FAQM ZOMM. , . WTO MonfV BRINGINGUP FATHER Z ByWgeivS " ' " ' ' " Inturanoo and Steamship " CniBfiuiariKuMrva. 7-f , " 1 - Agency. ; -- I Prince Ruhai. R n II ' i : t DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For 8peolal Appointments. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .. ..75o : Phone 774". 820 Third Avenue P.O. Hox 88. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ager.V for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the name in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home, Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. DOMINION DAY CUP TO VETS Defeated Sons of England by 4 to 1 in Replayed Final Last Night ' In the replayed Dominion Day cup final which was holly con- lesled on the Acropolis Hill grounds last night, I lie O.W.V. annexed the silverware defeating jlhe Sons of England liy (he decisive score of 4-1. Tinker scored jlhe only goal for (lie Sons in Ihe first half. For the Vels, Murray scored from a penally, ami Norwood registered three. Al the conclusion of the game the cup was presented by Geo. Hill, president of the Prince Rupert Football Association, to W. Murray. ing opportunities were missed by both sides. The Sons got away on a fine run and, by good combina tion ladies, worked Ihe ball well up the field, fieo. Hill put in a preJIy centre which was received by Tinker who headed the ball past Knox. The goal was a pretty one ami well deserved. From Ihe centre kick-off the Vels pressed when a penally was awarded against Hales, al back for the Sons, which, taken, by Murray, was put to good use and the score was evened up. The soldiers continued to press and Howe, in goal for Ihe Sons, who was play mg a fine game, was repeatedly called upon. As Ihe result of good combination play the soldier for ward line got through the Son's lefence and Norwood beat Howe witli a difficult shot. Al l.nlf time the score stood 2-1 in favor of the Vets. Second Half Owing lo bail weather and fail ing light, there was no interval B.. CLARK'S THIRTEEN SOUPS Solve the housekeeper's Soup problems. , , AtkyourJtaUr .... 'CANAMApmOVID-OMAU UUT.SOUM M. C...K Llt... season under Hie Association. Jixtures set for Ihe next month are as follows: Stuart Shield July II Sons of Canada vs Callies. Inly 17. Sons of England vs real War Veterans. ' July22 Callies vs. Sons of England. July 25 Oreat War Veterans vs. .sons of Canada. July 28. Callies vs. Great War Veterans. July 31 Sons of Canada vs Sons of England. Qllhuly Cup Aug. 5 Callies vs. Sons nf Canada. Aug. 8 Oreat War Veterans vs. Sons of England. I I Sport Chat j !!:!"lK'nS;!?:,!.;!VpVi.!na,,e a rmUml e-fforti TIie ,rinc(. of WalpB vill """"j " i'im-ii Kunauij uu Hi-nun larwi n was soon plainly ' ' j.u un-re wneii warned. I lie, i, ,, r,.,.,,, ,.., i., be III tltVl....ll..l i i 1 . li. i i . nf 1,1, lMm n,l-ai n, ,.i,,i.iL.., .., ,,. . - nmmi ui iiih unueu Males 10 " : " r",:. ",dl.,m'.in, r "a" a, ..,0Fttw the Mrilish-Aroerican ... iuaii i ..n(-i aiuiai iw,,. mi- iiKin on i am . kip a win p. i im ... U' .It,..-.. gam was marred by rain which 'play was of a ding-dong cl.arac-'sep L.I., welter in imade (he ball hard to control and jter and furnished plenty of ex- ? y ck Xrl' of the Ui? S v.. ....... , a.....,..M. two penalties against i.or.1, at lnai ivil.,iiAn u t,nin ,,,... -,.,1 the crowd was fairly large. Iliack for the Vels, in succession. a, ,llP association offices and wil ! wJan,S ,0k ",e fie,,, aS ,lr,h0,f .WCrt lakP" by K(,,!-Py rnZ; "n he fo fa' ,i led to C0IIVPrI- From visit, if it occuVs, will be informal r (r..... v v v r v , , t m Knox, goal; Lord on the Sons seemed to fall to ,. . .,..... ', ,.., ,. and Harton. hacks; Campbellpieces and Ihe Vets were quick to n oba , aV t e Farl of c2 Murray and Hunter, half backs, take advantage of their opporlu-CT Robertson, Russell, Norwood. W. nities. Norwood in Centre fnp llin'i.i. r, ..... ... ... iMiteholl -. in i.anni nan la and . J. , Johnson, ,, for- , Vets , was i right right . , on on the the ball ball and and' irip 1 inis . S.O.E. Howe, gi.al; P. Camion and Hales, hacks; Hodgkin- son, helsey and notion, half backs; (iro. Hill Ji Malbieson, 'J'inkcr, Dickens and fiaVthorn, forwards. (eo. Russell refereed the game ami A. Clapper-Ion and J. Andrews acted as linesnren. First Half l'he Sons won Ihe loss and elected to kick nn Ihe upgrade. From the kick-off, the soldiers pressed and W. Mitchell tried a weak nhol at Howe which was easily saved. The Sons then got busy and worked the ball to a dangerous area for the Vets. P. Tinker for the Englishman tried Knox but a bye kick resulted. The piny was evenly divided and scor polo combination ;.n Ihe ets' forwardl,ar ,flit,, hamzn of Uie St. line was telling and, after sfren-IjfJllis i:nP(,ina,9 , lhPPe yenr9 uous efforts, for (he Son's de- llmval,, . Fr(,jffau xtaljzei, 1(1 fence though handicapped by the . gr(.a,,. of boyhood ambitions loss of Lamb, was playing a hard j Imjcll time ,,.an h. game, Norwood scored two goals !,p!lnwi ,, ..i., rro!nl, D, in quick succession ialtracled the allpn'lion of Hranch Criticism of Play Rickey, Ihe Cardinals' boss, when Ihe Sons had their scoring. nl.ivino- hio-i. l.nni i.o. chances but failed lo utilize Ibenr,,.,,,. ITf!Pived. offers from oy nan si.ooimg iiowe, in goal,;M.vl.ra, e,tlo?eitt ail(l went lo played an cellent game, while.f)llio Wpsl(.yan. Jeforo he fln. Cameron a full back, Wootton n I hiH couri(. llP, ,)eearne a 1)a(. Illllf Ii'.pL- an, I Mnll,w,., Dickens and Tinker in the forward line were the outstanding players. For the Vels the entire team did its pari in capturing the trophy. Knox in goal played a sound game, Lord and Harlnn at full back played well, while Murray al centre half and Norwood and Johnson in the forward line played excellently. FOOTBALL PROGRAM FOR THIRTY DAYS First Half of Stuart Shield Conr- petitlon and Play-offs for Qllhuly Cup are Set The next football game under the auspices of' the Prince Rupert Football Association will be the opening match of the Stuart Shield series between Ihe Sous of Canada and Callies next first linte this year, has worked Monday. The first half of themicely in theory but schedule for this Irophy wiW he completed this month and, early in August the play-offs for Ihe fijlliuly Cup will lake place. The Stuart Shield compelilion boy, because the college diamond did not give him enough baseball. When the Cardinals went ort the road Freigau went along as hathoy so that he gould continue his study of big league baseball without hurting his status as an amateur player. lie had ruined that status, however, by playini semi-pro games on Saturdays and Sundays and was advised that his playing days on college diamonds were over. The player communi- e.aled Ihe Information lo Manager Rickey, who immediately signed him as a player. "That was in IS22," says Freigau. "Last year I made myself as handy as I could, and this year I made the grade as a regular.' The Southern Associal Ion's scheme of numbering- baseball players in Ihe manner adopted by football elevens, tried out for Ihe poorly in practice. Trouble was scented before the playing season began when the players let it be known they would quit the team if a signed Ihe hoodoo number "13," will then be resumed and, on ilsjbut the moguls got around that completion, the final for Ihe Oil- point by dropping "13" and Jump huly Cup will be staged. This ing from "12" to "1 1." There was given. From the kick-off Ihe will be Ihe last game of the ieeiilation about what would BRIER TRADE MARK WW' REGISTERED Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertl.ament Taker, for Le.. thn ROc WANTED WANTED.Furnished room, close in; jirivale family preferred. Stale prico hikI location to Hox UI3, Daily .News ollice. 1 0.1 WANTED Furnished room and kitchenette, close in. Slate price and location. Address Hox 193 Daily News ollice. ton WANTED. r Position ns lime- keeper mining preferred. Have technical knowledge. Coleman, Windermere, H.C. WANTED. Furniture of every description Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone G52. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ollice. 830 Second Aven. Phono 137. If happen if two players swapped shirts, the numbers are sewed on the shirts, or if the home club in having hox score and line-up forms printed for sale among the sfands go Ihe numbers mix ed. These things have come aboul, and Ihe box scores of games kept by New Orleans fans have been badly scrambled at times. Dozens of fans have been heard lo remark that 'so-and-so is dumb," and utter other expres sions encountered only in base ball parks when Ihe subject of Ihe discourse was not even wilh the team that irip. TRAP SHOOTING Jack Keefe was Hlnh Park Avenue Ranne Evening were as follows: Man Last Jack Keefe 22 Dr. Doherly 17 Joe Scidt 15 11. Mr Lend Hi Dr. Kenney o Ceo. Foster 12 Jack Hulger II BOAT ARRIVALS at Al Ihe Irap shool of the Prince Rupert Oijn Club held last evening on Ihe club range, Park Avenue Jack Keefe was high man with a score of 2? out of a possible 25. The scores C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert'. Capt. D. Donald, arrived in purl nl i.l.r yeserday afternoon from Vancouver "and wayporls. Passengers debarking here in cluded Miss Harkin. W. P. Hronks, J. A. Harelargeon, M. Young, Pal Flynn, Mrs. O. M. McKinnon, Miss Fay, R. J. Craig, W, House, Miss li. Col-bourn, Miss Duson. L. O. I.naurex, Mrs. Evans. 'Mr. -and Mrs. J. .Inter, Dr. Trcniayne and daughters, Mr. Tallnian, W. I'orier, K. II. JSelson, R. R. Ilas--e, Tims. Adair, Mr. Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Wright. O. Han- ley, M. AivazolT, W. II. Hlcks. Mrs. fi. K. Cullin, Mr. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Hlilch, Mrs. Hunt. Miss Copland, Mrs. Holmes, Miss West, Mrs. Ludie, Mrs. M. McMillan, Mrs. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin. Passengers for Stewart in-eluded L. 1), Colvin. W. P. Drunks, A. Scliind, Mr. Davis. Miss Mall, T. V. Wilson, Mr. and Ars, Seolt, R. Junes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Tims, flulnelly, L. H. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Hicks, Mr. Hanley, Mrs. E. L. Dale and Mrs. J. llowland. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Sixteen room room ing house and store; all fur nished. Full sized bas"ment wilh new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building Is right in front of the Dock, 1)29 Ambrose Avenue. If FOR SALE. Pleasure launch, 32 foot, 8 h.p. Palmer engine, in first elans condition. Also 28 fool trolling boat with new 0 h.p. Yale engine. Make an offer. Musi be sold by July 1, N. M. McLean, Cow Hay. If 'OR SALE. Quantity .if ued lumber, frames and sashes. Apply Filer's Planing Mill. Cow Hay. . CI 'OR SALE. Pleasure boat Ke.iro length 28 feet, beam 5 feet. C. L. Heindel, Cold Storage. If OR SALE. New and ised .Machinery, lloals and Engines Northern Exchange. Royal Cafe for Sale. For full particulars, apply cafe. tf FOR flEfiT FOR RENT. Two larire anart- ments down town near Puf Ollice. Apply Sfork'n Hani-ware, if ROOMS TO RENT. Hoard mi- lional. Home comforts. Terms moderate. CIO Sixth Avenue West. 103 TO RENT. Furnished housekeeping suite. Apply (10 Sixth Ave. East or phono Hlue 217. FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts. Houses for rent also, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smith A Mallott, Ltd. tf MODERN Four Roomed Flat for renl. Weslenhnyer Hros. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner ear have same at Daily News oWfte, by proving ownership and pav-Ing for this advertisement, t.f. FOUND gold watch chain. Apply Daily News office. tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKINO sewing, phone 427. AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought, Sold and plain or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlack 130 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Ocorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meekor Block, Across from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. Wo Huy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Avo. Phono 010. Advertlso In the Itnllv New ITCZEMA 1. Ilium. You rn not experiment Ing when vou use Dr. I??.?.' '?.r .Ef,'"'m Skin Irrlt. paper sndiiid2e.iump for iHMnre. Llwltrri. Icionr " MAIL SCHEDULE 1 For tho East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. davs. closex nf rt in t. "'y From tho East Monday. Thursdays nnd Sat-unlays, I p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail closeaf lo p m. Tuesdays, Mall cl08e,at :4 p m. Thursdays .'jo j m' Saturdays a.m! Saturday jo p m'. C.P.R. Juno It, 2t and r,. From Vancouver- Sundays .M.. Monday ... Wednesdays Fridays Fridays C.P.ft. .Hine tt, lo. 30. jflTo Anyox, Allco Arm Wednesdays Sundays 21i From Anyox, Allco Arm. -P. M. ! PM. i P.M. ... A.M. 3 VM tl' and 'P.M. P M. Tuesdays I' M, Thursdays P M To Stewart and Premier- - SyuOays .w:...: 7 P M Fridays V V '? From Stewart and Premier- SiU unlays ..P M Tuesdays v,.. ,P M To Port Simpson-Sundays 7 P M Thursdays 10 P M From Port Simpson t Tuesdays P M. Saturdays A M To Alaska Points June !, 18. 20. 27 an.l ?0i From Alaska Points urn. 1421 and 25. To Queen Charlotte Island Points June 7 and 21. - From Queen, Charlotte Points June 5 and 19. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson Thursdays io I' M From Naas liver Points Saturdays A.M. BOX COLLECTION P.M. Orahan) A Allin Ave.AlS 1st Ave. A Eighth SI.. 2.20 Oth Ave. .v Kulton SI. 2.25 Slh Ave. A Thompson st 2.30 I Ith Ave. .V Sherhrooko Ave "t5 1 1 ht Ave. A Conrad St. ?No 01 h Ave, A Hays Cove it'. Ave M Oth Ave. & Hays CovoT Circle 2.50 8lh Ave. & Cotton St... 2.55 5lh Avo. .v Mcllride SI. 3.00 Pro. new Uhlgs -3.5 Prov. Oov. Wharf .... 3.10 C.T.P.-Wharf 3.15 2nd Ave. & 2nd SI 3.20 3rd Ave. A Fulton St. 3 25 led Ave. A 01 h St 3.C8 PRIMCi? RiiDrtiT -rinrn Low High Low High Low High Low i - Saturday, July 12 Ufgh 10:08 a.m. 10.0 o.t.iu . .A . -n yin l'-"J. -V" .1:18 a.m. 18 15:10 p.m. 0,8 Sunday, July 13 : 2 a.m. 7 r 23:l p.m. 2I.; 4:5! a.irr. v "3 3 10:52 p.m. a,0 Monday, July 14 ... li;09 u.tn. At'8 .! 5:48 a.m. l .9 17:52 p.m. -l Tuesday, Julyi 15 0:0 n.ifS. UI3..I 1 3:0 1 p.m. 1 9 ? 0:39 a.in. 0.8 18:47 p.m. 5.5 I'M h. n 8. 5 8.: 0 8 5 8 8, 9.00 9.5 9.10 9.15 9, '0 9. '! 9,8 ft. f