Mai, two. BlueRibbon Tea Rich, strong, full-flavored tea Is the most satisfactory to use, and BLUE RIBBON possesses these qualities to the fullest extent. You can undoubtedly make more cups of tea of equal strength with a pound of BLUE RIBBON than with any other tea. TRY IT The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT -. BRITISH COLUMBIA. j Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince ! Rupert' Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ti SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire arid the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 Tp all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 ; Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. IjaILY EDITION The besf T ? mod a ceo pipe fkpSalurday, July 12, 1024. Splendid Financial Condition Of B.C. f. The fact that a big Toronto financial house has purchased a six million dollar dollar issue of British Columbia guperunveul bonds giving belter terms for them than any Canadian province has received in the past decade indicates that this province's fi nancial condition is extremely sound. This is in spite of what rilies, some of whom when they were in power could hardly sell bonds at any price, may say. v The average individual may be readily misled by political haranguers who, for party purposes, incline themselves to mis interpret complex public fund figures. There are very few petiole who take lhe trouble to go any further jntn the situation l .1 :.. . i.. .1 . 1 .... I... 1. .1.1 11 ... I... t. 1 e limn iiait-iling 10 Winn mit i- .uiju mem ill nr nt-ai 01 iiu election campaign. The straight statement, however, that British Columbia has received such favorable prices for its bonds should make it clear to people, who wish to, see the fairness of tilings that those who opposed lhe return of the government to power t the recent election campaign were guilty, at least, of voicing t . . f - 1 . . I IL' .. II .1 1 L . I 1L- . .ome pross inconsistencies wneu iney anegeu inai mis province tas 111 a deplorable financial condition. Instead . of endangering British Columbia's; credit, it would seem 011 the face of the facts that the Liberal administration has been, steadily if not rapidly improving the province's fiscal condition. Elevator Estimate Is Finally Through. s The elevator estimate is through despite attempts that may Have been made here or elsewhere for political reasons or Otherwise to bloekit. - It was practically assured when it was lidded in the .Rouse of Commons. Its passage in Uuj House seals the project. The way is now open for the calling of tenders and the bringing to realization' of the facility that the city has deserved and pressed for so long. Likens Senate . To Snarling Curs. The Senate of Canada will probably destroy itself, says the Ottawa Citizen. t has made no substantial contribution ti good government for more than a decade. It is made up very Hirgely of Unscrupulous partisans who draw 1,000 a year as an old age pension in return for service rendered in parly politics. . The Senate is almost wholly out of touch with younger Canada. 'It' is living ju the pastr occupying, itself wj'lh petty politics, like the snarling of curs at the heels of men who are busily engaged in the daily tasks of ..national administration. Alberta Crop Conditions Good. The crops in most districts throughout Central Alberta were drenched over the week-end with one of the finest rains of th season, says the Edmonton Bulletin. The rain was welcome In most districts the crops were beginning to show the need of rain. None of the crops, however, had suffered for a want Of moisture, according to, reports from farmers. At the present time the crop outlook is exceedingly good in niost sections, with a reasonable amount of rain and 'sunshine during the remainder-of the season, lhe yields this fall will he quite pp to the average. In the southern part of the province there has been - more rain than usual and reports indicate thai the crop prospects are exceptionally good. Throughout central Alberta hay crops did not get away lo a good slart in the. early part of the season, ami present indications are that the yields will not be quite as good as in most years. HIKERS' PARTY MOUNTAINEERS' IS LIVELY ONE CODE OF HONOR Seventy-seven Members of Bos ton Field and Forest Club Arrived From East Last Night j The 77 members of fhe Field and Forest 'luh of Boston, who wore in ' tlio city last night in the course of a western lour, maiie hp one of the lives! lour parlies that has been here this year. Consist inp of 70 ladies ami seven men, under the leadership of llev. G W. Casson of Boston, formerly assistant editor of the Ottawa Citizen, the party reached here at 4 o'clock on three special sleepers and mountain observation far for them. They are at Stewart today and will he goinp through south on the Prince Ituperl tonight to commence vthe return trip East. On arrival here, the party was taken on the launches Pachena opinion that it was the best meal they had hail in a hotel or restaurant since leaving Montreal. I'he party was highly pleased with the service and courtesy extended them on the Canadian National Railway. The scenic splendor of the mountains and Hie trip between Jasper and Prince Rupert, also was very ap pealing lo them. They spent two days at Jasper Park enroute here. Many of the excursionists expressed the desire In repeat Hie trip again next year and it is likely another party of larger proportions will then be arranged. Accompanying the party as official representative of the Canadian National Railways is A. R. McOousall, travelling passenger agent at Edmonton. It was met and accompanied lo Prince Rupert by R. F. M.?Naughlon, district passenger agent. THIEVES BREAK INTO RUSSIAN'S SHACK Lazor Kroloff Reports to Police That $31 was Taken Whl he Was at Work I.a.or Kroloff, a Russian, not ified the city police last night I lint his shack on Eighth Avenue had been broken into yesterday afternoon ami the sum of .$'11 in cash stolen while he was absent at work. The informant thinks he knows the culprits who are supposed In have left the city on last night's train. The police have taken a description of the men and enquiries are being made. DOG TOOK DUCKS Jack Keefe Caught Canine. Culprit In Act of Stealing His Mallards Jack Keefe, who this year has raised n large number of mallard ducks, recently lost several In a rather suspicious manner. Yesterday he caught the thief in the act of pillage. l was a neigh, bor's dog that was the culprit The animal is closely related to the fox ami got away with the birds in a very sly manner, seiz ing them by the back and carry ing them off. When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, nod seo that you bk It. ft WCUT PL llfi OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL Interesting Feature of Present Attempt to Scale Mt. Qelklo ' WINNIPEG, .Man. July 12. Hule.s of the game, as slricl as those applying in any oilier sport of nul-dnor pursuit, prevail in mountaineering and these are. being strictly adhered to in the attempt now under way by a parly to scale Mount, (leikie hitherto unconquered monarch of Jasper National Park in Northern Alberta. The parly consists of two Canadians and one American and, though one if the Canadians has tried twice Without success to scale this peak, Hit etiquette of the occasion requires that, should the American climber be within a few feet of the peak, he shall stand aside if there is a chance of the Canadian attaining his and "23" to the 'Prince Ituperl object and scaling the grim Cannery where they were met by peak. T. 11. Johnson, manager, and J. Cyril Wales of IMmmilnn is YV. Xicholls, controller of the making his third attempt, ac- Canadian Fish & Cohl Storage Co. eninpanietl by M. I), fieddes of I'he cannery was in operation for.Torontn and Val l'ynn of Cleve- their inspection antl'lhe full pro- land, Ohio. Mr.'Wates, though cesses of salmon canning were twice unsuccessful bad no! demonstrated ami explained. 'abandoned his quest and the eli- Iteturning to town, the party quelle of mountain climbing enjoyed a fish dinner in the ban- required that Mr. l'ynn secure quel hall of the SI. Regis Cafe.!Mr. Wales permission before In lhe menu included all varieties allemnled Hip climb. This was of sea food ami some of the visi- done and Mr. l'ynn became a tors were beard to express tluvmcmlicr of the. nartv on lhe third attempt, according to in formation received by Cana dian National headquarters here from Jasper Park. Climb Bclnj Watched Among the guests at Jasper Park Lodge, the mountain hostel of the Canadian National Railways in Jasper National Park are several well known Alpinists who are most inter ested in this ' venture. Among them are Dr. Oilmore of New York, Mr. Torrington of Philadelphia and Mr."Carpo of New York. Dr. ftilmore, who in company with Mr. Atliloway was the first 10 reach the trtp of Ml. Edith Cavell, when asked to ex press an opinion 'a lo the pro posed assault Of Ml. fieikie, said: "If Val l'ynn does not con quor fieikie, I will begin to think it is almost impossible." An interesting feature of the climb will he lhe observance of hup of the ethics of Alpinists. It will call for the stepping aside by Mr. Fynn in favor of Mr. Wales if tho latter has an opportunity to reach the peak ahead of him. This means that, even I hough Mr. Fynn might be a few feet from ' the lop of the mountain, he will have to forego the honor of being the first man to set his fool there if be sees (hat Mr. Wales is in a position In reach the top. Mr. Torrington who is a member of the Alpalachian Club of Philadelphia i preparing for climbing at Athabasca Pass, the route of the fur traders of old, ami Mr. Cargo is preparing for an assault of Mt. Tijaune. Hoth the Alberta Pass and the latter mountain are located in Jasper National Park, Alberta. QUIET WEDDING TOOK PI1CELAST EVENING Miss Winifred Charlotte Coup- land Becomes Bride of Robert H. Lelghton At 7 o'clock last evening the wedding was quietly solemnized at the Anglican Rectory, Archdeacon f!. A. Rix officiating, of Miss Winifred Conpland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Conpland ..r 1 n..i,A.i If 111 11 iiiiiiQn-,4, 1 linn. im;iti 1 ii i.pigmon tu tins coy. hip iuiui. who wore a dress of brown Canton crepe and lace and carried a bomjuet pf roses, was attended by Mrs. Martin of Smithers. Jaipes supported the grooni M, Campbell After the ceremony, the bridal party repaired to lle home of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Camp-hell, Hordcn Slree,! where a delightful wedding supper was served followed by informal festivities later in the evening. Mr; and Mrs. Leigilon have laken up their residence in the Besner Apartments ami later will go lo Winnipeg on a honeymoon trip. The groom Is forest supervisor here for the provincial government and is also well known in the interior where he was stationed for a number of years, The bride visited in Smithers last year SUCCESSFUL DANCE The dance held 111 the Audi torium last night was very successful, about sixty couple be ing in attendance Dancing was ;lioroughly enjoyed lo the strains nfl Art Kasoon's dance orchestrajcoinprising Art Eas-soti amf Kennev Rood, saxo phones; Miss . Doris SI. Cyr, piano; and Alex Mitchell, drums. Delicious refreshments were served at midnight, Mrs. Carrall having charge of the kitchen. After refreshments had been served dancing continued until 2 a.m. I.. J. Marren acted as floor manager. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert YV. l.aing ami E. N. YV. "ciipen, Victoria; Thomas Adair and F. Young. Vancouver: Mrs. i'llen Millar and B. A. Millar. Regina. Central Mr. and Mrs. (Seorge Martin, Edmonton: Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Royal, YVratigel!. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT. In the Mailer (if the Estate (if Unhurt J. Wallare, or Atltn. In the County rr Prlnre nupert. In tlie Province of llritlsh Columbia, Oerrased, who died on the mt (lay or April, IV33. NOTICK 1.1 hereby (riven thai by an order r lll.t Honour F. Mrll. Younr, J ml ice of tlie County Court, dated the !7lh day or April, test, the understated was apiolnled administrator or the estate of lhe above-named deceased. And notice I hereby further trlven that all persons havlna- claims airalnst the wild estate are required to file such claims duly verified under oath, with me on or before the ISlh day of Aiimist, ISJ4. after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets or the said estate among the persons entitled thereto having- re(rard only to the claims of which I shall then have notice, and I will not be Mable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or whose claim I shall not then have received nonce. nated at Atnn, u.i;., mis iruin day ui June, 194. . orrirtal AflminlMrntor. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH rnl iimbia. In the Matter or the Administration Act; and In the Matter f the Estate or Donald J. McDIarmld, Deceased;, loiesiaie. tale miticf. that iiv order of IIU Honor v. MrH. Vounr. made this 3rd day of inly. A ll. itit, I was appointed Aclinic Administrator or ine estate in nonaia jonn Maeplannld. dereassd, and all parties having; claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, f nie on. or IteTore the 8th day of August. A.D. 192 1, and all parlle In debted to th estate are required to pay lhe amount 01 meir inuenieuness to me forthwith. WAl.TEn 0AI.E. Acting Ofrirlal Administrator, Prince nupert, B.C. Dated this 8 Hi day nt July. IDii. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the F.atata of Andrew K. Sweeney, Deceased; Intestate. TAKK .NOTICK that by order or Ills Honor F. McU, Young-, made this 3rd day or Jul)', .VP. IStfi. I was appointed Acting Administrator or the estate or Audrtw K. Sweeney, deceased, and all parlies having claims against lun said estate are hereby required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, to roe on or before the fcih day or Auguct, A. P. 1021, and all panic In-debted to the estaut are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to uic rorihwtth. WALTER O.U.E. ArUng Official Administrator, Prince llupert, B.C. Paled this Mil day nr July, mt. .KlUWUWtXJUUUUUUUUtKMUW prince orse i)otd TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS :oo with Print Batha EUROPEAN PLAN . WINNIIT THOMPSON. MAN'd. Dim. tMWdaOIHMHM'KmtHKMMHHIlfl Saturday. July i2 :". 49 from iRe roaster to you! Sealed in the Nabob Vacuum tin, free from air action, neither time nor distance can affect Nabob Coffee. It reaches you as rich and full flavored as the day it was roasled. Ask Your Grocer KELLY DOUGLAS lr CO. LTD. MirriS vacuum mckio mi YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Bran I Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, '-boose "Hupcrt Brand" Salmon. A few tins in lhe pantry are always handy. Slock a supply on your boat Ihnt's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. "tfh lAAait i Because WW tBeer without aPeer i t's pure. Pf a f Because it comes to you in light - excluding, sterilized bottles from the most perfectly equipped brewery in the west, where 'purity" is the password. INSIST on" Cascade" at the Govt. Ltquor Store VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Tills advertisement U iM published (lr ,ls. played by the I.lquor Control liom r by the Government of Uritlih ColumLU,