lirmrdiuy dUlrlct of Prince Bumti. and altuale In Atlln Lake, alxnit uw half inilii due west ir AUIn Towiialtf. TAki: OTICE IHat Paul L. Emrerl. of A 1 int. In the Provinre of Hrllluli Uilniii-hli. iMiut-allon Jeweller, Intciidc to apply fur ieriiilaln to purcliaae the folluwlinr dexrllMid landst . Goniinenclnir at a post pianled at the until iHilnt of the anull Ulaml known as gerniid liland In Atlin Lake, allualed j aluive: thence northwest and on around thla IKIiiid followlnr the ahore line to ihe plare of rommencenieut; and containini two arrea, wore or leal. gept. 3rd. IBS4 PAUL LOUIS E00EBT 'i Tomorrow Alright w CCI a Yrtir 25c , Box 3 ORMES LIMITED SPECIAL CHRISTMAS VIC FOLEY IS 1 ecu round bout. Dnuul SAILING BY GJ.P. In onh-r to Miit Ihe conven- iiMice of as many as possihle. Ihe lirand r.uimiany are arran he S.S. "I'rince -Huperl rrom Prince Huped. Friday,Jec-mh-r lllh, ufTlil T. Uii.'-Tlii" ,ioal will ii'rrive n VanciUver arlv Sunday inornin?. December 1st. in- sunk:ient Ifine to make onnectioiis with the Vicloria and Scallle boat. A full passenper list is for this sailin?. and il is su?- efled you call at or phone our City Ticket Olllre, 528 ThinJ Ave. Phone 200 as early as possible) for reservations HOCKEY SCORES National League Cauadiens i, Boston .1. Weslcrn Canada League Saskatoon 5. Iteina -'. Victoria I. Calgary 1. 1 I Adverlise in I In; Kaily News. V. Sport Chat t iiler Hie Ciinadiati Fish Cold Sloraci- team can iiiak clean nweeji over Hie SI. Au-uitw', in loniulit' second divis ion billiard Ifurnamenl Hiw will J. llllehialioilail route thai national friend- . I "hip will be eoliancHil by Knocked Out Howard Marberry of-means of lliem. Hamilton Last Night at Vancouver YANliOUVKIt, lec. It. Vie :-'idey. local bantanmvislit, lal uulit won the lloiiiiniou title acre lasl nielli when be knocked; out Howard Marberry of llnmH-l Ion. I'.a.slern champion, in the A. A. ..... 1 1 .if m i.m'i!iiIciI flf. i''ol. Sfjl, Jrboii (Vi . Alex. Volume (V.i (i. Mclliiiolu (It.i (i. lVTinkerfV.i a F. Xienian U.l'. I D. Ilc.we II. I'. . . ; W. J. NrlMiit (UJ ,K. Fenekm (V.) . A :J. Ileeley (,).. a J. Weir (O.) k , A. Iionaki ! no clianye in the .standings of 1 1. Alilrlilpw (H.P. , any of Ihe leam and. al that. j J. May ft:.S. .... '1 he men fnnir the. fish plant ran Dr. Wel (V. . $ . only stfi aiiial or Uie uroiio tnp.' 1.. vtarrifjr , 5-' M. MacUclilan (B.A. Iirown iAvr-..' fourth place by .1 narrow niar?io.J. laelwn jCX .... 3 The 11... St. ci Amlrew;. 1 i. in n.ii lliinl nWt.H.' IMylTie itKfi.. m (XI.) 3 have no chaiicx' of overtaking ' S. Dartnti (GJB$ .. the Veterans in second. Of ' ".. I.. Youngmait fV. m ti lled ' ourse. a iiecuieu victory inr .mbiici (ti.t. H her leant wilt put litem in a heller puilion and for thai ren-miii liulli will lie out to win. Preparations rfrc bcla? made lo build an oien air skaliitR rink al YiimlerlnHif. Wealbef tiav inr liet'H very gol for Hie makin? of a rink, flooding- was -larlnl at Ihe Hrsl of this wek. Sullicient money was uaranleeil liy public subscript ion lo launch Ihe iindertakinp anil the rink will uiiuouitirtji, Va rn ir Iruuk Pacific Sleamshipl inz lo holdla,,d succssinuy lonnnciwi. 1 ne aijin!' vamlerlHMir .Miiieue Asmiciaiiwn will undi'rlake Ihe Bna4jkfial re-sMinsibilily in roiiiffrl 1411 Willi ranoin.the rink durmir Hie wtn-b'f ' rea-oiir , , In recent fiHilbal jrartte I ween the Uruguayan Olympic leain and an Arsenlinr eleven in Monlevideo artd llueinf Ayrcs, bollle's and ' stones were I brown, 1 al the opposing players. There was alo jeeriu? and culling of names. Ilolli Argentine and Vrupuyau papers have lectiireij j iifalmenl of visiting players and.j advoiMliii: NOW CHAMPIONED M. Amlrews . D. JlcAuley (Ii.) .. J. Andrews (t.A.) .. !. P. linker (V.i . .' is. Smm ((.) . i. . . . W. Murray (C.) .. W. Milelicll (IM. . 41. litnli i:. .... J. Allan i S..V.i . . . , D. McLean (ij.v II. Parr :.. Macdoiiald (S.A.j J. Ihilter r..a. ... A. Hales T..S. M. Slefihfn ';.) . . Ii. Keelm T..S. rJ'.JJrUoiiKall 'li. .. 3 3 2 3 4 9 3 3 S 4 4 3 4 3 .t 3 1 I I linn 150 ITiM ii() lull ,50 !"' 45ll 150, '4 ''300 l.'o : 3 mo n;: 430 M.I Ut III 423 Mi 418 139 277 41 4 Oft 401 867 395 I3 137 135 134 131 U2 533 131 393 131 . ... I race s.iw 1 1 a' 330 107 m i 210 105 97 97 -lay WAmle WAlMll.r-.,,,, ( . . I 83 fel? MANY CLAIMsfTO -VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Use of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretenders -About. Hie eiir.lHHIi Hie pioneer proKpector of British Columbia Ihe speclalors seventy for their' discovered n rrniarkahle cnul. lack of sporlsmanship in llieirj After many triaU mid lels il Ibi'i discontinu- 44)is coal rpresentij IheVnw' 01 BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division ' 'iames. . l-ii0H 5(H;p.) 3 Mo.Moi-die (V.i a' . 3- . I .) 3 MACDONALD'S Fine Cut For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDON AID'S Fine Cut TH. Av. 750 350 vas M'iliely rslablished tbat eiefinomv. efririeniv'taSd eoWOrt. To this fuel thei' ae the umr ranvms name of !lmiiainio-We-inuoii.-' rrprexenlina all thai was het In coal. No sooner was If found that the public insisted on nelllnit I his Wonifcir FnH than other 1. ...,i .... ii.. n.u-L.i W. JljNHsoii $.) . s 4f-l85 SlJ WV! all 'Uei F. Stephens (U.V.) i , F. Pyle V., C. Italawiio II. P.) ., II. Jelich (H.P.- .., I!. Pea ice (tij ... ., " .). WaNI, fV. Melhodist Church Sale of II. Morgan ((!. Work. Home Cooking. Novel lies IS. Illylbe Ki., and ( anily in Hie Church Parlors It. Ili-own (!. I hiiisilay aflernoon. Last chance (. Wauli f(l.) lo buy Clirislinas (iifls. i'H'.i 3 '7I7 3S8' wfieir yoo niake 3' (V.I2 2g.i J h. eine. fnplaAlieafer Colts, 31; Sons of Canada, 18. Colls, 39; Regiment, 13. Mepte Leafs, 24; Oil's, 14 The surprise of last night's leajrtie hasaelhall games wan the ietury f Hie Oil over Hip Hons of C.Mimila in Hie Senior l.uue. Laboring under Ihe dihVtilly of hnvinr one of Iheir slronireia i.l.t.l.. llminn. Mlii'linll III mi ..IcapactUliHl and, . ide this, be 350 494 197 243 jof Ihe Son, the Gulls not only ,iwere vii lorious bul won mil by ';:! the substantial More of 31 to III. 'ss!'l1ui nau rL.llalitH.1 Itta fans anil 4R7 133 352 ll? - . . 75(1 3tj small- satf' vnii.pTove le 350 350 more last inn iohI more powerful 73U 2lfi Ileal from 11 fnw sbovelfula. tH 211 warrtiv iiiiv sisii. n clinker or nut iM'ulgjMaod and or 7o'.i 2;jCijeoo'-slove. . 0U5 2.'I2: This famous Xannimo-Wel- ' 830 222 "'iglon -oat 055 218 ! bert A Mcl'nffery to whom all or-H(i5 2 li'i ''ers should lie pjtnneil direct. HI 20i 817 20.1 788 107, Socond Division Forliu Ml. P.' . . -1u ('.no 150 Prormit deiirv mffif fl,yef by their own eamgnri IfHcks. T'ipir nli.'iie niMiibers are lift and 5ii'i. U VV M-.!"airTijaaW Viz Lb. -15 ling fared with Hie full slrvnitlh lends lo lijdtleo up Ihe leaytie althougn the Minuckn are I ill In lka IvmA. A re.iirrinzi'- 9" ' .. . . WB,W " "WI Hianl fl la .a f'aa.11 .a llHU.ItU tdtiat ,1WW9 fit IttV ' w9t re iiii-Uf wi restHMieiMe for Iheir vielory. Bob llartlell played centre Instead of guard and Willie Mit chell litaytxt a running uuunl Ma 1 0I1 Srtilh was reo'ttmisible for most of the scoring and Ihe whole 1 am played an excellent game. The tfons were nol in form ami marred Iheir play wild wil passes. The Canuck forward- were nol iriven much rhaiirr It shoot. The I earns lined-up as fol lows: (kills -K. etlertnart. R. Himth K. Ilartlell, W. MilefWll and l Friell. Sons of Canada- H. It. Skinner II. MMixies, V. Meniics, A. Mil-chell, is. Amlerson and i. Shen-lon. Have Halfoar referred. Intermediate League The IIU ran true to form in the Intermediate League and won over the Hegjmenl by 3V to IH. incideiilalh regaining Ho- i-elusivi teaguft leadersiip wlio-ii III.. 1 ! 1 1 waa sharing wild nn.ler verv similar namies. o ,.n' . . , ...... . Kegimenl Imjiiis Aston, Sid- . .... ... ' mi'cli that al so thu, pirblic were 750 260 jmurse il waj ea aftr a Mai Colls W. WrttHuiH. Itiilpb Smith. (V. Sbeniiin, loiigla Friitzell and Arthur Phillip-. H. B. Skinner was re r.-ire. Ladles' League The Maple ,iafs scored lio n- . . fiHirlh victory of Ihe season over Kii- :.. 11... 1 .1 lll M III nil- l.uillf-s l.ealll. I MIS time by a more substantial margin of 21 lo li. II was an easy , ..ii...... is soM only by Al-- i......-... Advertise to llof Imily N-ivs, line Mitebelt. Willa Oyer. I. eon a Parker. M. Long, Mnrjorie Lancaster. ..Maple Leafs- Myra llarvev. If Lillian Lowe, Louie Fisher. Aileen Sleplleiis, Marguerite , tlffi. Margaret Graham and I'l.aura f'rlnKell. It. II. Skinner was referie. i League slandings lo dale ' low: I j League Standing I W. I.. Sims of Canad (1 L' Klks 2 2 (dl 2" a Intermediate League Colls t I (Irnlto ... 3 I ivepiintnii u a Ladles' Loague Maple lafs 1 0 (Sil's 0 t Junior League Tmy Tims -j ( .OH -4 1 fol- Pls. 0 t 1 8 ft 0 8 0 I ill 8. I. rv Several Ua acr trans of land at Terrace. First buyer gel a tan acres free. A C. I. it Ha. tm FOR RF.NT. Ma4-Iiiies. Ringer Sewing Phone Blue 389. tf FOR SAlJi Oil RF.NT. Urs. Harry l.ipsrtt's resiileiica 431 Fourth Avenue. Apply. Lip sell. CiiiiniiislMim. Second Ave. and Mcllnde. tf AUCTIONEERS IT will nay you lo consult u when you desire lo sell or purubas furniture, or any article. PRINCF. IH'PKBI KX- GHANOF Aliclll.i eers. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. Wt Buy. 8il and gv. rhnga .New and Mcondhann tooda. OhO. PAPAUUPULI5, H3tf Third Ave. I'ho-M TAXI Tal C7 Phone (t: rteorKe.jli,i,.UualC Prompt Kervlre nnd (Vinfori Illy or Nig 1 Stand: .7033 BROS. POOL ROOM Mocfcer Llock, Aer"" 'rout ;'.m-re. 'ie CH'ROHRAC TOR 1 R. E. EYOLFSON traduale of the National lilleg" ' o( Ghiropr.n l ic. Chirago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Imim. 10 to I'.'; 2 In 5; 7 In H. salunlay aflernoon- nnd Sundays by .tppolnliienl '.nine Illui H5. Tut May. December 9, ijj, PAGE FOUR TIIK DAI ,T NEWS DRY BRINGING UP FATHER 4k , - By George McManiu Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U . Phone 688. Open Evening! Only Far Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Carl age, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. fr I THE HOOVER It Beats, as it Sweeps, as it Cleans There i no (Sift vr: could recommend more lasting, more prartiral or more ti.e-fnl lliiitt the Hoover. Order it now for delivery al (Jhrislmas. "When yon give Iter ii Hoover you give her Hie Besl." Two style. rah price 562 CO and 575.00 AUo Sold on V.-d Terms in llj Kaien Hardware Co. jjj Sterling Furnace COAL DalKarad In Bulk. At 510.00 per ton. Thl it a very superior furuare cull. It Klfea clean bot fire tnl la eullrrly free from eoot, cl.nkcrs, dick ami ill rl. Some of tla liritu beau plant In the city ire now mint U ltb entirely aaiuriitory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At $12.60 per ton. We ire iImj Aireuta for the f iiiioti LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Mild Off loll MOl Oentral. rhea IK LAID MOT. Caular Land Dlatrlcl. -.A,CC.E-t WEIAIH' HER HAlki pemoiiH at 1 WE OKC "-3H QNPn tv v BASEBALL BOXINQ WHIST OF THE DAY Tonight l 19 ton and atrn(thn lha ertana of difaatian and aliminaiien. Imprava aalita. atep aick haadaehaa, raliava biU lauanaaa, carraal canatiaalion. Tha act itroinatly. plaaaantly, mildly, yat thorauthly. I 7 ( W A,Cq1E OOr- r 1 TT0 T ool ,oT K I wear it e,oece.c throw vws m.i. mm?, OV.OEtnQ I W-v HUQM BETTER f V WOM'T PIT OvtZ. j ' OH OEeH. fyjr THt WAt )a vS r " ioon't wow YiS; ry I i K t"GRy -7- ( WHKT TO OO s' V. fe.7 g (ei Humi fM raacaj ajr . - y V-M SPORT NEWS HERE AND EVERYWHERE F00T3ALL BILLIARDS HUNTING gn FC.mEinsOw !f POOR , luib i comma tE :,t HOUc Ml FVJTORC HOME. pTrJ Dailv News Classified Ads. I ) 2 CENTS I'FK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AtlrartUomout Tnkan for Uaa than OOeP I t ' A 1 ."" 1 .hi VICTORY GOES AGAIN TO COLTS Fans Enjoyed Seeing Comeback of Team That Started Poorly FOR SALE OR RENT WANT to WAMF.O. I .,, grammar by w I Apply llox -'-H. Ha oflee. FOIt Pliiniliinx ami l'hon lllue 51 H LOST I.OHT- (Hi Salurd4-ably 011 Full on S: 1 . -pin wilh set of 11,! - -Subslanlial rewuu lo O.K. Ibtlhs. TO RENT FOR HKXT -Thre.-.- t4 housekeeping r. n cumulate. 31 a s- FOH HKXT. Mod.-, rooms and bath llroa. Hi KliM'. Thr and rtMims. 1 1 h Meant beatetl. Ki-A Go. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Ki v - -. : 1. tf l J v FOB RUM'.- Ion i-i,. i 1; keeping auHe. it s t Hist. Phone liluo ;tt a II BOARD AND ROOM NOTICE Advertisers are remlird el that coiy for adier tisemenls should tie in Hi Haily News office be f I p.m. today to enure laser! Ion In tomorrow'l ! sue. I' Shop discriminate!, obtaining the highest values, yet escaping unwarranlerj prices. Carry this list to the Government Liquor Stores and accept no substitutes. BOOTH'S LONDON DRY GINS Hon I.or.l-. ;'ii :'..! i,i. hollies. i:i.75. High .,'hI I i v . 2i ,,7.. Hollies, :i.ri(i. BLANKENHEYM & NOLETS KEY BRAND HOLLAND GINS Hi d lllipri ial M11..1U. i.2.,: (In cil Reputed 0'iurL Jf'J.oo; ,.,, i Iluitle, l.:L"i. DENIS MOUNIE GOLD LEAF COGNAC, 12 Years Olc - ,)mu is, 7:: int. 12. 00. ESCHENAUER CLARETS AND SAUTERNS St. .1 11 1 1 . 1 . Me.bie Mai'g.iuv (jlrel. Ouarl. 0I I'illls, lor. limit S.111I1 1 lies, i.luarls, l..'l.'i; Hints. 7Dr. (icins Hnperienr, tjiiarls, .src. GONZALEZ BYASS SHERRY AND PORTS I'iiie Obi. l.m; l.whl (iobleu. ?,5it. It?(l Label. !Jt 1 .1111 ; lllue Label, a.lM). K.igle Port, .:,o; '('liree Itagle I'm I. 2 '' HEERING'S CHERRY BRANDY $ i.7f Per hollle. LEIVJON HART RUM llnyal N.iv Jamaica, :iil O.P., Hcpiilctl Quai l. OnurK au.llll. Ilcnieiar.i. (l... ( x. Ilnllle, 'J..'il; Bepillcd U'tarl". ! I.110: Imperial (.liiiirls, (1.1)0. Item. niia. l'rool. Ill ox. Ilnlllc. a.tltl; Hepuled ol., i?:i.0il; liiierial Onai s, l.r,i. NUYENS LIQUEUHS (mrui iui HmiKH, ier Rnlllo. Crcme de M iitie, isVOd per Hollle. MITCHELL'S HEATHERDEW SCOTCH WHISKEY Hepuled (jiutrls, ttf.lTr, Imperial Onnrts, 5.M. MITCHELL'S FINE OLD IRISH WHISKEY Hepuled guails, $ j.0U;'lniierinl yitarls, MOO. Tliis iiilverliscriieut 1- mil puldislieil or dilayi'(l I'V "ie Liquor Coiilrol Hoard or by the (ioverimieiil of Hiilif" Coin niliia. it (MIAMI) and llooin at he InUthr camtrally located, one kif bliHk from Poi5 fT:f tZ Sron Aven i'bm:e i7 tf