Lewis deputed Machcle Ilomano, the Italian challenger Tor the world's heavyweight champion-' Defeated Rspresentatlve Austra Han Team by 4 to 1 Today Small Orlovanco Causes Seven Doaths at Delhi, India DELHI, July 12. Seven arc reported to have been killed yester day in a riot, the outcome or a quarrel between Hindus and Moslems. The Hindus objected to a Moslem boy drawing water from a certain well. PRINCE WILL HAVlT PONIES IN GOTHAM To Send Eight Horsos to Interna tlonal Tournament According to British Player NEW YORK. July 12. Accord-, Co. SCALE IN OREGON slop, with two straight falls.' Who Is Visiting City, Lew, .cored Jho-fi.sl fall in. two Hynd, hours and fifteen minute and Owns 15,000 Acre Ranoh In the second in four minules. Roth. Web Foot State wrestler had to be dragged to their corners after the first fall. Jack liyml of Cecil, Oregon, The match was witnessed by the who is here visiting his brother- gealesl crowd since Gotch in. law, Waller Shaw, is one of wrestled with llackcnschniidt in the large scale ranchers or the 1010. CANADA WON TEST MATCH Web Fool state. He owns a ranch of 15,000 acres which is devoted to the ranging of 8,000 head of sheep and the raising of one thousand Ions of hay annually. Some of the land is also farmers. Cecil, Oregon, is situated about 150 miles east or Portland on the slate highway and about ten miles rrom the Columbia Ilivcr ADELAIDE. South Australia, Highway. Julv 12. Heroic 10,000 specta- Ibis is Mr. HyinC HrM visit tors, the Canadian all star fool-to Prince Hupert and he is im bailers defeated a representative pressed with the strategic- loca Australian eleven by a score or I lion of I lie port and, from what to t fn (he nrih lest match oMie has seen and heard, anlici- tlielr tour. Each country has won, pales rapid development here. Mr two or Hie test matches and one Hynd and Mr. Shaw came West has been drawn. together over twenty years ago, Tim r.nnadinn record for the the former immediately settling lour stands at ten games won, in Oregon and (lie latter going to five lost and six drawn, including the Crow's Nest Pass, Okanagali the test matches. MOSLEMS AND HINDUS RIOT and Yukon before finally settling in Prince Hupert. Mr. Hynd is in the course of making I lie C.N.It. triangle tour FISH ARRIVALS Four American Boats Sold Catches Totalling 38,000 Lbs. at Exchange This Morning Four Canadian halibut jschoon- Slomge Co. Lillian M., 15,000. lbs., at 13.2c and He, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. I la, 2,000 lbs., nl 12.0c ami 7c, to the Rooth Fisheries Canadian ing to E. Hopping, the Rritish Scrub, 17,000 lbs., at I5.2c ,and polo player, the Prince of Wales, 8c, to the Allin Fisheries. who will attend the .International tournament at Mendowbrook In September will send eight of bis EASTERN FATALITIES polo ponies on which lie Intends OTTAWA, July 12. I hirleen In practice in the preliminary English fours. The Prince- will not participate in the championships proper. fatalities including nine drown ings were reported from vari ous points In Ontario and Que bee yesterday. U. S. FLYERS AT BUCHAREST CONSTANTINOPLE, July 12. The United Stales army round-the-world flyers lefl here Ibis morning for Hucliarest, Rouinania. They will fly over Central Europe to England, ABSENTEE VOTE COUNT MONDAY Expected Porry Will Win Prince George and Mrs. Smith, f Special to Daily News; VICTOIUA, July 12. After the closest possible investigation, it js expected that government seals will have been won by II. O. Perry of Prince. George and Mary Ellen Smith of Vancouver when the count of the absentee vote has been completed on Monday. There is also a possibility that Col. Foster, the Conservative, may be the winner over Reeve Walkem in , '.Point Grey." Tin freight rates case and other im portant business is al a standstill pending the outcome or tle absentee vote count. FAR NORTH BOOZELESS No Action on International Treaty is Expected this Year (Special to Dally News) VICTORIA, July 12. The failure of Canada and United States to ratify the new International liquor treaty at the present session of parliament and the recent session of the United States Congress will mean that Atlln and Yukon will have no legal liquor this year. This Is the view of the government as action by the United States Is Improbable before next session of congress. The people of the Far North will have to go thirsty or drink home brew. FUNERAL OF LATE MRS. BRADBURY IS Lord, G.W.V.A.. Miss M. Hughes, W. fl. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waldorf, and Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Davis. HELD AT FAIRVIEW The- funeral of the lalo Mrs Sarah Hradbury toon place rrom Ihc H.C. Undertaker's chapel at 2.30 this artenoon. Ilev, G. fl ers marKeieu caicnes hh.iiiimk oucher oiiiciuwng, inn-i-un-iii 38,000 lbs. al the Fish Exchange was made in Fairview cemetery Ibis morning. There were nOjlbe pall bearers were Jack mc American fares. Prices ranged:Aulay. Jim Neville, Jack Hatch from 12.0c and 7c to 15.2c and 8c. Arivals and sales were: ford, P. Elkins, Harry Deny and Dr. H. I). Tassie. Floral tributes W.T., .11,000 lbs., at 13.1c and .were sent by Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Hp. In IIm Canadian Fish & Cold Strilrhan. Mr. and Mrs, O. K Dr, and Mrs. R. D. Tassie, 'u.S. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W, McAuley, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scadden, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Rradbury, Herbert Rriidbury, Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Yclf. tin? Rupert Rakery, Mr. early next week piloting a lie second hydroplane and he will be in command ol the detachment this season. Flying ollicer Hull is no stranger to Prince Rupert as he was interested in the establishment of the Electric Window Rakerics here and made several trips to the city in connection willi the business prior lo Its being sold to Messrs. Plant and Andrew. MANY KILLED IN OUTBREAK Consul at Santos Places Dead In San Paulo Insurrection at 400 RUENOS ARIES, July 12. Four hundred civilians were kill ed during the righting In t lie Snn and Mrs. M. fl. Edgar, Aid. and. Paulo Insurrection according to Mrs. Theo. Collar!. Mr. andirellable ndvlccs Irom Santos. I hi' Mrs. .1. II. Aiders, Mr. and Mrs. C. Folsom and Mrs. Nation, Subscribe for '.he Dally News. United Stales consul there is authority for the estimate of dead. A stnto of civil war virtually TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parlies. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For'rales, apply to Boston and 6th St. drill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL, XIV., NO. 103. PRINCE HUPERT, D.G..J SATURDAY, JULY 12, 102-1. Yesterday Circulation, 1881 Street SIm, 885 PRICE FIVE GENTS. BRITI ' ""Ii., ''"'A,... " It,.,.' Oil 7LYER RETURNS TO KASUMIGAURA REDISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE'S REPORT IS TABLED IN HOUSE OF COMMONS New Division of Seats j in Parliament Will be Decided at Ottawa Now OTTAWA, July 12. The report of the redistribution committee was tabled today in the Rouse of Commons. It gives the number or members in the House as 2'i5 with the unit of representation U0.283. Manitoba is to have 17 instead of 15 seats; Saskatchewan, 21 instead of 10; Alberta, 10 instead of 12, and Dritish Columbia, li instead of 13. The extra seal in British Columbia will be North Naiicouver. There will be two other Vancouver seals us at present, Vancouver Centre and Vancouver South. "L-; i Yukon remains unchanged willi I rilflC1 lIIMMrD member; Nova Scotia will LLTllJ I rWl.l Wl IMlUUlll iNljK .have 11 instead or 1(5 seals; New iHrunswick, eleven; Prince Ed- UVLK 11 ALIAN Onlarlo will be unchanged In iiumber of seals still having 82, but there will be a number of Retains Championship by Beat- alterations in boundaries. Toron-Ing Mechele Romano With j0 will get nine members instead Two Straight Falls '0f fjve. CHICAGO, July 12.-Strangler nAMfUCC ftW PJH iinllviiiLu uu uiu This pictuie hat or blue faille silk has been especially designed for the summer bridesmaid. It has a crown of louche lace, and is trimmed with blue satin ribbon and a large bltie rose. Jericho Beach Hydroplane Here From South, Flight Hindered by Fires and Clouds Along Coast Flying at a low altitude owing to rain and consequent poor visibility, Hying Officer A. it. Hull, piloting the first or the Dominion Fisheries hydroplanes which will engage in fishery patrol ervice out or Prince Rupert this season, arrived here at 11.25 this morning from-Delia Delia, making a fine landing at Seal Cove. Accompanying Hying Officer Hull-were K. C. Teniiant, rigger, and A. CI Terry, fitter. The hydroplane left Delia Delia u 5. hi this morning, hair an hour having been wasted owing lo i heavy rain storm. The Iliers leu Jericho Reach, Vancouver, on Thursday afternoon at 3.21 and made slops n route here al Thurston Ray, Alert Ray and Holla Delia. Visibility was greatly interfered with on leaving Vancouver ow ing to bad forest fires at Powell River. Rock Ray and Alert Ray. I'lie hydroplane flew at a low altitude all I lie way up the coast as, owing to smoke from forest fires and low lying clouds,, it was impossible to pick up laud bearings the hydroplane, which is a rebuilt machine, is of the IIS2L type and is driven by a 360 h.p. Liberty engine. The wings have a span of 75 feet from tip to lip and the complete machine weighs 2,Vj tons. Flight Lieut. Earl McLeod is expected lo leave Vancouver MACLAREN HAD MOTOR TROUBLE British Aviator Returns to Kasumlgaura After Taking Off KASUMIGAURA, July 12 Squadron Leader Stuart Mac-Laren left at 2.20 this afternoon for Mlnatogaura on the northern end of the main Island of Japan from whence ho proposed to tako off for the Kurile Islands and the flight across the Pacific Ocean. He was, however, forced to return here on 'account of engine trouble but hopes to start again on Sunday. PRINCE ALBERT IS LOADING IN SOUTH Former G.T.P. Steamer at Victoria Taking on 15,000 Cases for Mexican Ports VICTORIA, July 12. To load Marvellous Finnish Runner Won t Third Olympic Triumph Today; Americans Ahead in Aggregate COLOMRF.S, July 12. Pnavo Nurmi, the marvellous Finnish runner, scored his third Olympic triumph today when he iwon 4the 10,000 metre cross country race by more than 500 I mnlrnw ffm 1 1 titiilrvm'iii Will in nifitln P;ipI Th iwmii rf the United Stales was third and Harper of Britain fourth. The winner's time was 32 minutes and 51 3-5 seconds. Canada passed Hie qualifying heals in the 500 and 1,000 metre relay races running second in both instances, In the trial heats or the iOO metre, Old World's and Olympic records were broken by United z Slates, Rritain and Holland. The Rrilishers set the mark ol 12 seconds. Holland late equalled this i while, in the sixtli heat, thei United Slates runners lowered the record again by clipping 1-5 ol a secomt orr it. The point standing for the various nations in the-Olympic games today is as follows:- United Slates I9i Finland 135 Rritain 63 ' Hungary 7 Vt Argentine .....i 5 South Africa ... 5 Cfinadaj. ............ 5 Noi-waV 4- 1)e-riiftarl? .:vr: 3-;; Japan '.. 1 WOLF CUBS' PICNIC On Thursday the pack of "Wolf Cubs' under Cubmasler Ren Ferguson bad a greal lime al Kitson Island celebrating the! close of the season's training with a picnic. George Rryant kindly extended I lie courtesy ol the "llarla" to transport the youngsters lo I lie destination and back again. Leaving at 1.30 port was reached' at 9 p.m. aner a inorouguiy enjoyable afternoon's outing spent in sports and games on the sandy beach sioner (5. Rorie al the close of Hie sports presented the prizes to the successful contestants. HAS CONTRACT FOR CARRYING PRODUCT WHALING STATIONS 15,000 cases of liquor destined! VICTORIA. July 12. The Can lor Mexico tho steamer Princo'adian flovernment Merchant Mar Albert arived hero Saturday, hie has secured a contract to Tho Canadian Freighter, on hcr.bring lo Victoria all Ihc product last trip rrom the United King iloin, discharged 23,000 cases ol or the Consolidated Whaling Cor poratiou from the Nadeii Harbor liquor at tho Ogden Point docks, and Rose Harbor stations, Queen Or this consignment 15,000. Charlotte Islands. Tho sleamcr cases were consigned for trans-,Gra which Hie company recently shipment lo Mexico. II was discharged here, it is said, owing lo the high harbor rales in Vancouver and it is un derstood that in the future all liquor for trans-shipment to Mexico will be discharged here instead of Vancouver. Deforo loading again, however, for her southbound trip the Prince Albert will undergo epairs. chartered, will be used lo carry il The steamer Canadian Freight er was here this week loading 220 tons of whale oil produced by tho Consolidated Whaling Corpora- lion Tor Liverpool, England. Louis Lcroux returned on last night's train alter a six weeks' vacation spent in Wisconsin, North Dakota, Manitoba and UNIQUE TRIP DIGBY ISLAND TO VICTORIA Chief Operator Jackson and Fam ily Went South In 25-Foot Gasboat From Digby Island to Rrent- wood, near Victoria, In a twenty- five fool launch built;by himself and taking sixteen days to'coni-plete the trip was the novel ex-periene'e-or .ScC; Jacksonrchief operator of the Digby Island wireless, station, who reached ! i Victoria Ibis week on bis annual vacation. Accompanied by his AT IffTCflM ICI AWTl w'e ant' lwo children, Mr. Jack- Mi IY11JU11 WLrlllU son left Digby Island on June 28 jand arrived at Hrentwood last Splendid Afternoon was Spent fcumiay aner an adventuresome " staunch little launch h. Bn Femuson'a Pack irP- - . - I on Thursday encountered rough weather but made the trip without any dam age of consequence. CUMBERLAND WINS FIRST: Defeated Calgary Hlllhursts In. connaugnt cup semi-nnai; Another Game Today NAXAIMO, July 12. The Cumberland soccer team. Rritish George Rryant acted as .Columbia aspirants for the Con- umpirc R. Ferguson was starter. ,iaglt 0l,Pi defeated the Calgary with the assistance of G. L. jliUbursls. Alberta champions. Rorie and W. fl. Hamilton as'asl n(KM uy n co,.c 0f 2 to 1. referees'. Among the prix 'n,c same teams will .pluy al Vau- winners were inc ionowiiit, corner this afternoon to decide junior-athletes: flarfield McKiu-jvhich team goes East lo play for, ley, W. Rryant, R. Hiemner, i. the cup which is now in the pos--Chrislison, E. Christison, A., session of Nanalino City. Kirkendall, R. McLeod, Ian Mur- ray. F. Deny. R. Thurber, K .TA mn 1 MOPPn AP .1. v ii it:iuiri-. .j. SALT LAKE CLUB Plans for Coast League Baseball Franchise at Vancouver are Cancelled LOS ANGELES, July 12. Plans for the transfer of the Pacific Coast League baseball' franchise for Salt Lake Cily to Vancouver have been cancelled. President Lane of the Salt Lake Club announced ..yesterday af ternoon that the club would return lo Salt Lake next week to resume its schedules. LEAGUE BASEBALL American Leaguo Chicago 0, New York 12. St. Louts 8-6, Roston t-7. Cleveland 1, Philadelphia 0. Detroit I, Washington 3. National League Philadelphia o; Cincinnati 6. Roston 2, PiRsburg 8. Rrooklyn 9, Chicago 1. New York 10, St. LcruU 5.