




- ee ini

‘ sg: = “ | € P * 21 - 23 Besner Block GE
Classified Rates CARS FOR SALE eet aaa eae aaa aaa” ie. vl e > \ Phone Blue 442 Salone CONTR

eanciiapsoainniis . iE é
Ulosure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- FOR SALE—1949 Hillman, A-1 RADIO DIAL cae G : 7 Rep
vious to publication. condition with only 15,000 1240 Kilocveles Se i inds
miles. Studebaker red in color - ee ,

Gipenities, 3 comin wre wed Det) By EASLEY BLACKWOOD | | m
F Can be seen at 1408 First i . y - ROOFS — ¢
insertion; minimum charge 50 Sirericaie ee 6 Phone B64 (Subject to € hange) i SCOTT McLAREN CHI

A | side aes OIL BURN
nye. Teens ean be ateamenn (= PN NAAN ‘ . ‘ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT
days. Terms can be arranged Common Sense Also Makes Up a System —

Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards (181) FRIDAY 308—3
a 7 om. eas on a ee pa : ai ee ; bs . : |] James Block 608—3rd Ave. W.
a ee wotlogs, FOR SABE — 1951 Austin A76| 5:30 Bui Good Sports ~ | In any gathering of players who go beyond the| Meee Prince Rupert, B.C. =n Se FHONRS:
i NOLICES, 2 hg e stati ; adi 5:45 "BC New »at nt . . : i . : oe '
| Notices, Marriage and)“ ‘station wagen. Radio. 8000, 5:45 CBC News; Weather: Int | stage of conversational bridge, there is a Mr. Rhule.| \| Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 |]|
gement Announcements, miles guaranteed mileage, °° “Canada at Work : : eee .
Phone Blue 897. (G)| $25 tere He not only learns every new bidding or playing|
1 Display double price. °00 ChC keen . = . : : Pig
1 Display do price. | FOR SALE—1949 Austin sedan, 1° ee convention as it comes out, he temporarily builds his kc FRED E. po
ANNOUNCEMENTS like new. Information write! 7:30 Haydn symphonic — ood i hd , ma nem FOR YOUR ROCK oT
Leeann a Box 453, Daily News. (180p)| 8:00 Music From Manfeabs entire system around it. AND CONCRETE WORK OPTOMET,
Rebekah Bazaar, October 4 8:30 Song Tin

: ; m Once he used the Blackwood) South dealer Room 10 stor
— : i ___.|FOR SALE—1949 Pontiac in good! 9 ano Pl — rth-S ; 7 | Stone B
Catholic Fall Bazaar, Oct 8 condition Pea iigey a ' (Bip) 9 0 4 B ee four no trump bid on every leg North-South vulnerable | SAUNDERS BROS.
25< per dosen paid for empties. Please | We Pour Ceiment For Less

} ; ' North
and 9 9:45 Three ies of Babylon hand use his curi
a 42 have them ready when the driver calls, Phone Blue 939







Phone Bluey

Open Friday x
wait to set S8—K 9 3 pen Friday §

Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar heater, defroster and all good) 10:10 C 1y aces his partner had H—A 9 7
November 5 rubber. Red 665 (18Ip).| 29:45 & . t adopted the fou! D—10 7 3 - This advertisement is not published or displayed by |
ti sO | << ; < ezdech 1 “lanist ‘ ee 7 : C-—s 4 the Liquor Control Board o by the Government
= ce FOR SALE — 1949 Ford good | !! ather -of ci vO aSK TOF aces I West East of British Columbie, 2
Fall Bazaar, Novem condition, two-tone Price 0 ted yher on John! (Mr. Bhule) (Mr. Dale)
ber 20. | $1400. Bob Parker Body Shap.) ‘>, ‘

at ae ae Mis ere
r 2 FOR SALE—1940 Buick. Radio,| 10:00 aoe






764 S—10.2 — feromnanntoenen .

Marine Weather recas . my > bid. The

: Pr byterian ‘Bazaar, Novem- Terms can be arranged. (182p) Mus c became ¢ addict a a op 3 20S

Lawn Mowers Sharpened UPHOLSTepy
D—-K 984
ber 27 =

air 7:30 sather Report | ways leading the second highest C—None Cc-9753 , 215—Ist Ave. W. Phone Blue 126. pg
denen ia A _BOATS FOR SALE oe mURIOR x of touching honors—even when South Ph 909 234—3rd Ave
Ladies of the Order of the FOR SALE—Float House. Good 3 0 re e ; i (Mr. Champion) : one


i ak he should have led an enti! a ; : Prince Rupert
Royal Purple Bazaar, Oct. 18. « home or summer camp. Black 15 and Encores differ suit . =? 8: Al CERTIFIED PO. Box 721 t
614 (180p 30 Morn tions

a > . He went through a stags f D—5 |} 1951 Ford Fordor Lovely
ie Women f the Moose Bazaar,, —____— a 3.5 iar ae a a fascination with the “prepared i i ad 1898 } green metallic. Heater,
Nov 7 - FOR RENT oe a we i Cmt club,” opening with one : _ — ie : viser, only 6,000 HELEN’S H G HE
Credit Women’s eakfast 1:30 6C c 1 almost every time he opened th 2 2H Db! Dass | miles $2350 .G LGER
Club R I o Sali hc wo 9 FOR RENT - eo wees bidding 2s 3D iS 1949 Plymouth Sedan—Smart BEAUTY SHOP
lub Rumma Saie, August 2 SINGER PORTABLE 5:50 > Si Today he is a Stayman addict 6D Pas ass two-tone. Nice

10:00 Children’s Musical 6: Prt i ermanen aving
DEATH NOTICE : ELECTRIC 10:30 World Cmitch Nev and a suit ‘rence fanati oe




For Downtrodden Heels Tailoring - Aj
and Wurn Soles on
Box 774 Second Ave.
MAC Clothes Made-to-
220 Sixth st











————_-___— family car $1575 Beuuty Culture in all REAL ESTATE &
ie ainaciaciiaiia SEWING MACHINES 10:45 CBC News He opens one no trump on al Wage Bee ca Ath | 1947 Hydramatic Olds— | its branches Phone 96, Ey oa
MacLEAN, ALEXANDER—Age, »©Y' CHINES 110-8 Soturaih tote most any distribution just to] eee ee ee etnmnel a eink _ One owner $1325 ||) 044th Street Phone 655 ,
51, instantly d in mine ac- $2 per week Weather Report igive his partner a chance t ye _— and reMurnede & ooh |) 1947 Fond Sedan— .
yo at A Arm, BOC., July $6 per month 1 Message Period j two clubs. And thé two club r: fee 8 he ruffed for the setting | Neat as pin $1275
30, 1952. President of the Cana- FREE DELIVERY 11:33 Ree. Int sponse is practically autom Crick, | |
ea ee cee eee Ph 8 a | with hin ey ta a sses Nice bidding and nice play, } one |
former piper with the K.0S.B.’s one 864 . : aae060C™*C*~*~*é«<d partmserr.”’ i Mr. Dale, beam-ji > go “4~ Fon ony
and Calgary Mighlanders. ’ (1tée) ; ‘ Mid-Day Melodies opens with one no trump. partner, said My, Dale, beam Very serviceable |
‘ algary Mighla 8. c Singer Sewing Machine 25 Program Resume As for his passion for suit ing | ’ 795
1s Music by Mozart oes i | unit $
Company es be cna | preference signals, take today’s} “My suit preference lead Of|) j94¢ porg Sedan-Delivery—
boi 639 Third Avenue West 1:30 Track Tunes hand. He made the very fin a of ae ae | ~ Nice utility wagon... $675
The Greenville Concert Band (181¢c) | 1:30 To be announced fopening of the deuce of dia-| trick gloated Mr ue. MP. | |
é need ‘ mes 4 oO ‘aera - i ii 2k lub wai iaicita Dale, who had not noticed any} With new cars in short supply } SHOE HOSPITAL
Cathedral W or kindness FOR eee —_ aoe | ee ‘ : uch signal but had only made|} wo suggest woe careful con-
th whilst attending ing room for quiet gentleman Poe areas W e d the natural return, was silent. |} .ideration of one of our quality ||
‘lose c Je a aC Nev Hs a ) our quality ||
rit of Bishop and lose in. Box 455, Daily Be oe 25 Ret nt ire arrica es But Mr. Champion was sore at} ne ears ie trucks Shipping and General PORTRAI
son ig) } Feit | being outbid and . outplayed. | Moving, Packing, Crating Films Developed agf
3 7 as ae What you tl ale w } ; PROMPT SER
- —___— | FOR RENT—Warehouse, 40 ft. x | d P| p What do you think Dale would} BR b p ke lid Cartage and Storage I ree'T
PERSONAL 40 ft. on First Ave. and Man- m oun an § jhave led back if he had never} 0 ar [ ‘in. : CHANDLER’ §
ra ————| son Way. Apply Standard heard of a suit preference?” he} || Complete, Reliable and Effi- })} 21¢—4th Street
WE PAY cash st ay pply Standard | uit pI Phone 93 I} cle ‘vice 0 agents f
Fe tee ck ne eon se ee See (187) : | HONG KONG (AP) Heavy|barked. “On the bidding and| |j clent Service. Also agents for Phone Green
ford Electrical Works, Gam |POR RENT—Slecping room. Blue | |wire barricades were thrown|the looks of the dummy, a half-| |j Canadian Liquid Air Co, Ltd Prince Rup
Bay. Phone Blt € 391 ver 433 iit thle gd) | * FLASHES around 40 impounded ainplanes;wit would have returned aj we! oe — and all
ay ne iue 391 b } 8 | Mi . i
: - _octiiasaunsatiisiebeis nen At at Kaitak Airdome today pend- | ¢jyb.” welding supples, T Mf
PLUMBING, Automatic Oil tieat- | FOR RENT — Room and board | se? a eee ing ordess formally relea ' x} ee was lot of truth a = ‘ rain Sc
ing, sheet metal work. Phome; for two men sharing. Separate By BOB THOMAS them to retired Gen. Claire I eR Atha Mit , y gp LINDSAY'S CARTAGE STANDARD 1
3. 630 6th West. L res beds. Phone Red 192 (181) ¥ JB THOMAS ; ae | c++ ,|Mr. Champion’s words. Many | :
la ating cise ne : ae th HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Fame Chenault of the United Sta “°\ times, the suit preference sig- | , " || & STORAGE LIMITED |/ For the East—
— snore | Pe RENT— Room for lady.|has come to Charles Farrell for| Air Force, = a, |nal géts credit for a certain lead | \ a) Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Dally except Suntg
Rupert group: Board if required. 1060 8th|the second time in his lengthy ne disputed er _ Worth | where the very same lead would i ‘ Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 || From the East— —
Annonymous to- East. ___(181p)| acting career, and he’s not too | $2,800,000—had been guarded bY! have been selected on the basis ~OEr ’ einaseitianiaiatiinciamitiniiniats J! Daily except Mond
Box 444, Daily of ordinary common sense and
For the MEAL that REFRE!


. soca nneeirterit : - lik ines communist r more
;, FOR RENT —Three-room suite|5Ure he likes it : é ato pee i .
(181) and bath with furniture for| Farrell was the heartbeat of|than two years © oa awaiting | yood judgment
WOULD lady who phoned Green’ sale. Phone Red 232 (181) | the late 20s and early 30s, when; 4 decision from Britain's highest — ——— DINING

614 Mon evening concern -

—_________.—_=—| ie co-starred with Janet Gay-| court, the Privy Council: Te fe-
, 2nt—Sleepi ‘a }] . wad ;
ir trailer, please phone back? For Rent—Sleeping room. Call

: 7 i nor. Now he is co-starring with ©!Sion, reversing the lower Hong PLE SURE
(179) 7” 337 8th West. (180) another winsome lass, Gale Kong conrte and a rable “ A
precio ii ose WANTED TO RENT Storm, in a_ television series os was made ee IN
LOST AND FOUND -'ealled “My Little Margie.” He here was no immediate re-

ie ; ____, WANTED TO RENT—Furnished! plays Miss Storm’s father in the | 2¢tion from the Peiping govern- i} SPARKLING NEW
LOST—Studebaker hub cap be- or unfurnished house, close to) .yjcodes ut he’s romantic Ment, but more than 100 Chin- }

tween Seal Cove and Conrad| town, Phone Blue 703. (182p) °P odes, Leica Cas = | ees Red onards Ae miatnal SURROUNDINGS

Street School. Phone Black !> ae a figure, too

814. Reward (182) REAL ESTATE What

workers remained voluntarily in d C f
y CORRE aamescisitrs® . rai ieee eee star ed pat ark for the Kowloon police station to-| Tips ‘ Commo ore a e
LOST—Biack Labrador dog, an-|FOR SALE—Six room house, 312 Farrell may end up as a whole

; ; : a ariel 3 -w career. AS summer substi-|  q.-¢ won, a oo) : - St

swers to “Duffy.” “JGR-7P”| bedrooms. Reasonably priced. ¢W career Hong Kong courts originally B WwW

in it ear $15.00 oie Terms arranged. 642 8th Ave, tute for the Lucille. Ball-Desi decided the planes should go to GEORGE DAWES ROAD AY CAFE

Spence & Matuik. (185p) East. Red 900. (181) Arnaz show, “My Little Margie , A


the Peiping government because

2 ; FOR SALE—Two industrial lots, started out none too promising- British recognition of Red China AUCTIONEER

HELP WANTED—FEMALE 48 and 49, Block 17, Section 1, /¥- But the quality has vastly | haq nullified the sales of the |! Phone Green 810 and Red 324 | LUMBING
— : Next to Imperial Machine improved and the show has planes to Chennault by the)
WANTED—Middle-aged woman | d

Works. Apply Standard Ma- landed the number-three spot, JOHN H. WRATHAL
to take charge of house for ' 1]
right person Call at 1125|FOR SALE—Six-room residence, KNEES SHOOK

shinese Nationalist government
| oie
Chinese Dish FATING|| BULGER || te
a . | : : f
Park Ave. after 6 (185) 441 5th Ave. West. Three bed- “At first I wasn’t so sure I R ( Fisheries unese « th HEA TIN '
my . : a et Ce 8, full concrete baseme 1 . it”? ‘ has rein |
TRAINED Men Win—Write In- Hot water. tpating iene SS ee

cn Ce Oe : hshne Chop Suey -- Chow Mein : Optometrist DEVELOPING, PRI
ternational ‘ orrespondence tank and plumbing. Fireplace. : on = » ~ - — P ¥ The Reliable and / ~NLARGING
chools, Box 56 - this summer with a friend of ENL
Schools, Box 562, Prince Ru Phone Blue 408 after 6 p.m Open 6 pan. ~ 3:30 a.m. ‘
pert or 1419 East 6th. (188) (185) mine. I got my passport and " | ' Prompt Service e EXPOSURE MEM
WANTED Se tid ior dry- everything. Then the show was

Tego a ' You Know AMATEUR SU?Fy
FOR SALE — Five se, signe aks ata 4 F p d { e !
cleaning marker. Steady per- emrene 30. kc iy — — signed to replace Luc inte and or r0 HC ion John Bulger Ltd.
gon reguired ply Pigneers- ogee Be de 180 br 300 ait Desi during the summer, and I : HOLLYWOOD CAFE Phone 174 rd Phone Green 136
@anacian Laugeniges Fmb1) rishi Findae: <a weet found I ygagy committed taego| » VANCOUVER—The fisheries of } ; bei _Third Avenue

. ‘ th] shi “ 7% ‘ pif eit * = i.
NTED — Women for ary.| School, ‘post office, five min- | pbritish -Columbiayen| Sa etiboy aff For Outside Grders Phone 133 pr Repairs and Alterations] oi Mts
@leaning office. Apply Deane’s| Utes. On main road..Cheap., Farrell found it wasn’t easy/the greatest.year—from a value-|

oe oe ' —

Qiiality Cleaners (181) Blue 773. 1228 Park Ave. (188) to oe ‘the cameras OEE oe iets a: a : 1 a Smith & Elkins Lid \

si , ee —————~ | a. 15-year absence. a ed een a | yay

WANTED — Three v dine  — SPECIALS — ; ‘wone!” pa}Federal Department of Fisher- | M k Ye
for genersl obtee "ama ane Wartime Six on 8th East. $2000 Brother, was I nervous!” he} 5,2 spite ’ Populor Steamer on ane our |
perience not essential. These anntre sown. ie? ee er eee a | The year’s total dollar volume . :; .
are permanent positions with|*!X-T0om house, near Booth|ing noticeably, and I was so] gar npg et rt P ig M t
pebertanity for ratvanaeae Memorial High, 2 lots. Price|tense my voice got into the reachec $85,000,000 an increase rince u e Tintin at er .) NA




chine Shop. (187) in audience ratings
two: Home and good wages to ?









k ‘ ~ eh | . nee
Applications stating age and | 94750. $2500 cash down. _ \higher registers. of $17,000,000 over* the previous
oe J aay ies be | Wartime Six on 10th Ave. East, eke . ss ‘in Sy unl BORE bAILS FOR art 0

submitted in the applicant’s| [ots 50x 120, sandy soil (nO) serent from the ‘movies in the| “The increase is almost en-|

own handwriting. Box 454, SKE} . C 500. f

M $$ (All Times Daylight
tie Mou | FO S ld days. We might have sat| “rely accounted for by the good y VACATIONISTS! y R 7
le a Armstron > Adenia "Tea se uat te a fine doing noth- salmon fishing and the salmon ancouver ‘our bas =a
‘ aNneclies 4 sic ac sein” : os
5 12 en ' "Bia 7 evening, |iN@ back then, In TV, we shoot | Pack being the best in 10 years, and Intermediate Porta > ~ : a SUNDAY
FOR SALE | Phone 342 — Black 197 evenings|, half-hour’s show in three|G. W. Henderson, Pacific district ee a
POE tn, nee oan | WA (181) | Gays. That’s about a third of a| Sales manager of the American | Each Thursday A Good Place to Step you need distinctive printed “. at
lis piano, like new. " Preaent ae feature movie.” |Can Company, leading maker of | at 11:15 p.m. matter for your particular F
! / € .

| fi : i sd | ) lam 8p
i ‘| i alent etnacip . fish cans, said today. “The pack | business? 8S Coquit

listed ic 50.00. - . | — . | A N i i
will call Yor qltnad a Moving. | WANTED — Boarding-places for | of 1,955,000 cases of salmon was For KETCHIK 244 Miles to ALICE ARM, STEW:

offer. Cash. Phone Black 339. | both men and women teach- LAND Spee Ct j valued at $46,000,000.” \ WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH1 e PORT SIM
9p)| ers, also housekeeping rooms EP a | Total catch of fish in this pro- Comfort and Service Friday Camosun, !
(182p) and a furnished house will be|®e: Certificate of Title No. 21551-1) | ¢ ol Pie p NORTH qu
FOR SALE—Child’s dropside erib! required when school reopens.| '°, 4®t One (1), Block Thirty-| Vince last year was 600.400,0000 ti SHAS

Type faces give you this CHARLOTTE be
; 928 fisherme f $41; sai Write or Call outstandin —— 30, Aug
wood. Size 48 inches long by} Board office or phone Red} wuerkas satisfactory proof of sca sci ce oe f.: CITY OR DEPOT Cast be ene 38 ¢
26 inches wide. Excellent con-| 442. (181) |ioss of the above Certificate of Title | ™"-, #enaerson, whose company .

and these can be supplied by ss Coquitjams i
dition. Phone Blac = | ~~ | issued in the » of John Gurvich| perfected the modern fish can OFFICE our modern printing depart- FOR SO +i
=< oe a — |WANTED — TOP MARKET haa bem filed in this ein. hetuse shortly
















4 I
: ——-— after the turn of the oC UPERT, ment, CHARLOTTE
NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- PRICES PAID for scrap iron,|is hereby given that I apell at the | century. The 1950 sateve was , , PRIN "an ss Coquills
ited, Distributors for: Mining,| steel, brass, copper, lead, etc.|¢xpiration of one month from the! 611 49 oo sounds valued at , July 23, Aug. 6%
Sawmill, Logging and Com-| Honest grading. Prompt pay-|(2u, %, “"rovisiohal Gertifionte of | $35,800,000, Telkwa, BC. Dj inhi ' y, sai"
tractors’ Equipment. Enquir-| ment made. Atlas Iron &|-ritie in Meu of said lost Certificate, | The unusually large “harvest” CA at Di l “rin ing 0. a ipert
jes invited. Granville Island.| Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-|uniess in the meantime valid ob- | from KG. ahd a cutt a ge . by Just Nice Day’ i Prince Ru ]
Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf)' couver, B.C. Phone PAcific| jection be made to me in writing. | ¥. and a sufficient supply i yr’ a Nice Day’s Drive Third Avenue
oe ee si  esee (tf)| DATED at the Land Registry Of- of containers were the principal oo o od AL ‘ ,
FOR SALE—1 Boice-Crane tilt- hie es jfice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 2ist | factor in boosting Canada’s com- i eee a INGS Re
ing arbor 8” circular saw com-|CASH for scrap brass, copper,|4#Y of July, uchie Pulenh |mercial fisheries (sea and fresh | — ; Sy ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BR
plete with 14 H.P. motor, rip-| batteries and radiators. Phone ine Deputy deeietes ‘of Titles.| Water) to a marketed value of § ;
ping fence. safety guard and| 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West. Acting Depusy Newiesres Of (1080) |$200,000,000 in 1861, the ime BLONDIE —Don't Swallow Your Bridgework, Dagwood!
i : Ss . - t — | mat , aint HAA -
arch coal and. wood ‘kitchen | ~~ a /making firm reported. This pro- | — | MIiliiiHFT[T
rare. Two Saraer tea; ACCOUNTANTS TORQUAY, England P)—Ho- | Vince oo oe for
plates. These articles mav be | pypBit IGOUNTANT. Income |e! Owner William Skinner won-|™ore than per cent of a
seen at Booth Memorial High| ‘Tax Perri bi a Furk,|dered who was taking apples| Canadian fish production
School. Apply at School Board | tone Ruildine. Red 493 (20m)|from his orchard. He arranged | —_———— ———
office, Besner Block. (181) | —_____— ————--- | an ambush. Now he is consider- °
ene ve a tine . | E 1 K
‘ 3 z =D 9 | ' jing what to do with the cul- .
FOR SALE—Two tires, 5.25 x 16. | Food Campaign lerit 7 - 8 | LONDON “P) eo Cooke
¢ ¥ et ._.,|prit—a green parrot. a : ,
Brand new. PRA Wwe trp) | KARAGHT €P—The Punien|” * SMe P ___|known as London's “Jellied Eel
ditiikaicecnieenaaincnnanageminpiim—nt pain rons Sovernment in Paki-
FOR SALE—One wick burner oil stan estimates the “grow eve

| King,” left his widow an estate
“SHOW OFF” SPEEDING | of £40,000 on his death recently
Engineers say that “show off”! at age 60. Most of the money

stove. Apply 241 7th Ave. West | food” campaign will eventually |
result in cultivation of all the) acceleration and speeding may|was from sale of the curious

downstairs. (ity



FOR SALE—Four-burner elec-| Present uncultivated area of|increase gasoline consumption by) delicacy. Cooke believed in a
ee range, used three months. | more than 2,000,000 acres in the 80 per cent and shorten tire life.| quick turnover with no middle-
819 2nd Ave. West. (185) | Punjab. in 1951, |man,