9A(to TWO. For Refreshment when fatigued, try a cup of SALADA The Daily News IMIINOK HUPKHT - nuITISH COLUMBIA. Route Selected May Benefit This City. n H4B8 Always so pure fresH and delicious. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hnpert Itaily 'Xews, Limited, Third Avenue. II. K. I'ULI.KN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Ilv mail to nil narts of the British Kmtiire and the United 11 is expected that the trans-provincial highway from Van couver will ultimately be of .-nine advantage to Prince Hnpert now that the r'raser lliver canyon route has been selected. If the Fraser is followed straight through past Prince (leorge, a highway east from Ibis city may some day connect with it. While local, people are more anxious to see n start made on the Prince ;iteen ROTARY MARKS HOSPITALDAY Board, Secretary and Matron Were Quests at Weekly Luncheon Money Turned Over COMMITTEES NAMED Members of I ho hospital hoard, II .W. llirch, jieerelary of Die luianl, and Miss. Edith McCaul, matron of Hie hospital, were guests of 'the llolary Club al their weekly luncheon today I'resiilent W. T. Kergin handed oxer lo It. 0. Mcltac. chairman of the hospilal hoard, a cheek for l,000 Mtft the sum guaranteed by the llolary Club to complete the nurses home. D. C. Mcltae and K. Campbell sjmke on hospital matters. Later several members of the rlirb proceeded lo Ihe hospital In take part in ...". .. II.. ... Stales, in, advance, per year $MHi(me ceremonies un i - To all otjier countries, in advance, per year i7.50.servnnre of Hospital Day. I lie followlm? committees mr Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion'"" year barn been appointed by Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch J" president. Dr. V. T. Local neaders, per insertion 25c per line Kerjrin: Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word! I'mjrram Jack Nichol (chair- LeKal Notices, each insertion itc per aeate line.nau , mm jonnson. narry rui Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, May IS, 1921. len, Millie Williams. Mike McCaf frey, Ernie Wakefield, II. s. Hum, ieor(re Woodland, Jim Lee, and Cyril Orme. Hoys Work fienrpe Ilorie (chairman , fieorjre Hryant, Syd. Johnston, H."t. Hum, 'Waller Vance, and Ceo, Hichmond. llolary Education 'Dim Mc Clymont (chairman', Dune. H'- Itae, Theo. Collari. and Waller Fisher. Fellowship Jarvis McLeod (chairman Dick Moore, Frank Kenny, and Jim Sleen.. Public Affairs -r- Ceo. Monro (chairman', 'Harry llochesler. Mike Mc(!affer, and Stewart Mc Mordie. Publicity Harry I'ullen (chair Millie Williams, ami Jim Rupert end uf a road towards the "interior, it 'will be or some Musiness Stuart McLeod i,. y- ii. ..i i! n... ...i ..r : . :.. n' (chairman . Ceo. Monro, John rnii-iin.uiril- III lllif null IIII- llliiri cull 111 II HI llll- lllilKIIIH. ,. i , .... .. IDyhhavn, and. I red Dawson Institutions Of Value To The Community. The LadieV .Alusical 't.liilf in 'I'rinn Hnpeft inli or?nniza- which :.. i.. i... ..... a. ,i?.!i(. . . i. . i ' ...... lioir is lo he commended on its actlvitie instruction and enlerlaiiitnent to ils menilK-r aided in developing and eicouragmg local talent for the benefit of the public as witnessed, in the symphony orchestra which is affiliated with ii. This organization has been heard lo advantage here and has already afforded several pleasurable enlerlaiu-menls. Such institutions sis these are valuable in community life. Laborltes Holding Their Own In Britain. Premier Maedonald and his Laboriles are holding their own in the Old Country and are- employing no lillle amount of strategy in doiiiK so. On Tuesday night, with the. assistance of the Literals, they weathered a crisis which might have meant Ibeir overthrow. They seized (mi the rejection of the MeK'enna duties as a confidence measure and were sustained. As a mailer wf principle, Hit' Liberals had no olher alternative bill to give support. The Labor government now seems safe Tor some time. At that, it appears to he iK'aling with national and international problems in a sane way and is making a better fisl of Ihings tlwii was generally anticipated.. The Laboriles were pot into control by Ihe masses in the Old Country who were hot satisfied with living conditions after the war. Whether relief has come since they have been in power is a question bill, at this distance, it appears that they are giving some measure or satisfaction. So far, the Labor administration in the Old Country has gained, rather than lost friends and its popular if not political position may he stronger now than it was at the time or the election. Shipping Alaska Spruce to England. It seems strange that spruce shipments should he made from Alaska to Ureal Hritain. when, there is this great spruce district around Prime Rupert, development uf which is mainly held up on account of market conditions. Recentlv British spruce buyers were in this district and they were unable" to place orders. One of them went- to Alaska and vesterdav it wn announced Ihat a shipment of r.0,000 feet had been'made from Wrangell lo beallle ami thence to Knglnnd. Taking coals to Aewcaslle is commonly mentioned as an absurdity. Taking spruce lo England from foreign territory when there is all kinds or il contiguous in Rrilish Columbia seems almost as .bsrd "Tired anrl WnrrioH Nervous and Despondent AA M ill. If n t . - night for Worrvin? and In nt day I would be o tired that my work wai a burdtn to me. I began using Dr. Chate'i Nerve Food and can(tay I am now entirely relieved of the nervousness flora vtriich I wed to suffer, and things do not worry me as they used to, "Dr. Chase's Ointment also relieved me of eczema on my arms, which had bothered me for three years. My house is never with out Ur. Uiase s Medicines. Dr. Chase's Nerve Fnnri W m bo i of 60 pUl-, raman-un. Bate it CV., IiUL. Toroato Theo. Collari is appointed Ser- Reanl-at-arm. I!. F. Duhy. the first president or the llolary Club in Prince Resides jriviiifri'M'perl. bas resigned meniher- lh. rlnli hnii'shlp.' Mr. Dnby left the pity some 99 -r , eu KjTer. Ont, write-: ror eight l yean I differed from despondency and nervoune. oometirnei I could not sleep at month ago ami is now located in Washington. JAPAN TO BUY LUMBER AGAIN Will Not be Until Fall, However, for Market Is now Stocked With Duty-Free VAXCOUVKIl, May 15. Thai Japan will he back in Ihe market btr lumber in from three to six monllis is tlic opinion of ). A. lorgenson of the Whaleu Pulp and Papnr Company who has relumed from a six monllis' business trip lo Japan. Mr. Jorensoti staled Ihat everything In Japan now is al a standstill awaiting election the Diel bas been dissolved and nothing j being done by the government until Ihe policy of the new government Is outlined. "The market is flooded with over-purchases of duty-free material, including lumber." said Mr. .loigensnn, and the liquidation of these slocks lias bad Ihe effect of dampening prices even in this country. ' "Slocks of, paper have been replaced since the earllirpiake and Al I lie present lime Japan is gelling considerable lumber troin I lie northern islands, but these imports slop in September and il is about Ihat lime Mr. Jor-genson expect ft Japan lo com-inenee buying here again. "ENEMIES OF WOMEN" IS BRILLIANT FILM Story Has Every Element Requir ed For Great Screen Drama Two Great Stars "Knemies or Women,' Cosmo politan Corporation's produclion: or ttie ieenle lilasco Ihane-?, slory rr the name wji, Lionel Harrymore and Alma Ilubens featured in the two leading roles, opens al 'the West- holme theatre on Friday tor a two day's engagement. With many' THE DAILY Thursday, May 15, io. PLAYER'S of its scenes taken "ii the lual loealions of the story ac. in Monte Carlo, Nice and Pal is, and with a lavishness of produclion necr surpassed Ihe film, pro mises lo excel tlio average "super production" in every way. Mlaseo llianez. proxed in his brilliant "Four Horsemen of lh uocalyise" and "Mood aod sand" that his stories have par. licular screen mialily.' Perhaps his ability in colorful description of characters ami scenes is re siioiisihlc, for the ease wilh which his stories have been brought to (he screen. In l-'nemies of Women,' the drama f regeneration of man and woman, is laid in I lie nncHgrounu or Itussiau society 'HTe, shining to Monte Carlo, and thence In Paris. Under Ihe reel of Itus siau courtesan, the tragedy if the gaming tables at 'Monli Carlo ami the love of a man and woman, there is Ihe constant rumbling of Ihe cannons of war. Ihe story lias practically eery element in it required for a great screen drama. Magnificent sellings were de signed ror Ihe llussiaii palace of Prince Lubimoff, the French villa or Alicia, a replica or (.he-Casino, and the Monte Carlo home of the 'rince. Ilesides Ihe two featured play ers Hie easl jtielmles I'eilro ile Cordoba, W .11. Thompson, t'arelh Hughes, (iladys Untitle, William Collier Jr., .Mario Majerouj, paiil I'aner and Helty Itouloii, FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a- Veil; Remove Them With Othlne Double Strength This preparation or Ihe re moval or freckles i 90 successful In removing freckle and giving a clear, beautiful complexion Ilia! il is sold under guarantee lo re fund the money if it rails. Don't hide your rreckles under a veil; gel an ounce of Othlne and remove them. F.ven Ihe first few applications Minuhl show a wonderful improvement', some of Ihe lighter freckles vanishing en tirely. He sure to ask the drugglsl for Ihe double slrenglli Olhjne; 'it is llifa Hull la Ctll.l .... II. A .VW...M.. f..i. .... I..,,!..,, 1.'"' l"' """V- " " '"-7. "7 i'"'iji,nek guaranjee. and paper will be steady." ii. 1.1.1 . tor ft . hiii cois Xavler SI.. Montreal, One. ' 0 Clark's iEANS Every bean tender but. never mushy Nutntiou and delicious' Your choice ot Sauces 1 Tomato-Chill or Plain. "Canada Abpmdi" an aiwrv 11. Buld avaryvlMiia. -M The Man in the Moon SAYS:- l'P-TO-DATK barbers now call lliemsclve "bobbers." IF the man on I lie si reel would take as much interest in lie elections as in a prize fight there would be less political strife. PllOMAItLY Ihe prize fighl' promoters could teach the poll-' llcians some wrinkles in news paper aderiising. IT costs the average woman $15 per annum for powder "lo, prevail a shiny nose. 1 he money spent 011 llypapers would doubt -less kVp the sadie poses more comfortable. - A LADY rccenlly I0l $35.00(1 worth or jewels by robbery-hut Jfsl think or Ihe amount of 7ree advertising she obtained. DO.VT put off until tomorrow Ihe letter you can write today. A STKA.M roller recently ran Into a con reel lonery store. II probably had a sweet tooth. - - IT is a sure sign of summer whn Pa goes into the woodshed in Hie morning in his pyjamas. 1 Till-' most interesting part of some football matches is Hie witty remarks or Ihe rooter. MANY nn oralor has com menced his career addressing en velopes. DM; or Ihe tilings we'd like to see is a blushing ncgrcs. - .VOW Ihat Urn lambing season has elided flic minting season will begin. doing it. ACCOHDINC lo a scientist if anyone struck a match on the moon HTe people on earlli would notice il. We lri thai will slop any dcslrurliw peron troiii HKCKNTLY a Ford collided wilh a train. The train won. J Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 15, 1914. F.d. Morgan, an old timer jn this city, who has spent Ihe lu.U year in Anyox. Is back again In town ror a few days. Ile expects lo leave shortly for Juneau, Alaska. Mayor Newton, Aid. Morrissey and Aid. Mail land look a few friends oul to see the work at Shawallans yesterday. T .W .Saville, train agent on the O.T.P. way freight, was i:. led south this week by the serious illness of his wife. "- Dr. n. T. Wright id the Queen Charlolle Islands Hospital j spending a rew days in Ihe city. Dr. Wrlghl came oul to Hie coast to recuperate his health. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES The superb quality, purity and excellence of Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes have made them the world s leading brand. For every occasion A BOX OF Purdy s Candy The Autocrat of ths Candy World NOTHING COULD DC BETTER AS A SEASONABLE. t GIFT..,. ...... A Toothsome Delight in n He niLr.il ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Hole Agents Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. Canadian National Railways T Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle oil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Family Shoe Store $7-50 Men's & Women's Crepe Sole OXFORDS Solid Comfort $7.00 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Hove Arrived. lit hard wearing tnalcrials at i lernle prices. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green 8B. -