A Ta ran dllalr (hr aM.rlra tuairali I (al. (la aalll l.r laarl ball I at.r-flatta nllb aart milk. The Milk Label You Always Can Trust On tins of Carnation Milk the upper half of the i i is red; the lower half ii white. You always caa tr.it that label. Ak jour grocer for it. You'll like Caruatiou's fine flavor. It is twice as t a as ordincry milk. It Is absolutely safe and pure. In . economical uiiJ convenient 110 watte. wane, Kvery ,u is guaranteed. Your grocer alway s has it. I'radarrd la ( aaada CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. LTD. in aiimoii it. vamocvch. it. c. Summer Dresses We haw a wonderim iipl:iy of the t:rel (harming model in VOILE, RATINE, ENGLISH BROADCLOTH, ETC. Our high la good defy otlleti-liiiti ut the price Hats HurKuiti in KuHy Summer Unli l clear. Midsummer Hats on Show "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye I r irm , i-Iioom' Itupi-rt hruiid' .Salmon. few tin in the pantry me nlvvit handy. Slock u Mipply on vonr l""d lh"l Kd "" SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. KODAKS There fun nt Hie Kmc m making Kodak piclnri's Mill lliey More up fun for the future. (.el your Kodak here. Kodak Film The dependal.lt) niiu in Ihe yellow Imx. Voiir size .is here. Kodak Accessories SeU Timers Currying Tripods, I'oilruit AU .lai luiienls. They're nil in slock here. Lei us help you plan a Kodak outfit for good pictures ioul lols of fun. ORMES LTD. Th Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6th 8treet. Local and Personal n - 1 U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, Undertakers. Pboue 351. if Cut Flower, Pol Plants. Mrs. McCarthy, Iho Florist. Kmad htock. if -Mi Nora Kenny returned yen-Iciiliiy afternoon from a trip (o Ueciiu 1 alia and Swaiieon Itay. Archie Walt, C.N.H. ilivixional mailer mechanic, arrived from the interior on lal night' tram. Wehloii It. McAfee of lieorge- lown returned from Vancouver on the Prince Hupeit yesterday afternoon. We ttell l.auiiuuteil nalerial Kir Veneer. Consult us he fore huyiiiif f itiinlitri for your house. Alhert A MeCalfery. Ltd If JauiCH llaIHl of Auyux p;oocd through ihi the I'riure. lluperl yesterday afternoon hound north after u fortnight' holiday trip south. John . Allen, jra hoat in- I ice I or for the lioniinioii l-'Nh erii-s. arrived from Vancouver 011 Hie Prince lluperl yesterday af. lernoon. Mrs. A. T. Parkin returned I In rily yclrrday aflerm tie iitihlished in Vancouver. INDIGESTION GAS ON STOMACH to from Victoria where li attended I lie convention of the Provincial Chapter, Imperial Order llauich ler of the Jviupire. .. -a.. Jaun'! It. Mitchell relumed yesterday afternoon front Van couvcr where he went to attend the convocation of the University of ll.C. at which hi degree ai conferreil upon hint. A new Liberal newspaper is to will hr known n the Vuueouver Slur and has licen iiteorporate! at 5n.ilO. The date of Its firs issue is n I yet announced Mr. and Mrs. Haulus W allace. formerly of this city, are now Incited in Portland. Oregon where Mr. Wallace Is on the slalT of a large armrery slore They have lulit a home and are eomforlahly selllel. Hon. A. M. Man-on. attorney Keiieral. urrlvetl from Victoria 011 the Prince lluperl yeslertlay afternoon and continued !' train to the interior where he will al lend nominalins ronveitlinii in SkciMM and Omiiiecii districts. Major lieneral J. NV. Stewart has been appointed u ineinher of Iho jutcrualioiiiil ciiKineeriug hoard which will v into the St Lawrence waterway project, lion H. P. (irahaui, miuislcr of rail ways, is chairman of (he board, , Provincial CoiKlahle It. A. Heaven, Hr. A. V.. II. Ileimclt and a nuinlier of oilier persons ar- I rtved yesteiilay afli'inooii from Ocean l-'alls. They are here as wiliiesses in 11 criminal ease which is pinct'ciliiiK in the Coiiuly Couit liiday. 4 The cae of ( .(lirone. charged Willi criminal assault 011 n yoiinj; at Ocean falls, is ie-wit heard in camera in the County Court liefiue' .ludSe Ynunj: lixlay. The evidence of ten witnesses is to he hiken, K. I-. .Innes. city solleilor. is crown pr(seeulor and L. V. Patuiore, of Pal more Kullou, is appearing for the defence. PAINS AFTER MEALS Many fHil lufftr terribly from 01 ml hIii In Ilia itoiiucli rirr every 'inpil. and arc knit 111 runstitit InlHerr. fur tlio pad 41 yrt Hunlork Blood ililltrr hat bvtn bringing- hope nut joy to tloiiMiml4 lurrrrlnz from virluui forum Ol Moiiincn iniiiDie, mwuinir inpni 10 cti iurrc pquarn iiirai. uajt j ihmimhk iiiciii IU ell anyininy inry win, wiiiioui nivinj u urrcr for it ittrr. Mr. Kreil Mclson. Moose Jiw, Sk., w rile: "All last luiumrr I wilt irtiutileil ttllh itoinarli trouble nut Itiillgretlon, ml also Rs oil tlic Hoinarh, I roiild not eal inyiliinK except ine Unlit rtxxl ml even then I would tin tmlliereri with. aln after fii'Ii mel, I roiiUI not work a whole day wllhniit lielnK done out. I had tried everylhlnti dorlorn, meillrluea and pill, until I read about llurdork IIUhkI Kilter, have taken four hottlea and It haa nearly, If not completely, renlored tne to bealtli rain," Manuraetured only by The T, Mllburn Co., LuiilteU, Turouto, Out, THE DAILY NKWB. IDTonight tm to land and atr.fitthan lha) ert.aa af dltatti.a and Umlnaflan. inatreva aaaatlta, top a lea haadaahaa, ralia.a bll-lauanaat, aerract contlattla. Thay at pramptly, plaaaaatly, mildly, yal tharauchly. Tomorrow Alright Get a 25c. Box Yaar DnUlat J. l-'ichl Htraiiir and Italph liar. rop left on the (rain last night for Suiuiyside cannery. o- Polic Chief NV. II. Vickers, who was Indisposed yesterday, resumed hit -(Julie today. V4- - P. W. J. Parsons, inspector of provincial police. returned from Terrace oil last night's train. iilie!iu Church Tea ami Sale of Home Cooking al Mrs. Ire inayne's, Hay Jllock, Saturday, May 17. -110 A number- of laborer went lo Terrace on lasLynilil train lo work on the erection of steel on the Terrace bridge. Mr. and Mrs. ieirgn llushh.v, who have been spending the win ler in Victoria, are expected to return lo the clly this week. . a I. He lirey, 'provincial health insector who I in the north on departmental business, relumed from Terrace on the train last night. The tcatner Prince Itupert due from Anyox al 8 o'clock tlii evening will , be, held for paeu aers arriving from the bast on the late train. - The (laughter and Sous of Kn glri nd will be al home to Hie Knight? of Pythias and Pythian Siwler Friday iiisld, May 10 at 8.30. at Huston Hall. .Monthly meeting of llalcpayer Association wilt he held Friday evening at H o'clock in the City Hull. Siieaker. Mr. Mathiesoii city treasurer. All welcome . The Scarlet Chanler. a branch of I lie order of Hie Loyal Orange l.oilge. vvus recently organized in the city and M. Lemon was elect ed as Companion Commander. It. K. Allan, manager of the Itoynl Mill, llanall, who is in the city on business, leaves on (he I nil 11 tonight on a business trip to Jasper. Mr. Allan will likely stop off at Prince Oeorge en nuile. 'a- - -, Mi A. Clarke arrived fio:u Pasadena, California, on the sleamer Prince lluperl yesterday afternoon to spend a holiday with her brother uml .sister-in- law. Mr. and Mr. T. Clarke, Wcistview, 'I'lie annual meeting of the Prince lluperl Swimming Clulu will be held in the Police Court room 011 Friday, .May 10, at 8 p. 111. llie executive, member! ami all those having unsold tie- kel ill I heir possession are specially reipiesled to attend. Important business. Anyone interested in this form of athletics i cordially invited. FORTY MILLION BEES NVIXMPKO. May 15. A record shipment of forty million bees valued at more llian $o,000, will reach Winnipeg this month from South Carolina. This unusual shipment is for ilistribulioit lo prairie provinces. It is expected that the distribution will be car ried oul within twelve hours af ler arrival here. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National announce low Summer Ex cursion fares to Eastern Canada mid the United Slates elTeclive May 22nd. also lo Jasper National Park, Edmonton, Calgary, on sale May 15. Choice of routes stopover. Make a trip around the famous Tri-Angle Tour in 0110 (llrerlion through Vancouver. Full information, City-Ticket office. 558, Third Ave, Prince lluperl, Phone ?00. if FAOB THRU. NEW ENGLAND FOND OF DAILY NEWSPAPER Easterners Favor These While Those of West Come First In Magazine Reading .KUC.KXK, Oregon, May 15- .Vew York, New Jersey and the New I'.ngland ulale are first in the United Slate in the percent age of newspaper readers, with the Pacific Coast stales nrl in magazine reading and second In newspaper reading, Prof. Ocorge Turubull of the University of Oregon here, has declared after a ludy of statistics. Massachusetts was first in the nation in newspaper readers with i per cent, and California having circulation of 1.800,000 daily paper among a population of 3,- 20,801, was second with 03 per ecn I. NVw York, 51.5 iter cent, was third; Missouri, 17, fourth, and Oregon, 52, fifth. Orcgoniau read l.i per cent of the number of copies of in.iga zincs circulated in the country. or nearly twice the average for any oilier state. Thirty per cent of the I'J-'O population of the United States read the morning and evening papers, according to J'rof, Turn bull's figures. MUCH WHEAT LAND CONTRACTED TO POOLS Winnipeg Officials Say That Eight Million Acres Already Signed Up WINNIPF.O, Man., May 15. More than 8,000,noo acre of wheal land in western Canada will be signed up under contract to wheat pool this year, accord ing to' officials of the organiza lion in the three prairie pro vince. In Alberla. directors -of the provincial wheat pool reirt that between 0,000 and 7,000 acres are being added daily to the contract acreage and they expect three or four million acres to be signed. The Alberla area under con Iract to the wheat pool last year was 2.100.000 acres. Organiza lion activities in Saskatchewan are expected lo increase acreage 25 per cent. Fight hundred can vasser are huy in .Manitoba province, who have an ohjccliw of 1,000,000 acres (his year. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert w . I.aing and I-. de Oray, victoria: O-car Olander. Terrace. F. II. Holino.il, Cordon F. Camp- Nell, !. C. Johnston, John W Allen. O. F. Pearson, A. II. Skinner, C. II. Kciiney, O. M. Chris-lie and J, C. Starr, Vancouver; A. K. II. Henuell, Mr. ami Mrs. J Manclalin, A. Ferrier, C. de Long It. Tinkler, S, (iallia.o, V. Haz- zani nod It. A. Heaven, Ocean Falls; James Wall, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Argue, Toronto; Oeorge II. Colline, .New York City: W. It. McAfee, Ocorgclown; C. K. Samlvold, Spence Hridge; A. Wall, C.N.H. Central Pete Itobilaille, city. TRAIN TIMES CHANGE Effective Sunday. May 8h, a change in train schedule will be made on Canadian National Hall- ways. Aflcr that dale, the train will arrive from, the East at 1.00 p.m. instead -of 1.30 p.m. and leave for all points Kasl al 5.00 p.m. Mislead of 0.15 p.m. as at present. For further particular apply t.iiy iiiket Office. 5'.'H nihil Avenue, Prince lluperl. 117 OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Hook now for Old Country. r.issiotis secured and tickets Is sued via While star, Cunard, Anchor-Donaldson line. The Canadian .National Hallways make direel and convenient connection with stea r of these line, hull information at City Ticket Oiliee, 528 Third Avenue, Prince lluperl, U.K. Phone 200. ANNOUNCEMENT fiyro Club Playground Concert, Weslholme Theatre, Tuesday. May 20. Women of Mooselieart Lesion Whist Drive and Dance. May 20. Dr. Martel' Female Pills Rara aaalated Datura thonaasdt caaaa hut half nniurr. cwracunc cauaa. DuUdina up ao4 tranathanlna- organ. rlfYin DBUkYUX aad PAINFUL MENSTRUATION, NEIU VOUSNES3. BACKACHE. DIZZINESS, ate. nodanavrou druaa. Sold aa la Sailed Mil Corarl TIN BOX with our aiaaatora. DnwataU avarvwhara. ar dlraet hv mkiL Uin mE.h tl 00 lakknUriw Rad C... fl I. fraallL Taroato, Caa. Clnalaf aiM aa raaaajt. Making wash day pleasant Juil ate Rimo ahere jou turd lo use bar leap for soak'wg. boiling, or in your Bashing machine. r (IC L..J.t n.ti nf waaVi.?ar. rubbfng. rubbing, nibbing, has given way to the new method of soaking the clothes clean with Rinso. This wonderful new soap gentlr loosens the dirt and a thorough rinsing leaves things white and glistening as you never could get .them before. Only spots where the dirt is ground-in, such as neck bands, curl edges, and the like need a light rubbing, and a little dry Rinso rubbed on these spots quickly makes the dirt disappear. Rinso is soli by all grocers and itparlmtrri stores Rinso s-ts MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX May 8 to 17 is Congoleum Week SALE ENDS SATURDAY Congoleum Rugs At Bargain Prices Size U a it $8.85 Size l x 7'it . . 'Size i x D $12.95 Size I) x IliMt . Size U x 12 $17.25 $10.95 $15.10 Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince G torse Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE mid intermediate points euch Thursday and Sunday ul 1 1. 00 p.m. FOR ANYOX .. . j Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN h.r VANCOUVER via (Jiieen Charlotte Islands, May 2 .111. PASSENGLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Uave Prince Rupert 6.44 pjn. for ritl.NCE GEORGE, EDMONTON. WIN MI'EO, all points Eastern Canada, L'ullml Slate. AOtNCY ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. Olt Tie. Olflca, S2S Third A Prlnca Rupart. ahoa 2 SO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service. Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay. East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Llnet. Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SaitinRs rrom Frince Rupert, r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Ot.an falla, and (wanton Bay, Tutada,, . Par VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alart Bar, and twanaoa Bat, Saturday Pioaa. Par ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wla Itland. Sunday S PJB. Pf PORT SIMPSON and Niaa Rltar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. etl Init Areuud. J. Barnalty, AnU fnM Ruptrl. i.C '4 .a . (