,Y. u PAGE BIX. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Pola Negri 50c WILL BUY 5 lbs. Sultana llaisins 50c 4 large tins Libhy's Pork Deans . . . . . . . . i . . 50c 2 pkgs. McCormick's Ilis- cuits ... 50c Dlackberry Jam, 30c size, 3 bottles for ... ... . . 50c Kippered Herring, 15c size, G tins for 50c Hulk Cocoa, i lbs. for . . 50o 1 'j lbs, Harvest Coffee 50o Matches, large pkg, 2 for 50c Loganberries, special, 2 for 50c New Spuds, 15 lbs. for 50o 2Vi llis. Dinger Snaps .. 50c Peaches, sliced, in tins, 2 for ... ... 50c Pineapple, sliced, large tin, 2 for 4 boo Jelly Powders, 6 for . . 50c Farmers Market St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. In "Shadow S of Paris" The mistress of emotion as un underworld girl of Paris who climbs to the heights of society and then finds her old Apache haunts more alluring than her new world of jewels and priceless gowns. Pola as the darling of the underworld and the toast of the upper world, beauty, modish then the fiery fascinating tigress. Kxquisite gowns. Thrilling Apache dances. BrilliaiU cast. Huntly Gordon, Charles de Roche, Adolphe Menjou, Gareth Hughes, Vera Reynolds, Rosita Marstlnl and many others. FUN FROM THE PRESS. COMEDY "1770 F.O.B . Admission 50c and 25c. Preserving Strawberries, now in Price per case, $2.50 up RupertTalbleSujly Three Phones. ?io,?ii.2i2 LAND ACT. Atlln Land Dlatriet. District of Casalar. TlbA Mulbtii ttmt llii.niH U - i. - m Atlln, occupation miner, Intends to apply Tor permission to purcnas tlie roIIowu.K described landst comnienclnsr at a post i (juiiui jatMs if iiiu root, ui the mouth ir liupert Creek, one mile east "mum "aic wii laetlSII L.U&r, IHClHtt south twenty chains, thence west to shore llriO lhaniui llf.nn ..I....... 1 1 .. .. ... . I - . commencement. . REGINALD BROOK. April, $1, tm. LAND ACT. Notlct of Ipttntlon to Apply to Lets Land, In Skecna Land District. Recording DIs-Net or Coast, and situate on Campania sland. Tflkn Wi t f r n th.it D.iunn. 1? n .. i ..... - - ...... v . ,.uk vtqi cine u uaiuiri and James McNulty, or Prince rtupert, B.C.-, tend to apply for permission to lease thf fnllnu-tnlr lnHa. i-. .V..V.,.,.B ubcvill'CU .1.11113. VU11UJ1C11 rlnr at a nntt nlantoH ,hM V .1 . ah cask rim ui Campania jsiana anu about one mile rrom the south end or the ! Island; thent Tolloalntr the sinuosities or! the shore line at hlich water line around! mo i5ia.ni io me piace or commencement, ; and containing s.nno acres. mor! or less. I c, mmimi h jaivics NCnuLTX. i Name of Applicant. . . Pe.r w- E- WILLIAMS. Agent. 1 Hated April 9nd. Ii4. PRESERVING SEASON is now in full swing. We have a large variety of FRUITS at Hie following prices: Apricots, per crate . . $1.75 New Apples, per lb. .. 12!2c Myng Cherries, per lb. 30c Watermelon, 3 lbs. for 25c Peaches', per doz . . . . 30c Duy while the buying' good! All Heavy Orders Delivered. E GQNQMY STDR Phone 84. E 417 5th East SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United States Triangle Tour to JASPER NATIONAL PARK EDMONTON and CALGARY. One way via Vancouver. Write or call: City Ticket Office, 62S Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260. BIG INCREASE GRAIN LOADING Canadian National Railways Report Business Year Much Heavier Than Last WIXNIPKO, Man., July 12. Nearly 225,000,000 hushels of wheal have been marketed over Canadian National lines since September I, 1023, and loadings are still lining made at the rale or over 2,000 cars weekly. Tliis is the record of grain movement for July shown by the Canadian National grain loadings report issued last night. The report covering; the period from July I to 10 inclusive shows 2,085 .cars loaded in that neriod against 037 in same period last year. Total loadings since September 1 last have been ICG, 53(5 cars containing1 -24, 115,000 bushels against totals of 121,031 cars and 103,909,000 bushels in same period lusl year, the increase being 42,- 503 cars and 00.476,000 bushels Approximately fifty, per cent of the grain loaded during the week came directly from the hands of the fanners, ami there remain 2,371,000 bushels in storage in elevators on Cana dian National western lines. Al- iierta with 1,370,000 bushels loaded and 501,000 bushels marketed led the loadings during Hie week, Saskatchewan points loading 1.237,000 bushels and marketing 711,000 bushels during the period. Alberta has 1,079,000 bushels in store and Saskatchewan 1,000,000 bushels on the company's line. Of total inspections on all railways at Winnipeg during the past week Canadian National loads have been about sixty per cent. The flow of grain to Vancouver continues unabated, a total of 17,250 cars having been delivered there In July 10. (I he total for the 'entire grain year ending September 17, 1923, was 4,515. GIANT PLANE BEING BUILT BY BRITISH FOR WORLD CRUISE LONDON. July 12. a view to flying round the world, SEALED TE.NDEKS addicted to tho uiHleralmitd. and endorauu "Tender fur U'liarr extension and reiittim, Uella CuolJ, 11. (J. " will be received at Una unite until 12 o'clock noon (daylight laving), Tue-day, July 22, 1924, tor the construction or mi extension and repairs to the wharf ui ucna ukiiu, sneena District, u.c. I'lans and Tonus or contract can be. seen and vpeciricallon and Tonus or tender obtained at this Department, at the oTTIce or the District Engineer, Old Cost OTTIce Uullding, Victoria, H.C., and at tin; Post iurrices, Vancouver, U.C.; Pilnce liupert, II. C; .Namu, U.C., and UeXa Coola, U.C. Tenders will not be considered unless niacin on printed Tonus supplied by the Department and' In accordance with conditions contained therein, i Each tender mut be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable til the order oT the Minister oT I'ubilc Works, equal tit 10 per cent .r lh amount oT the tender. Ilouds or the Do minion oT Canada or bonds or the Canadian National Hallway Company will also be accepted as security, or 'bonds and a cheque IT required to make up an odd amount. Note. Itlue prints ran be obtained at this. Department by depositing an accented cheque Tor the sum or $10.00. payable t'i the order or the .Minister oT Public Works, which will be returned IT the Intending bidder submit a regular bid. Uy order. X DESJAIini.NS. Acting Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, June 18, 1921. I5J SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKF. KKSERVATIONS NOW FROM MONTREAL TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON" ANTWERP July S3, Aug. o Mlnnedoaa Aug. 9, Sept. 3 Mellta TO BELFA8T-OLA8QOW July it, sept. II Montreal July 31, Aug. J 8 Marloch Aug. U Marburn TO LIVERPOOL Aug, I, Aug. StK Montcalm Aug. 8, Sept. S Montr-one Aug. li, Sept. j Montclare FROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL July 85, Aug. ti Montroyal TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG.. July 30. Aug. 7. .Kinpreim oT Scotland Aug. 13, Sept. ,1 il . . Kmprena oT France TO BELFAST-QLASQOW Aug. 7, Sept. 4 Montlaurler Apply to Agcnti everywhere or J. . FORSTER. Oen. Agt. u.r.K. atauon, Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2630, uan. rac. kv.. Traffic Agcnu. THI DAILT NftWB. Saturday, July 12, 1924. Opt ician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think It over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back loss 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max HeiJbroner Diamond Specialist iant air cruiser will shortly PREMIER MACDONALD'S SON HEADS DEBATING ance Will be Discussed on Edmonton Platform Isity will engage a picked team of. Huilt Willi Ir'niversilv rif Allierln uhuln in America and Canada throughout November, December and January. WHIPPED CREAM IS FAKED BY GERMANS Last of Food Restrictions Im posed During War Has Been Removed HKIU.IN, July 12. The sale of whipping cream, outlawcil early in I'JIi as a war incasiuo, is again pet-mil tod In Germany liy fc'oveinment order. This is the last nf. tlie food restrictions to lie removed, mid within a few days of the an nouncement every colTee house in Berlin was servinir "whipped cream" In Mich amounts that I lie health authorities investigated aiid, it was staled, ascertained that s'ubslilulu of while of egKi evaporated milk and other preparations was being used. If you find' you cannot pot Hip dally News regularly, call in ana subscribe for It and have It de-livcrei to your home. tf Ii EDISON'S SON IS NOT SUCCESSFUL His Inventions Not Acceptable Commercially' and Companies Become Bankrupt NKWAliK, N.J., July 12. lliomas A. hdison, attempting to follow in the footsteps of his father, has met with financial reverses which have resulted In a company formed to exploit two of his inventions going into the hands of receivers. Failure of the inyeulions to become commercial successes resulted in Hie Kcoiioineter Manufacturing Company of Orange finding Itself in the hands of a receiver. Tlie company manufactured the econometer, u gasoline savins device, and a period timer for Kurd automobiles. The younger hdison, Ileal rice M. Kdison and K. I). Woodward were the incor porators. inabilities are said to be 3!.,oiH and assets $18,03 inclusive of a $10,034 patent value. I his amount of assets could not he realized by a forced sale, it was staled. PURCHASES RANCH AND WILL RESIDE trials at Southampton. The plane AT FRANCOIS LAKE nas two lage floats, is driven by a uou noise power engine, ana j. Mrm,ll. formerly u,.,.r la"' " new oi me. 'nr I Ti.mUf II..I..I .i !......,. wo pilots sit iii front, and rii, T..rrnn i..n .... behind them in the fuselage is a nisrht s train tJ P .,,. i a t.t.. wireless Still further back room. u-lui-i i, iin- m, ...i n... ir.r. are the sleeping quarters, as acre ,-anch or Krnest proffclt. lie arge as r. motorbus, and gasoline will be away about a folnight on is carried in two floats in suffi- n,u liii. mnkinir ..ii...i.,n.. .... dent quantity for a 1,000 mile nu.inent for moving and to il. i-. xiiu iMunu win nau a .yards the end of the mnnll. will cruising speed of 80 miles an rolurn to the cily. Then he and Lour and a full-out speed of 100 Mm. McDougall will leave tu take Illl ICy. Ilitk Mmih lini'iiuitwinl irtj!.l...A, .... ' ivi 'niiiuilt.iu lUSllll'lllU I'll the ranch which lies near tho ferry on Hie north side of Hie lake. Mr. McDougall will make additions to the present house TEAM. COMING CANADA tends to place cattle and sheep on it. Subjects of International Import I STOMACH SUFFERING disappears as if by magic when Jo-To is used. Oas pains, acid KDMONTON, July 12. M. J. stomach, sour stomach, burning MacDonald,1 son of Premier J. and all after-eating distress re- Hanisay Macdonald, and his team lieved in two minutes. All Drug of debaters from Oxford Univer- Stores. LAND ACT. a series of debates here next fall.WTW The actual dale or the niceting rtngop,M,.c o skeena. ..... lias not yet been settled, tint the C'ueen charlotte islands. debaters will nrrivo In rni.nl- .. T,ke ln Hume II. Bablngton of uiuattrs win arrne in uanaiia jiasseit, occupation rainiery manager, In-early in October, and after "-" cn-ll''P,',s ,t0 PJ,I' fnr permission to lease the , .i, , .,, following described Toreshore: Commen- gaging 111 llebalCS Willi several Of clng at a post planted at the southwest Hie eastern enllooi. u-lll ,l- ll.n rorn?r .r,r ' thence west 31 drg. -- r-. ..... u mmn anout 100 reet trip through the West. Other member of the to low water mark- thence northerly along low water mark I to a point west 37 (leg. south or west rnmernr Block IB- thence easterly In are J 1) Wooili-off nf Ww f'nl m northwest corner of Block 19; thenre UIU J. li. tOOillllII, OI iCW UOI- snulherlv lnn hlh wii.r m.i-lt n r.i lege, and M. C. Hollis, Of Italliol. nt containing 3Vj acres, more nr. less. The list of subjects to come up I ?mTlwctrt. for debate is as follows: Oxford!" will propose that Ihc policy of France toward flcrnutuy since the war be condemned; that the principle of prohibition is wrong; that the extension of stale Inter ference with the individual is a chief evil of the times Oxford arguing the negative. i Oxford will propose that the re ferendum is a necessary part of representative government. Oxford will propose that in a lemocracy ministers should be directly responsible lo a popularly elected assembly. l'bc Oxford parly will arrive early in October and will ini- mediately engage Hie colleges west of lluffalo. and will remain at depends upon the woman Dainty Dorothy writes : Tlie hand that rocks the cradle rules the world; Hy this same hand the flag of Thrift's unfurled. DAINTY DOROTHY WRITES Jleiug a militant woman doesn't necessarily mean trying to make a speech rrom. the top of the desk of a U.S. senator. It means the avoidance of wastefulness in food-stuffs and in clothing and other ways. A slight inexpensive change in a gown or suit and perhaps the cleaning of il will make it stylishly serviceable. May we offer our experienced helpfulness? PHONE 8 Xforfy BOX392 PRINCt-!R.U PERT DANCE At the Auditorium Friday Evening, July 18 Kasson'g. Orchestra. Refreshments served, Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles BOo Phone Hlack 419, L. F. Marren, Proprietor, v r r 71 iarMeroncia (BULL DOG SIZE) IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANT OF CANADA tlMITtO Sol DiWriMoo Anniversary CI tlearance -wtc i Owing to the unusually inclement weather we have de cided lo continue our sale for a few more days. All goods previously advertised are slill on sale and many more add ed. We mention a few extra specials. Embroidered English Bedspreads Kxtr.'i large t-izc, value to 15.00, for 56.50 Bungalow Reversible Rugs :).:iV4, value lo .$ io.00. for . . 58.50 Nlagra Maid Pure Silk Gloyes All colors, $1.75 value, for . . 5125 Sweaters, all Wool or Silk, 20 Discount. Cretonnes Values to 05c a yard, for 45c Gossard Corsets Value to $7.50, for . 53.45 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS. H. S. WALLACE CO. Limited Phone 0. Third and Fulton. Extraction of Teeth During t li c .summer mouths it is advisable lo have Die TEETH Ihal should lie extracted removed and prepara tion will he made for PLATES or BRIDGEWORK before the winter months set in. Pain will lie eliminated, I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors are my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phone 575. Get Your Appointment Today. Smith Block. amatco 3PLYCOTTONWOODVENEER PAN ELS For panelling your rooms it rivals llic most costly hardwoods, Hejiivenule your Home Quickly and Permanently. Solo Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564.