You married him for better or worso and made up ynur mind that you would 'k-k with him tlirough sun. .hine and storm and help liim make both ends meet and darn I he hose and look afler the children and everything Hut you didn't promise to ho a washing machine. We've pot 'em for sale. Call and see the New Savage i Washer and Dryer. "A Demonstration Is a Revelation." Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods buits We have loo many Sum mer Mills on nanu win ciear at cost r 1 nnt,il.. ... 1(III1U UIMI IUUIV UIUIII UYCr. "DfMERS" i i: r n n i innnnn Liinnnnn i-nni n nil iini.n mini IV IIIIVJ Ul IIUVU UUIIL DttUarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thl It very auperlor rurnaca nliraly rree from aool. cllnkern. n ii w in ni riv tiiiirn mrf Delivered In Saclu. At $12.50 per ton. e are alo Ajeoli for the Fainwu AnVKMITH.Wri LI NdTflN and TELKWA COALS. mnrn minorl I'nil Pn I till 0 UUfJOIl UUQI UU. aln Off let! Haiti Ctnlral. Phona 15 I ' I It1111 - ci, r ui i i n.'M in i ,i and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any iiuantily delivered daily. rnmni i-.nriv . urn nir ite- livcry. ALEN TIN'S Da rv IIWIIO VUI, All hand" to. I he job" seems land 8.0c and low ni to be Hip slogan on the waler-;7c. Americans wpi-p front this week. Kvery deparl-inont of the fishing business has been kept on tho jump, Hie halihul arrivals having been well up to tho averaiff for die time of year while rl ...almon also has been landed in good quantities, in spile nf the uu-' seasonable weather on tho deep sea fishing grounds, no particularly dillirultje haye? been encountered in enticing the wily halibut to the hook and remunerative fishing has been done. The salmon fishing is going strong and reports of good catches have come fo hand. A packer from the Hippo Island district, who was in port with a cargo of red and whites, staled that I he local fleet out there was doing profitable work and the tMiys anlicipaled enjoying a good season. Ileporls from the Skeena ami Xaas river canneries look very promising froni a salmon packing standpoint. To date the salmon pack on the Xaas river is ahead of last, year's showing at this time; The unwelcome antic of the weather man during Ibe past week ha" been a setback to the business of boats plying in the public, hire service. Few boats of the home fleet are in port at present but there an one or two in Cow Hay doing engine repair work and repainting. Fish Business From Monday to Friday 176,-UflO pounds of halihul have been marketed on the Fish Kxchang" Canadians were high at 13. tu LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlen to Apply U Lata Land. Ill oin-cn charlotte liaml Land lilnnrt, hfruriiUir IHMrict ut I'rliK-e lliuerl. H.C aim Ktioaif near Tow mil, uraliam liaiiu. TAkr .otii:k itwt i. litHrfiri- v. iHiw- llllir, of 3it Cainbrlitire Street, Vancouver, H.C.. orriiiuitlon riianiirariiirer. liilcniH In apply fur iHTiiilnsion In li-aw tho rollow- lur rit.rliit linild' 4ftnrti.nfiiiD at i-lialn: Ihrnrr i'Uterlv mi chain- to imiImI ot mniniiiiri-iiirnt and mntalnlnir I.', arret. murr or if?. OKOIIliK w. imwu.Mi, Applicant. n.VKM TTK. Atvnt. Hal. iiiiic li, 10l. WATER NOTICE. (Ditaraion and Ua) TAKE .NOTICE that Hume II. Ilablmrton. whose adrireas U Masncll, will apply for a licence to take and me gallons or water out of an unnamed pond. The water will le dlverled from the pond, at a point about )U0 feet north or the north-ca.t corner or block I On n.L. 7. plan H4, Queen Charlotte Islands, and will be used ror Industrial purpose upon the land de scribed as block It !.!.. 7, plan SIC, Queen Cliarlotte IManns. inis nonce was posteu on the around on the tdth day or May, mil. A cony or this notice and an appli cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water Art, 10 14," will be riled In the. office or the Water Recorder at Prince loipert. objections to the application may be riled with the said Water Recorder ortwlth the Comptroller or Water ttlirhts. Parliament Bnlldlnts, Victoria. B.C.. within rifty days arter the rirst appearance or this notice in a local newspaper. The date or the Ma mihllallnn r.f Ihl nnlll-O It MV 9Ath McBrlde Street. mi. H. B. BAMNaTON. Applicant. OOKS ARE GOOD COMPANIONS Keep them ncal nnil clean in an improved Sectional Book-case We sell Don and Library Furniture of the best quality. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Electric Bread is "The Best we ever had" Hint supports you." I) town 11.7c and high ai The Canadian halibut schoon-er Itosepoinl, Capt. Sieve Hor-vick, is undergoing several inechanicat changes preparatory to engaging in eining. The power boat Hilly Hoy, Capt. O. P. Smith, which is engaged In salmon packing between here and Hippo Island trolling grounds, arrived in port during Ihe week. O.P. is optimistic about the salmon run in I hat district and reports the boats are making good catches at piesent while Ihpre is every prospect nf the run exceeding mat or lasi year. A severe slorm struck Ihe north end of Ihe Island on the night of July I and drove 20 trolling bonis on to Hie sapdy beach. Xo damage was done. The power boat X.M. A It. Xo. I, owned by the X. M. A II. Fish Co. is undorsntng mechanical changes for engaging in seining The work will be completed about August I. The Canadian schooner Ifana- pi pianirii near ui roi r Tuw i in. co has recently instalh-t an At eai in. iimhc iionneriy in low waifi" mark; incnce wruicriy rmiiininir low water mark dh chain; ihcnce i"intlieilr three l..8c and 7.1c and low at 11 .7 and 7c. Arrivals were: Canadian Mali, W. A F., -Mayflower, Prosperity, Marguerite, Swing, Hi n go. Tillie s., M. M. Christopher, Pair of Jacks, Kobe, Cape Spear, Inez II., Nautilus, Livingstone and Ringleader. American Iladio, 'Resolute, Itrisk, Xorma, Wilsou, Anna .1,, (jrolh, Pelican, Superior, Hravp, Fureka, Polaris, fienevieve, Kagle, Fastern Point, and He-limice. The power boat Uadys It., hooming lender for the Hi? Hay Lumber On, is being put tlirough a general overhaul. water-Kent ignition system and left for the high 'spots early in Ihe week. Adam and Eve Engine An engine wilh a cheerful outlook on life awaits a lucky purchaser on the waterfront The engi'ne, which has had a long and varied history, is if we caught the name right of the Adam and Kve type but as to whether it actually saw service in the. historical garden there is no writ I en guarantee. The machine is t lie property of .Norman, Ihe budding electrician and was in action once at the. Seal Cove base. On this or casion it was coaxed lo start by priming her with a good help ing of bread and milk. The gramophone the engine was driving on (hat memorable day hit up such a speed that the lat- sl jazz record sounded like a new version of the Dead March However, since that dale Ihe gadgits have been looked to and a plentiful supply of canned milk has been inserted in 'he carburettor while pieces of nice fresh bread hav been placed al thpJop of the piston heads. 'P.jc idea is I lint the milk rushing ti meet the bread turns the fly. wheel over and a shot of fas does the Test. The launch Eva, owned and IN PROIIATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Vlaltei or the Administration Art; aim In the Matter or the Estate or Erie Kosse, lerea.4eil: Intestate. TAKE .OTIt:K that by order or Ills Honor F. MrH. Vonnir. made this 3rd day or July, A.n. 19il, I was appointed Acllnir Administrator or the etate or Eric kosse. deceased, ami all parties having claims airalittl the said estate are hereby required lo furnish same, properly verified, to me on or hefore the nth day or Auinist, A ll. 104, and all parties. Indebted to the estate are required b pay the amount or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. WALTER OALE, Artlnr Orricial Administrator, Prince Unpen. B.0. Haled this 8th. day of July, 104. NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed Temlera will lie received hv the Dllliirt forenler at I'rlnca llitpert up to noun on July I8lh, 1094, ror the rurrliae nr t quantity or mil) Cedar pole at Wnodeork and Carnally, estimated at Si,-700 lineal reet. The. uel price' which I the lowest tvmlr that will tin accepted U one quarter mil per lineal root. Tenners inur lie accompanied ny err- lltanch, covering Fifty (tin per cent of ttm total price hid on total estimated (luintlty. The hldlient or any tender not necea-tartly accepted. Further particulars or DUtrlct Former, Prince Rupert, B.C. ffHl DAUT 5WB, LJ-.!...1l,.MJ1,91SS skippered by Hubert Ward, ha recently ben overhauled end launched in readiness for the summer holiday season. Injured Skipper The only casually reported on (lie waterfront this, week was a slight mishap to1 skipper Jack Cook of the launcti . Joy Hird. K apiears mat uie,:7iKipppr was called in the middloyjf Hie night to undertake somaf necessary domestic chores mYs-connection with the "inner "man" nf the youthful heir, wherir tie chanced to Iread upon a sinall crowbar, wjiich had evidently ' .been intended by the makers for a nail. The nail pierced his foot and, as a consequence, Jack has leen serously handicapped in hi busy life. However, the fleet medical service has the injured member under care and it is hoped the genial Jack will again soon be able In' dance the sailor's horn pipe. P. LeClaire, ihe sailmaker, has deciiled to leave his floating sailmaking factory at the mouth of McXicholl creek and will not bring it to this side at least for Ihe present. A new looking launch Is now at Ihe Newcnrnbe dock and is befitlingly called (Ire Milkmaid. The Milkmaid is Ihe old White Lilly and has recently been remodelled and repainted by her owner, SKipper (ieo, .Neweonibe. I'he craft looks particularly milky, having been painted a strenuous while, and reminds one of a whie cow in a while dairy being milked tiv a while ghost. The power boat. Ala has re cently had a new exhaust pipe fitted while al anchor in Cow Day. The power boat Cora, owned and skippered by Ritas. Wright left on a logging cruise to Ihe Wark Canal district early in the week. According to naulienls inter esled iiii trapping and the raw fur business generally, 'furs to the value of over 50fl,(fl)0 have been landed in Prince ' Ruperr during tho past winter. The power boat Eagle, Cap!. Rhus. Johnson, which has been fishing around the vve.4 coast of Vancouver Island v for a long lime past, arrived id pdrt early in Hie week anil left tor tlie Hippo Island trolling grounds. The Eagle wilt in future make this port her headquarters. The power boat Eleanor Mac, Rapt. W. Dass, lefl port on I'hursday morning for Ketchi kan and returned last nighl. The Canadian schooner May flower, owned jointly, by Capt. I tid Thurlx'r and Rapt. Hob Thompson, is on the Vard ways for repainting and general hull overhaul. - - Now She'll Flicker That the lit' old launch Rap- rice was not clipping off the knots according lo schedule has heen a subject of much concern lately to R. (). Ilowe, her well known owner. Afler going over the whole works very thoroughly C.J), decided that a new speed clutch was necessary, at any rale he though he would install the latest and see if it would improve things. Accordingly skipper Ilowe, assisted by his firsl mate Hill Mairs, put in a new culch. So far so good. After the new pieeer of niachin ery had been fixed, they pro ceeded to make a test. The Kermalh engine, always raring i go, bit at (he first turn and upon the clutch being put in, the boat shot wilh such terrific speed out into Ihe harbor' that lr.IK II. a nniv n n nttil Ilia in n I a ' itarkie said when he fi'll from Ihe church sleeple while- watching Uie circus parade. Howevei the new clutch worked fine and at least another two miles is he-cliurned out by Hie propeller. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- I'l) like lo he a senator, To sit and smoke all day, And gaze nut of my window While others earn my pay. 4 PKllllAPS a good Idea to stopj The "My that Saved a City righllp termed the "nulled" fist. ONE of the things wo never hear about is a musician playing a I tine on a drum. ITS funny how most fathers delight in lasting the baby's food and yet won't eat milk pudding. TO make a snappy breakfast snap your fingers at the panlry door. Ten Years Ago J In Piince Rupert j ----"" -n July 12, 1914. Mrs. and Miss Powell are tho guests of Mrs. V. H. Clayton. Mr, Goodyear, passenger agent of the G.T.1. at Seattle, is mak- ttiir Mm ""III I MT l Uit4iui hum CJo0pfrn ven jerkoj out of thoir collars i b ' lltnl'u Hint's rvnlltr going some COIttn flS ns I the Yl M ' .... and J. V. Ililtenliouse, who Is inter ested with a couplo of local men in iron claims on the Copper River, arrived on the Prince George this morning from Sealt tie. . 0. D. Newton Is leaving shortly for Calgary, where he has busi ness which will keep him. in the. oil city for some weeks. BURNING STOMACH reljeved In two minutes with JO-JO Jo-To relieves gas pains, acid stomach, heartburn, afler-ealing distress and all fornv of indiges tion quickly without harm. All the rain would be to cancel all Drug Stores. 7$ was being attacked. The massive walls were Rome breached. The enemies pressed hard on every side. To the north, the invaders crept stealthily through the night to storm the gates. In the dark, they stumbled on a flock of geese. The fowls cackled loud and long the sentries heard and Rome was saved. Advertising is continually saving something for some-one. It will save for you, too, if you use it properly. It will save you money by pointing out real bargains, by telling you of true values, by giving you prices to compare and by telling you how much you should pay. It will save you time and effort by telling you exactly where and when to go for what you want to buy. You don't have to "shop around." It will save you disappointment by telling you just what you can expect from your purchases. Every time a merchant or manufacturer advertises, he obliges himself to sell you goods that fulfil his claims. He knows it doesn't pay to advertise unworthy wares. Read the advertisements as a plain, every-day business proposition. It is a duty you owe yourself and your purse. ,- j. picnic arrangements. The advertisements will help you save. A HEN usually crosses the road to get a pick at the worm the other fellow has unearthed. A MAN recently stabbed his wife because she refused lo rub his hack. That action might be STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX SVednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. Effective June :t0, .1021. ,: . S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements tind. Buckley; Bay, every .Monday, 8.00 p.m. . For Skidegate and all porjs south every Wednesday r at:; 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Trlnce Rupert S.00 p.m. ror PIU.NCE CEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill points Eutern Canada, Untied States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMIHIP LINES. City Tlckal omea. 62 Third A, Prlnc Rupart. Phona IN. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service i - - r Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 26 For Ketciiikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van- . couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for air Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from mnce Hupert. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Altrt Bay, Tuwday, S P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For, ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa laland, Sunday, 8 P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Nut Rlvar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 623 2nd A,anu. J. Barnalay, Agant. Prlnca Rupart, .0,