hunday August 7. 19? 4. m 1 August 8 Clearance ill Wool White Blankets 1 II.. iiul 8 Ih. ut . . . rum LiaKeise 'RETIREp OEFICER 0FINDIAN ARMY VISITOR TO CITY S Col. and Mrs. C. do J. Luxmoore i aro Hero on Their Way to. S .Stuart Lake and River I I i r TO Lakclee Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Nuv open for service under management of Mrs. M. Iluvi i:. Ideal pluce to spemt your niimmcr holidays. Reas-jtciltttt rales, Good home cooking. Conifortalilo rooms. Fishing, Boating, Buttling in I.akelse Lake and Strcutns. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motors Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace and ladge laniling, assuring gue?U of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating tuxi servire to nil parts of the valley, - I'm' reservations and rales, apply to -LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Buy while Stock Lasts 2x4 517.00 per thousand 2x0 $17.00 per thousand 2,x 8 $17.00 per thousand Fence Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $100 per hundred Chimney Brick (hard brick) 5c each Lath, fchlplap, etc. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd Phone 361 BLANKETS Ccriaihe 3 Point "Hudson Bay" Blankets AA lute. Klmki, Uivy, Hed or Green, $10.2.5-$15.00 pair $1.45 per lb. Silk Comforters Itwjiililiil patterns iifpancl effects, Ihe purest of down UliilB in wa.-u. p.!ial l,' $12.00, $14.50, $16.00 Barrie's Homfc Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123. Ltmnonre of London, I Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Hayners, (Jndei taker 361. er iu the High School I), (i. Stewart returned to the city yesterday aflijrnon on the Prince Georsre after spending his annual vacation iu Ihe south. Mrs. Stewart ami sons will remain till the end of the month at their summer home at Boundary Bay, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pitman and family, formerly of this city and now located at l'rince George, passed through Hie city yesterday afternoon from boat to train. Mr. Pitman has been' in Ihe south for some lime and Mr. Pitman went to Vancouver to join her and relurn home. .- THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. G.W.V.A. basket picnic to Digby Island, Sunday, Aug. 10. Free ice-creaip, pop and candy for kids. Everyone welcome. Band of 102nd B.C. Battalion in attendance. Boats leave Fishery wharf, west of Prince Hupert boathouse from V.30 a.m. Adults 50c. 187 Mrs. Albert Moore arrived from Vancouver yesterday afternoon and left this morning on the Ole Evindsen, one of TH1 DAILT IflWB. path hirm. Football Hill at 6.15 G.W.V.A. tonight Acropolis Soils of Kngland vs. Prince Hupert Annual Kxhibi i r i t ft i i m i II hum. acniumuer v iu 10. u PboUFl l'. is. Asnurioge, nrsi am man M nl tho dry docK, relumed on (lie Prince George' yesterday aftcr- Siinpson's Shoe Shop is open 'roni a trip to Vancouver. acinic- Slum ipua rintr ileal y ' don.. Fifth Avenue aiid McBridc. . . I . Kergtu and family if returned lasi nigni on tneir I. . . i I ttf launcu Buiieuaiii in. irom J. W. King, shore steward for cruise pp the Ucslall Hiver. sleamsliiiis arrived yesterday en route to the Islands. Sister Emerita of the local con- vent is sailing tonight on the Mrs. II. X. Delmonlco and fatil-N'rincc ueorge ipr Vancouver. ilv of Shawatlans. who have been In Vancouver since March, rc- T. 11. Johnson, manager of the turned home on the Prince Fish & Cold Storage Co. is sail-George -yeslerdav afternoon. Mrs. iK tonight for Vancouver on a Delinonico was accompanied by business trip. Miss Mae Mills who will be her ituest for a thrift al Shawat ans . Mrs. Jvm.sior aim .urs. .. l,ake Prince are sailing tonight on Hie II. G. Hell of Iievelstoke was l'rince George, for Vancouver. appointed at a. special meeting -Mr. aim up. ii. iavic aim son of the school hoard yesterday af- returned on Hie l'rince George tlernoon to succeed 0. Wood- yesterday afternoon from a trip worth, resigned, as science leach- south. Miss M. .Mills, who lias oeen No ''more dirt, soot or ashes frmn visiting here, . with her brolher coal. Convert your stove to a and slsier-in-iaw, Mr. ami airs. gas range by nutting iu airOxo- C. C. Mills, Waldron Apartments, . . . . .. It ii: . u.. it i. ...... gas burner . see displayed in n. s.uiimk iuiukhi m aifu.mi II. Hemming' s window, or phone l'rince George on Her relurn to black' 120. 187 Spokane -- C. N. II. sleahier Prince John, C.l'.ll. freighler princess Una, Capl. Neil McLean, arrived at G Capt. Johnson, which' arrived in o'clock this morning from norlh-nort from Skagway last night, ern Queen Charlotte Island loaded 100 tons of edible fish points, and sailed at 10.30 for meal at the Prince llunert Hi- the southern end. Products plant for'thc south. " nual Flag Iay celebration. Musters Yvizner and Jiinniio Permission was given the Elks' Bryant and Douglas and Bruce Lodge yesterday aflernoon by Ihc McLeod returned this morning city council to use the Acropolis from Port Clements where they Hill grounds on Friday and Sat- spent a week with Magistrate A unlay in connection with the an- H. Mallory The fire department .had two Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Young calls this morning to Ihe city and their dauglder, Miss Mar- garbage dump on Park Avenue guerite Young, are sailing tonight which burned over lo Ihe streel on (he Prince George on a vaca- ealching some of (he plank lion trip lo Vancouver and tho Slight damage wa done, the Heo Island. - I truck being taken out over the Mrs. I.. A. Grawf and family oi dilapidated roadway ... I V. Ilazeltou arrived from Vaucouvei II. It. McMillan, head of t lie on Ihe Prince George yesterdaj McMillan Exoprl Co. of Vancou afternoon and continued lo Hit ver and well known coast lumber interior by train ' operator, arrived from Vancouver yesterday afternoon and proceed ed to Georgetown where be is paying his animal visit to the Big Bay mill of which he is part owner. He expects lo return lo Ihe city in a day or so and go south Saturday' night. His daughter is accompanying him on his I rip. Major and Mrs. F. V. of Victoria were passengers from boat lo train yesterday en-route lo London, England. Mnjor Longstair, who is an olllcer of Ihe lloyal Societies Club, is at present engaged iu the writing of a marine history of Ihe Pacific Coast. During the war he served as an olllcer in the Imperial Army. Coming from London, he and Mrs. LongslalT have recently been making their home in Miss Ella Sleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Sleen, and Misses Nessie and Belly Smith- son, daughters of Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Smithson, returned hon)e on Ihe Prince George ycslenlay aflernoon. The former was visiting n month at Horseshoe Bay, Prince John for Thurston Uar-.WhitecIiff, and tho: latter two bor. Mr. Moore, who is logging young ladies were at North Van- superintendent for the Wbalen couver. Pulp & Paper Co. at Thurston Harbor, is ill in the Vancouver General Hospital but he expects to be sutllcienlly recovered lo rc. lurii noi-lli iu about a fortnight's Mine, Mrs. Moore was accompanied as far as Prince ltuperl by her sister, Miss Olivia St. Germaine of Hollywood, Cal. It was decided by Ihe cily council yesterday aflernoon lo furnish 100 feet of sewer pipe for the replacement of a broken sewer back of Ihe new 'Oration building on Third .Avenue. The work wiil bedone privately bul under the supervision .of the city engineer It vas also decided lo the extend Ihe sewer in the huie- be- locators of the famous Dolly Var- tween Seventh and Eighth Streets den mine, was u passenger going ami Eraser and Third street llfly through lo Alice Arm on the feel In order to. serve several Prince George yesterday afler-;buildings in the neighborhood, noon. Mr. Evindsen, who now, ' .... resident in Vancouver, is on a .B. C. Keeley, Pacific Coasl (business trip lo Ihe Arm and does manager of the Canadian Gov-, not expect to remain there very eminent Merchanl Marine; .1. M. England, 1 long, nils is me first Visit tie, Horn, u.w.u. general freight .. .. I..... ii r i.. ..f on tun i-' ' iui .. in.- u. reached Hie city yesterday i, ;.,,. from Vancouver.. ji They, are on a lour of British Columbia and will go from here 'o the Stuart Lke and Hiver ooiintry north of Vnnderhoof. Col. LuxmoOre Is a retired of-1 fleer or the Indian Army having seen iliirtv vears service there. i He is also n fellow of the Royal . dt J. Luxovuore. tti.d Mt... iieofcrauliio Society. CCZEMA uu ro r.ot when you use Or. Hi use's oint- 0 mtiit for Erzpms, unit skin Irrltv Hons. It relieve. t one und pmdu-Hlljr healj Uio skin. 8amile box Dr. Chase's Olntinrnt free II you nienUon lhl paer (.nd scntl 2o. snunp forvoMnge. cnc. a box; all dealers or Kuumiiwh.. HWs & On Llmltpd. loront agenl, Vancouver; hlnier Johnston, general managor 'of the Johnston Storage Co.', Vancouver, and C. A. Askew, also of Vancouver; and J. V. King, C.G.M.M. MET OFFICIALS OF RAILWAY Committee of Board of Trade Discussed Services With . Visitors The railway and navigation committee of Ihe Prince Huper1 Board of Trade .consisting of C. II. Orme and E. C. Gibbons and the Trade and Commerce com miltec consisting of G. V. Nic kerson and S. E. Parker, together with President S. J. McLeod and ilber members of Ihe board jointly met W. G. Manders, C. N freight tralllc manager; B. C. Kecley, Pacific coast manager of (hie C.G.M.M.; J. M. Horn, gen eral freight agenl, Vancouver; G. McNicholl, general passejiger agent, Vancouver, and Walter S Thompson, director of publicity, yesterday afternoon and took up several matters "directly; affect mg the port. The question of boat service to (he Queen Charlotte Islands was discussed an(j Mr. Keeley gave assurance that it was the inten tion ,lo keep the Prince John permanently on the Island route operating out of Prince Hupert While some service from Vancouver was required and Ihe iray bad been chartered for only three months, it Was hoped that it would not be necessary If) lake the Prince John away from rince Hupert even was expected that another boat would be obtained to take the place of Ihe Gray before the charier was up, lo handle heavy freight from Vancouver. The handling of Alaska sal mon and frozen halibut througl here was discussed" and the olll cials showed that Ihey were fully alive (o the situation and out to get die business. Several mailers affecting rales were also taken up. The otliciaN said they would be very glad lo adjust any unsatisfactory rates if possible.' They asked tlal specific instances be submitted in an otlicial way. Provincial Constable' Harper Heid of the Stikine Hiver delach inent arrived from the north on Itbe Princess Mice yesterday af lernoon and will spend' a few- days here. HALIBUT GLUT LOWERS PRICE There was a glut of halibut o:. the market this morning with tin result that American fish went down lo ten cents, the lowest point it has reached for some time. Sales today were: American Orient 13,000 and Grayling 18,000 lo Atlin Fisheries at 10. 1 and 5. 11. Amundsen 23,000, Sumner 35,000 and Yukon 10,000 lo Cold Storage at 10 and 5. Lincoln 20,000 lo Pacific Fisheries" at 10.2 and 5. Goth 3,500, Teddy J. 1 1,000 lo Booth l-'isheries at 11.2 and G, Iladio 55,000 lo Hoyal Fish Co. at 1 1 and 5. Canadian Ternan 7,000 to lloyal Fish Co. aat 12 and 7. Shft-man 1,500 lo Cold Storage at 12 and 7W. 1 Pair or Jacks 7,000 to Cold Storage at 12 and 6j. D.S.T. 1,000 lo Cold Storage at l i.5 and -8. Thelma 7,000 lo Cold Storage at 1 1.2 and 8.3. Murineag 1,000- lo Atria Fisheries at 12.2 and 8. Plop 1,500 lo Hoyal Fish Co. nt 12 and 8. TYPHOON SWEPT TO SOUTH OF JAPAN DID MUCH DAMAGE NAGASAKI, Aug. 7. A typhoon yesterday swept the south of Japan including the islands of Kiushiu and Formosa. .Hallway traffic everywhere was interrupted and wire, coipnninicatiqii par- Jalyzed. Floods In Formosa TOKIO, Apg. 7. Two hun dred .persons are missing and shore steward, arrived from Van-many are believed dead as a re-1 couver on the Prince George yes-'sult of floods on the Tanisui lerdn'y afternoon and proceeded Hiver in Northern Formosa. Unil-I this morning on the steamer way traffic Is slopped and tlious-' Prince John to the south end of amis of houses aUTnihoku are in-j th Queen CharlotldNlsbiuls. i ''undated. i ' ' 1A Autographic Kodak, Special Pictures 2lA x 4XA inches With Kodak Anastigmat lens .G.3 and Kodamatic Shutter This model represents the latest achievements in photographic refinement. The most exacting amateur finds in the No.lA Autographic Kodak, Special, every aid to good pictures. Unusual photographic equipment such as the Kodak Anastigmat lcns.6.3 and Kodamatic shutter with accurate automatic speeds ranging from 12 second to 1200 second is contained in a case of exceptional beauty genuine sealskin leather covering and nickeled appointments. You ought to see this Kodak. You'll find one at our Kodak counter Ormes Limited THE REXALL STORE Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5. SHOE FASHIONS OF THE SMARTER KIND ONYX FAULTLESS FITTINC FOOTWEAR ONYX There is an appreciated touch of novelty and snmrtness in the .much admired ONYX styles. Made iu Patent Colt, Kid, Calf Skin and Calf Suedes and Satins. Priced at $7.50 to $11.50. Family Shoe Store What's in a Name? When it's 'Cascade," there's all the difference between just ordinary "beer" and the most wholesome, satisfying drink a thirsty man could wish for. "Cascade" is brewed, bottled and guaranteed by British Columbia's model brewery. Get the Name Right Get Satisfaction rv " dheBeerwithutaPeer This advertisement is not published or displayed, Uy the Liquor Control Board or by the Qovwruneyt o! British Columbia.