IWft: K ' . PAGE BIX. WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. "PIONEIrTRAILS" A stirring melodrama or the camp settlements of California. A photoplay full of action, daring and courage through wlnrh runs a sweet romance. Virtue versus villainy in which the latter takes the count. Thrilling' battles with hordes f redskins; dashing rescue from a runaway coach and an exciting trial episode are among the many big scenes of this spectacular picture, to which has also been added a strong comedy relief. Excellent cast Cullen Landis, Alice Calhoun, Bertram Grasby, Otis Harlan, W. J. Dyer, Virginia True Board-man and many others. Larry Semon In "The Counter Jumper." Fox News-Gazette Opening of Wembley Exhibition Scenes Admission 50c and 25c if. jjmm em Preserving Peaches ARRIVING FRIDAY. $1.65 per Case Huy this week. Wc doubt if Hie price will be any lower this season. The peach situation is alarming, and prices will surely advance. Phone your order early as our slock is limited. Raspberries for Preserving Phone us for Prices. RupertTableSupply Three Phones. 210,711,212' Popularity! Willi low prices and highest quality makes our success. AVe are how offering CornT'lakos, per pkg. .. 10c Shredded Wheat, per pkg. 15c Hipe Olives 50c less than regular prices. On sale now. per gallon tin' $1.75 Jelly 1'owders, per doz. 90c Cream Olive Soap, dozen 90c Marmalade in Jars .... 25c Pure Jani, any variety 75c Shelled -Walnuts, per lb. 35c Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Farmers' High Grade Tea, 2 lbs $1.25 Fresh Fruit, the lowest in t own. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. Take advantage of these Fruit Specials louche, per crule . . $1.75 IMisms. per basket .... 85c Jiurtletl Pears, per doz. 50c Graveiistein Apples, 2 lbs. ... ... 25c Cooking Apples, 3 lbs. for ... ... 25o llanaiins, per lb 15c Cherries, per lb 20c Watermelon, per 111. ... 8c Oranges, 3 dozen for $1.00 (live us your order for Preserving Tuit. EGONQMY STOR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. E NOTICE. WHEHEAS under the bi-uvuinim r,r tli (loyalty Act. Chanter 7fi. statin mi. the royalty on timber to be collected be- riiming January mi, msfs, win, rrwn In-1 formation now available, be more, than mrre nines me royalty now Being . AMI WHEHEAS urffent renreKpntatlnn have been made that this increase In royalty la much heavier than ih ituiimtrv Ican bear, ; A.D WHEREAS the representation (made hate gone so far as to say that anvi Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think It over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. lax He Ibroner Diamond Specialist attempt to collect this royalty beginning TIMBER '" SALE X 6484. ' jJanuary 1st next as upon the basis of the! . "r . "T ,,, presriu nojauy aci ouia immediately re- snaieu ir u m ,r ' ami in a Miumonn or tne enure industry msii-m rureier, uui .. .... In the Province, the 16tb day or August, mi, Tor the NOTICE Is hereby given that a public purrliase or l.lnme X61S4, on the east bearing upon this question will be held In More or Itusrue Inlet, CJt. 3. to cut 50.-Uie Executive Chamber, Parliament Build- o feet or Spruce, Cedar, tialsam ana lugs. Victoria, before, the Kierntlvn r.r.nn- Hemlock SavClurs. ell or such Members thereof as may be one (1) year will be allowed for re- Itlien present, beginning at It) Wednesday, September 3rd next. Anyone who- has any evidence mlt or representations to make question of timber Ilovaltles will lie riven opportunity to be heard and the public Is! i-ijue.iieu iu lane nonce accoraiugiy. T. 1). I'ATTL'LLO, Minister of Lands. o'clock tuoval or timber. Further partd ulars or the Chief sub- tir, Victoria, U.K.. or the District -Fores- on the ter, prince ttupert, u.i.. ipj TIMBER SALE X 6304. Sealed Tenders will le received by tin Minister or Lands. Victoria, not later than LAND ACT. noon on the 21st day of Atliriist. tV!4 Notlea of Inttntlon to AddIv to Purchai for the pttniiiise of Licence X 0304, tu Land. rut S-KUli.tiuo reel or Suture. Hemlock In Queen Charlotte inland Land District, Kalsam and Cedar oil an area situated on ilecordlng District of Prince Itupert. the south end of James Island, Mntuteson and situate In the East Entraucc of Channel, Nature 3, coast District. Justkatla Inlet. Two (2 years will be allowed Tor l- Take Notice that Edward Shannon or moval of timber. Port Clements. In the l-rnvlm-e r,r iiritish Further iiartlrulars of the. Chief Fores- Columbla, Gardener, intends to apply ror ter. Victoria. B.C., or the Olstrlct Fores-permission to purchase the follow inir de- ter. Prince llupert. B.C. 188 scribed landsj I . Commencing at a twist planted at the northwest point or this Island; thetife CANADIAN lI" NATIONAL nhhwi'hl RAIL- "miu southeast and on around the Island follow- Ing the shore line to the place of com- WAYS, mencemeiit, and containing one and one . D.in- imir acres or land, more or less. Western Region. I EH. SHANNON. I Pealed Tenders will be received at the I oaten at run Clements this joth day or orrice or the Chief Engineer, Winnipeg, July, 1JS1. . Man., until twelve o'clock noon. Monday, " " ..i trln.i.,,,1 h Aav iT Ano-iidf I 0 t 1 fur CORPORATION OF THE CITV OF' PRINCE the following work: Erection b'rlrk freight nurt.ru, gtied and orrices. North liattlcfoid; erec ,.n h.... l.l..f uHtill..n niwl llni.u t. , j . j .... MINI .iiit "inn ll n n ,u,tnm laiif. .,vti.- Sealed Tenders ire Invited for the con- or.,,. n,.inri n,m. itmnriiiii. -,niiriir. ,.r.u?.." or reinforced concrete building tloti of It. C. Culverts at Miles 23.6 and I".1." ioioriesi .fi73 Toiro sub division, and Mile 418.3 nans and rperiricatlons ran be seen it Margo sub-division; construction or the .rrire of the City Engineer. j,c miverts at Miles HIO.S and 1 1 1 .S .. T.1'.,d,'.r. "'rked "Tender for Concrete le. jamie stib-rtlvlslou; construction or flulldlug" to le deposited with the City stream diversions or the Ilosebud Itlver to ILlerk, not later than t P.M. August Ctll, ellmlimte bridges Mile 339.9-310.1 and 'accompanied by a rerliried cheque Tor an vn. sjii a-siii-s. Drtmiheller sub-division: amount equal to lrk or tender. Lowest or excavation and laving HSU Twet six Inch i any tender not necessarily accepted. tiiAr.ST low:, Supt. of t'tllltles. LAND ACT. Southerly alonr hlrh water mark tn nnt ai i-enieil and containing 3 aces, ronre nr lesi. j H, B. HMti.iinTn. i tsme nr fpnllrant. She means thai if the quality of a suit or a gown s assured there is no reason why il should not serve' for two seasons or more. Dorothy is Tight about tltat. It is no longer considered good form to discard a garment that bus only given you a few weeks of wear. Our cleaning will delight you. PHONE 8 nVB0X392 P R.I N C t-r R.U P E RT DANCE .At the Auditorium which was lo have taken place Friday, August 8, has been postponed until Friday, Angus! 15, Phone Black 440. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. cast Iron pipe at Chandler, Sdsk.; erection fourteen tulles or fence Brleux stib-dlvl- lon; erection twenty-one miles of fence Swirt Current branch; stripping ballast ai Vivian. runs, pronies, spcctrication, mini or Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Laata Land, oontrart ni.iy be seen and form of tender in uuevn uiariotie islands Laim District, obtained at the orrices or enter r.ngiueer. Recording Olsttlct or Skeena, and situate Winnipeg, Man.; Olstrlrt L1igineT, Ed-In rront or Block 19, D.L. 7, Plan 840, monton. Alta.; Itlstrlct Engineer. Saskatoon, t'ne-n Chat-lolte Islands, Sask.; Ols-trlct Engineer, Vanmuver. H.C.: Take Notice that Hume D. Bablngton of Division Engineer, Prince llupert. H.C.: Massett, occupation cannery manager, in- Division Engineer, Ileglua, Sask.; Division tends to apply for permission to lease the Engineer, Calgary, Alta. rollowlng described roreshore: Commen-1 Tenders will not be considered unless ring at a post planted ,at the southwest made on the form supplied by the Itall-rorner of Block IS- thVnre west 33 deg. wav Company and accompanied by an ar- south about inn feet to low wa.er mark: eepieri cheque on a chartered bank equal thenre northerly along low water mark to five P"r eenl of value or the work, pay- to a point west 33 deg. south of north- llilp to the nnlr of the Treasurer. Can- west cornernr Block ID- thenr eaiterlv In srtlnn Nntlonnt ll.illvnvif. the northwest corner or Block U; thenre, The lowest or any tender not necessarily A. V.. WAIIIIE.N. General Manager. Winnipeg. Man., Angmt Snd, i9U. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, iiivni SCHOOL. RE M.ED TEMiKIIS, endorsed "Tender rr tii.i.ni Addition tn Anvnx School. will be received by the Honourable the Mln'-O" of Public WoTks up to IS o'clock noon hi Tuesday, the mil day ot August, tX4. foi lh' election or a one room addition to the present rour room School-house at Anyox, in the Atlln Electoral DIs-tpif-t it r. , elan' " Snerlficatlons. Contract and Forms or Tender may be seen on and arter the S8th day of July. ,1D94. and further Information obtained at the Department of Public Works. Parliament Buildings, and at the orrices of the Government Agent Vmiroiiver- the floverninent Arent. Anvos and the Qovcrntnent.Agcnt, Prince llupert H.C. Conies or Plans, speciricatlon. etc., can lie obtained from the ieorinent on V"- ti.enl of n flnniuilt of Ten Hollars (ItO.DO) wlilch wii I iii refunded on tlielr return In good condition. The lowest or any tender not neces sarlly accepted. - P. I'lIILlP. Public Works Engineer. Thn riet.urliniint or I'lihllr Wurks. I Victoria. B.C. -July 15th, 1824. TIMBER SALE X 6281. There will In. offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the. 8th day or August, IliiM, in the orrice or the Forest supervisor ni stunners, the Licence ahzbi to ml (ii.iuili Jackplne Ties, on an area situated approximately 5 miles north and least from Pecker Lake Station, ltange 6 Coast District. ! Three ' :i years will be allowed for re Imoval of tinilier. --Provided that anv one unable to at tend the nnetimi in nerson iniiv submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour or iiui'tloii and treated as one mo." Further nartlciilurs of the Chief Fore lor. victoria. U.C.. or District Forester, Prince Itupert, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 6282. There will be offered for Bale at Public Auction, at noon on the' Kth day of August, mat, In tt.e orrice or the Forest supervisor at snilthera, the Licence xcksk to cut Itl.iioo Jarkiilne Ties, oil an area situated approximately 4 miles north-east or Decker Lake Still Ion, lunge 5, Coast District. Two (Si years will be allowed for re moval of timber. "Provided that any one unable to at tend the auction In nerson may submit ! sealed tender tn be opened at the hour lor auction and turn ted as one lid." i Further particulars or the Chief Fores Her. Victoria. !.(" . or District Forester, I'rium lluprrt. U.i.. I HE B.'Y ITTVVS x nursqay, August 7 19;j LABOR PREMIER GETS HIS WAY House of Commons Endorses His Stand on Anglo-Russian Treaty LONDON, Ail?. 7. The pro-posal of Premier Mflcdounhl to forthwith, sign the treaty between tireat Hrilaiu. and Soviet ltussja as drawn up by Ihe AnploHus-sian conference yesterday drew a vigorous attack from tho opposition 'when the debate was resumed in the. House of Commons today. The premier refused to yield an fncli to the onslaught anil finally scored a victory when an amendment proposing adjournment until tomorrow for further discussion was defeated 157 to CANADIANS LEVYING FOR UNITED STATES No Provision in New American Laws to Prevent Workers Coming in WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Large numbers of Canadian are com ing into the 'United States be cause of lack of work in Canada according to an official labor publication here. It is painted out that there is jiolhingin the new immigration laws to prevent native Canadian workers from entering the country. tlh',,'e f-' 1 I'milv Nur (continued from page one) RECOMMENDATIONS WILL EE MADE TO BUILD TWO PASSENGER , STEAMERS A T PRINCE RUPERT around the city during the afternoon, he said, disclosed Ilia1 much had been done in (lie course of a year towards eliminating plank roads and replacing Ibem with graded streets. He congratulated the .city on the progress it had made in that direc tion. -1 "Naturally, you are interested in your local affairs and in what the Canadian National Hailways hope to do to assist you." said Sir Henry, "That is really the reason why I am. here. 'We have a dry dock in Prince llupert an , admirable one but thus far it has been put to no great use. Build Ships Here 'We propose this year to build FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon Aft BUUI.IICX Ft i, 5368 7 XI ST) From Paris to New York by way of V Havana came the fashion for the fine voile and fabric lattice work of one of the new sleeveless frocks. Oki of the most delightful ot the new French lingerie frocks waa sent to Havana in the Spring and reached New York for earlv Summer, as to many of the Summer fashions do, having a sort of premiere or try-out in Cuba and Palm Beach before being; accepted in New York. The inal French frock was made of peach-colored cotton voile with the up-and-fdewn folds of the latticework yoke and 'belt of white voile and an ornament of white cotton soutache at the hip. The aame frock was also very charmitv; io powder-blue color Georgette with apple-green Georgette in the up-and-down part f the lattice work, and in paly yellow with French blue. a steamer at Prince llupert for the Paoifio Coast tratllc but we have not so far been able lo secure the necessary -uthoriza-tion to build it. We do not propose to slop at thai, however. "After having examined the possibilities of the tourist trallic on this coast; I have definite! come lo the conclusion that we must add not only one but two boats lo the service and, immediately on my return lo Montreal, I impose lo see t lie minister of finance and the minister of railways (find when you see Mr Crabaui you .may assume that you have secji a majority of the cabinet ) to find nut if we cannot in sonic way, provide the futub for an, immediate start on one boat for the Alaska service ami every effort, will be made to havt provision made in the budge! next year for Ihe completion ot the first, ship and the construction of a second. Two Boats Necessary "The Reason Ibat I believe fw; boats are necessary is that soul' of us lies a large population oi the I'acifie Coast of the Unitei Slates. From Vancouver soull there js a paved highway throug , Washington, Oregon and California and into Mexico. That highway provide an avenue for thousands of auto tourists each year, i hey reach Nancouver ami Victoria and il happens that w have a uniijue attraction lo offer these tourists in our triangb. tour. We propose to aclivel and energetically attract the tourist trallic and bring tourists lo Priuce llupert and Alaska anil back to Vancouver. Not only wii one boat be needed immediately but two. If Ihe proper propu ganda is sent oul and tlo' busi ties attacked effectively 1 venture to say thai In five years we will need four or five boats. Tourist Hotel "A hotel at Prince llupert if another adjunct I hat is necessarj lo entice and alloc tourist trallic over this part of the Canadian National Hailways and I propose to do everything in my power to have provision also made in nexl year's budget for a suitable hotel at Prince llupert. "However, I waul to say lo you Llml I can only try lo do these things that I think should be diitie. There is no way that 1 can force Ihe powers that be to provide the funds. So what I say must Je limited for if I can noi get i ue money i cannot uo 'lie things I propose. I can as sure you, however, that I will do everything 'to get the necessary appropriations for the (wo ships for the service between Seattle Victoria, Vancouver. Prince llu pert and Alaska and back. Also I wilf leave nothing undone to get the money lo build a suitable hotel .here because il is a neces sary adjunct lo the. business. "I think, however, that it is a gomi bet that wo will get away with it, though I do not want you lo go away Willi the idea tha; 1 have eommilted myself lo some thing lliat I cannol do. Elevator Necessary "Regarding the elevator, lliere is no (luedion that there shoille lie .one at Prince llupert. Tlif pprt is home hundreds of mile closer to Ihe Orient than any other Pacific railway terminu and, there is a growing demand there for wheal and flour, The "frovemuienl has voted $ir(),00( t6wards the construction of an elevato,!' here and I have no reason lp believe that work on it will not be started within a very shor' "pace of lime. 1 am happy if 1 was uble to assist in my liutnhb way In gelling that appropriation made and, I do not think I am giving away any secrets when i 1 el I you that I lie government, asked our advice regarding an eleva tor at Prince llupert and I said thai il would be a most desirable thing. There is no doubt that construction will Ije siarled before long. Build up Port i "Afler all il lakes something more 'limn water lo make a port You have all the necessary na tural advantages but no port can be created in 3, 4, 5 or even 10 years, II lakes some lime lo cs lalilish channels of tratllc ana shipping connections. If their was any way thai Ihe Canadian National Hailways could suddenly produce a port here in Prince Hjieprl teeming with trallic, cer- luinly we would be the first to embrace such an opportunity Our properly interests here ore considerable and much money was spent to hulld the (Irand Trunk Pacific Hallway' but all cannot be done at once. Vancouver's present position. .in Ihe result of several decades of growth. Considerable I ralliu can Cash & Carry Specials For Friday August 8th. Only Lawndale Creamery Butter 1 lb. Prints - - 3 lbs. 95c Alberta Eggs - per doz. 25c Ladies' Pumps Log Cabin ilnck, (Joodyeor e l ji only. Sizes .'I to 7. Reg. $K.5t. Spend. i o .. cost $4.85 Crimp Crepes A large selection to ehoose irntn and fancy designs. 3( inches wide. Heg jOi Special 35c. Heg. (i."ir yard. Special Men's Black Sateen Shirts SU5 Universal Trading Co, Watch this Space Tomorrow. Dr. J. F. Maguire Is attending the Ilcntal Cunyenlien in Vuid k office will again be Open on August 13 not be suddenly produced. however, u liospihi "l-'irxl I here iiiiihI be an eleva- did mil Hunk wn .-.jr.- l tor. There must lie a dry dock ' Adam and live, r ii tsr for the building of new ships jliitn-eir utid I lie olli l' There mVst bo attenuate service . i-omn.Miy with him. in' JiW for passenger in and out of the1 1 he lloard of Trade a:;ti :"' port. Little by lillle we begin whom be would assure '. Is s willi your assistance, to build uo, objects would alway-i the. nor!. A most Inmorlnnl 'mole the welfare at 1' " necessity is population back in pert and its citizens the interior producing r goods for Judge Young export. Settlers iu the country behind us are Ihe real thing that family I know personally, through brawn and brain .has established himself. He is an example of a man who, with intelligence, thrift and energy, has shown what uay tie accomplished. These are the kind of people we -want til attract 'o Hits district. What Is Railway Doing? "You will ask 'What does it all come to and what is the Canadian In moving a vote w-' Sir Henry Thornton, a N mriKC a great port, .loiiu jios- sain uiai the pre trom. whose dclielitful nlare andinresident on litis kii'.-::u was not only a prlvi.ege ... IV bnoefil. It (nut been mm:-''' livell- 11 In-lnT liti.n uhi.ti S II"1 had accepted Hie, pi -;uY' the Canadian Nalioi ai H;l'' but It was the genenil iju m 1 ... I i I .1 ....... IIHK inr j'oiniuiou nun mu x done o Mm inihvavs Hail (Densely developed and pi-usp1 lie look Dm opportune " f . gialnlaling Sir Iletirv un Xatirfnal Hallway doing for Prince olllcials on their spleiuiul sti""' llupl'rt?' Answering that ques lion, I would say we propose to build two new ships next year and a suitable hotel and atlracl tourist tratllc. Already we have been somewhat insjjlliienliil in .el ling the appropriation for an devalor. Those are the fungible results we hope lo achieve nexl year. If you have anything else o suggest iu obtaining Ihe devel opment of trade for Prince llupert we would be glad if you would dfer it to us. III, Itiirtii.t f I ... I il ti'tillifl I.' ,1 tllUI " v. . .....II ami leu sure Mini ' Though there would be dd",,u" perhaps iu obtaining want ile.xile.1 Driiiee llmii'l'l lll'r'l11 " thai it 'fiad a friend n s-' XW Th'ornlon. An elevaf r wa" assured and Sir Henry wiik ' "W'e iilso ni'Onnse lo fn rl Iiim-I II vvn wild . iilmifoire 'lint develop tralfic to and from the Uueen Charlolle Islands. I feel convinced that there is a field 'hal can profitably be served by tue or two smaller bouts.. There will be revenue for us and the Jmsiiiess will be tributary lo Prince Hnperl." Trip Up Coast Sir Henry dosed Lis' address by expressing lhanks fbr the oppor-Itinily ulforded 1 lilm of again meeting and talking to Ihe people of .Prince llupert, The trip up Ihe const was a chariuing and delightful one and at Ihe end of il Prince llupert seemed like a Oar-leu of l-'den which possessed, hind the other malleii sucH" I I ., , .. v....,,l 'IV uir nrw snips anii u in'"- . certainly would be ""'va' ' sliip or hotel witli 'Ui i""" t dorsal ion and I lie rtlv win r r..,,,,.li.. it t..r..l H,ni il hail"1 lililllllj' lllllllMlll full' " Lf mnviwl ii till.. iT llNlllkf ,r Henry for his eloquent am' ii.,.iii ...ii i I lie illt,MT 1 1 in in nr. (iuioi-s." nun . Mini "I.., ul,f,u:oi!r ill 1 r" j( inn, v ii r, r ti ii , . 17 II .... A.. I I X' 1 1....... II I nuptTi unit ,iiriiiriii , " The vote rT thanks was ""f" , i i-urn11 en y .). w. iscoii " ...hi. ..... i . . who -niiiiiisiiisiii. . j Sir Henry willily replied Hia was sure (he judge had "u'v,'r liveild a Inore inlelligeiil W i.. i II...I ul.irli li' III l JUt lllllll iiiwv .-!..-. 1.1... Kiveii itiiii, . The proceedings came ' close with the singing "f J Monal Anthem and the hearty cheers for the fcu' honor.