(page two. The Daily News - PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every. Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. I II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $i.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .-. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, . .$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion...... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion IDe per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION MET MAYOR AND TALKED OVER LOCAL SITUATION Mayor Newton last evening met Sir Henry Thornton and discussed local railway and steamship prospects with him. Asked as lo the possibility of having the branch line from Peace Hiver come .through llritish Columbia, Sir Henry said he had to be guided by his engineers and so far their report favored the Brule route.. ir Henry also dnalt with local matters along the line of his ad Thursday, August 7, lt2 i. Sir Henry's Speech Frank And Cheering. The speech of Sir Henry Thornton at the dinner given in his honor last evening was a frank statement of the situation and one that "people here will welcome. He was optimistic but also he pointed out the difficulties and refused to commit himself to anything that he could not carry out. It was just the kind of speech that would be expected from the head of a big railway system,. The note of optimism running through the address of the railway president was m,ost cheering. The promise to try to secure the building of two boats here instead of one was something rather unexpected. Also he seemed keen to have the tourist hotel that is necessary here to the development of tourist trade. On the whole the speech was most satisfying to the people who heard it. . . Officials Looked ' . Into Local Matters. The officials of the Canadian National Railway on their arrival yesterday took the; opportunity to look into a number of local matters of interest to the people of Prince Rupert. The local shipping situation received attention and other matters, all indicating an increased interest ,in this port which, may easily lead to business for the- railway and steamships and also be of benefit to the city. It is always a good thing to have the officials here and the oflener they come the better. Sad Death Of Mrs. F. Gl Dawson. ' It is with' regrel. that we today: record .lhe ad.. death of Mrs. F. fi. Dawson.. For several .years she had been aware that her span of life was limited yeV she was cheerful and fought bravely against the dread malady. The end w;as tragic, coming, -as it did, at a lime when she felt it her duty, to dp honor to some of the .most important guests Prince Rupert has had. The loss to this city in her death is greater than many may think. The sympathy, of Uie"conim:unily will go out to Mr. Daw-sou in this lime of sorrow. " Big Salmon Run v Most Satisfactory. " rfMwi tii. ..pa Hint Mid cnlmnn rim nn ftio Slrppnn TlSvei u liicr. t ger than bas been for many years is an indication of what may ; be done by proper conservation, bacn week nsiiing stops lor . 48 hours in order that a number or saim.on may get up tne I river to the spawning grounds. The rules and regulations in regard to the fishing are strictly enforced and with proper supervision there seems no good reason why the supply of salmon in this stream should not be perpetual. SUB-STATION CONTRACT LET Tony Christian Will Erect Structure at Cow Bay For Utilities Department city council yesterday afternoon which was attended by Aid.. Col lart, who presided, Aid. Perry, Aid. Clapp, Aid. ALacdonald and Aid. Kvilt, the contract, for the building of a two-storey concrete dress later lo the hoard of trade. iSUD-Rlal"m al U)W J,ay ror u,e He slated fii.ii iim electrical department was let to the chief thing in sight' for Prince Tny -Christian whose tender for Rupert this year, but added thalu,J" was if here was jinvihincr fnrM. . were two oilier bids as could do to improve the local situation he could be depended upon lo do it. When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and nee that Tou get it. tf IWiJ) fi KILLS ettBugs ,nr naiuthold InttcU Htrmlct to hummt tnd nf nli. Pletnt odorv..Won1 ula. Mdt'br f.i It B.tr Co Ltd. ViMoum, B. t follows: K. C. La Trace and J. Lauren sen, $007.05. Angelo Anlonclli, $1,085.50. The lowest lender was not ac copied as it was generally fell by thn .council that the tenderers could not perform, the Job for the figure quoted. Mr. Christian's figure, was considered just about correct. The acceptance of this lender was decided upon on mo. lion of Aid. Perry seconded by Aid. Evilt. A lourisl parly beaded by Mr, and Mrs. A. O. YVcese of Min neapolis and consisting besides of MiRS Marian Weinlein, Miss Sydney Tabor, Mis Marguerite Harper, Samuel Eddy, Herman I'ritchelt, Vernon Hale and Lead dor hut on of Decatur, 111., and Miss Anno Hof of Washington, 1 r . . . . i'.u. urriveu irom me soutu on I Ii e Prince Oeorge yesterday af 'rnoon. i lie parly Hopes lo go norlli to Alaska on the Princess Louise tomorrow. The Man in the Moon SAYS: Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert .a i WHAT I don't like about the present day methods of piracy is that there is nothing spectacular about tliPin. When your pocket-book is taken it just slips away and nobody seems to know where it went. IT inusthc good good to be a baker. lien he loses Ins money he just makes himself another roll. . ON'K of our local night birds says the owl is a wise bird and it slays out all night. , , , '; . THE only way for a pedestrian to prolectdiiniself against speeding cars is to disguise himself as a tack. OKE, it must be great lo he Sir Henry Thornton. Nothing to do but manage .a railway and make speeches at banquets. HALF the Alaska salmon goes to England. Yet Hearst delights in jibing at the American nation's besl customer. KVERY train is a train of thought. . THERE'S one thing I've noticed, the police do not often get a chance lo pinch a prclly girl. AS far as you . can see, ings. are slilt made. of silk YOU can toll by the kind , of boats some people go out in, that they trusjn Ood. - THE best cure for short circuit is lo lengthen il. PETTY larceny -is taking a smue mat was not .inicnueu tor you. ONE method of losing control ' PLAYER'S ine people while they arc appar-1 Incipient departure from normal, ami to teach and modes "Delightfully Cool and Sweet Smoking." (Continued from Pago 1) established the germ theory, and , v (later pointed the way lo the ini- PRESIDENT BRITISH ASSOCIA- munlzatlon or man ami aiuntais, TION TELLS OF ADVANCE"OF which has since proved so fruit-MEDICINE URGES. KEEP PEO-'ful in measures for the preven-PLE FROM SICKNESS. I1'"" and stamping out of infec- tious disease. His name is a liiiit)ifitil U'npil nnmifr nil mill- 160 million pounds a year, and in civilizC(, cae flm ,)e0,llM. Kvery .the United Stales the annual loss pr(,at ci(y 8l0uI im, up a gan US pill OUWU . ill. uiiu million pounds. I Keep People Well I "Tim tv..,llonl nriiKlilinnrp nf to him, lo remind the rising gen. (orations of one of the greatest benefactors or I he unman race. ' 'i- '... tL.,nnv , Astonishing Results Sir David Jold how Pasteur's of your boat is failing to keep up enIy Wf,j n on)cr (o ,ieiec t any epochal researches attracted the the instalments price THE latest on the purchase is lo go with the arm in as the. Prince nf Wales. Hie aueniiuu oi josepn uisier, who urge had been endeavoring to explain nf livliiir cnmfnrmablo to ,,,e ciiue r RCl,sls a"'1 suppura- fancy dress costume ,' nf .n:M:A t,eniii,. nnd tion, which comiirtmly followed s,in?r Ihe'publie health' authorities must 'very surgical oiieralion. "He in-isee 10 it Ihab'envlronmlent is in fc"-p'' at suppuration and bos. 'accordance wilh scientific teach-r"a! gangrene, the causes ln which had so far baffled - ' . (... !! ... 1 !( mnv lie nntr limn liofore illumination, were, one to Of his! mi j the change is widely accepted, but rt,",,(,s introduced fromj the out- nlrearlv enorrrimii advances have w'r'' tr(m lup air and by 'been effected, and It only depends inslrumenls and hands of the on the intelligence and education i'. ,n-mrr. August 7, 1914. iof iC p0pllIalipns, ll0W rapid, the ,hfi microbial causation of any Suspicious fighting craft are fun,re progress will be. disease was established. reported to be cruising .off the "public opinion must be edti- lsier proceeded lo sultmU all British Columbia coast anil theyJCaled to recognize that most instruments, ligatures and dress-are said lo ,ho Herman.. The diseases are preventable and say, ings, and everything thai was to cruiser Ilainbow and, (orpedo'wilh King Edward VIL," 'if pre-'cnmc into contact with tlic boats are to be sent out at once!Venlahle. whv not nreve'nled?' "- iwonnd, to trealment with cbemi- on patrol. - T. G. Chalmers, fS.T.P. railway and sleamsliio agent, has been sneaker notified thai (he steamers Prince fathers. nupert ami rnnce oeorge win ie. work or evil spirits, or as n visi- .--I i i . ... lAnnlr nt nnvllo lLi,l 'IISIIIIfLiaiUS, Itflll uie sans. Showing how modern mclieine;10.10' results which followed U n reh.livelv new .elenee. Hie ,,,,R praclice were astonishing said: "To our fore- disease appeared as the even lo Lister." Goals Were Guilty When il was recognised that lied up at Seattle until the coast tation of Providence to punish (infectious diseases are rnused hv is safe from Herman interference for sins. The pew era began Only living germs, a wave of enlhusi. I lie prince. Allien, and 1'rince a hundred years ago, when il am swept cpl 11 .lonn may continue in tne van-, was couvcr-Prinue Hupert service. Jusl as (he steamer Prince Hu perl was about lo -pull out recognized Hint .certain dis. through Hie medical world, and Hie causal orcanlsms eases were contagious. The in-(for many of Hie important ones, Iclligent, purposive prevention of were discovered in ranld ucces- disease dales from the time of 8ion." Showinir how nreveniinn of Hie Frenchman, Louis JPnstcur. 'jg an easy matter once this step porb Ibis t' morning. Cant. D.I "HI.! genius fhangi'dilhe whole i, n heen-' liilen Sin lnvil nil.. I At an adjourned meeling of lireriWya receiveuivfiieiegram to asprni j m me.upmc; . .o,UfeiftradlcaUpn proceed to Vancouver wun ine menicine out ot ine religion oi-th whiclfirc-ri assort (HtAt ulmost possible speed and keep a vague speculation and empiri- the end of Ihe. last century, this wtucii out tor suspicious crnn. eism, Tni set i leet nrmjy on malady was responsible for much 'new ground as an experimentaj sickness in the Mediterranean re isunsnriDA rnr ine uany news, moiogicai science, it was no won gjon and in other parts of the A u$utu D. Curtb of Chicago, 111. and (Jeoflrey II. Bushby of . .cngiana, wnom ne rescuea irom aeatn alter toe latter London. hnii fallnn txhauited following his flieht from within 30 feet nt tCltomn vnlrann .Im-ln- lt recent eruption. The 'hia show haDDened while the S S. Em npMi nt Pnnarl. lav af Hilo H.I. and many of the round-the-world nassenirers were aihore vlewlnir the picturesque sight of the Hawailn volcanic region tne party to obtain a close-up of tbe House of eruption of May 17 occurred. Mr. Ilushby had left fira when the jworld, and il gave particular irouiiic in tne iirjiisii garrison at Malta, where soldiers were in vulided with the complaint regu larly. ISo progress was mftde in the cure of the disease until the liv ing germ which was responsible for it was discovered in 1887, and some years afterwards, it was determined that Ihe organism was carried from, Hick to healthy people by Ihe local goals, which supplied all Ihe milk. An examination of Ihe blood of Infected animals showed thai the bacteria multiplied in Ihe tissues or the goat s, and dial some of I hem were excreting Ihe guilty organ-Ism in their milk. "lhu Ihe final link In the chain had beeh found. The mill lary aiuiioriiies slruck milk out of Hie dietary, and replaced it by an imported var etv. and from lhalday lo this (here has sca'rcelv been a case nf M,alla fever in (he garrison. The disease Was wiped out." Study Living Qerm "This is ono wny, of preventing an Infeclious disease, by Ihe discovery of (he living germ, the slmly nf its natural history, and the prevention of its attack on its U ffliuradayjAngiisj I0?( NAVY CUT CIGARETTES A little higher in price, but what a wonderful difference a few cents make. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand N Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics choose "Hupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in Die pantry are always handy. Stock a supply on your boat (hat's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ! ! Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti Prince Rupert, B.C. amatco I3PCV COTTON WOOD VENEER PANELS For panelling your rooms it rivals the most cosily hardwoods. Rejuvenate your Home QuTckiy ijnd I'ermanenlly. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in & Hcautiful Hox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. How to Stay Married! He deserves the best Give Him Electric Bread victim, man. i .T,,.. ; ... nf ih to "llul Ihero are other wjiys of dulles of those in power lo preventing bacterial diseases, that thidr people have, in "J such as lluil. widely used in the liomlo hon-e- with nlenly 0'" prevention of typhoid fever. Theiaud air. a' mod water supply ". lunnamenlal and sound way of u Dim.l .ii..iinin svslem, .... amicKing mis malady Is by or.' dlnnry liygienic mwisures, especially a good waler supply and a good drainage, moritv chniVol he snent 1 i njvuinugn tiiau in ni" of these three ossenlh" hoallhs lo