PAGE TWO. Made from Fruit Juices and Tonics will correct Stomach; Liver, Kidney and Skin Troubles. 25c and 50c a box. FKUIT-A.T1VES LIMITED. Ottawa, OnU Ottmtr. K.Y.. LsnJ.s. Enf.. Chrlttckarck. NX. 23 The Daily News phinci: iwpkht - nuiTisn mi.i'.tniA. Pnhlfshed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince Huprrt- Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue, i II. P. PUI.I.KN, Managing IMitor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier;, per month $1.00 Hy mail to all parts or the Dritish Umpire and the United Slate, in advance, per "nr .fd.OU To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Tranient Display Advertising. . ..?I.A0 per inch per insertion Transient AilvertisiiiK on Front Page $2.0 per inch I.ocaP Hcflilcrs, per insertion ......25c per line .Classified Advcrl'Hing, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion' tr.c per agale line Contract Dales on Application. , Advertising and Circulation1 Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 QskVaar Doctor QOOUt MAMt POWDERED WHOLE MILK The Purity is Certain Rlildly tMted and packed In alr.tlttht Una that rlimiiutt any poMlbUHy of contamination atk your doctor. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WtNMrtO lit '? . Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. r fulfillment of . original tt.T.P plans. Th? Hoard was indebted lo Hon. T. I). Pattullo, C. II Orme. Olof Hanson and S. J McLeod for voluntary and able services as delegate and to Fred Stork, M.P. and F. fi. Daw son who made arrangements for interviews and aided the dele-pales In every way. Outstanding Evant The initial visit of inspection Kif Sir Henry Thornton, presi dent of Ihe Canadian National llailways. had been perhaps the outstanding eent of interest during the year, Mr. nibbons report slated. Results of that viit were Ihe agreement of Sir Henry to re commend the operation of small boats out of Prince Fluperl, th construction of a suitable hotel and the securing of a steamer In develop Alaska trade through the port. Sir Henry had also promised to "lake a shot" at an-elevator when he went East. Ar rangements for benefit of the lumber traffic had also been made including a reduction of rail rales from interior points lo Prince R 11 perl. The promises of !S"ir Henry, it seemed, were being Implemented as ranidlv as good business permitted authority had been given the superintend ent of the C.O.M.M. to procure the port's strategic position. Eatantlal InduaUlaa The report referred lo the In crease i;a-c io of over urr four lour million million' i of the CVIl. warehouse and tisej nf the shipyard. 't he iirincinal item in Ihe pub lic works' category was Hid con tinued striving for a road leading out of the city. Progress had been made in that an agreement had been reached between It he provincial government and the t!T.P. Development Co. a lo share of cost. At the instance of the Hoard, repairs had also been made lo the Cow Hay road by I lie provincial government. The Hoard had been largely instrumental in the sending to Ottawa of a delegation which interviewed Hie federal cabinet and railway authorities on port development. 'Premier King had expressed sympathy with any move that woul.l be niaite lir Ilie!"' THE DAILY NRWB. Faliirdny, January 5, ir j linAUB, BUAnV PRESIDENT 11123 llll.l t-m.n.n.n.l.t II, ABLY REVIEW ACTIVITY rrinedyliiK nt unmo or the system OF DISTRICT PAST YEAR, jcmployed in handlimr the gnso-" I''"'' ,,,x rebate,' The pnssihitily V,."..,,.,.,, ,,,., wne.j (or liav "f list rcnmr,1 ifiif.i Hie mi- i n itnlv i ii. U1IIJ jindehled to the unfailing court-'0" linlilmt entering lh Scsy of oflleials and employees of Males.' had received a the dry dock and cojd slorairo, ur,'a' ,1,,al ,,f nl'pntinn. The only . ... ...... I ' .allr..ftl....u ' K-.lll i tl nlanls whenever vlIU im nni.i 'l''W,lory Wlllrmenl. in .Mr. Ilo Ihose establishments. jn,i",'""t' opinion, would come jvipw of Ihe probable, increase of 'hfuigh 'renty arrangement tourist Irallip this wnv. Mr. ill...r"r a number" of years. A eon- bnns recommended Hint the fi. be tinted to complete enn-jslruction of its proposed hotel ias soon as imsstlile and arrange for heller spmce in showing lnurils the various attractions and advantages of the ditrjct. The provincial pnvernnirht should he. irged In make Improvements at the, Hall Lakes novvlhal it ha acquired the property. The Hoard has alo teen active in publicity work and had published leaflet and hnnklets which had hecn widely circulated. Picture- pl cants advertising I'rinre lluperl a a grain outlet hail alo lippn sent In members of Hie federal house, prairie legislatures and other public men. Items of Development Mention was also made in the. report to the inauguration of a iiranp-i'arinr lran-l'arilic freight irripni servir service All advertising should he in The Dailv 'iw! ("iff; reding p.ihlication. All advertising received snhject In approval. .,.r assembly wharf, completion Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Distinct Loss In Resignation Of Gouin. Saturday. January 5, 1921. Willi the resignation on account of ill-health of lion. Sir l.onier fiouin, minister of justice, the cahinel of Premier .Mai-keiirie- King has suffered a distinct Jos. llavinir a hmu pxr.pri ence in pidilie affairs and a successful practice of the legal pro- ies-ion nehind him, the lirilliant lrencht'.aiiadiaii minister was prc-em,inently quanfied Tor the posl which he held ami it will c a oiiuciiii niailer to rind an equal to succ?ed him. It is to be hoped, however,, thai Sir Lomer's health will become o improved that he will hebire long be- able to return lo the realm ftf active political service in which h- has mi Ion? and effieipntk- erveu. Uoupled with this hope comes another that Don. V. S. i ieiuing, minister or finance, who has been serjouMy ill of late (may not ne required to give up his cahinel duli?. With the loss of these veteran ministers,, the Federal cabinet would lose perhaps its two most able members and the loss to Canada executive administration would be serious indeed. Weather Figures . . . . ' " " Were Misleading. ' ' ' ! The record of 128.71 inches of rain havinsr fallen in Ppinpp unpen niiring mJ may give a very misleading- opinion n tn Hip actual pleasantness of the weather in this city. While official ngnres are nut at hand lo verify it, Ihe statement might safely be hazarded that Prince Rupert enjoyed as much if not more actual sunshine last summer than it did in any summer previous despite the fact that the total rainfall for the yenr was higher. Having remembrances of the beautiful summer in their minds, many residents expected that the total rainfall record for IH23 would he lower than average, fireat was their surprise than when Ihey learned it was really greater. The continuous precipitation during the months of November and December when nearly 0 inches fell was responsible for the high total. However, there is some comfort in the knowledge that while we flight have had ourheaviest jear's rainfall in IU23 w also probably had our highest total of Miii-hine in s year. Parents More To Blame Than Children, Helen Gregory MeCSill, Judge of the Juvenile Court in Vancouver recently wrote an articleVovrring phne of her work from which we quolc: If mothers and fathers will not or can not show children how lo be upright and decent citizens, not only the child is Ihe victim, but the whole community suffers. Every child has a right lo a proper moral training, and in the juvenih court where parents will nol try to impart it, thev can be pnh ihed for not doing o. Sometimes the child can'not lie taught ,ui its own home because the parents themselves ar3 immoral or weak. So Ihe work of the Juvenile Courts is first to show the way and then, enforce the following or it under discipline and supervision. Child offenders are not called criminals, but delinquents, and they are tried entirely bv themselves. The court Vol an "open" court, Ihe trials are private and no one outside Of Ihe children, theip nnrnnl nnrl'l --.-.... ....v. I . tm-J Utile MJ, llin I , 1 be present wilhout ii the permission nf the judge. No names mav ,w0 """H hoals, plans were be or pwiuisneo wiinout mat permission, and practicallv it is nevcry" rnipicieii Tor an Alaska K"e". sipamer ami bote . "I ntn fair ly convinced that a grant eleva lor i ns assure,! for this year as it is possible for a crovern ment dependent upon the voting funds nf parliament to rommfl itself," this section of the report concluded. The visit nf Sir Henry Thorn-Ion had aNo left the impression dial the C...Il. was under capa ervalion treaty between the two Icounlries was practically coin- pieieii. Arrangements might at so be made cu-incitlcntully for equalily in markclinz t tie fish (hit of a total salmon pack for H.C. in U?,t of l.3ll.8l cases, 875,807 cases had been put Hp in District No. 2. The advap'nge of Ihe district tn sockeye packing was still more marked. The pack in District Xo. J of soekeyp had been ?85,-!ri:i cnpS out of a total for the pmvinre nf :i:il,ril? cases. Mining Activity All producing mines of 1022 hint cMilinurst in I'Ji.'l and mon capital hud eonie mlo Ilie district for development. 'the greatest new deeopineul of the year bad been at the Dulhie Mine on IIiiiNoii Hay mountain. Already a substantial shipment had hern inn. In .from it through .Prince Ituperl. tVingratulations were tendered by Mr. Oihhons to flic provincial govprnmpnt on thppxcrllenceof its annual mln- jlnsr report which had resulted J in tne inspection or many pro perlies. Agriculture in Ihe district had beconi self-sustaining and ini porialions of iMitaloe and vege tables from Ihe south had gien way almost entirely In local produce, a belter system of handling Hulkley Valley beef had obtained. Further activity was necessary in market pxpaniin as far as the district wa concerned. Lumbar Induatry Irr Ihe lumber industry there had been a very marked in creae in the district during tl;3. The cut of saw logs had lrrrcaed. from 102.000.000 feel in iJm l!)2 o 0er I7.'.000.000 feel railnav railway company rnmn.-inv tnivnls towards If. the Ia' '"ar- lnlracts were now being filled between Prince H11 pert and Cudakn for 1.000.000 lie; and from Kndako east to Ilia Alberta bonier thpre would be approsfmately flhotlier 800.000. A total of 3,151.066 feet nf lumber had gone Ihrough the port of Prince Rupert for Oriental markets during the year and the United Stales mar kd had taken practicallv the entire product ion of the Masett Timber Co.' extensive plant at Hurkley Hay. n addition there were some rail shipments l!as from mill along the line of Ihr this develonment development and and the the be efforts of the Hoard should be expended In this direction. A shortage of rheap power was however, one of the most seriu handicaps. Othae AcllvlLUa Other activities of the Hoard during, the year had been lo wards securing a daily mail ser vice, the distribution of mal north of here, the erection of suitable ingof a bridte across I ho ftkeena at terrace and this work wn oi N0 MORE WEAK AND DIZZY SPELLS Slnca She Uaad Price Changes of Dr. Chase's Medicines By increasing the contents of the boxes the cost to the user remains unchanged THIS rerisionof prices affects only the contents 01 uie dox win be 55 instead of 25 pills as formerly. three of Dr. Chase's Medicines the Kidney-Liver Pills, Nerve Food and Catarrh Powder. In spite of the constantly increasing cost of doing business ever since Dr. Chase's Medicines were placed on the market many years ago there has been no change in the prices of these three medicines to the consumer. It has now become absolutely necessary to make some changes, but this has been worked out in such a way that the cost to the user remains the same. The slogan for Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills will therefore remain " One pill a dose One cent a dose," for while the price will be 35 cents instead of 25, OLD BOX 25 The same applies to Dr. Chase'i Nerve Food, which will sell at 60 cents a box instead of 50 cents, since the contents of the box is now 60 pilla instead of 50. With the exception of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Powder, which is now 35 cents a box, the prices of Dr. Chase's other medicines remain unchanged. Dr. Chase's Almanac has now been matleel and distributed to practically every home in Canada, 1,550,000 copies, if you did not receive yours kindly advise us and we shall mail yoa a copy free of charge. Edmonson Bates & Co., Limited, Dr. Chase Building, Toronto. D? CHASES KIDNEY LIVE PILLS ONE PILL A DOSE ONE CENT A DOSE NEWB0X placed fully by the pnurd before plow w. o' i; die Im, yeieriiay itr Tlie rlear g Die Hoyal raln Uimntlssinn. as far as Shame ami la. :fic t . arks il lafct lb w The Hoard hail rronerrd fi- clear Ilie ilnfi srlOU ffliin Ilia ir.m fit I tfc . ' I. i ha i . nancLitly due to the increase of! 1 membership and. with all bills paid, a Working surplus was leftj to carry on the fight lo adver tie the district, prevent liartn-1 ful legislation and promote the business interests of the ineni-j hers. KxpresMns- regret at be; resignation of G. V. Kviit eerc-l tary, Mr. (iibbons' renort ae- . . . 1 It was sjrnply a matle.of lime "n7 L ' U"U n" eint 'U,r fore more nnln mill. .. ,, had' Kiven the Hoanl for years. Rupert was Ailally interested In L. ,n,',,n !' r'mt' Mr-this l-.i lbb,,n" tft'rrl rt "ry co-operation that had been given him by all members. It had been an honor In serve a president in I9J3. The Canadian National snow TIMBER SALE X 5347 federal office buildinirL.f.'Ji?1 J??"" rwiwd br t and securins of vii from Ihe Utm 10m mr ii Jn.,.rr lEV J?' .12 Hoard had chamnioned Ihe builTt tnnval nf limh ruriiH-r ruruirr Nriirulart psruraiar of or tn ih Chlf Chlf rvr. rvr. 1 . ready under way. The case of J'' it pt.tnM rnrrir, Prinee li..,rt h.l VV . . . . I ' F H-f-I MILSURN'S HEART AND NERVE m TIMBER SALE X5S52. sih THwlrt will h nrrirnt ur nxt Vi.n. "J"'0 ,n Ul Uib tltr if Januirr PILLS ! r,"J""0 ' Ur, sprur. Il,n".' .if pniim w.nflrrriin, " ifrgini, " ' PI.. Z mini niinri. ..." . ... . . Tka r . .i.i - . . n nr muni, was mam- "w"". "r aiijr iiuiivual rirriSia eir, Vlrti.rla. B.C i,r hlortn r... ii 1 .. . . 'I l..t. .,L il'rlrw- iuii.h u r wni lorr.irr, nanixallou. Harnings were show-i y rtor artm-4 1 rnupM mi ami I n tr M.A.l.Ki..t 1 . t rhinta Kn I ihu I ... it- imriiui iiicrraps anil Buy " uim mi im. fmprovpmont were bound io Lei t bvn intMMM m MiiiMim. nMrt mflcclfl on he port of Prince ynt ,M, 90 Mini uiint uii. f1itftMMi Mi.-s. t.. . (1 hX9 tut lkto tbrri hnirti sml im m TIMBER SALE X M. operating properly full ndvant.p rJfi'JE? .VX JS? TFfrJ" aire would have lo be taken nf M "v t any er diur iniiar. itti. i lh.Tff iJ-9'". .?. I the ho l...rl.- harbor !.-. here and 11.. ... HU ton ni llnid. Vour mrdlrln. tu Lift or,lr, frlnm Kuimm n.. . ..i.": dooo ue rmK rl than auiihiiif I kiv JJ' ! CUI .oi ft p w or' , snibMrti'a HrafT amt .VM mi, tn any iiwn llanali' 1 1" U JiLSi"' IMliin Ht UMk- inrt run rti. lf Siren, III.. '.O,.0lt,"J,e "Of s 1 ' , m. 1 jmu a ni.tBi.. I To Ilk r..r. .111 1 -ZZ' -nn. rne JPe Mf hot .t .11 I..U.. .'DVVI of ilmh.. T ..i-isrq ,r fp 1 u',,rr,t u't v Pounds , halibut fares TCOi Sffi . .tMl?i PURDY'S nivuuvi The Autocrat of the CANDY World e are sole agent for Punly'a Fnmous r.hoci,! !r and Candy. Made in Vancouver. Thrr i nolinng )f in Ihe world. A lox of Purdy makes a dslightful gi I nil limes. Slnrt the N-w Year in Ihe right sturll mid f ,e your molher, sister mid sweellicarl a hot. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY IS DELICIOUS AND THE BOX IS BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Thlrrl Auinna - W Cath Cheques. SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL. nmiJ.ieWin",,,,,r.rere"1 f,ni,h for ntmn that s enril rard. Pint! di ! 'Un1 "'' tumble. ,sk for r ;:nr Quart g1"2o Half Oallon. ... KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Te1,3' We Deliver. Box 1648. wno LtLUJKAItU RAIN COATS Manufacturer'. Sample. j E lanJ CALL AND SEE THEM STEVE KING - Phone Green 85 Third Avenue