c.lurdar 3' i024' BlueRibbon Tea Rich, strong, full-flavored tea is the most satisfactory to use, and BLUE RIBBON possesses these qualities to the fullest extent. You can undoubtedly make more cups of tea of equal strength with a pound of BLUE RIBBON than with any other tea. TRY IT The Regent (Made In England) Self Filling Fountain Pen HJMiifrli Sell nig l only 50c T . holder i equal to that of ;nv pen. Kuril pen is Hy boxed, tilled with a gold pi.il-l mli unl nickel Ha trier action ,uul lilt- iiilaoll. Ti ceil i wonderful value ul " and ran In- sold at r iinlv on tin Ii.iio of ii In k I", k tiiniuvcr. One f .; ilnHir or ami at tin (wo e they will move lively. McRae Bros.,. Ltd. KODAKS There Urn at llie lime in uiakiujr Koil:ik pu-turr : :d Ihev More up fun for lite Tuture. (Sl jonr ljIaK here. Kodak Film Tip' dependable Mm m Hie yellow ho, "tiur Me i lierc. Kodak Accessories Scr Tuiit r. t;.iri-Miig t'.ae. Th-mmI, Portrait Al- i ) Iimeiit-. TliVre nil in Mock here. I t hi h p urn plmi n Kodak oiillil Tor good pictures :ii litis or run. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6lh Street CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast 5erv.ce -t ' Sailings from PrinceRupert For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, - , May z, is, t-i For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and sk9V' 3Q 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swan.on Bay, Eait Bella Bella, Ocea.i Fallf, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-eouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. i Agency for all Steamship Line. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. Corner vf.4ih Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. iWaaal..la. M ltMMiw SB P a ass UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. smiori (.iiin.i From rrom rrm- PrliK1 imparl. nuprrt. '. -" "" JH, " VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. OtM No"- ' Vancouver! Victoria, Atari aa,. Par invAv .it;iDr uiiti liltnd, Sunday r.". ' " nuvi nnn i nr. . , ------ for tiMkiAx .. aj... cnnrlt. Friday Ill tnA a..... I AaAflL 1 Prior Rupert, i.C Family Shoe Store Again under the Management of J. MYHILL-JONE8. s-ern sears wilh llmNon's Hay C""il""'' Vnnnmicr. Moderate Prices, Courtesy, and above all Fit Guaranteed 3rd Ave. phonc 357, Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Harner, Undertakers. Phone 361. tf ('ul' Flower, Pol Plunla. Mrs, McCailliy, (he Flurist. KiuaJ block. . If Wo sell l.amiuulcil material iIko l'ir Veneer. Commit u bc- fiM, hiij'iii;' fiiiixliiny for your Uyuie, Albert,....- .McCulIcry, I.M. MU Aliee Tlioriilow, II. X. of Vaijeiiuver han arrivei) al Prinec iefirjjp..jo lake a pofilion on the iiiirliit flail of I lie lionpilal I'eilliy Allen Co. .Sale Com- m 1 iiu May 1. (llaHwai'e, CrockiM-y, Kileliuii llarilware. Kverylhhiy n-ilueetl 10'A. Special wiIiich in wiuilowo. 1 07 C.l'.ll. Kleamer Priiiren- Ileul- rice. Ciipl, T. UIIITe, arrive ul H n'elotX lliin iiioriiin? from Van- noilter ami way mu1.i anil if hiiiieij ooulh at 1 1. Mii. A. T. Parkin, repent of Municipal (jhapler I.O.D.K., 1ia lieen hi Vieloria IliU week at lemliiiK the annual meeting of Hie Provjiieial Chupler. OiiiV! lllue, formerly of this Hty, arrheil fruni Alaka on llie Prliieij,.Marv la I niirlit ami will leave lh! evening for llyd'rr where he U now loeuled. F. A. Saumleri., who ha leen here from Vaneouver for lhepal few week. ilili.r wilh LI parentx, (Uipl. ami Mr. Saumler, hiyliy Nlaml, I relurniu? mhiIi on l he I'rinee (ieorge tomorrojv night. J. W. Ililwfirtl of limluiu Knplaml. who i in the tli-triet inell?atiii? the p.ittilily of Silka Spniee .pipimis lo the OM lUiunlry., arrive. I from SvvunMtv Hay on llie Pnfe Ilea I nee III) tii'iniini;. 4. Mi. J. T. I'helan of Vaucou ery id't'l-lltltlf -M J- NV NU'liolU of Ihi eily. afler tooleH kiiimk an oierulion in Paufe LU "?J' HalyBiieuver. i .Uo,reK inyrirrnrHmy "nmi-iwi-iieen rr moveil lo her home, It. W. WimhI, prelilfiil of Hie Pi-efiiier liohl Minim; I Jo., hax left Vaneouver for Kinuiimii. Ari. tuna, where 11 minim? prooperfy which lie own I bejnn ilevnloiel uinler I he ilireelloii of II. 1'. l'-impheil, formerly- mine uiana. er for the tiniiihy (lo. al Anynx. - . The leiiui eaon will he for mally opeiie at the Willi Court 011 May I, wealher permiltiu. The program for the day will lake Hie form of American tour nament:- All llm.c (fit iii i; lo lake part kindly get in lourli wilh Mr. IJamillou al Hank of (.oiiiinercc. Iterifliliienl will lie s"i veil. . I OS (ieonie II. tUdlln, who pro-moled the Ciiiiulian l'ih A Cold Storage (lo. here and supervised llie eoiifli'uellon of llie big plant al Seal Hove heeomiiip the firM maiiauer. ha returned In Vancouver 111 eonueetfou wilh mill- ng Inlere!. he ha in (he pro-viure. Kor the pal M'voral year. Mr. I'.nllin ha heen making hi lieailipiai let in .New York. N O T I 0 C. TAW! MITIi:K Hut rii-r luiUllrtll'in ul Ihlx iiiillre unif 1 wpt'k rur Tour riintrrii Iitp Mi-rk llul we tliall ipply W thr llnl-lrir of Joint Slcirk Ciiiiiimnlr. Vic toria. H. C, lo rhniifp nur nanif In thai of ' IIUVA.VT AMI (illJI.ll, l. MITKK." tiATKD at I'rliH-x liuiert, II .C. tin 1 3 lit .lay uf Mirrh. tt. jllU .1.1 V,".M t-U. NOTICE. TAkK MiTICK thai mr pulillralloii t llil Hollr mir reV rur tour (4) con-urnini' week, up nhall apply to !' llr(lirar ut Joint Stuck Compaulp., Ylr lorla, II. c . In rlinnrn our natni lo thai of W .MIIII IK k IIAIIIII . i nil I mi. - IiATIIi at Prlnrp lluprrl, n.C. till Kill lay. i.r April, tun. ' THE e.VSSlAII .NOIlTIIHlN IIAXCII, IIVIITKH. CITY OF PRINCI RUPIRT. Taki .Nolle p thai i'venlli Aiiiip will Ih i-IommI on Wpiliienilay, April :i(i, liplwren Minruif ami iiowmt firrri anil iipiurrn Howwr Mi-ppI noil llay Covp Clrt-ln oil Tupmlay, May 6. A IliU ulreft will Ib-rloni'il Tor aevprsl pik relilPiU arc rrqiii'.lril to 'prornrp IliWr nprpary nip-ply of roal, Pie. r w cr. Mf'iv r.liy Kiirlni'pr. t 1 .... ' Dr. Msrttl's Female Pills llav. aaalttpd n.tur. thou .and. cam tut half contury, corractinc win, buikllnf up n. and VaINIUL MENSTKUATION. NKK-VOL'SNBSS. HACKACUE, 13IZZINESS. tc nodanavrauadruia. Sold only In SMlpdlllnr Cov.rTIN BOX with our alcnatur. DruriiaL .rwhtr,nr dirvrt by mall, idaln jtarkaca it 00 KcknUekcf ftmtif Ca.. 71 E, Fraal SL, TmobI., Ca.. Clrcalai aialUJ aa mini. THB DAILY HEWB. PAOB TnniSB. ftotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 wiOl PrivtK Bjth, BUROPUAN PLAN WINNtlt IHOMMOH, HAN-a. Old. OOOOOtOOOOOOOtMOOOOOOW; Moiley Shier left for Telkwa 011 lal niylil Irani. . V. O. I'ullofi lefl for Tcnaee 011 lal niglilf' train. - - II. (larr of Auyox left on lal uighlV train fur Harric, Out - I'l-ed liilhiily and parly left on la 1 1 nightV laln for Mile 21 on a fifhiug (rip. . W. II. Tohey. -.CX.ll. di-lrict engineer: lefl -hy . Iat night' train for .SinKlier. on coniiany liuine.. HairdrcKsiiig. Marcel Waving, A inouiea tt am c.racKi . .All A. Iturvik. Hy aiipoinlmcut Phone ltcd 51V. II Denny Allen (lo. Sale 2 weeks (lup and cuucei; rrom per ihu. W aleh .wtmlow- lor liar sain. Sale commencing May 1 107 J. W. Ileid, oTJIie railway com mission, arrived last night from (lalgiiry and i leaving hy to morrow- night'stcainer ror Van eouver. 4 - MAY t". ViiUialht Social. Mel roIe Halt,. Scandinavian and their friend ;welcome. (ienlle hien J 1.00, adie iOc. I-runt pa?e j Tt.-'r, . John V. Allen fa boat in lector for tins department of marine and fifherie. returned to Vaneouver on the. Prince. Mary yeMemay nuernooik. ' --'vll ' (1..N.H.- fleauier I'rtfe (Seori tlapt. Harry Xeddeu, rnuii Van eouver and way I'ort, j due lo arrive on time at a o'clock tui afternoon. The train , from the Hal i al-o on time at t.30. , - Staff ('.apt. drruther. Salva tion Army liviional ofllcer for laku and northern H.1. arrive.! in the city from the north on the Prince Mary yeslerday. lie will leave ror llaicjlon and oilier in-terhir joint. on Wednesday. lame It. Mitchell, of the Hor- den Street .choOl leaching flatf i ailin.' on llie I'rince '( ieorge tomorrow night for Vancouver where he will attend the ron-voctiiioii of Hie Unlverity ol 11.11. lie will have hi Arl. de gree conferred upon him. - . Hall player ami fan come to the Ha.eball Meeting in llie Police (Ion it at 7.15 p.m., Tue- lay. May (i. What dn you think .-iIhiiiI formiiig a (lily League and dividing Hie eaou into two halve.? We want lo hear your view, mi come runly to talk. I oC Mo deviioii liuye( leii .jnade by the debenture holder of the Prince Hupert (Huh repi:cling the projio.al of the clly lo, grade llie eluh lot in return for a portion of II H-nulafc, Tliere vill he another meeting of tin lebenlure holder two week. hence. t'nion teaiiier Vei'lure, Onpl. A. .Iolinlone, arrived In port ye- rday afleriioon al 1.15 after having made all her Sk'eena lllvor alls. She brought norlji. i jijim- ber of nien for variou eanneric and also upplie iVicluiliug a hipmeul of linjilate fur (lat lMe. flic vc..el safleil al 0.3ll for Hie Xaa, lliver and wis back in port Ihi morning xnulhliouml. l lie minister of public works fur llie province is making a formal application to the minis ter of pulilie works of the Dominion al Otlavvii for approval of llie superstructure of the bridge al Terrace, the same being over navigable vvalers. This is in accordance wilh Hie Dominion law and is a formality I Ii ut ha to bo gone through. II Is, being advertised for a month in accordance with the. prescribed form.- A. II. Darke, who has heen viniting in the city, returned to llcgina on lat night's train. Mr. lorreen ami family re turned from Vancouver on the Prince Heatrice thin inornintr. Dr. V. Sagar returned to Port Simpson on the Venture yesterday aflernoon after having pcnl couide of day in town. l.ieul. II. (!ow, Il.C.X. relumed to Kiuimall 011 Hie Venture tlii morning after haviup ' ticiiI couple of days viiliug the city. Launch JOY MUD will make a trip around Kaieu Ilaud to morrow. Sunday, leaving Kel- clunn'f float al 1.3(1 p.m. PlioueJ lilue 100. Hon. T. D. I'attullo wire dial he wa uuavoidahly detained ami thai he will not get away until Monday, which would bring him lo I'rince Hupert oil Wednesday next. Mr. I'rauk llodgkinoii and in fant child arrived hy last night's; I rain from I.atirashinc, Kngland, lo join II r. Ilodgkiusou who in u member of the Central Hotel tatr. llie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.' fishing boats W. It ord and Orier Slarrctt. the X. M A It. I'ish Co.'. Malamule, and Hradhury & Yelfs Hethune are in the ilrydock,ror general repair Capl. .Noel, formerly maler of the Union sleamer Venture ar rived from Vancouver on the Prince Healrice Ihi morning and look the Venture from here to Swaiison Hay rrom which port he is lo pilot the Japanese cargo steamer Caplo south. 'llie name or the steamer J. II Plummer, w hich was recent I, purchased by the Coaslwi Steamship .V (large Co. lor the I'aconia - Stewart - Anyox o r carrying service, i to be change lo Amur. The whl steamer of that name was withdrawn from I he company's service following the wreck near here several week ago. The ollicer of llie obi Amur are to lie transferred lo the new- Amur, it is understood. Some Mipplie for the Jerfcl Heach flying machines, which will arrive here next mouth to engage in fisheries patrol for the uuinier. have already reached the city. Flight Lieutenant Karl Mel.eod, who will have charge1 Of the detachment here, i expected in a day or so from l-'raf r l!ak and other interior point where he has been Ibis week investfgul- imr landing place for the Hritish round-Ihe-worhl Might. Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship ul II o'clock. Subject: "The Present Position of Church Union." Sunday school at 12.30 p.m.. livening service at 7.:i0. Subject: "The Changing Order and the Unchanging Christ" Preacher, Itcv. Dr. 11. 11. firaul, D.D. Lutheran Church St. Paul's Kuglish Lutheran Church, Metropole Hall, Third Avenue. Itev. P. K. Haisler, It.D. pastor. Morning worship tl o'clock. Sermon Ionic: 'The Hood 'hcplierd the Heart of History." Sunday school S.ao p.m. livening service 7.30. Sermon lopic: "Tho Comforter Promised." Vocal iluet by Mis Dalby and J. II. Davey. Salvation Army Spec hi I service will be 'ed by SI a IT Cupl. Carrulhers tomorrow in the Salvation Army Citadel at II a.m. ami 7.30p.m. Baptist Church Sunday Service. .Morning at 1 1 o'clock. Subject : "The Supreme Test." Sunday school al IS.30 p.m. livening. Corner Club Ser vice.. Mihject: "l-nenilship." Club rally al 7.15. Special sing ing hy Mrs. Howard Jones and Miss Jones. Pastor: llev. J. J. Shilhson. SiMONDS JmofiM unm saw to, wrro WWOUVH aonTMl T.JOM,n.t.. , 1 1 laMW I mm Best Value in Canada FOR 7 LaPreforoivcia (BULL DOG SIZE) Manufactured by Central Cij ar Company Limilpd. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY" OF CANADA IIMITCD Sol Distributor SMOKED FSH kJ AT ITS BEST There are Just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Hules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Rupert Brand is always uc- livercd lo llie slons in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Rupert Brand." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over for 20 to 30 minutes, remove paper and serve at once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fish and Meat Markels, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Giorge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Thursday and Sunday at 1 1,00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday. I'Uto p.m. FOR STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN Tor VANCOUVER via Queen Churlolle Islands, May 10th, 2tlh. y-S PASSENQbR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lee Prince Buprt (MS pjn. for riUMCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WI.V MPEG. aU point. Eastern Canada, L'diuh Slates. AOINCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Olt Tleaat Off lea, S2S Thlre Ata frlnea Ruparu fhona 60. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING Wo have Ilurdvvood, Fir and Cedar Boat Lumber, If you are tired of Knlsomine and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. f If you are thinking of building a house, we have any lumber you require, also Sash, Doors, Glass, SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. i Phone 383. f