prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 VOL XIV, NO. 115, 'NIMJ.N. May 55.- The lion. nuiions has awreed ! an m-- of thr vuiimiitec o oi. vtlth the l:inptr t Kl'(it fruiu 1IUUJIW lo tnuit.tiiin wr millionth visitor pant i lie Mhlbllloii yesienlay S ' '-etary of IJnlniiic Tli sitBt -ed the lne p i ut j Un- evhihllion w..ui i . a a pauli f- a' ; -I ..t developuien' NEW'SCANDAL FOR ONTARIO) Investigation Brings Forth Irregularities In Connection With Road Work i'iiiNM. May 15. Minister i ulie Work and llihwn I' slate that Ontario has i appears lo be a brand new - i ' For months lit de-i t inenl has hail invcallKnlnr '-'iua on riNids buill ilurint: '( pail four or five year and i million i thai the province me ease did not receive . ipr. relurti! tor the money patJ, PARTY ORGANIZERS COMING FROM SOUTH J. Q. Turgaon Expected Shortly and J. t. Merryflold Will Ar-rlvo to Assist With the campaign for Hie f'lrihcoinliid provincial eleclion vvarminjt up, announcement I made that parly organisers will he in (he district from the an early ditto J O. Turufun, Mbernl orKan-ier. after u trip lnl' Hie Koul-eiiav e ilrv mi which he is linW einharked, will arrive in Prinee lluperl. J. K. Merrvfield. taiu- "vatlvo nrnanlcr, will also lai aere soon lo nsslsl the i;onsena-livo nr ii. i till. i mnl Fori tieorKo In their cnmpalnn ar- aiixenieuls. MINE "DISPU IS COMING TO END I.OMiO.V. Mnv ir. An iiKi'im "lent was reached today selllliijf Iho iii'iiliiiiiri.ii ilUmile over lilin- yr' wiikpo, Tho Minors' Fedfra- tlllll l.nn. I.., I II. ul n fllll .. in t,t.i4 ilelwiful.. ....r........A .k.illnv In fMMU VI'IIIUI irilVC lllt-vriiLF. 'eltl. on May 20 to endorse Uio 'uorlil flying niacin i Mhi Maud- Tin-: ever. I" be able l -k WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. PUSHY ISLAM i. Cloudy. nihil, dense; bitromeler,; i..ii i-alure. IH: sea smooiu. iiui.i. HAitnoii. lijthl northwest wind; 30.21; telllperallire, smooth; H p.m. spoki aheain .lorkina Point Powell lliver; H steamer Canadian miles from Astoria liouml tor Astoria; H p.m. spoke .steamer Mnuul 150 miles from Anyox northbound. iF.AD tih:f. point. ciouiiy, calm; baroincler. 30.10; temper- it In re, 50; sea smooth. Noon DKIIIY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; barumeler, 30.02; teniper- atnre, 5H; sea hurhuii. HULL IIAIIHOU. oveioasi, liKhl norlliwesl wimi; baromeier m;n: leiniicrnture, 57; sen ..i...l..rale: U:30 a.m. spoko sleamcr Venture in .MiinaitK i . . 1 1 1 1 . 1 tiiil I ll III 1 1 Ml I . riMiuu !" HHAIi TIU F. POINT.-- liiear, calm; baromeier. 30.17; loinpor-n tu re, ; sea smooth, Suboribe for the Dally News. Em- fin llii. K?H mill lllttm tivi'r lllf lull UUtt rilftlill Ullll If lirellCllMihle tllll rn.i ..f Mi.- Pacific fii-.'.m in para-' acUi(led hini (if any charge of in u It ' i I - la n J K 1 . I It VlTMt'V iiihlro- In lb' - Cloudy, biiroiiieler, It; sea tui; Lome bound for p.m. spoke Volunteer 3Hl UT. IIS llolllg K'FTsBHi llr t.hak' ,i: in hiiot iiresiilent enuritii:; of Harvard I'll eiehnited his iiiuelielh birthday His timleui' uirtiiilcil mlvire not In put off mar- i iagi! loo lung. ROAD SURVEY TO finish Towonnow The Skeena river mad survey, under lite direr -lion of the K"Vriimenl surveyor l. -I. Heram. will close down lo-iinii-row Hie survey from Hie city limit to Oalloway llapids haviiia been GIFTS FROM ABYSSINIA Prince Roqont Ras TafTarl on Official Visit to Europoan Countries P. MIIS. May 15. Prince lle- ucul Has TulTari of Aliysnniu. Ihas arrived on an olllcial visit lo Frunre and other Kuropcan countries. He hriuv's lions as nrccnls for the kiuus of Hub' mid Kiiulaml and for President Mlllcranil of France and zebras for oilier sovereigns. LEAGUE BASEBALL National Loague Itrooklyu t. SI. Louis 3. Iloslou M, Ci lit- i mi tit i 2. New York 0. Chicauo t. Plillailclphia-Pitlshur?. rain. American League Chicago 0. Iloslon 12. Detroit I. Philadelphia 5. SI. Louis II. New York 1. Chicago 5. Washington. TONIGHTS TRAIN IS EIGHT HOURS LATE Eastbound Will Pull Out at 8:45 New Time Table Effective Next Week On account of trouble In the. Eal, tonights we.tbound pas-enger train is late and is now I in- to arrive at 12.30 midnight, ighl hour behind lime. The IraiiiVpr the Mail will go ill al 8.S5loiiighl. This will ikely h.' (he hour of departure oi a few. day vol. as I lie tunnel rouble near Doughty has mil I been entirely cleared up and as.engcr are required lo walk! irouiid for Their personal safely. Ah the lime fo: arrival there un- 1 dcr regular schedule in about t o'rlock in the morning, the train) arc being delayed n us the pa- senaer may not he aroused too early. Elfeclive nJtl Sunday Ihe new train time-table will he in opT-ation with trains departing for the Easl at 5 o'clock and arriving al I o'clock FISH ARRIVALS Five Hoats Sold Catches Total, ling 61,000 Pounds at Exchange this- Wornlrtg '1'wo American halibut schoou er -old rnlvhes tolalliu? 311,01)0 ioiimls at Hie local ri.-h hx- ehauve tins morning ami Hire-; (.anailian bouts bioulil in 12.-mio iouuds. The Americans re-ceivcil an meinae of 10 He and 5c iter pound ami the Canadian! I Lie mid 5c. A couple .of salmon bonis ohl ul prices over 12c and .ic for red and white fish res pectively. Arrivals and sules: American l.iluvn. 33.000 nound. at lo.lo and 5c. lo the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Lincoln. G.000 pounds, at 10.5c ami 5c lo the Atliu Fisheries. Canadian Dolphin, 7.0(10 pounds, at Do and 5c. lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. lunulas. 2.U00 pounds, at .3e and 5c. lo the Itoyal Fish t'.o. Shizu. 3,ub0 pounds, at and 5c. lo the Al tin Fisheries. Salmon Seminole. 2.1.00 reds and 700 whiles, al 12.3c and 3c. to the Canadian Fish Cold Slornfti! Co. O. O. reds, at 12.2c lo the At lilt Fisheries. CRUISERS PROGRESS Vanadls Will Have Trial Trip at End or Weak and Rlvldls Will bs Launched The new fisheries cruiser Van- adis. recently launched at Ihe local dry dock, will be taken out on a trial trip at the end of the week. John W. Allen, .leparl- meutal inspector. Is here front Vancouver In connection there witli. The second cruiser llividi will be launched about the end of Ihe week. Prince Rupert Liberal Association A General Meeting Will be held In the Metropole Nail on Friday Evening, May 16, at 8 P.M. Fur the- purpose of appointing delegates to attend the District Liberal Convention. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper HUNCH IIUPKHT, H.Cf, Tilt ILSDAY, MAY IS, l.2'i. Vttttrdty'i Circulation. 1,716. Strut SilM 44. T. Cliipchase, nearest camcni, is regarded as England's greatest hurdling discovery at the elimination events from which the team to represent Great Britain at Hie Olympic games will he choseri. Representative from Alsace can Speak German Only and Another " Wears Breton Garb of Old Gaul PAU1S, .May 15; The new French chamber of deputies is lo have two scusutiuuul novellies a deputy who addresses it in German and u deputy dud in the lireluu variety of garb of old (SauL The former is M. Ilucher. fommuuisl, fruniv Alsace, who obliged In speak in German because he cannot speak anything Ue. untJ Hie laller the Liberal dejuily from Poutivy, Joseph Cadio, who wears a kind of an Hlon jacket waistcoat with the lolli elaborately embroidered in red, while the rest of the. gar ments are of black silk. YROS FROM SOUTH WILL BE HERE NEXT Howe Holland, international vice-president ; Fred Hrown. pre- idenl; James D. Small, treas urer, ami otber member oi me ,'aneouver Gyro Club will be in the city next week on their way lo the iuternalioual convention it Detroit. Arrangements are lieiiiK made by Ihe local Gyro Club for ihe ettlc rtuiiimcul of the visitors while they are here. I'hey will arrive from Ihe south on the steamer Prinee lluperl and will take the train out Ihe ! Yitlh UH ttAI HAM . same day so they will not bei Iomk in the city. DADTV UICITCn PITVi Capt. Orillllhs of Seattle, head of the Coastwise Steamship & Harge Co., Mrs. Griffiths and their uest, Miss Lillian Hussell of Vancouver, were 'In Ihe clly Tor a short time last evening wlille Capt. Griniths' private achl Sueja was taking on oil ul Ihe Imperial Co.'s dock. Cap!. Grillllhs is on one of Ills regular trips lo Hlewarl and Anyox ami Ihe party will be back on Monday or Tuesday south bound. REJECTS UNION SPRINGFIELD, Muss., May 15 A general conference of Method. IsIs here adopted it pronouncement or the church's refusal to parliolpate in any way in church uttiou.. .... . . .v . HUGE EGQ LAID BY OAKLAND HEN OAKLAND. Cat.. May 15. A ben, a Ithode Island lied, owned by Mrs. II. A. While, who lives near here, has produced an egg weighing six ounces and measuring 8Va by 'Jt inches in circumference. Enclosed in Hie egg was another large egg, shell and all, and three loose yolks. The hen's eggs had Immmi increasing in size daily before Ihe mam. moth egg appeared. s m mmw mwm. W as w d WW MM APT. GRIFFITHS AND IAI.K KKNAIIIT rniu i ujufcu ui 1 immrn mr xr t trn Head of Coastwise Steamship A Barne Co. Here Last Night on Private Yacht Sueja WINNCIMIU Bout Last Night With Joe White) or New York Stopped by Referee in Seventh Round PROVIDENCE, May t5. Jack! Renault, the Canadian heavy-1 .weight champion, scored u tech. 'nicul knockout over Joe While 'of New York in tho seventh of a scheduled twelve-round bout here Inst night. Renault knocked While jdowtt in the second and third roiimis ami nail ins opponent ai the verge of n knockout when tho roferee slopped tho bout. ROUND-UP OF WILD HORSES IS PLANNED EDMONT ON. Mtty 15 The pro viuchtl department of agricul tore is planning a round-up of about to, 000 wild horses from the range districts of the province soiiu time in June. The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boies for Parly Use. 'Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. jnWWORLD FLIGHTS ARE HELD If NEW FRENCH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES IS TO HAVE SENSATIONAL NOVELTIES Stuart MacLaren has Water in Petrol and Americans Delayed on Account of Rainy Weather ... a ft 1 Mm It . 1 fc L. ' I NLLAILMIAW. Iiiiiiu, .mu i.. niiiunroii i.euuci v. n. , St. net Mai-lMirtMi. the Hrilih aviulor engaged in flight around v. rlf j. wu. unable In off from Allahabad UmIuv on iir- (ijt or Hie presence of witter in hi petrol -np'l. Tin- i-oiii-m.iider of the flight expre!.e Hit- liopw thai ihi- will be reme-i j ami that lie will be aide lo leave tomorrow for Okiillii. The .r- Hnil i u supply base or the flight .nJ it is likely (hat v. reiiium there for a day or o, iillhough it i Misitilde, if going well, thai he may eoiiliiine at onee to Akyah in onler SUBSIDY IS INCREASED r.x.irnnunl Quinnlit to pire Exhibition Raited to 100,000 Millionth Visitor ,lo make up for lime already lost MEMBER OF BRITISH HOUSE LOSES SEAT Frank Gray, Liberal for Oxford, Removed, Following Petition Against His Election LONDON. May 10. Frank ! CORDOVA, Alaska. May 15. ;Gray. I.ilierul member for Oxford. Delayed yewlmluy by rain and has been uiiachI t;l as a result of otherwise in Ihiii'hI weather, thcjlhe hearing of.u ielilinu against !II.wm. three 1,'nHeil l'itilMl Kl-.l... Klai. t- rnii iiitnll tul. the Ii4 . It i m liellitii mi -llii. "mnml lli:il are Mill ul, election cxiieite. exceeded tin in'i'H, hbw.jlegal iiiiiifiiiuin. Tlx' judge said nff toilav Dial Grav liml ilonc much Ilia' GRAIN TRAFFIC SHOWS GROWTH Movement From Country E'e tors to Ships Will Continue For Some Tlma WINNIPEG, May 15. The i movement of grain from country (elevators in the western provinces flo the head or Ihe lakes and to Vancouver is likely lo continue !at hiph pressure for some tinie. 4uceorilinr to officials of tlig Can-iailiari National Itailwaya here. (Since the open ins of navigation 'on the Great Lakes on April 21, C,i77 cars have been delivered there by Ihe Canadian .National . 1 Hallways, a daily average of 293 cars as against a total of 3,85t jcars, a daily average r 175 for !he same period of last year. Ap proximately 70 cars are being de livered daily to Vancouver at tlirj present time and since September 1. 1923, a total of 14,393 cars had been delivered lo the Pacific port lo midnight, May 13, as against 1,328 cars, during the same period" to May 13, 1923. Total inspections of grain on all lines from' April 21 to May 13 were 11,078 cars, of which, 8.G83 lorBVer lxtype eettPVere-Cana- dian National Railway. Siuce Septeirfber I. 123, 186,-382,000 bushels of grain had been loaded over Canadian National western lines lo May 13, 1923. Total loadings for the same period 1922-23, were 151,902,000 bushels. Gruiit in storage at country elevators on C.N.Il. lines on May 13 totalled 21,927,000 bushels aT against 8.203,000 bushels on the same dale last year. MINISTERS NOMLNATED a s s Hon. E. D. Barrow Will Ruitd Analn In Chllllwack as Will Hon. Wm. Sloan In Nanalmo ; VANCOUVER, May 15. Twut provincial cabinet ministers wtrrej iioiuiuated last tiigliL. Hon. E. D Harrow, minister of agriculture? will again be the 'I.iberut stand- ard bearer in Chlllivvuck, while; ; Hon. William Sloan, minister of-miue, is again named to BRILLIANT STATE BALL FOR ROYALTY ' VISITING ENGLAND LONDON. May 15. Tho last state function in honor of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie trfs Rumania was a brilliant ball ijt Ituckiugham Palace last night. The guests numbered two thous-, and and included peers, ministers' and many other distinguished, personages. King George and Queen Mary opened (he ball by Jeuding lit Ihq formal quadrille tit bonur. I King Ferdinand leaves today for Hucharest but Queen Marie will remain in England for some time visiting with relatives and friends. , BIQ REPAIR JOB Hiils, for repairs lo Hie big Norweclan freighter Taljana, which was wrecked vln February on Vancouver Island, will close in Ihe soulh tomorrow. The local dry dock, it Is understood, U tendering. It Ik u big Job.