4 f Ana ecsb. fww tutxt "nrw Tiiurilay; Au,;u, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM, Money I lp HE HE flNC,t flNCtl thwt cu trwr tt L t)MD THAT lNdN' HAt A PUNK Orders : CHOKE n . VOICE DON'T VOU HAvb A, PUNK. CAN'T LUCKY HCA. xQo HIM- j THINK? VOICE On Norway, Sweden and ' Denmark at Current Ratee of Exchange. Make your reservations for thai Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticketj, Hales and i Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 t 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Sppcial Suits Wear Ready to .. $18.00 Laundry Of flee. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, H.C. Phone 77 'i. P.O. Rox 88 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and -Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box SOB. Sport Chat War Veterans will meet tonight in Hie second semli-final for Ihe Gilhiily Cup. The Vein have been playing pretty good football lately and il will be the last chance of the Sons to cop off some of the season's silverware. Needless to say the latter will be. out lo win. It should prove an attractive match for fans. Articles have been signed and forfeits posted for an eight round bout between the American boxer, Harold Hlanton of Hyder, and George JVando of Stewart, the match lo take place in the Slew-art Hotel ball at Stewart on August 1G. In addition to the main bout, there, will be some pood preliminaries. 4 Last week Anyox was the scene. of a three cornered tennis tour- nam'ent between members of the Stewart, Alice Arm. and Anyox clubs. Anyox.. was successful in taking first place in Ihe tourna ment winning all .events in which I lie players of that town were engaged fourteen. Alice Arm came second with four and Stew, art third with three. The Sons of England line-up for Ihe Oilhuly Cup football game tonight with Ihe Great War Veterans will be selected from the following players: V. Lambie, H. M. I). Lambe, Hales, F. Hodgkin-snn, ft. Kelsey, P. Cameron, O. Hill Jr., P. Tinker, Munrn, nick-ens, Oawthorne and O. Shenlon. The GAV.V.A. will field Ihe following teann Knox; W. Bar-ton and Hunter; Findlay, W. Murray and Robert sj, Robertson, Russellv Johnson, V. Mitchell and Hopkinson. August 18 is Ihe date selected for Ihe return wrestling match for the championship of Canada between Nels Jepson of Edmonton and Jack Hums of Spokane. In view of the good exhibition put up by the I wo' men on Tuesday night of Ibis week it is expected the second event will prove popular one. II will be staged under conditions similar to Ihe first and the winner will take .all. In readiness for Ihe Flag Dliy Jaspball series with Ocean Falls Friday evening and Saturday af- lernoon, Ihero was a practice of local players at Ihe Acropolis Hill ground! last, night. The turn-out was good and Ihe boys seem lo be in good form for the forthcoming engagements. The Elks Flag and Children's Day ACROPOLIS HILL. Saturday, August 9th. Parade lenves Klksr Home at 1.H0 p.m. where nil children wil be presented with a flag. Children's Fancy Dress Dance Elks' Home, Friday, Aug. 8, from 8.30 to 10 p.m. Children in Costume Free PRIZES. Adult Dancing 10 to 2 Refreshments Adults 75c. 2 Baseball Games Ocean Falls vs. Prince Rupert Friday Evening, at 6.30 sharp and Saturday Afternoon at 4.30 sharp. ADMISSION To each Ball Game, 50c. Proceeds in aid Kiddies' Flag Day. I i 1'he Sons of England and Ureal local team has not yet been finally picked but it will be largely similar to t hat which was sent to Ketchikan a fori night ago. BRITISH COLUMBIA LOST AT CRICKET WINNIPEG, Aug, 7. Alberta and Saskatchewan won yesler'-day's games in Ihe western Canada cricket tournament Alberta eleven making 6 i runs to British Columbia 58,. and Saskatchewan 75 to Manitoba 3. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Detroit 5, New. York 2. Boston 5, Cleveland Washington 5, SI. Louis C, Others postponed. National League Chicago 2. Xew York 5. Cincinnati 3, Philadelphia 2. SI. Louis 3, Huston 5. Pittsburg 3, Brooklyn 5. NATIVE OF SKIDEGATE DIED LAST NIGHT IN GENERAL HOSPITAL Moses Jones, aged 'CO, native of Skidegate, died in the Prince Itueprt General Hospital at 7.30 last evening. The body was prepared for burial by the H.C. Un dertakers and shipped tlii morning on Ihe Prince John to Skidegate, where interment will lake place. HURLBUT CHUMS Welted Shoes of the belter class for Children. Made on orthopedic lines, allowing for the natural growth of the feet. The best Footwear for the infant, child, growing giri, little gent, youth or boy. Agenls in Prince Rupert Family Shoe Store FIFTY MINUTES TOP OF MOUNT Legs Dangled Into Space as Party Admired View: Alpine Club Breaking Up HERO LAKE, H.C, Aug. 7. - Tjie most satisfactory account of Ihe climbing, of Mount Itnbson given so far was that brought back In camp Sunday night by a party of climbers. They were Miss Helen Huck of Hrooklyn, N.Y., a climber of wide experience in the Swiss Mountains; Rev. N R. Harpe. and D. U. Walchler, both of Regina. T)iey had the most perfect weather all through and their guide, Conrad Zaln, was able lo arrange the various periods of their climb so as to spend fifty minutes on the topmost pinnacler admiring Hip view with their legs dangling over the space. Saying Qoodbye Gradually Ihe Alpine Club camp is breaking ftp. Every morning little parlies gather around Ihe main lent to say good-bye and good luck till next year, and then set olT either on horselvick or afoot down lite long winding mountain 'trail lo Mount Robson station, Hie pack train follows apon pack horses laden with duffel bags containing everything from personal Jkjl -to. I lie sketching outfits of' the artists and botanical specimens collected from Ihe mountain meadows up in the high passes. The numbers around the con vivial camp fire dwindle night by night and the club songs rise thinly and a little sadly on the crisp .night air. The last parlies Came back weary but triumphant from the heights of Robson and Whitelinrn and turned in early for a good night's rest before leaving early Ibis morning. The twenty or so out at Ihe.Calumet camp are returning by twos and threes. Today I hey will all be scattered to uttermost parts of Hie continent and there will be no one left at the camp except the few club officers and the local guide in charge of the construc tion. In another day or so he and Iwo men will have packed the tents add gone', leaving Herg lakn lo dream once more.Jn its undisturbed peace in the heart of the Rockies. LETTER SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED But Aid. Macdonald Is Satisfied With Explanation Offered In Connection With Missive Mcnday Night Aid. S. D. Macdonald objected at yesterday afternoon's council meeting lo the publication or a letter frorm J. W. Jorgensen criticizing city strPPt work. The objection was based on the be lief of Aid. M.acdonald that : lettor to the council should not be given lo the public before, it hail been, read by the council. II23 av Intx FCATtmi Scnvicc. Inc. and residence for the holidays. . On Ihe bench overlooking town and airy on the warm days. . Fnnn fare. Good cuisine. Tennis, Splendid accomodation for children with playing Held, etc. Entire charge of children when desired. LanfoK.-& French, Hill Farm, Terrace. H. C. HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from- Post Ofllcc, 830 Second Aven. Phono 137. tf MISCELLANEOUS FURNISHED HOUSE for Rent for few mouths. Modem. Apply P.O. )ox 609, City. 1K7 AGENTS to take orders for Guaranteed Made lo Measure Raincoals. Particulars free. Write at once. Dept. 30. The Best Raincoat Company, 198 St. Catherine West, Montreal, Quo 185 ' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, August 7 High 5:1(1 a.m. 17.2 ft. 18:23 p.m. 19.0 " Low 12:02 p.m. 5.8 " Friday, August 8. High 7:01 a.m. 1(5.2 ft 19:2a p.m. 19.0 " ,Low ...... 0:5(1 a.m. 5.9 " 13;03 p.m. C.8 " BASEBALL SCHEDULE ' Tlmo Table for Second Half City League Season Is of The Ndlowing schedulo for the This letter had been referred tojgpcond hair of the City Raseball ,thn board of works Vilhout hav-lipaiio islssued: v ing been read at Monday night s August meeting. The first be knew of, 7 Sons of Canada vs. Columbus ils contents was what he rend In Ihe Dally News. AhL Collar! staled that (he let- 12 If r had been read by the mnst of 15 the Aldermpn previous" lo Minn-day night's my-elhig opening. 11,18 iwas refprrpd to the commlttpe because it was considered to 21 lenglhy lo take Up the council's tlny with. Aid, Macdonald was satisfied! when the explanation' was; offered 29 by Aid. Perry and the cily,clerk that the Jetter. Ijjd not. been obtained by; thff.ally News from the City Hall or any city officials. Club. -Columbus Club vs. Sons of Canada. -Sons of Canada vs. Columbus Club.. Columbus Club vs. Sons of Canada. -Son's of Canada vs. Columbus Club. 20 Columbus Club vs. Sons of Oanaila. . -.Sons of Canada vs. Columbus uiub. September 4 uoiumnuB Club vs. Sons of Canada. Daily News Classified Ads. :2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartLemcnt Taken for Lea. than 80c WANTED WANTED. Furniture or every description. Highest prices paid Princo Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. WANTED, Second hand organ ro r Aiyansii Mission .school. Moderate price ( cap . only be paid. Rev. O. Thome, P. O. Mill Hay. 185 FOR RENT. Two large apartments down town hear Post OlTlce. Apply Stork's Hardware, tf FOR RENT. Three large house keeping rooms, furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home coin-forts. .Houses for rent also. If FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apart mciita. Apply Smith A Mallelt, Ltd. tf FOR RENT Modern apartment, furnished. McCalTery A Gibbons, Ltd. MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Weslenhaver Hros. BOARD AND ROOM HILL FARM, TERRACE Hoard FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED. New Yokohama Cafe. 187 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, Girl or elderly lady prefefred. Steady job. Stale wages watill ed. Apply Mrs. Leon Wurko, ljox tot, Terrace, H.C. 185 FOR SALE, FOR SALE or Lease, Royat Cafe. FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone 427. FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooming house and store; all furnished. Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE. Waterfront lots, one and two acres, surveyed; good anchorage, Jap Inlel. Porcber Island. Apply Hox 19t Dally News Ofllcc. FOR SALE Ford Runabout Delivery; in good running order; $200.00 cash. . Also several other good buys in used cars. S. E, Parker, Ltd. tf FOR SALE Two used Ford engines; suitable for conversion for marine use. $50.00 each. S. K. Parker, Lid. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Ltd. PLEASURE HOAT FOR SALE 28 feet long, 5 fool beam. C. L. Heindel. Cold Storage. tf FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Hoata and Engines. Northern Exchifnge. tf FOR" SALE. Launch "Regal R," registered, In good running order. 1 1 h.p. Regal engine. I,englh 38 feel, beam 10 feel, draft 5 feel. Good sea boat. Equipped with specially built dinghy, 2 anchors, new storage ballery, generator, good slove, toilet and. wash basin. Also storage tanks for fresh waler and gasoline. Hrice $1,000. Hoal now at Ocean Falls. Wrlle F. J: Cameron, Ocean- Falls, H.C. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner can have same at Daily News office by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement, t.f. CHIROPRACTO R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 lo 5; 7 lo 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQ3, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery, Third Ave. 1 Phones Black 13fl and Red 442. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture 8toro. Wo Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phono 64(1. Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: BOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Acrpds from Empress Hotel, MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and ft nays, closes ai a. 45 p.m, From the East Mondays, Thursdays and 'St, unlays, 1 p.m. To Vancouver-Mondays, mail closes al)oU Tuesdays, Mall cloa'est:4U Thursdays jq m Saturdays ..., Saturdays q m C.P.R. Aug. 2, 6, 13. . a From Vancouver- Sundays Mondays Wednesdays Fridays t ridays J pj C.P.R. Aug. 8, II 18. i a To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays J Ml Sundays 7 Ml From Anyox, Alice Arrrv Tuesdays .Ml Thursdays IJ To Stewart and Premltfc , Sundays 7 Fridays Frrtm ftfAwftrt an4 Pmmlip Saturdays Tuesdays To Port Simpson-Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson Tuosday . To Alaska Points J PI 1 n .a u u tttU Aug. 8, II, 18. 2? anJ H From Alaska Points 11 UJTp C. (, 1 d, HI, J " " To Massett, Port Clenw Buckley Bay Monday mail closes 0H From Massett. Port Cleme Wednesday mail due A To Skidegate, 0- C, City " South Island Points Wednesdays, mail clo" " p.m. From Skidegate, 0. C. City South Island Points Snhirdnvs. mail due a.m. iu iiaaa nivcr r win.- Slmnaon Thursdays -.. Frnm Nn Diva Point in D Saturdays . i--f BOX COLLEQTION P.M. P Graham A Allin Avcs. 2 is ' 1st A vp. X- J-'iirMli St 2,20 ' 6lh Ave. & Fulton St 2 25. 9" 8II1 Ave. A Thompson ' st 23 " I lib Ave. A Shcrbrooke Ave. ? 1 1 lit Ave. A Conrad St 2 0 Oth Ave, A Hays Cove . Ave 2.5 (Hh Ave. A Hays Covo 8fh Circle Z-su Avn P.nllnn HI. 2,55 SlhAvc. AMcIlrideSl- 3.0U Pro. Gov. Rtdgs 3-5 ti .- rt i ID I.SI 1.5! . 0 itiiv. uov. wnari - ,i G.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. A 2nd St 30 3rd Ave. A Fulton St. 3.2s 3rd Ave. A Clh St 3.8 ' 4. NOTICE, Advertisers are renMn"' ed that copy for nf' llscmcnts should b I" in" Daily News ofllpe,' bcfP" 4 p.m. today to ensu sertion In tomorrows j , sue.