem of addiction is “medical” and sug- }'De) itch tt a tee te actly why 1€) ze ; m4 { ted a compiete revamping of present methods | course no two cases are eves For Werk and Dress of battling the menace exactly alike. But we do know " on 5 apace that when they do get that idea Its most controversial recommendation is for | in their heads no political power |] YOUNG MEN‘S SLACKS $8 95 NOW, Pair . ae ; a ; : is able to stand against it Oc, eieen” Dina in we «4% modifieation of the Opium and Nareotics Drug Act © and agai ’ For dre gabardines. Reg. $12.00 7 , si, . on el -TO OUR READERS- to permit legal sale of drugs through government |IN THE U.S.A. the Democrats | MEN’S WORK PANTS $4 25 i F me ~ . NOW, Pair “E* aa . ° : start with a big advantage 7 ne lots of ar. Reg. $5.75 elinies. There. addicts eould legally obtain their sniiliil ney er Saas on the Well made, lots of we g minimum required dosage of drugs. Solid South. They can keep 9 MEN‘S SPORT JACKETS The Daily News is anxious to give adequate coyerage 0 a _— . ae : power so long as they hold the

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