., April 10. toil. From Section Two to the Co'd Storage ElectricBread Is The Best Obtainable Crepe Soles ' v "il I k'. -Ii Hrowu OXFORDS v. it llfl new ( 'cpe WEAR LIKE A PIG'S NOSE. Engllth Brogue 0 fords gli Sh " H!a and Geo. Hill Th. Shoiman I Cafe. T Fnl- Ma.. Wheat :i llrt'.i.l. rakes. w Hi FiveRoses Flour The World's Best. ! Another example of i hi. ,,. poei existence i.r gliosis has been riled by a well-known r.(. mnnlnn l.iily. wlni aki Ihal her name mil In' published, in letter lf llio IMmoiili.fi Journal ihe says: i "II wat when my mom was I somewhere in France and the mothers uml father of lldiuon-llon with caiierly scanning the board mill thi daily (bulletin .newspaper for newn of their le-.... i , . . I'Mnm iiiii-k. i Hiniiiiin in I RADIO MIND ACROSS SEA Edmonton Lady Heard" Sounds and Felt Vibrations Sitting ' Alone In Room 13 mi apartment hump arwl had iniiiii ViV 1 3. A was sillimr in my room mie evening I heard jgroiitiii mill crying mil very loud lil more like Ihey were borne lo me In vibration. II gave, me the jiuipi"ion Unit someone had .offered Icrrihiy ju Dial room. ! "A I heart) il again die e'-imj vcnlng I ijuilo made iii my mlrnl ilhal if il happened axaln I wiiiiW ak for another room. The ,llnril evening plainly heard my jon crying a In- ti to cry when u wa it Ml lie tiny ami hurl himcf. I'lii' iinly tlirfcr-nre wn I hnl llii ryfujr wh In In man voir-. Thru 1 Ml sure lihal In1 a hurl, j Passed Her Bed ! "A I awoke I he next morning 'I fell rather than Iteilrd someone pins hy my Insl. A ii I ll il cem-,' like vibration. almol as n a i ml Idiming, only il fcinci jlik il person ami alive. A hunt nine o'clock the name morning !a I at alone Hi Ihe room I heart u rap, seemingly a horl dulance away. Then their wan a loud knoek upon the dour a if xtmeoiie hail struck II Willi i heir fil. I are ami openetl the door hul nobody wa lliere. "Il tottk generally ahout foitr wek lo hear from France. Then 'a wire rame thai my son had lie.'ti Auumleil in Ihe llallle of .t'.amhrui, nearly a month lie fore. Tin liallle lalei three day. I felt thai my on had been very .near death ami I railed it vthrn-' l urn. Ait he and I wire constantly Ihinkln; of each other l we did mil need any modern indention iieh an Ihe wireles In Ihiiik ii together. .Xolhlntr riuiltl separate tt. V.wn the ..iind or I lint I it rifle halite ueie Tarried lo me. j Rapplngs Curious i I am unahle lo aerounl for (he rapiiny lull they rame in jm- and why ohould I fear? I jjirayed eoimlaiilly for I lie Mife Jrphirii of my on. and he eame liiini- licanl. Hnt'orilif. for lh Dallr New. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Snlls from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX ... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, April 12 and 2G PASSENQtR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Prince nuprrt .U pjn. for Ml MCE GEORGE. KIlMiHTON, wn WtO, ill polnti Eiilrrn Cndi. l'm1 ti. AOCNOr ALL OCIAN STIAHSHIP LINIS. c' Tlkt Offlei, tit TMrd Afl rtlm RuptrU rhont 0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings?rom PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS IflAMl. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaaway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedate, 8wanaon Bay, Eait Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Afln . Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIP ... COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. m n.inA ti ntvort for VANOOUVtR, VICTOmA, Oe.ar. Hl, t4 S-aoMil ?V' " . ' ,,0" lr't 'r VAN0OUVCR, WIOTORIA. Al.rt . ana Swanioa . ANVOX, ALIOS ARM, STIWART, Wilts U"". 'or1 port siatPSON ana Haas aie eaanarias, ffMtr -r llupm. i.C nl Avrtius. i. srnilaT, A.nt. rtar YOU CAN GET RID OF Opsin By Taking the Fruit Treafment In the Form opfrolt-a-tlws" You can get rid of the pln ; the heavy, uncomfortable feeling-; the hiliiiiii attacks, headaches and ronftl' pation that accompany thia troul.l, Tim Fruit Treatment hlch is t he lntenifiel juices of oppfrs, oranjres, fit and prunes combined with tonics ttill always relieve 1'ynpepiia. MrsiThumai Krafts, Kterrtt.Ont.; says: "I hare heen trouhlrd fort ears ilh Dydpepsia, l.Uef and Kidney Iieae from which It Kaslmmile to get relirf until 1 took "fruit a-tire". Thank to their wonderful remits, I am free of these ailments and am in normal health again". This I the kind of proof that eonrlnee. The Fruit Treatment-. " Fruil a tire" Is sold y all dealer at 2.c. and .TV or sent pontpaid .y Fruit-a-tive IJmlted, Ottawa, Ont. SLANDER SUIT .iiil. rtii ,iiii.iiIIaii tiitlll.l A fill ..a. ..kA.. I j II I. A ttml AGAINST PARSON!- ."land e THE DAILt HEWS. Tlta M sit It ifcc Iom SAYbV- YOI" tio riot nrwl 'In nk a trirl If ahe It rfinseVvnlive or liheral. ni Meefn lo jrel a InineJi, TUP. niiri"e at-ft at home n Iheir frlemj fodny. Il rniial he Kreii lo tut n frierul. "t Uf Ihe frhore of Ciifieiira, lly rlie .(iarkllifjf I'Julo Waier Lived Ihe Prophymlle Chlcklcl, llahilarine. fair Hiiiek'x dauliler. Slie wa loved hy Innlanl I'oliini Sun of Sim-kUl and Virlrnla, lleir npiarenl fn. lie .Mazda flf Ihe irihe of AUx-h Cola. Throiifrh Ihe Tanlae ulrolled llie loverit, , Thrntifch Ihe .Shreilded Wheal .Ihey wariifereil. "Lovely lillle Vriey f:hiee," Were Die word.,.0f lnlant Pox-Inin, "No I'yfene r'aif qtteneh Ihe fire Of my l'reln-l!le rfeire; Lei ii marry, lillle lijer KU." Ollawa Cili.-n. hore of lltiperl harlior a rlly mid Ihe niukesrs . Hiinif like (he vhU of Allien Dr. Clem Davles of Victoria tVilli deliny :iured. Comes to Trial on Skldoo i''"here Ihe men oh sidewalk Day This Month T'1"" V , l'a and reia, daily rneelinjr; VliriflHIA. April 1(1. TlJ?'?' rnPh ?'h;r r"-hearing " ' '" of Ihe .lander M.ii -. f J. l. "hoe" Smilh. the H.tJ.M.I'.L .. .. wi.e , and , ,.. , realt.Mlrawher, ,,PVJ;i nareolie operalive. ajrainM Clem Mavie,. pr of (nlen-M,,,,in;r V" a1,rt ""nu mean-nlal Church here, lia heen .el 1wl,",; "f , . , , , for April 2.I. in Vaneouver. Frank Onl filing. Illsin. K.t:., and 0. I.. HarrNon.L . .. . rlly pro.eetor. of il.U rlly. are,;,,,"'r,"!r ' "f nrlltty for Hi. Iiavfe, while ... '.' J(1 . ,. , . f"r ""' "P". ,.U'r 'n- lea- "loe" Smilh will he represented hy a Vaneouver firm of liar-'.,,. c"' , r rj,l,,rw lellinp lale alioul each oilier, II i nnilirln.i; Hint llr llatie' " "' '--"" ill a k for a trial hy elly jury .Woiideriiitt what en.aliio likely ii- t... e....k .i...j i .. i.i-t. t..l etuiie in mem i-re ine mor III II 1 IIFIII l.l ,l mill l t('l ..... i iii. .. r.. ii.i .,.t I row. , iiiniti- n !- iiiiiii to tiii. t hi i i Frieml of Ihe popular On-lennlal iialor have hlarled a liloxenient to rollerl fiiud for hi ilefmiee in (he rtnninz blunder Mill. II In realized thai, like tnot rlerirymen. the duel or i tiol iivertiunlene.1 wilh worldly (rrMk, and, while in thi iiiflanre the itie l not one of tint? Irafllckinsr. hul a civil ttif. Ihey feel their pled?e of moral and financial Mtpporl lo Hr. Iavie 1 1 urine Ihe Hoyal t!ommlion in- fir in pame-t of hrldjre tliey liallle Lively till for liltle prizeo. While the jrame of"life lliey pa up. All Hlunil I hem 'are Ihe nioiin lain, All nrouml llieu'i niUuri' eallinp, Hverjwliere i lieaiily reelinp. Arl lliey every tlay are meeting. Yet they pan her at a l ranker, Fearlntr. like Ihey wotiM ome tlnnyer. the nmiinn week. I.r. I.avie, la,l - " "T rnrnp upo. the nm, - n..l ll. r......el ll.nl lit. u " 1""? "I""' i.i. .u.w. " t ,...!..i i ii. .i !..:., .nl.ll i.. .f n.i...i l"''l'"K nirrilKHI " t-iiniiiiis I I l-f t-l. 111,4 t "HI I ll'il. - l Hi Ihe parona(ie. and lhanheii anouymoii donor who wilieil htm '.veil wilh Iheir olferittat. SUPERINTENDENT OF HOSPITALS VISITED AT PORT SIMPSON POUT SIMPSON. April in. llev. T. Ferrier. uperinlendenl or hotiiliiN ami lioardin? ami in dustrial school for Ihe MMhodjM C.lnircli. spent Ihree tlay in Ihe villaun. HuineM relative to the ahove iiililtilion railed for hi counsel. Front here he proceed" on imllar hitihes lo Helta llella. U" For mfJlmn la full fiturtt. Very law busl, hue 'f't thstie bands at sidts lo coif Irol Ihlth flish, Ntmt BriJt Construction, Kith front sltcls shorter than 1 corset top, avnidt ittlt in. DlotOHdi boHint.ctealint strdiikl lines. Whin or Pink Count. Sites H-3Q; $7.50. When a woman Myt h htl dwn utorlns Ui mw mH vt curKt fur.ttn T'r. ur nflerii )rr.r, of mow yuu ouy b iim It it a Nemo, si. ill iii rriiirij !uiiirl etrlu- nlvef)' by JASOUR IROS. it,u h KOPS BROS., LlraltW, TtnnU il I.el lliey he eonlaminaleil 'it.. II.. f-:.,. ..r t. ... i.,..,i filled. lT..mle.. of Nippon have " ".r- V" " 1 " children! all fntne in from memher of all creed, and i! i lliousht thai llev. Dr. HavieV financial re- luriii Hul the the child. ren! T here i hope and conolalion In Ihe fulure of Ihe younpsler muce, llraiti and hrawn for any linsle. '- Let us liOe the general Ion Thar i mining will he greater Seeing' things Ihal tin around lliem Ink inn lime In cnler into All I lie joys of real achievement. While. Iheir eiders play wilh cardhoaril. Chips ami clinklnst classes daily. While the life thai' Hows around them pacs hy and lotichelh no man. TIIKIIK once was n very pay Mr. Who called on a pirl and then Kr. Hut. hU manners were such Thai he. did it loo much, And ier jijis soon slurfed lo lllr. ADVOCATES UNION OF YUKON WITH PROVINCE) Vancouver Papsr Urges That,' With Only 4.000 People Separate Existence Rldlcu lous The Vancouver Vtm advocate Ihe union of the Yukon with (his provinre. It says: "llrilish rtoluniliia and Yukon Terrilory should l nmaljram-aled. It is ridiculous that an area conlaiiiiiiR only l.Ofin ieople hould tltiplicale io larpe. part, the tKivprnmeulal orfra'niiatioti of n full-.izeil provitire. "The prairie provinces fcre no more naturally one area from tin economic slamlpolnt llinn Kril-l!i Ooltimliia ami Yukon, "Tie princlpnt Industry Ihe laller Is a hrlncipal indttslry of llie Cornier. Tim 'pcoplia are of I lie same wesfem.lype. "Ami Vieloriii Is- iiol.only nucli nearer Dawson limn Olfawn,, hut underslanils (lie priildenis ci( llie north far hetter, "A lot of unnecessary overhead expense could be p!imiiia(el If Yukon became Northern Hrllisli Columbia instead of u separate , pm. mm ! Not Like a Clam LAMS live to themselves. You can't. You link lives with your neighbor across the street, across the province, across the continent. You are influenced by what he wants, buys, uses, enjoys. When enough of your neighbors want, buy, use, enjoy the same thing, you begin to see advertisements about it advertisements to arouse you to similar use and enjoyment They paint glowing, truthful pictures . . . try to get you interested in what will really interest YOU. Convenient, courteous information is yours al a minute's glance. Style, variety, price, where obtained. Thai minute's glance may mean the difference between buying unworthy wares and the best. You don't want to be like a clam even in your judgments. Read the advertisements to be guided by others' choice. When they choose something again and again, it must be good. Each Advertisement is Written to You to Help You Choose to Save You Money. 41 -1 -1 ... ." - , - t lerrilory with its own iinlepcn- denl judicial and administrative machinery. j "Kxcept thai Ihe Yukon people j like their present political status. there scenrs lo be no ptod reason why the .sixtieth parallel of lali- lude should not be abolished as Li boundary." Premier Oliver, Jiowevcr. does nol want iL "Wo have eumiKli troubles of our own now without adding lo them," Premier Oliver remarked today when he was asked whal he thought of the proposal advanced in (he Canadian Senate, Ihal Krilisli Columbia should take over Ihe administration of Ihe Yukon. "The iilea does nol appeal In me at all and has not been considered." PAY FOR NEXT WAR IN CASH SAYS BANKER American Economist Tells Ot tawa People Industrial Machine Must be Rebuilt OTTAWA. April 10 Kconomi-ral reasons will tin more lo prevent fulure wars than anything: else, in Ihe opinion of John F. Sinclair, American author, banker and economist, In addressing1 the Canadian club here. "Let Canada and the United Slates cooperate in the re-buibl-itifr of ifu'ir industrial machine, mi terribly wrecked by Ihe war. Kill this war business, in which I lien has been so much truffle and intrigue thai even the bankers themselves ItHve been fooled," he said. "If lliere Is to be another war," Mr. Sinclair aid, "then Ihe cost of the war must be paid in cash, Km" cents to the dollar. It must mil be a' rliartre on fulure ncner-, utions, us wa the. last war," For a nation lo rank us first claY. according; In Mr. Sinclair, it in necessary that it meet two Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000, Tort Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmlthe, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIO AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our planl Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. . PHONES 43 and 385. tests. Firslly, it must pay H way within Ihe nation; it must not spend more than it lakes in liy luxation. Secondly, it must uol buy outside more than I) sells. REFUSED TO PAY BILLS BUT DIED WITH CASH VICTORIA, April lO.Hcfnsiiig; 10 pay his bills or leave (he In-slitulion, David A. N. Ostilvie spent wo ami a half year in Ihe Jubilee Hospital, and died last week at tut advanrcd age:. , search of his effects then disclosed Ihe. fact dial lie possessed about $!(,-51)0 and a small cottage uml lot. Over sfOOtl in cftsll wa found in Ihe hospital, over 21)0 or this lielnjr in 5, .1110 hud J(f gold pieces done up In a chamois bajr. Hi three banks Mr. Ofrilvle hud n Iblal of npproxlmaiefy (t5,n0rt deposited. Seeds Seeds just arrived, our stock of fiaxden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt' Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famtius Kdson Coal in any quantities Phen U. Geo. PapadojuhY New And Secondhand Furniture STOftE We buy, sell and exchange all kind of new and secondhand goods, S3 Third Avenue. Phone 34. P.. it ft P