25 TAXI nnd Ambulance Anywhere 'a' - Library. Stand Royal -n lluH.lin,,. and Mr3 MATirVIDECKropJJ VUl XIV NO, SOU, RENT WAR ON IN GLASGOW Inhabitants of Clvdosdale Division ftofuslng to Pay While Seven Prosecuted SCOUTS TAKING PAftT 'MON. Nov. 15. SA rcnl war ,;! 'he I'ilydesdalc dislsion of nrnw innreasing in liileu- rv thousands refusing lo pay nearer ' for their homes. The I rouble : ai renliiuleil by the thecal -"-il iroecullou of seven len-"i's who were evicled Wednesday lM'l Willi the, aid or yinpalhUeri back Inlo I heir homes. They tiw will . pioscculeil on a ''"TRC of house. hreakiinr. I'he IrnaiiU i Clydesdale stale ""'l if these seven are prosecul-fl- Ihey win reiulilale with a K"iieral rent strike. '"'dy of boy scouts is watch-"g day ihmI i,iK,t o warn the "Miinliy ,,f I he appearance 1,i,,.,.)i,nfe of dlurd . Master of Well Known Local Boat Atll Intends to Keep Promise to His Wlfo It. M. Plainly Newell, one or Ibe lies! known and most successful of the local halibut fishing boat owners, has made bin last voyage and i unitling Hi? sen. His boat Alli. which has made so many profitable voyages 1.. Hie fi.lilna banks, is up for .! liioiBlil Mr. and Mrs Newell are leaving lor Vancouver on an extended holiday lri. Is where he has made a goon living ror many years and b" Ihiuks lhat in some oilier line he may conlinue lo do so. especially nce an era or renewed prosperity seems lo be Immediately in She Urges Thrift, Industry and Courage in Order SUGGESTIONS i .i r n I to mane tne rrovince rrosperous ana DVHD DTTTMAM r llnli'li Columbia prosperous. If her ople du not po-lliese virlue heller abandon t lie province to Uie yellow races dinl no difficulty in making a Iiviiigr." Thw wurda roiled it Ihree hour nailing veh in defence of llic giivern-i Itv Hon. John Oliver, a Ireucliant reply lo I lie upwili'Mi ins. The Premier called for confidence in Hie fiilinc ol t roMiifi'. ror croiiom) himI hanl work. He challenged Hie aioii to lay definite charge f election irregularities in- I in-itiuHliuitM. lie de-( . . ; I Mial the government !! HOU adept, spread ing suspicion. in to hold tiff Ice a a re-: 1 Mliitu with the I'.aeific Oreal any wrong doing. Aiioii ,(rrn r,ariie in which Csliug would be eMed regard-,.,,,! llane had taken a leading f ..n.iMjuruw).. lKirt. Oliver on id that after thlr- ilif province hat the ual- i,, tUur grthdlinr not a wealth and rewMirwv c barge hml Immii proven. I r and if we are worthy! iumg u,,, u the crHlciam !i- rare from wliieh Mj,,, of it,- utiilw volln. declared Mr. Ollvw. ,,,,,. Mw that in 1920 .la ii'nl mil llxtravairalior li ... - i ywli. i Only indutrj. a .. I (oiiaat ilMiilar to wn liv our forebear will, ..; , i pei ily." M iiiit I'onrnlutaletl Ui , i .n ion on tt ilebalinir'' v tnil deplored their nd-, e: of Hp fact. He claim-: u the freiuht rale wa v. m iiiiii.miI'h fiEbl if it wa Jy - Feed for Mock cost .Hi a hundred pound lo ..; from l he prairie wherca jrrant ald only Vi a lniliiliisl. H cot twice : Ii to ship lumber to I In-4 in In bring wheal lrv - ireil tiochraiie'n claim for 'i lo aid fruit growern. n! rijilil raleH was what "il, mil granli. I' ivply to the eharpe of pal-the Premier claimed thai tad semci- was still full of 'value iippidnleei. He de- lx'il Hov Jooliua llini'hcliffe i. illy unchioui aiirlimo Premier auid he reclaimed the for the .. r.. bM n. .mm u. il rti.itl ! tii mini iiwm . .! .... ! . t -. f....l l.a UNI aiioc ami in- irm v mortgage it to help Hie fruit erowvrr. Since tVIO the industrial pa) roll had increased. rls hiiudrwl and thlrty-lUrca Indus, trie lMd teeii added. (knHudhiB. Mr. Oliver aW it va th intention tf the irv-eminent lo carry on iluriiiK this ami UCceedlliK esllls but there wet-.' prir.' tli' w.oil.i not py to siay. BRANDY NEWELL QUITTING SEA s slore. His lind Mrs. Newell's! host or friends will also hope thai Educational Survey Com- mission Several very interesling siis-(ji'stion as to measures that niivht lie taken to improve the local seliool system obtaining a jrH-aler .degree of ctllciciicy at probably a lower co, were made by lr. Putmaii of the eilucatfoal nurvey eommis-ibm wliieh wan here lal week. Thee were re ported to the hoard lal nilil by Chairman Parker who had been in conversation with the roui-misoiou. One of lir. Putma' su?gei-Houh wit that the I tooth School be converted to Ilizti Schod pur need f pe.ifmfw. LmmwImi Mrn hwt Been f 0 Af- . W H.fflU'l-l t't.1 botilen- iij ,lj1te .gi -1 rrl, wf ,)le lo(lll- T ,wr tl are due in pa-i'im -iwa five. tkni(-rv alive!, hiwl alioii and llw war an.1! UMHirlp, pHweiple of .vert oine. The people .aIM.rr vole in the Huum. -h beyond their powere. ..... tttm nulllr1 that than any of the other build-; ilias. The more advanced public school cUe could also continue there under one prinrfpal and the. Ilonleu SI reel and King Kdward schools could be ued for .Inlerioediale and Junior grades. jjj lir iiiiiiiaii eriiiririMi ine niaii- Irainiiig syllabus and fel! I hast per-onal initiative was being lost si?ht of in the carrying out of a stereotyped course. II wa pointed oul that the course was set by the education department and could only tie changed by il. The matter of iiboli-biug Hie school board and having its duties included with that of Hie Icily council wax aUo (liciisctl. 1 1. 11 H 1,. v.. Another suggestion made by Mr. Put man was I hat the school Iiohi-iIs of Anyov ami Ocean Falls he approached with a view lo mill 1111: an inpeclor over the hinds al Hive points and in nice Ituperl in a supervising apaeily. Another suggestion was thai a supervising teacher lie engaged in Prince Ituperl wild a stenographer who could also act as a substitute teacher. Mr. Parker staled Ihal lr I'ulmau had explained that il dh! not come within the counuis sion' province lo make recom mendations in tchool boards in dividually but he had merely thrown these suggestions oul to be taken for whal they vverej worlh. ! A thorough inspection of the! local schools had been made by' the commission, Mr. Parker re-i ported. They had laken charge Hraiulv nromiseil In wife soiiie;nr classes and had expressed lliuie ago that when he turned themselves as well snlisried vvilh 1 forty-rive he would cease his personel ut the teaching wanderings on the deep antij jdnlTs ami the coudillons or Hie would seek to engage in some, schools as a whole. It had beeh business that would keep him;ipudcd lo have a conference and more often al 1 no, with (he school board but Ibis family hearth. He is now rigtir-.,Hd heen impossible, lug on making good thai pro- . I BARS GRAIN EXPORTS .Mr. Newell hopes, however.' that he may return lo prince limieri Iii make his home. This WAHSAW.- Tho government has fixed a charge oT tho eiui-valenl or 3 on each U2-pounds of grain exported because or the lijpilcd crops in Poland this .vear. This charge amount to a pro. biliillon or grain exports. Mrs. T. II. Tannook is sailiny Ihey will return to locate; lomglil on the Prince Hupert for pruii inenHy. V.uieouver. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCK IIL'PKIIT, H.C., SATl'HDAY. NOVKMHKK 15, 1024. """"'' circ.i.u, i.e.. on he halibut 'u.iiks as Ihe close ,V. N. Chafer of Port Arthur. (i.uiiii i-iiiirifwiii'i-v al miihi i'jlil . engineer for C I). Howe A (in.. lo Ivinsr tn for the winter. The omidiiigi at Hie site off the IIooIiiIp with iil.OOli poii ml t is nioiilli of Morse Creek. Certain reported due at Ketchikan this -evisions have become necessary afternoon. Following are the lo- 'be oririnl plans fidlowiu? day's sales Mbbllelon. 3M.000 to Cold Storage at I l.iDc. and lie. Canadian Cape Swain, .l.liuu. to Cold Storage at tl.5ie and Cc. Mr. ('.hater's first report. They American fare of a minor nature, however. Vansee. SM.iMMi, to Odd S torn (re , and will have little effect on the tat I3.ime, and fie. i project as it whole. This work liiioeeii.! I'MioO In llnvul f-'lvh belli? iloiie. nil will be in reaili. (irolb. P.Sim.'lo Hoyal Fish Co.for Hie foundation. Mr. dialer at Hiillic and Cc. ipecls to be here about a week Jiauic, 11.000. 10 ijid Monige,uiis tune. 'at l5.D0c ami Or. A. Ii. O'.Meara of Vieloria. Committed for Trial on Charge of Murdering Child at Nanaimo; Religious Frenzy was Responsible Mary Dickie, mother of Hie murdered child, was bound over 111 order lo insure her appearance. The accused had always liccu a religious man ami recently joined Hie l'cnlecostal assembly. Itsl Saturday he announced thai he had Divine power. He aid there was a demon in the house which must be driven oul ; " : At sunrise, after an all night eslon of pi aver, the family wai 1.1 It told by him to go lo the kitchen window and see the glory of (tod. Mary, the mother of the child, carried it to the window, but il fal her persuaded them he had the power to raise It from Ibe dead. The entire Sunday was spent in prayeV and fasting, liveulually the neighbors suspected that somelhiug was wrong and summoned the police. CANADIAN HIOH COMMISSIONER IS NOW RECOGNIZED LONDON. Nov. 15. - New ground has been broken by the High Commissioner, who of any of the Dominions to be officially received by Ibe Premier of Hritain on ae- cepling office. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Willed left on last night's train for New York 011 a vacation trip, Knroulr east Kiev will visit in Toronto ami Wellaml, Ontario, ami will return by way of Chicago and Seattle. They expect to be away .diotit a mo'dh jjnred ARBITRATION began to cry. She swore in court that she knew her rather placed , Fopmcp Fopo Secret Woud his hand over 1I.1 moulh, but said 1 ... ..... Haye of Nal,on8 Acl Loa?un to! she never dreamed he meant kill it. The boy was uffocalcd. I In Empire Affairs . After the baby's death the! LONDON. Nov. 15. Viscount (irey of ralloden, in a speech here today which was widely broadcasted, suggested Hie employment of the League of Nations as a safely valve in connection vvilh empire nations in foreign alTairs. In order lo guard against perplexity on the pari of the Dominions on any occasion of unforseeu crisis. Strttt 472. tuestiou. 'Hie expenses of the reluming oilicers. including the cosls in the Vancouver electoral districts was $I25,8'J2 while printing the volers' lists, forms, elc, cost .fl'j.OOJ. Ibe expenses included the taking of the beer vole. Vancouver city cost .sJO.Sifi; ; Victoria, ?7.U'I; Prince Ituperl, 3,3'J3: .Nelson. $875. Outside of NANAIMO, Nov. 15. Leslie Dickie, 51 years of uge, wasi,(. cj,je!, 0f Vancouver an Vic-yeslcitlay committed for trial on a charge of having murdered oria tip average cost j .r riding hi Iwo year old grandson on Sunday. His two suns, William wa $2,000. ami Havid, were bound over lo appear a witnesses and Mrs. BOATTHELMA ABANDONED I.arl (irey suggesieii inai iiruain might promise the Dominions to Al IPF ARM MAN refer a dispute with a forcigt) power to an international court ol justice oT Hie League ot Nations or some other arbitration on Tuesday next will be re- 1 board a a guarantee thai I lie I ccivetl by Premier Haldwin. 1 Dominions should not be sudden-! This will be the first time ,ly called on lo take a hand) for the High Commissioner- ; In a disoute. the merits of which! Ihey had not had lime to con-1 ider. I BOILER EXPLOSION HFLSINOFOIIS. Nov. 15. Twenly-fivc persons are missing ami believed lo have been drowned as a consequence of n boiler explosion aboard Ibe steamer on which GO passengers were returning to their homes. Twenty- two ot Iters were severely I BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing f'oor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed-ding parties. For rales, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PREMIER OLIVE URGES WORK AND THRIFT EQUALIZATION OF FREIGHT RATES DEMANDED BY REPRESENTATIVE BODIES Premier Oliver Makes Fighting Speech of Three Hours in Reply to Criticism of the Government Charges Extravagance. Yll.TlHtlA, Nov. I r.. -Thrift HALIBUT BANKS ELEVATOR SITE n ., m u n Close Season Commences at W. N, C hater, Engineer In Midnight: Number of Boats Charjie, Returns From Ed-Yet to Bring Catches monton and Will be Hera a Weok 'I'll ir llic lal ilay for fishing Kaiiuays woma Bring Prosperity to Province VJCTOHIA, Nov. I.". Charles Woodward, senior member I There wjl be a number of l,aU igners or the terminal grain for Vancouver, stated veterday in Hie Legislature that removal yet lo bring Iri their catches, u elevator, which U lo be erected of Hie freight rules discrimination would restore pruprrit to ' . . T . . ... , i. , . . m ... Him i.rnvii.... viiiil Id Imii t.er r- ii f lifirwHinff rlnririm m file giMMi many in wuicu win come iomc ny ine ueparinieiii oi iraoe :- r-- o o- - - here. The Senndia with UU.OOU and commerce, arrived' rrom IM- linmlred million bushels of Canadian gram exported through i.oiiihl. i.n.1 Pioneer Willi C0.OH0 monton on toil nijrlif train, uimeu niuies pons nuuiu oic.io i.'c,u uni.uia.cu um i . r. ... r... i i... ..r m .. ailiao channels when the establishment of 1 1 r 1 1 nriciiiAuu rpii-iua7 mi in.. ..pj ..11. wuuin - - , .lii.irv hii.I .-iiiiiMtire . ill iSchool Board Hears from Head of . Seal He where I hey will sell prior ent is to lake further Kept tnai uusmess in t.anaua ' ... .. . . .... the wesleru route The debate on the swerh from the throne ended yesterday ti fliirminn anil llin llflilfrpl u.ill Ikd WAS $175,496 brought down Monday. The address in reply to the speech from tJ 1 the throne was adopted without ameinlnretit or division and the minister of finance, Hon. J. I). Maclean, moved the first of the ! resolutions for the granting of Co. at l5.Hio and (c. , iness for the calling of lenders prlnce Rupert Constituency Cost ' : ' , .. .. i- . . ... . ... . . i i i .iintip r :a i up iii a Little Over Three Thou- lSmlU, okanagan. charged the sand Dollars , government with contemptible spile work because of.its failure VICTOHIA, Nov. 15, cfti..l as riiimsel hv Ibe Naas cost oi ine general eieouoii lasi -Th total lo implement the promises of I)r. K. C. MacDonald, late provincial lliver Indians in their land mal-'June amounted to ?I75,1'J( ae- iecrctar'. to aiivance a lert arrived in the eilv from The cording lo information given in loan for irrigation in the interior north on the Venture. tine Legislature yesieruay ny iioii. msuicn. William Sloan in answer In a. - EQUAL RATES ARE DEMANDED Associated Boards of Trade Kamloops Convention Endorses Fight OFFICERS ELECTED at KAMLOOPS, N'ov. 15--The Associated Hoard of Trade yesterday passed a resolution endorsing the demand for equalization of freight rates to ami from thU province with those to and from the east from prairie points. It iwa one of a number of impor- A report having been received tal resolutions passed by the that the local halibut boat convention here. Thelma. Capt. Dahl, had been resolutions Included one asking Ibe government lo legis-or abandoned at sea and the crew four landed aPMassetl in a ,a,p for ,uw" Planning .at the dion or the municipalities: dory, a boat was despatched rrom them wluaI sf,'00, lasalinu, and aboli-jt here last night to bring I Hon of the personal property ,,0. While no information or a de-:lilX-finile nature has been received.1 iImihi or Prince Oeorge it is believed that Hie Thelma ''.or., ,0, .t imumnumnuu,. ,lial ,, (5 H- l'e completed to in Horn the was on her way Cape Ad.linulon banks n,l that she iTim-t- Oeorge and lhat an ex-must have Vol into dirrioultiea ',,,!ii',n ,I,e vc R,ver Islands. untry via Pine or Peace River ..rr the Oueen Charlolte V bp evel investigated by The Thelma was in Iroublo i.wi .... v.u.i.i.ar i.i i.. ...the governutent. With slight storm on the Yakutat banks, Spence Allen and William Wilson having been washed over-hoard and drowned from her. amendments this was endorsed, tl Hirers were chosen as follows: President C. H. Dunbar. Vice-president Melville Dollar. Vancouver. Secretary-treasurer Harold Heallie of Vernon. ; 1 rCTC 10 MAMTIK Meeuuve ' .Messrs. .Maiden, utlO IL iHUWlnj Scliwengers. P. Ii. Wilson and (leorge liuchauan. Georjje Graham Found Guilty by rrrr Magistrate Conway of Sec- TUIDTl CUD U7AQ ond Offcnco Under Liquor Act uiuw 1 uiv tin u NEVER STOLEN (George (rnham of Alice Arm Caoe Supposed to Have Been was found guilty before Stipen- diary Magistrate John Conway at Anyox yesterday, of selling Removed In Thursday Morning's Robbery Found In Store liquor and was sentenced to, twelve mouths al Okalla Prison All the furs supposed to havo Farm. It was his second of- been stolen when a Ihier broke fence. William Ooblbloom's show win- At Siewajl yesterday Mavis-idow Thursday morning have been Irate Scarlett found olite Hossellj accounted for. The third capo ami Win. Dann pudtv or selling was found in a Iruuk In (he slore. liquor. Kaeh got six months. ill had not been removed as was in- Mrs. Yohn similarly rharited es. ,jt fjr,j s'ated. The would-be ''iv.it. d had. Mm, r j ,i,l , huyv.