PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. VAUDEVILLE at 8.45 p.m. TOM MIX In "THE HEART BUSTER" Tom aii Tony bust out wilh another cinema sizzler. A clean, wholesome tale of the Aruona cow country in which Tom rides wild to win t lie girl of his heart. Big thrills for everybody. Stirring adventures include an escape from the local Bastile. in which Tony plays a leading part, (ireat Western scenery. Strong supporting cast. Ksthcr Halston. Cyril Chadwick. William Courtright, Frank Cur- tier, Tom Wilson and others The New Leather Pushers, Round No. 6-International News. PHONE 8 $y BOX392 PRI N CErR.U PE RT WEEK-END SPECIALS Libby's. Bincaiipli'. 2's. per tin 35c a tins for $1.00 Libby's Spinach, 2W$,. iiu 25c Libby's Mincemeat, in bulk, lb 25o 2 lbs. for 45c flreen Tomatoes, 8 lbs. for 25o Fresh Cabbage, lb. . . . . . 5o ...0 lbs. for 25c Tomatoes, per lb 15c Celery, 2 for 25c Cauliflowers 25c to 35c Potatoes, per sack . . . $1.90 Parsnips, Beets, Carrots, Turnips, fresli slock, 8 lbs. for 25c Fresh Choice Meat. EGO HOMY STOP fef I J ) IE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 Or Write P.O. Box 575. Prince Rupert, B.O. HMaWnaMMkM Pacific Does All Cooking A man mi one of t lie newspapers says his wife uses Pacific Milk, by the case and she'll not have any oilier kind. The children have it on porridge. she uses it for cooking and baking. They lake fresh cream every day for their coffee and lea. Pacific Milk 'Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsferd, B.C. -"Big Boy Blue." "THE BOSTONIAN JOY BABES" In a complete new program of High-class Vaudeville. Admission 50c and 25o ff Our work speaks for itself as to our painstaking expert care. Wo never send an nr-ticle back until we arc satisfied that tlic customer Is satisfied. Bui our work is promptly done and the cordial relations between us and the. folks we work for is a guarantee of the genuineness of our service. "Uowetn Week" One Pumpkin Free with each pounds of Farmers' Tea by returning the Ua?. Farmers' Tea, per lb... 65c Highest Quality obtainable. King Apples, per box $2.00 Mcintosh Apples, extras, per box $2.50 Best values' in Rupert. Victoria Cross Cocoa, 5 lbs. ..i 60c Santa Clara New Prunes, per lb 15c Creamery Butter, 2 lbs. 75c Fresh Lurge F.ggs, per doz. 45c Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Milk, any kind, per case . $5.50 Fresh Meat Beller quality and lower prices. See our window. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 ARISTOTLE WAS THE .FATHER OF SCIENCE A..d lie said "Nature makes nothing without a purpose." .Man has been given and has taken command over nature which on I the whole has been for the bene-j fit of the human race. He has not yet been able lo find a bene ficial use for every natural thing but be has made wonderful pro-sees in subduing the earth and making modern life one of com parative ease and comfort. Probably the most important factor in making our lives comfortable today is an inheritance from nature, namely, coal. And man in his restless desire to discover the best has brought to the market Nanalmo-Welliriglon coal which is now recognized lo be the best obtainable. This coal has some wonderful qualities freedom from clinkers and rock small ash deposit and powerful, lasting heat equally econ omical in furnace, range or fireplace. , This coal is obtainable only at Albert A Mi-Callery's and Hie public will be well advised in order to make sure they secure Xanaimo - Wellington coal and not a substitute to phone their orders direct to this firm. Their phone numbers are 110 and SO I. LAND ACT. Qutan Charlotta laland Land Dlatrlct. Dlatrlct of Prlnc Rupart Take .Noiii-e that I, Samuel Simpson, of Massett, 11. C, oi-iiintloii flulieriiian. In-lenila lo apply for iiermlniiloii to lease tin-rolloulnir derrltie(l land: Cotrinienelnir at a siat planti-it near the snutheaat rorner of Massetl luliind. anil thence 5 rlialna to low water mark; thence fullnwliifr low water mark In a northwesterly direction n tanre of 80 rlnliu ( I mile) : thenre west erly S chain; thenre southerly 0 rhalim (1 mile) to mt nf roiniiienremenl apd roiliailllllK If arres rniore or ieii. SAMUEL 6IMPROM. Applicant. Peter k'eay, Agent Sth Reptemlier. iii, m TIMBER SALE X66C5. Pealed Tenderi will be received tiy the Iilmrlit rnreater not later than ikmhi on the 3rd day of .November, 194. for the iirrhae of Licence X C6S&. fountain Lake, kiinnai Ann. li.n. a, to rut tsx.uuu teei b.n. of Hemlock, Ilalaam, Spruce did uenar sawioira. Two () yeara will be allowed for removal or timber. Further iiarikulam of the Chief r'orei. i ler, Victoria, or the DIMrlct ForeU'r 1'riuce Itupert, B.C. Halloween Special Blue Bird Chocolates 1 lb. Package 75c See this line in our window. The biggest value ever offered in High Grade Chocolates in Ituperl. RupertTableSuppiy Tnrcc Phones. aicun, 212 TIMBER SALE X 6604. north boundary or nl Avenue where i .well niii'4,.ft u-iih fKnii. tin .if Alii,,)' TOR DAILY NEWS Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT, WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watohes, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist WIRELLSS REPORT Scaled Tender- will lie received by llw . honiiil H tint -tin-l f. .i.-Uei iimI later than ihm.ii mil." 1 th day 'if .VivfiiiImt. IVil. fur the purchase ot I.Iiiiici- X ttfiiH, near Heaver ' reek, east side ir KcMall Mver. Cli. 5. .ill :i ii. nun reel cif Hemlock, Oilar. Ualfam anil Spruce Sawing-. Tw ' yrain will be allowed fur re li .val iif timber. further parlh ulars or the Oiler Kore-lc. Victoria, ' i Hie IMslrlct Forester. I : luce liupcrt. B.C. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF I PRINCE RUPERT. TAfcE (TIi:K TIMT: i. i in i.iiuiii-ii in iiu corporation or the City uf Prime Unpen Intends In rou- iii-l a pavement rirtecn feel wide. etm--'"tlnir nf h malice ur timber over which will be placed a pavlnx- irmiiir a depth i '' i-iiwn of I'll Inches coiiinoKert nf 8 a.m. BUSBY ISLAM). Cloudy, sliung southeast wind; barometer, 28.'JG; temperature, IH; sea rough; 8 p.m. spoke slcamcr Anyox, (irauhy for Taeoma, (538 miles from Taeoma: H p.m. spoke lug Lorno at (Jriflilh Harbor bound for Thurston Harbor; 8 jp.m, steamer Cardena out north- spoke sleamet Alaska, Seattle for Ketchikan IU2 miles from Kelcliikan. BUM. HAIIBUH. Uaining, strong southeast wind; barometer, 2U.30; temperature, 12; sea rough; i.l.r p.m. spoke steamer Yen I me at Hardy Bay southbound ; IH: 15 "in. sioke steamer Princess I tea I rice abeam I'ine Island southbound. Noon BIfiBY ISLAM). Halnlng, !roi"r siiuthfMsl wind; barome l.rikcii -tune and and. in portion i, on m. i-...1.. i.. rn t- r Atiin av.iiii.. ...niiiiriiriiif at a point .m ler, 29.10; temperature, 50; light einif. thence alonir Allln Avenue a BULL IIAItltOll. HailtillK wn mii Uir plan and profile ilrimsltnl ' , , ,. , , , me orrn-r r the city r.nirineer to a fresh southeast wind; barometer. V int Hirht frrt eat or thr mitral lln- 20.33: temneialiire 50- Jd' -"i't.Jfii"ri.. ". esi " rse.iion nf nth strt ami Atlln, ' i-niie. as a li-al liiiunivenirnt. ami In-irouuh: 8.30 a.m. snoke steamer "i tn fpurially ie tin. roM urmtl llK ; ,, ., ..., .... , i il a ln I a tl tlnr ii it rilrprily rilrwily on on the the work work orpiit enrept i iiniess .i.nuiiiiiu u-ii n mier -r-h portion of the rol a in liniirrfft al slrcet InlrMTtlim and at nrhmil pniiwrty. 1 The1 pullmalrri rosi of iho work Is .V80.(mi. of whlrh l.3il.S l to lie paid by lh Corporation, and the pllmal1 an-i ll spfi-lal ralr fwr foot frontarr I. 7S3IS. TIlP wrll assfslllfnt Is to paid in in annual I u- la lincils. i. I'ithih diirlnr to petition arainst "I'dprtaklnr II"' '"rk iniisl do no on or Cnrr the S8th day of .Novpmlwr. IJI. E. F. JOKS. City Clerk. Oalrtl this Sth day of Ortoticr. IM4. TIMBER SALE X 6556. There will be offi-red for sale at Publle Miction, at noon on the illli day of October. 1924, In the ofrire uf the Forest Supervisor at smithers, B.C.. the licence 5.r8. to cut 55.001 Jarkplne Tlca on on area ultualed alxiut i mllei routheant of lloualon, Kanre 5, Coast Dlitrlrt. Three (3i years will be allowed for -nival of limber. "Provided that any one unable to at ! lid the auction in person may submit 'o.iIimI tender tn be opened at Ihe hour if aiiillon and ca'td as one bid." Further partln Ian of the Chief Foren-ler, Vli'torla. II. C., or Ulstrl't Foreater. "-Ince Piipert. B.C iiarnor souiiinoumi; .o a.m. spoke steamer' Camosun, Filz-hugh Sound, southbound: 10 a.m. spoke steamer Cray at Hose Harbor southbound. BUYS AMERICAN CARS I'AHIS, Oct. 27. Statislies for (he fills ix mouths of Hi.M show that during thai lime France bouxhl (5,327 automobiles from the United Stales and std lii French cars-to Americans No oilier country approaehes the United Plates in automobiles imported into France, Italy being second with 01 1. Advertise In the Ball" News. MATERIALS Suitable For This Model A Tailored Frock That Any One Can Make 1 Standard-Designer Pattern 7696 PLAIN AND STRIPED FLANNELS, PLAIDS, CHECKS, HOMESPUNS, TRICOTINES 00 per cent reduction on all patterns purchased witli dress lengths. 7 Fancy Hultons in lalcM designs. LAST RESPEOTS PAID BY MANY TO ARCHBISHOP I continued from page one) good man and full uf the Holy jUhost ami of raith." The Bishop spoke of Iho late Archbishop as a man, as a Chris ! I inn and as a Bishop. An honest man was the noblest work of iimI. Here the people knew and ami appreciated the one they ; mourned both as a man and a illxen. lie was one who, through 'his kindliness and helpfulness, .made it easier for others to live. He was touched and inspired by the life he lived. It was impossible to be wilh the great ami good without catching the reflection. Such a man as he was needed in his day. He came from a high type, from the Huguenot stock on one side and from the I nitcil Kmpire Loyalists on the oilier. Leader and Bishop For the past twenty years the Archbishop had lived here and been appreciated as a great leader and bishop. He had shown his ability in organizing the church in the province and before coining here in connection with the formation of a provincial synod and the Anglican college, the building Tor which (hey expected to erect soon al Point (irey. He drew attention to the fact that students memorial sendees were being held in the south simultaneously with that taking pluce here. The college would be a memorials to him and his work. The love and smypathy of the bishop had not been confined to liny demonstration. As a great and far seeing bishop they rever ed his memory. For him there was no death. He was not lost but gone before. There was no sadness with him. This life was pimply a preparation for Ihu one lo come. Bishop De I'encier spoke of the work of the departed In connection with bis community work. His was a great personality thai bad obeyed t he command "Hs ye steadfast, immovable always nbouudiiig in good works." SPECIAL FOR Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10 per ceil discount off all our Dancing Slippers In Satin We lime tlieni tn Silver. Cold, Black ami While, also Suede. Ktd. In all (he latest slyles. Jusl newly Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd A 7th. SHOWING THE MEW FALL STYLES IN MEN'S OVERCOATS Made from the Finest Hnglish Coaling Fabrics. Hero for your inspection. Prices from $25 to $50 STOP! LOOK! READ! Here's a Bargain Event which will make you open your Knglish Unindclolh, value to l.i0, yiuil ... Striped Halinelle, yard Tit-inch SerKO, N' only. reff. f 1.7ft, yiirM Men's Botany Serge, W inch. reg. Jll.ftO, yard Messaline Silks, Black and Colors, lo nft(), yum Anderson's (iiiighanis, ltd Inch, yard Tubular Jersey Silk, While and Colors, yard . Sateens, Black tuiil Colors, ynnl Crepe tie Chines to 2.7ft. ynnl Tubular Collnil for Pillows, to inch, ynnl . . :tll inch While naiinelelte, reg. Iftr, .'I for . 27 inch White I'lanoelelle. reg. :10c, ft fur . . Hemmed Sheets, reg. .".fto, li-l she, each . Klannelelle Sheets, reg. Sll.fto, 1 1 - size, pair I'tiderwear Crepes, figured or plain, ynnl . . Colored Handkerchief Linen, :(l inch, reg. l 7;, Colored Linen Towelling, reg. (Iftc, for . . . Coif Yarn, While and Colors, balls for ... GET IT AT! ioxtinoii mint, f,,, ers. The Skmij- llni,. i . orehedlru alone. Bl largely recruited f i . . something over i.ytii and HO Is but one . elie.lrHs ealering (.. that holel. Olln r hi ' pHylng large s,tljn gMll "tOphoiMllii . maiwl laofl a wee hihI, whaFu more, t,. 95c 85c R75 $1.85 40c U5 30c $1.85 45c 11.00 $1.00 J1.7J $2.75 45c ' 1.25 55c 25c SPECIAL PRICES DUfllNQ THIS WEEK ON HOSIERY UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, ETC. ' Don't miss Ibis opportunity lo fill your w-n-.- p rcrtainly be worth your while. Sale Terminates on Friday, 30th October. H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. We slock Pictorial Pattern. SAXOPHONE ARTISTS EARN REAL MONEY PLAYM IN ENGLAND LONDON. Oct. 27. - English dancers are paying Aiiierienn saxophone artists real money to roax their feel into the ever-popular fox trot. Loudon dance orchestras uUme are paying 1 1 5,00(1 a week for, American saxophone players. t The dance rraie is running stronger limn ever in Loudon, ami I lie leading hotel ntnl Huh are Kpendiug huge amounts in Phoni t FIRE AT LOS ANOELEs LOS A.MiKI.FS iii ' w I'Uildiiigs were i - , in Iiu- nil- uln. i . In. ii, esinii,(., ar i la " HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 Everything in Halloween Specialties YOUR SUIT OR OVERCOAT CASH & CARRY 20TH CENTURY BRAND Q 1 ! opecials Let us Make It to your Measure. I A fii which Is absolutely accurate, from head to fool, no Kues work the uit or Over-coal Is cut lo your own imli-viilual measure. 2 llxcluslc styles which can't be successfully Iniilated. 3 Heller Fubrics am lonncr wear. Hvery tfurineul indl-viiluiitly hand tailored. $30.0 to $66.0u -C-t-7 --4--?- e A F00O '"r --- rr;tii;t CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS drupe Nuts, speclul, pkt 18c (Limit 0 pkKs. (o each cu ". 'in' Yellow Turnips from Te-a Kxlru special, III )bs 25c KiiiK Oscar rJardlties, prc;;it tins for 40c Washlno; Soda, H lbs. for 5c Ke Nnplha Soap, per rurn '' 111 760 THE UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. PHONE 376.