i. i i I l "il. ! e ii . l" i ir ii i ii in in rrn in il i hi i iiiiLiiiiiiz.iiiiiiu iiii i 1 1 r- i iiiiiiiir-iiiin 1 1 1 o occur In uny sudden manner, . . i - i ai manner nomine a uiaca ui inporlancp uch hs fiie inanage- iifiii ill I ih I..II1.IIIIHII iinini ini rpilHTIIl lll'ir lirniiru, Many Attended The banquet to Sir Henry, nun. was aiiriiueij ny iiuiy i.iu (i zens a h won as hip majority if the railway otlicinl who are iiiaking Ihe tour with the pre- luent and olher visilors. s. .1. Mrl.im.l rinwlili.nl nf Dip Itnill'il ih a. ail ri vi u vi i w ib. iiiii iiimi Hon and was seated at Ihe speak ers table. A splendid fare was provided by the management of Hie I to.-1 on drill and music furnished by Ihe orchestra of the Mranicr Prince fleorge greatly itstdsled in enlivening the pro-reed in gs. The toast to the King was ob served In the usual manner and Mr Mcl.eod, in calling Upon Sir "'try for the speecli of the. evening, expressed the pleasure thai it was to have the privilege of enlerlalning and listening to liiiu again. Even on his first visil lo Prince Ilupe.t l, Sir Henry had s'i"wn that he' knew much more flian miitlii liiive In "I'll 1'YIiitIimI , r 'lie prohlenis of Prince Hupert. niinhi well he felt that Ihe port Iiiui n ni.mil r.. ..... I I., 1.1... ir Henry, on rising to speak, WlIM lrK'un ti.t .il1i,,dl...ll.. I iiii uu vii i ii uiti ni ii; mill .extended ovation. Sir Henry's Address Humorously warmiiiir un to his 'iddiess, Sir Henry referred Jok- "'y io me etlecllve reason local M'i'Ple had given for their prepuce in Princp Hupert by sing- niir " ii . . " re uere jiecause wo ro It..... H j... . ""f. I IS f I'lvn 111' 111. nt.ni (Continued on page six) t GERMANS AGREE TO TERMS OF ALLIES UNDER DAWES PLAN LONDON, Auk. 7. The Allies and (Hermans yesterday reached complete agreement on the manner in which defaults are to he declared under the Dawes plan of reparations. INFANT DIED Funeral of Son of Mr. and Mrs Enockson, Seal Cove iir iiri i Hiv kiini ii l I'lini'f iiiiiifri iiii- i-ii;iijii i iiui-ihi ir;ii iii'u......h ...i... . .-, . n vr xljfar but also for the construction of a second and the erec- makinir the triangular tour wilh n IN 1 SllllUOie IIOLC1 IICIC Kir IIIC lOliriSl IIIISIIICSS. Ill HO IIII- II,,. Mllu-nt i.nrlv IIP villi re. iu ic3jit.v iu me uciciuiuiciu ui mil nn i, unu uiu iiiui, ;ir. warren is a live wire in - n result of Me possibilities for business he had observed onlimblicity work. He has done ..It a a a , II I MM Mllliril Ifl Fll f I II f rflfl 1 II IflP " " I ii v iiiniiri l iiuuiur unu ICW Ul iJIUIUIllt$ UlC IUI1U9 IIII iofllHtilv frit I lie rtlnrlfnir of Iiii irM uai in nie tocai ury uock a ..t.i!.... a. r .1 l II.- Ill uiiliifiK'iitiii tri ii- nun iiiv i . ii ii... ....... . .1 M.HJ. i . i.- . .. , l....l,.l he nifsidnt was in a very op- iiuistic mood and expressed the .. . .. i i I 111," IIIHI. Hllll,llk:il 1UII kllll L III - i' onuifni couiu noi ie exiirctni moiik?- pxeellent work frr Vancou ver Island and was largely inslru- 4 'mental is securing the ferries for aulos which now operate between Victoria ann the mainland. He js always looking for new ideas .snd just now he is urging that, a provincial lourist organization should lie formed that would un- tlertake publicity for the whole province, capitalizing the scenery and making Ihe most of all the available resources ' Hev. P. E. Haisler ofticialing. evidences of prosperity here. Settlement in Canada Will be Further Assisted by the British Government Through Agreement OTTAWA, Aug. 7. A new agreement whereby British settlers coining to Canada will receive finuncial assistance frum, the British government in actually settling on the land has been negotiated iu London it is unofficially slated here. The new scheme of the immigration department and the British overseas settlement board is lo have the British government extend its assistance and advance money lo enable immigrants to establish themselves iu agriculture instead of, as in the oast, sharing with the Canadian government half the cost of transportation. Under the new scheme, Ihe Canadian immigration depart ment is likely lo lend its machinery lo carry on the administra tion of sellling. Ihe arrivals anil take charge of collections anil refunds which will go back to Ihe British 'government. "Hon. J. A. Hohh, acting minis Joseph Dowling, Roman Catholic bishop of Hamilton, died here la?t night. CITY FOUNDING Halifax. Aug. 7. a historic fip.nnn In fifurniinlt-i? .Ii.i.ii.lin.v llm ter of finance, Is stated to be,f.,.in.iini, ,lf i r 1 r iiv nni, v.. 25 TAXI and She BOSTON GRILL Mete Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance wilh newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Dos I on Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. L5- i'Hince wjpekt, B.C., thiiisday, AUGUST 7 ,1021. stfrday'i Circulation. 1837 Street Sales. S8S PRICE FIVE CENTS. nil MIL m m a v lie a n CMiTKiri a tuc i nr A I dai irv i fill t mm m mm m m mm m m i m Mm m m m 1 IILirilJ LillUlllrirtl IjiJ LilUiMli I 111. II. I CANNERIES WORKING APACE TO KEEP UP WITH PHENOMENAL FISH CATCHES Build Two Passenger Steamers at Prince Rupert and Tourist Hotel . . - nilDIiriTVMAM mm -mm m mm m - - m nrm mm m m m mm w i a ii f-f yinvti f ti,inrifi vtivo f ifirimirtf fvins.sf if I I iiii.n.i I iiiMiv v mr a M hvmbvbh i Dinner Given in his Honor Last Evin'ng ELEVATOR HERE IS A NECESSITY ill interview minister or tiauways in negara to Project Immediately on Return to Ottawa. Sir Henry Thornton at the dinner given in his honor last VISITS RUPERT George I. Warren of Victoria Publicity Bureau and Chamber of Commerce Here MAKES SUGGESTIONS That Prince Rupert does not make hair enough of ita tourist business is the opinion of George I. Warren, commissioner of Ihe Victoria and Island Publicity Bureau, and managing secretary of the Victoria Chamber of Com Mrs. Dawson who had been in poor health for some lime had been better recently and bad planned to entertain Sir Henry fjie and Lady Thornton at their h une ak vBKkM0mmmm jjjjj Judge Charlesj A. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, of Montreal, photographed jut New York as they sailed for a vacation abroad. It was Judge Wilson who sentenced the six bandits to death for the murder of Henri Cleroux in the hold-up of the bank of Hochelaga messenger. SUDDEN DEATH OFLOCALLADY Mrs. F. G. Dawson Passed Away at General, Hospital Last Evening WAS PROMINENT HERE I Mr. Wiirren sueiresls ilia! more I Tll 'ea"' occurred suddenly xiimiM lie mW r.,r i.p imirwta last evening of Florence Morris last evening following the dinner. It was while the dinner was going on that Mr. -Dawson was called out and all festivities were afterwards cancelled. General regret was fel I throughout the city at the sad news and expressions of sympathy with Mr. Dawson and other member of the family in their bereavement were general, not only among the Prince Hupert people but also among Ihe visiting railwaynieu wilh whom Mr. Dawson is held in high esteem. Mrs. Dawson had been prominent here in work in connection with the' Presbyterian t church and also as a leading member of Ihe Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire. She held Ihe positions here Regent of the Municipal chapter t. ii 1 1 nliiii ii F carnival. The venue was the spector of schools for the North campus of Dalhousie University near wlmt is believed lo be the Wesl Territories. The late Mrs. Dawson leaves Itirollirrs, Will llolhwell of Desi j Moines. Iowa; prE, J. HolUwelLj M.I..A. of Nrw. Westminsler: Dr.i Oswald liothwell of llegina; three sisterx Miss Jessie llolhwell off this city; .Mrs. (Dr.) Fasken of) Itegina; and Mrs. Scoll of Lums-den, Sask. The funeral will take' place on Tuesday next, the U.G. Undertakers having charge and Hew Dr. Grant officiating. RUSSIAN BISHOP SEATTLE, Aug. 7 Rev. Father ;at iipin-p nunerl and an effort "awson, .wile or r. li. Dawson of! . Alexandroll of Sealtle, inter- slmiild be made to keep them here cuy' I,a!se(1 ai naiionai missionary ror Iwenty- 1 lnntrer oncer ii,an than a fotv- few i.mipa lirnirs. T.iiia This He Prince Hupert General Hos- nine years in the. United Stales he thinks quile possible. The "iai 'nuier sne nan iieen laKeiijand l.anada, lias been appoinled great thing is to give them, some thing to do and to advertise the attractions. On Vancouver Island they mnke most of their nublicitv Arnold Willis r.nockson. two ntcraturo pay for itself, those inonlh old infant of Mr. and Mr..dir(.ctly benefitting paying hnorkson. sral uove, died onjfost. Monday al the residence of the This was Mr. WVirren's first parents. Th s funeral' took place visit lo Prince Ilupert and he was this aflernodii at 2.30 from the particularly pleased at what he H.C. Underlal;ers to Ihe Scandin- aw and especially at the splen f Trade acted as chairman and nvia" I'1'1 I" Fairvlew Cemetery, did scenery of the coast and the t lin i tTu It tifti mt in i ti ii nint Mm 4n I jii I ii i ti mii I minifiiiM j if I lirt I, David Thomson and F. 0. I following a sudden seizure iliy the oly Synt-d of Russia as archbishop for Ihe Pacific coast, Hawaii and Alaska of the Russian orthodox church Biggest Salmon Run in Many Years is now in Progress on Skeena R. One of the biggest runs of salmon that has taken place in years is now iu progress in the Skeena Iliver. Reports received here stale thai every cannery is working to capacity and that even at that it has become necessary to limit the number which each boat may catch. The big run is of pinks but sockeyes are still ouliiiuing to come. A cannery manager last evening stated to the Daily News that the run of sockeye this year was even greater than in the big year of 11)10 so far. How it would compare at' the end of a the season of course he could DUADPAMI7F 'not say- 11 ',a(1 denied all ex- IXLlmnA Vill.r, jl-ectations of the canners. WHALEN CO. Effort Made to Put Big Concern on Sound Financial Basis VANCOUVER, Aug. 7. A stronn effort. Is being made by the bondholders ' and holders of debentures' to reorganize the Whaten Pulp & Paper Company on a sound basis. A committee of the holders of six per cent serial mortgage bonds has forwarded to all holders a request for early deposit of those bonds either with the committee or with the Montreal Trust Company Alexander MacLaren, the noted Canadian lumberman and financier, who h" hn making a tour of the Whalen timber limits, has returned East after making a valuation of the assets. He represented the' bondholders and debenture holders and is also expected to establish their right to an equity In the reorganization. President British Association Tells of Advance of Medicine Urges Keep People from Sickness TORONTO, Aug. 7. "Medicine in future must change its strategy; instead of awaiting' attack, it must assume the offensive. "Jl must no longer be said that 4a man was so sick he had to send for a doctor.' " These were the statements, of Major fleneral Sir David Bruce, eminent parasitologist and chairman of the governing .oily of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, who, as president, delivered the inaugural address before the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of -- - Science last night. Taking as his this waste. subject the Prevention of Dis- Disease Under Control l)f ease, s?ir Daviu snoweii now metn-' Mr naviu uruce is inumaieiyi cine cuangeu us ouuook auer associaieu wiui mis progress, as in . i.i. researches of it is largely through his efforts, I Louis Pasleur; how diseases have durng his long connection wilh Chapter and was delegate to tho ' succumbed the of the medical that Dominion convention i),.i,1!r, to onslaught army corps, a ii,.. ... .I,, in,,- H,. ,'.Hiv ,,,.. 'scientific research, and have numLer of parasitic diseases havei 1,eiM1 l'0lulul'n',l on l,y .n' 1,ow becn brought' under control, es in Red Cross and other work and responsible for Ihe ncgotiatfonLa,.(J porwuijs 175 ypars ag0'ing pari in all Ihe work of a 01 ine agreement. 'W1is re-enac ed veslerdnv in enn pioneer, mih was ine daugnter BISHOP DIES HAMILTON. Aug. 7 Thomas in private life her friendship was always one that was valued highly. Born in Ontario she. yesterday celebrated tier 48th birthday. She was married to Mr. Dawson at Itegina 23 years ago and came to Prince Rupert with him dur ing Ihe lent days of the city tak- nectlpn with 1ho anniversary t,f ,nt ,a,e ViHiam llolhwell, in- jibe recent war, while giving a peeially during the war. set-hack to many branches or in-j Drawing atlenliiw to the pre-vesligation, provided a stimulus valence of disease in civilized Some phenomenal catches have been made by individual boats which indicate what an immense number of fish are going up the river. Promising for Future It is pointed out that the limiting of the number to lip taken by each boat is good for the 'future of the Skeena-as' a salmon producing streani. It means that Jmore fish will go up to spawn .ami thai future rub's may be expected lo be large. I The number of boats fishing .now is not as large as it was in 1919 and the weekly close season from six o'clock Friday evening I to six o'clock Sunday evening is longer than was the close season five years ago. All this makes 'for the permanency of the fishing industry on this, purely Can-radian river. SCIENCE CONVENTION OPENED IN TORONTO Twenty-six Papers Read This Morning on Diversified Subjects TORONTO, Aug. 7. Business of the- various sections of the British Association for the ad- jvance of science began this morning wilh the reading of 2C papers which dealt with diversified MURDERER IS DISAPPOINTED Corbett Thought he Would Get Off Free or With Light Sentence NEW WESTMINSTER, Aug. 7. Alfred Corbett, who was to hang Friday morning, expressed disappointment when Informed that his life had been spared and that the death sentence had been commuted to life Imprisonment. He said he expected he would get off entirely or with a tight sentence. Corbett had bean sentenced to hang for the murder of his wife at Cumberland. along other lines which resulted countries, the president said: yANKS READY in a complete understanding of "Upwards of 20,000.000 weeks ofi cna . nun una T run L.uiiu nup 1 1.1 .11 ,' i. iiiuuii u iiuiiit-.uiiit; Hisettses, auu wui it ini" insi nn.t ji-itr nuiuiiK the providing of knowledge which the insured workers of England, would not have been obtained iiiiWhieh is an equivalent of the many years tinder normal condi-.wyrk of 375,000 people for the lions; and finally, he drew' atten- whole year lost to the state. When II.... I.- II il . 1 11.1 . 1. .11. I II. I! . I A WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. The next Willing place of Ihe United Stales world flyers will be at Ekalult on the east V, ,. V , ' '. 1 ": " ' " """7"""" or Green and about 750 mites disease still exacts for the in diminished figures non-insured popu-, , iipikinvit l 1 11 human efficiency, and shortened lallon, you get some idea of the t iJul Smllh ah i human lives, showing how ignor- importance of preventive work. 1 f ,., v.,iB1' A ance and Indifference are In a Climating the value of pre- J ! T "re " awa'U 1 l ff th lartre measure resnnn.Hil. nr venlinn In mnnev flip Hlrpel In.. T ,,,e.rS ,0P exact spot upon which Cornwallis lo mourn Irer loss, besides her this economic loss, and prophesy- In Kngland and Vvales from, sick- planted Ihe British flag iulhusband. he,r mother, Mrs. Mar- ing that with redoubled efforts.iness and disability amounts lo iiV, iiraret RoUiwell if Hetrina three! science will jvniitiiill nl I I . i: i . , ! A J " 1 """"J i-mmuaiiv i I'UUUIlUeu Il Otn pagf- IWO A A resumption of their 20.000 t mile globe circuit. I TTT W