faoi roan. " TSl DAILY ITWcV Mitrulay. May I? i t , , i. . . : I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj Money II 1 1 i i II i i ' i 1 1 ii ii ! 1 1 i nun . II II II III I WrVX -i IT l- IIIBBflllll THXTUMINIA i, . . , t U -ys v. y Wfi in The Count itv i CVO ORDER feOME Z. UWM Im COTTH J7 Orders vnt.mr i IWU' oihner ) bottue of nilk two SSxIIJJL jK " On Norway, Sweden and (iVLfclTfT 1 CMStOrTOmTOEV 1 f THltU. Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, tlatea and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn'fi Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Harden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Kdson Coal in any quantities Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all kind of hew and secondhand gOOdg. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream DellvitrArf rtallw , . Direct from the farm to the home. Phone BJack 216. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOGHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone SSI. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, t te 8. Phone 6M. Open Evenings Only ? Special Appointment. ( ClM4 Iht-i. Fllw" Stuvx-i lc - . . 1 I : i - - - - - .- DROVE THROUGH FINE DISTRICT Grand Master of Masons and Local Members Were Given Good Reception at Smlthers The party of local Mason who ireompanied Charles K. Tidall of Vancouver, firand ' Master for Ilrili-h Columbia, on his trip to Snfilliers returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. The visitors were received very hos- tpltably by their brethren In the inlerior and they were taken for a seventy-mile drive through the Itulkley Valley, visiting such points as Telkwa and Hound Lake, if was the first time that many of lliem had been afforded the opportunity of seeing the district at such close range and Ihey were agreeably surprised to pole the progress that had been made along flgricullural, lines. Seeding is just commencing anil a good deal of new land is being ptll under cultivation for I lie first tinfe. The weather was beautiful and the roads were in good condition, The visit of the firand Master to Smithcrs was accompanied willi the usual ceremonies. Mr. Tisdall went on In Prince fieorge and will proceed jln Vancouver via the' Fraser lliver arid the ParifH Ore.it Hastem Railway. BURNS LAKE Flight Lieut. Karl MacLeod of Vancouver inspected Hums and Francois Lakes recently as pos sible landing places for the Ilril- ish round-the-world uight. He was pleased with the possibilities at both points though there is not much likelihood of Francois Lake being used for it is off the course. . iiance was given here in honor of Lieut. MacLeod. William Call of Foresldale has been arrested on a charge of having stolon goods in his possession. , Mr. and Mrs. Ilay Slanyer have left for Fraser Lake, where they will reside for a lime. Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge McKon-7.ie left lust week for Seattle en-route In Los Angeles. - Frank L. Carroll has been . ap pointed assistant forest .ranger with headquarters al Topley. t Kerr of Wistaria Is filling a sim ilar position in Hums Lake dis l net. J. X. Long has loft for Van couver where )ie will visit for a lime. There was a baseball game jhere yesterday between Fancnis Lack and Hums Lake. A meeting was held here on Saturday evening in the Inter. ests of the Provincial Parly. The speakers were John Cohnell of Victoria and J. F. Toner of Vernon. P. I., necks lead, who left here some lime ago, is reported to be doing well in the garage business at H"vesloke. The village commissioners have decided In purchase a 70' gallon chemical Tire pngine for the town,. Kber Twaddell has been appointed pound-keeper. NEW HAZELTON The following delegates were appointed to represent llazcltoii district al the Methodist Con ference which will open in Van couver this week- Mrs. X. Kil- palrick, Smilhors; Mrs. Phillips. I'elkwa; John Xowjck. Hazcllon: Mrs. 11. A. Harris. Hazcllon Hos pital; Mrs. Lees, Smlther. Ilev. M. W. Lees of Smilhors, Ilev. W. C. Muwhimiey of Telkwa, Ilev. I. II. Young of Terrace, and Ilev. Victor Sansuui of Hazcllon- are also attending the conference. Holier! Tomlinson, who has been in charge of missionary work in the Kispiox valley for many years, has decided to re-lintuish his duties. It. S. Sargent, Conservative nominee for Hie forfheomins provincial election i.i Skeena riding, presided over the Provincial part y-ineeting here last week The Hazcllon Horticultural Society; has elected olTiccrs as follows:- president, J)r. II. C. Wrinch; viee-presirtnnl. Mrs. ft. Sargenl; secrelary. II. II. Little; executive coiumillee, Ihe oflicers and Kd. Ilyilo and Mrs. Calloway. " - llepairs have been made 'to the high level bridge ami it is again ready for Irafllo. Dr. H. C. Wrincli occupied the pulpit in Xew Hazcllon Methodist Church yesterday in the absence of Ilev. Victor Sansuin. Leonard Wrinch has relumed from Kdiimnlnn to spend the summer visiting with his father. Dr. II. C. Wrincli. He has completed his third year in medicine it Ihe University of Alberta. ' - The ferrv across the Skeena lliver is again in the water and is giving good service. nlnnio Sarlori made Ihe aulo Iriii to Smilhors and return last week. It is the earliest Irii for a season on record. Hoy McDonnell returned al Ihe end of -the week from the prairies wiiero lie left tils utile son; lack, with relatives. Hospital Day is being fully observed today in this district. iiev. I . ii. I'rocior preaeniii ap propriate sermons in SI. Peter's Church yesterday, there was a reception and baby show al Hie Hospital this afternoon and to night nurses' graduation exercises will lake place. Among the BRIER speaker will bo If. S. Sargenl, S. II. Iloskin of Suiilhers and Ilev. T. D. Proctor. There will alM be a musical program. SMITHERS The following Itulkley Valley former have entered the Dominant government' elovr growing tlislrict competition: K. W. Fos, I.. Chapman, I'.. Morin. F. Till-berl, Charles Xowill. J. Preece, l.'C. K. Scaly. U. Eckmaii. K. I.eirhford. Oeorge Murray. K. C. Harger, Joe llourgon, A. J. Ho- sons. II. M. MrOregor. II. Wearne ami .1 .Warren. .-..-Xews of Ihe death al Primate. Sakhlchewaii, of Joe Shelly, a well-known pioneer prosjieclor. has been receUcd. He was pari owner of Ihe llcco-Apen mine, and his brother, Mieheal Sheady. now acqliires Ihe inleresl. The (ilenlanna Liberal Assoc iation has elected olliccrs as follows: President,. J. lirillin; secretary, Mrs. K. K. Chapman; ex ecutive. It. Ashhurm-r, J. MoCabe W. Wilson, C. Cliapiiiaii, Waller Fea and J. Malknw. ('harles Chapman was - fleeted delegate to attend Ihe nominating convention at Hazcllon on Thursday of. this week. 3 A. T. Ilarren- 4has returned from Pennsylvania an.! an nouiices that machinery is on Ihe way for a sawmill he is fo establish west of Idwn where Ihe old lludsoon Hay mountain road crosses Ihe railway tracks. T. A. MeAhirlfn has jul com pleted erection of u building on Third Avenue which will bo oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Soodaere. - The onicial board of Ho Smilhors Union church for HUM has been elected as follows; treasurer, W. Mitchell; secret ary, Norman Kilpalrick; board, D. C. Sangsler, S. Hennell, Ceo. Smith and L. S.McCill. ' The Siuilhers . Catholic Cluh opened its room al a successful ard party held hisl week. First hrizo winners were Mrs. W. F. Hoycr, t. Anger, Mrs. .lames Fea and S. Mayer. Consolation awards went lo Mrs. S. Hennell, II. Cundersnn, Mrs. W. (iolieen fund II. Senkbill. Solos were given by Mrs. L, H, Warner and II. Mall hews. The engagement i. announced Hi Victoria of Miss Frances Hus; laiiirlilcr of Mrs. Dims of Snan- ichlon, lo Major II. L. Calo of Suiilhers. Mr.s. D. F. Hall has left for southern cities on a three inonlh holiday trip. .1. 0. Stephens is in Winnipeg attending, a conference of the chairmen of Hie various locals of the order of railway telegraph ers. An eliorl is being made in liave the Smilhors and Kamloops divisions combined as a promo lion district. TRAOC MAM RIGItTCRKD Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtlmnt Takon for Umt than'ROc WANTED WANTED. Furniture of every description. Hizhesl nrices p4id. Prince Hupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phone 055. WAXTF.D.- Clrl for general Ii0iework. Apply Mrs. (loorge LlOle. Terrace. H.C. LOST .ST. Ladies diamond ring of particular value to owner. 150 reward gladly paid; llelurn lo Daily .News ofllce. tf FOUND KOLXD. An LO.f. Owner ear have same at Daily .News ofllce by proving ownership and paying lor Ibis advertisement. I.f. MISCELLANEOUS WAIXWHIOHT (Alborla, OIL FIELDS. Write for free booklet containing authentic Information on this wonderful oilfield. Haslell. ISO Seymour Street, Vancouver, H.C I Id PRINCEGEORGE ,1. W. milli. inspector of lands, Victoria, was in the cily liil week enroule south after having spent a mouth in the Sluart lliver District vhere a parly of settlers was recenlly brought from Eslhouiu by Sir John Pilka. It Is Mr. Smith's opinion that they will make good. Allan Thrasher Ihe mill men al Loos, losl "(1,000 feel of limber, in u fire last week which was fortunately confined to their ards without damaging Ihe mill. A silent policeman U lo be erected al Ihe corner of Oeorge Stre'i'i and 'Third Avenue. II will im IS inches thick and four feel high and will carry an- electric light and red sign. F. P. Hurden has relumed from a trip lo Ihe Dear lliver llslricl where he cruised limber lands in which Howard Cole ami associates of Xew York have become Interested. Mr. and Mrs, E. (!. West of Punchaw nrrivon in the cily last week and will proceed lo Van- louver Island where Ihey Intend to locale. Mr. West Is selling his ranch which ho has heen de- eloping for the pasl four years Harry Sinclair, Ihe Mud lliver rancher, has returned from stock-buying trip East. .Noil McMillan, unlit recently ehiuf of police here, has lefl wilh Mrs. McMillan for Vancou ver. W. Somerton has lefl for Cleve land, Ohio, where he will attend the triennial convention (if Ihe order of railway telegraphers a delegate from Xorlhorn H.C, .1. P. Kriemark, who has been in Ihe mercanllle business hero for the pal fourteen yours, left last week with his family for Seallle, If developments In ,n district warrant, he may decide to return. The following farmers of IIiIr district are entered in Ihe federal government's clover growing competition: llobcrl Hluckbiirn, E. w, lllcli, Iteginald Holmes, fl (!. Xellson, Andy Miller, Campbell, Oeorge h. Hnolhroyd Hugh lllacklmni and William lckyer. . FOR SALE FOIl SALE. Five roomed house on Second Avenue, lluildlng on Oovernmenl wharf used n u news stand. .Vine 10-acre loU, one l-acre lot at Terrace. Prince Ceorge. lot ID and II, block lit; lots 10 and II, block 110; lots SH and 2'J. block 117; lot ft, block IS I. Apply A. C. Little. Second Ave. nue. US Foil SALL. 'hlxteen room room ing house and store; all furnished. Full liol (a"inenl wilh new hot air furuare. Prire 7,000.0. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dck, D Ambrose Avenue. If FOH SALE.25-I0 h.p. SIcrlinR engine; llonch Ignition; com-pled, to and Including coupling. 1750.00 30 foot cruiser, 20 h.p. Just overhauled. - toilet, galley. 1,000. M. M. Stephen. II FOIl SALE. Al Terrace. I.ol 16. consisting of III acres, block 17 i I, one mile and a half from station, church, store, post ofllce, hotel and school. I'rlotvflftH eah. Apply A. C. Lillhv If FOIl SAI.Iw-Ivory Wicker Hah Huggy and Ivory Crib, two-hole Florence cooker wilh oven, fruil sealers. Wanted small wicker buggy. Phone Hlue CIS. If LOOOIXO OUTFIT for sale and gasboal 33 feel long in good condition. Can he seen al Hie Aeroplane Ark, Seal Cove. ft FOIl SALE. New and used Machinery, Hoals and Engines. Northern Exchange. If HESTAUItAXT for Sale or Lease. Apply llox 175 Daily Xews office. FOR nENT FOIl HUNT. . Furnished house keeping rooms, no Sixth Ave. East. Phone Hlue 317. It FOIl HEX'T Four room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smith A Mai lei I. Ltd. If TO HEX'T. 5-roomed suite with bath anl range 930.00. David II. Hays .V Co. OFFICE FOH HEXT, with modern living quarters. Wettenhaver Hro. if FOIl HEXT. Palmer House for cheap rule ntnl home comforts, tf BOARD AND ROOM HOAHD and Hoom al the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post oillce, 830 Second Avon. Phone 137. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods nought, Bold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Illack 1.111 and Hed 442 INSURANCE. FRED H. 8TEPHENS Non-Hoard Insurance National fien Frntikln. Second Floor, Federal Hloek. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Oeorge or fluat) Rose Brother. Prompt Service and Comfort Dny or Nlghl Rlnnd: ' Grotto Cigar Store, Third Ave. BEAUTY PARt'OR (Uunplele up-; Parlor llobhing llairdressing. Iln i i. up. Mtin ami alp J Violet Ilay. Price u, MRS. LOVE, Hoom 0. Slepio ... p Denny Allen C Pii MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays ard Frl days, closes at 5 0 p.m. From the East-Mondays. ThursiUyn r -j urdajrs, 1.30 p.m. i from Vancouver .Suudayi P. X. Wmlnrml.iy K Fridaye AH, Saturdays. . M C P. II. May " 111 To Vancouver-Tuesdays. Mall closes at I M 'lliurwlays Saturday . AH. Suiklayo . CP.lt. May I i. a j To Anyoi, Alice Arm WetJntxMlays 1 Sunday . '1 From Anyox, Alice Arm Tno(Mlay ' 1 Thursday To Port Simpson-Sunday . . I M To Stewart and Premier SiiiidMys " " Saturdays . ' " From Stewart and Premier Sunday 'Tuesdays AH From Port Simpson-Tuesday AX. To Alatka Points-May 0. IU and 30 From Alaska Points-May 1. l:i and 2:i . To Queen CharlotU Ulf nd.olnw May Hi and .'I From Queen CharlQH,fenl, May H and To Naas River Poln and M Simpson- Thursdays u m "-" From Nsas River Poind Saturday A.M. Box Collection I' M I'V Graham A Atljn Aves I I 8.1 1st Ave. A I'.ighlh St I H. nih Ave. Fullon SI 4 d tflh Avet fi Thompson St. I 1 lllh Axe. A Sherhronke . Ave. r lllh Ave. A Conrad St i 8 1 fllh Ave. x llnys Cove ve 4,4 j (I Hi Ave. & Hays Cove Circle J 5 J th Ave. ti Cotton Hf & 8 5th Ave. A Mcllrlde sjJ."0' Pjo, Oov. Hldgs. . . . Pro. Oov. Wharf . 0 , O.T.P. Wharf M' v : nd Ave. A 2nd SI. . siMl) 3rd Ave. A Fnllnn PlMsW ' 3rd Ave. A fill. St. . 'i" snyrr ii.rRTlAKl Monday, May 1t . .. i ii... i. 111 3 iiiuii ... i .in u. mi, - 50:51 i.r: ,n Low i :20 iijii. 13:58 p.W). 0.7 Tueidav, May 13, " High H:55 m. ,l6.d 2 1 : f I p.iV 11 Low J:45 umw, " 15:00 p.HU p ' Wedneeday, May's14' llfBll ll'BH Jl.l l. . ljOW 22:31 iLin. ; 3:51 a.m, .10:01 p.ih. iV