MfMn Yu Want A Mtlm The Latest In Restaurants. TAXI mm BOSTON GRILL 99 hurry (in a Third Avenue, 'Phone Resl of FooiJ Good Service. t flaM an4 aVaal IimIm PRINCE RUPERT 0 Private Hoxes for Parly Use. In thi City. Rates Reasonable Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper :-fx-i..r ' V,7r VOL. XIV.. NO, t, ",,. "f f , PRINCE RUPERT, H.d, 'SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1024. VtUrdr' Clrtulttlun 1S47 trMt 2M. PRICE FIVE GENTS. i. 'nt... "in, . DUTHlt , . INVESTS IN PRINCE 1 RUPERT REALTY r- -Sm - GOOD PROGRESS DURING 1923 Seattle Capitalist Purchases 3,365 Lots in Sections Three, Four and Nine from G. T.P. Co. The largest utdmdiiul rcnl reordrd in the rily.of Prime Rupert was closed jeslerduy when John Fred-rick Diilhie. llic capitalist shipbuilder of Seattle j mill or IIiiiImmi Hay Moiinluiu mining fame, liecarne the owner ,if :t :uir loin in Section a. and 1). The vendor was the (irumli Trunk Pacific Development Go. Ltd.. and the price was $.'13,050. The sul which includes 7HH lots in Section, 821) lots in Section V and 1.757 lots in StIioii 0, practically clears up the entire holding of Die Oraml Trunk Pacific Development Co. Ltd. in HORSE-WHIPPED SON TO DEATH;: to ;eiil in Lot Angeles ami was Hllsaback, Prairie Far-,,rP,.entr(l ,ere m Hie ileal by mer, Is Charged With Mur- der f "ie city Sections 3 I AI.OAHY. Jan. 5. William;Hhesl IL saback. former of llaium. ha"'l hrhind Sections 1 and 5 been arrested and charged with '""' Uoa V to the rear of munlc. following the alleged Section horsewhipping of his six-year-; "TI".. .d ton and trn-ear-old daugh- QLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL n.ti '-t because they refused lo find1 V- key to his violin rase. The iciy died 'd Die gifl may die. y The titan, who. was apparently uVmeiiteil, now claim he did not i::iiw he was lining nym than " ratenltig Ins children with the uhlp, i GET RID OF SQUAW FISH j Division II. B.C. Hatchery Elermlnatee Many jliry n, port Vale 0. Coarse Fish Feeding on Clapton Orient 2. Uarnsley I. Voung Salmon Crystal Palace 3. Coventry t. - Hull City (i. Soulhamplon 0. OTTAWA, Jan. 5. The De- Manchester U. 3, llrndford C. 0. I at-'inrul of Murine uud Fisheries': Sdson 2. HkarkpiMd 3. ioiiiii es the destruction of -H,- oiilliam A. 2. Fulliam I. i:iu . narse fih. principally sipiaw '. Wriltiri.iy I. Derby 0. 0. r.fli. I.v the staff of I he Gultu , smith Shields Leiils tJ. 0. f h hatchery in llrlllsh l a diirlmc Die past summer. The- drsli-ticllou followed tho discovery thai sijuaw fish were feed-hk on you n if salmon. DIGBY ISLAND WHARF DAMAGED Corner of Quarantine Pier Blown Away by Gale Yesterday Tho force of the fralo last even I it v blew the northeast -:or-ner off the quarantine wharf at DlKby Islamt. Some 200 feet of the front und uboul 100 fcol off the north end were swept away bul the resl of Ihe wharf renwilns uilnct The' wreckage wan float-Inir up' the learbor this mornliiK- VERYCOLD IN CHICAGO Thermometer Reached 15 Below Several Deaths Are Reported ClIIGAOO. Jan. 5. Cold weal her records of Deccniber mmo broken hero today when Ihe l u.. I . . I..1 iK l.rt1.tii LI'lll ill. 1, I 1 1 I'M I'l.III'Ilfl i uri in icro. Several ileath from cold In various purls of the couulry(lH87, died ti t.Wi - I '11. I.I tfii 1 A VAI1 14. I)l I,.!,. ex.Wirloe of the Cranbrook Hotel for will i iimi'i w II is pt nej. cslute ilcul in area (if lain ever the Prince Itupcrt lowneilp. II u understood thai Mr. Dulhie has nurrha-ed the property for spTulaiKe puriose with a view eventually placing the already uhdivided section on (he mar- ket. The new owner in at pre- William:), Matison & Oontales. solicitors. , ' The Hirer seel ions lie in the ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division Ir Hirmimthain I. Tottenham 2. Cardiff t'.ity 0, Aslon ViHa 2. WeM Hum I. Li.erjool 0. CheNcn (I. Arsennl 0. West Hromwirh 2. Manchester City t. i:rrloii S. llollon Wanderers 2. Preston N. L &. Hurnley 0. Iluddcrsficld I. Illaektiurn ll. 2. Nolls OmiiiI) t. Sunderland 2. , Sheffield U. I. Newcastle t'. I. Nolls Forest 0. 3. Leicester City t. stoke 3. Ilrislol City 0 SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. Hibernians I. Falkirk 0. Dundee I. Itailh Hover I. Molherwrll 2. Airdrieontan I. 4:iMlebank 2. Chile I. l.irlleV Thistle 2. Ureeiinck .M. U Celtic t. Hamilton 0. Queen's Park 3. Kilmarnock I. Ayr fulled 2. (Ungov naiiBCrs i St. Mirren 3. Third Lanark i. Aberdeen 2, Heads of M. I. BODY OF TYEE'S COOK IS FOUND Washed ud In Pedder Bay Believed Those of Antlll VICTOIIIA. Jan. 5.- The body of a man, beliexe.l lo lie inai oi mil nf the members of Ihe tun Tyee. which foumlered on Chrisl with all haiuK was r I ..iiilni'iliiv III 1'cililor 1 III V It may be Ihe l"dy of Aullll, cook on the ill-fated bout. PIONEER OF CROW'S NEST COUNTRY DEAD George Hogann, rropneior of CranbrooK rioiei, oiea Tes terday CIlANHUOOK, Jan. 5.-n..,.i,iil, lleoeno a resident of south easlcm Hellish Columliia since veslerduy aired 02 Deceased was tho pro 'tweiity years 4 WILL INCORPORATE CATHOLIC DISTRICT OTTAWA, Jan. 5.-r'l'he Canada (iazellc contains notice that liishup 11. M. IJuimx of Prince Itupcrt will uuply to parliament al I fie coinitiK session for a tirivate hill to incorporate I tie Itomaii Catholic dioeee of Prince Itupcrt as a corporation. SCHOONER HARVESTER TOWED TO SIMPSON Motorshlp Belllngham Rescued Distressed American Fish Boat Yesterday The American fishing schooner Harvester, whichvas reported by flic JlfayerPrTCcniulj in dlfficllies olf (he mouth of I he Naas ltier esterday iiHirn-her machinery liavinjf broken down, has been towed into Porl Siinpson by I lie molorship HcU liiiKham, Onpt. Len William., of Ketchikan. The Oanndian Fish vV Cultl Storage Company's lusboat .i- bassa, dpt. Setisou, despatched lo the aid of the llarveslcr yesterday afternoon in response to a wireless request. Is expected lo return to port this wflcrnoon. DISTANCE IS LOGGED OFF Master of Highlander Finds Rupert Much Nearer Yo kohama Than Vancouver Reginald Beaumont, local C.G.M.M. superintendent, reported to the Board of Trade last night that the exact distance between Prince Rupert and Yokohama had been log-gsd off by Capt. R. J. Fisher of the Canadian Highlander, and D was found to be 3,852 miles as compared with 4,-284U miles from Vancouver. According to Capt. Fisher the distance from Vancouver to Yokohama via Prince Rupert Is only 50 '4 miles further than from Vancouver direct. The last passage of the Canadian Highlander from Prince Rupert to Yokohama took 17 days and two hours Including delays by fog and a stop at Toklo. LATE GOVERNOR OF QUEBEC IS BURIED Ecclesiastical and Military Pomp United at Last Rites Cardinal Begin Officiated (Jt'F.HKO, Jan. 5r Kceleslasll-cal nml military pomp united today lo ny lust tribute to tho mortal remains of Lieut. Governor Louis P. Hrodeu. The funeral took place at Helocll, (ho birlhpUce of deceased. Cardinal Begin )fflciuted. AND BRIGHT FUTURE i Phonograph shows Andreas Lang, who will play the role of Peter with Ihe Oberammer-gan playrs when they portray the "Passion Pl y" on this continent Trade Board .ILL. D A zi niiivfi am oil iq ia rrniiTM of District Past Year ter of what program was to be her way. Recording a jear or very salisfaclory industrial uud com- followed here would be decided, A message from Ihe liner Pre-niTcial progress in Prince Rupert and lislricl and oplitnistically following the arrival of the en- sidenl McKinley said she had. predicting further development and expansion iu IU2, Ihe re- gineer to select the site. reached the Kyosei Maru. port uf K. U. (iibl)ons, retiring president, was received with en-j (hiisiusm al the uuuuht meeting uf the Prince Rupert Hoard of Trud last nighL It wus nppareul thiil the large gathering of members present coi rurred wdh rrcd htork. .M.P., who, in proressoiv,. P. Knighl, of King-iKuviiig Ihe adoptietn of Ihe -port, oe-cribed il as Ihe mosl University; secrelary-treas- gralifying thai the lnunl had ever listened to. Mr. Stork also lirpr professor F K Prince paid tribute lo the most elllcicntf ' ! ,, ',IIP r ruherie-' otlawai and painslaking work of Mr. Gibbons during the year and staled lhal all meinbei. fcl! u sense ot appreciation lor his unselfish and unsparing efforts. In seconding Ihe motion for udoplinii of Ihe report, J. W. Nirholls said that Mr. (libbous hud set a pace lhal H would be dillieult for a predecessor lo keep up. Mr. Gibbon 'fepurled that eleven monthly meelings, two special meetings and ten meel-ing of the council had been held during the year In addition to numerous cominillee meelings.'possible inwvili'e He urged a more failnful at - Colonel Peck Is Being Boomed in South to Supplant Bowser j as Conservative Party Leaderl V.cJ VICTORIA, Jan. .". The possibility of Col. Cy. Peck, becoming leader of the Conservative party in place of Hon. V. J. Huwser suddenly blossomed forlh at Premier Oliver's meeting held al Sidney Thursday niglif. j Conservatives of Sidney, who have nominated Col. Peck us the Conservative cnnuidate for the Islands constituency, are telling people of tho district that the Colonel is going to be the new; Conservative Isader, Secretary Dawes of the Sidney Hoard ofj Trade stated Friday night, "The Conservative nre spreading j this idea nil around the district Dawes said after the premier's meeting. Just before the close of the meeting Dawe made a similar statement publicly. This assertion caused innate-meat among politicians today. The blea of Col, Peck us Con,T-vnllve lender hud not been suggested before. Tho suggestion is all the more surprising iu view of Ihe fact .(hat the Islands con slituency i0".ldert d one of the President i.... . ...I. i. i.. i iriinuii ui 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 i j' iiiei.'iiiiis. The nembership hud Increased from 6H ul the first of the year to 13V at llu- end, the energy of D. I'lione-ou, S. K. Campbell and J. W. Scott, the membership roiiimill. being responsible. Tourist Traffic Tourist traffic through Prince Itupcrt hud greatly increased in lt)2-) and the Hoard had been active in the entertainment and receiving of impor unt group ami iml.viduuls. he city and its M-iroumliniis had been Pre- seated favorable a light a Tim ii II v was deetdv. 1 continued on page two) safest government seat in tho: province. The present mcmbor, M. H. Jackson, is expected lo bo; reelected without difficulty alj (lie next election. , II I anticipated that Colonel' Peck will tiiVinedUilely repudlulej the Idea thai he Is seeking the leadership. According to Ihwcs, followers of Colonel Peck are pushing him forward for the position. PROMISE Biological Station is to be Established Here, Member of Board Definitely Announces That u biological station is lo be established al Prince Ilii'ji I or in the near vicinity of Ihe city was the announcement inudo lo Ihe Prince Rupert Hoard of Trade lost night by John Dybhuvu, member of dhe biological board under the department of marine and fisheries, on his relum from Ottawa where he attended a meeting, of the board. An engineer of the department will soon be here to select Ihe site Mr. Dybhavu also staled. Telling of the meeting al Ollawa, Mr. Djuliavn stated that il was un entirely new venture for him bul it had been most interesting. The scope of the board was very wide in that it! had lo do Willi anything eon-i (Cerniug the fisheries . tlifrht University professors and him-1 !elf had attended the meeting so ,he felt like- "a sheep among) Heretofore, the board hail car- Harold Dollar Proceeding and ried on biological stations at St.! Wheatland Montana Stand-Andrew'ft. N.U., and Departure' Ing by Kyosei Maru Hay. H.C., and the work had been purely scientific bul now it was SEA1TLK, Jan. 5. The steam-planned lo endark on a more edu- ship Harold Dollar is proceeding calional program. Resides at'safely towards porl today and Prince Ilupert, a new station was ai(l lasl might reached the to be established at Halifax. the work -&1 Halifax would be 'for research along commercial vessels were found -adrift with dines but the Prince Rupert sta-; steering gear troubles in the jlion would probably be different. (Pacific Ocean 2,500 miles west !.t Halifax courses would be, of here. given to cannery managers and The freighter Wheatland Mon-otbers on canning or fish, and tana has sent a messago saying -'"nherevjnkflgp -le; courses-for-he. .sjandmg hyJkayjaej. fisheries officials. He did not Manu. r-sJStarfS; think such work as llrat would be essenlial on this coast and'"? "ee" in jammed Dollars the station here would likely be "leering gear. F.verything now along different lines. The mat- Members of Board Memhers of the biological; hoard are as follows: Chairman. . - - members, Professor J. P. Mc-Murrich, University of Toronto; Dr. A. II. Mackay Dalhousie 1'iiiversily, Hulifax; Professor C. J. Connolly, St. Fruiicis Xuvier University. Autigomsh, N.S.; Dr. Huntsman, director of the biological station, St. Andrews, New Ilruuswick; Dr. Cox, University oT New Ilruuswick Mr. Clements, director of the biological station, Nunuimo; j , Wiav, ltie , ,f d , , A Wu . u,ifax represent- nS MCLEOD IS PRESIDENT Manager of Royal Bank Heads Board of Trade For Year 1924 S. J. McLeod, manager of local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, was unanimously elected president of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade at Its annual meeting last night J. W. Scott was chosen vice-president and the council was selected as follows: E. C. Gibbons, F. Q. Dawson, David Thomson, C. H. Orme, 8. K. Campbell, D. G. Stewart, 3. E. Parker, John Dybhavn, J. W. Nichols, W. E. Williams, Olof Hanson, N. B. Walton, O. W. Nlckerson, Thomas McClymont, H. F. Pullen, and W. H. Tobey. The appointment of a secretary to succeed C. V. Evltt, resigned, was left In the handa of the executive. RECORDED SAFE TODAY jSteamer Kyosei Maru according to messages received here. Both Another message said: "fchifl- . ami Uoiiai Is proceeding on EARTHQUAKE TURKESTAN Eighty-three Peoplo Killed and 400 Houses Are Destroyed STORM3 AND SNOW CAUSE PRIVATION MOSCOW, Jan. 5, - Terrific slonns which did much property damage culminated today iu an earthquake in Mussiau lurkcs'an ' w"d 3 people were, killed "' mi auu were luur. .lerojed. (.roat fissures were left in the ear h rernflir stornu in Lrllnea n,ul ,,eavy ?tnuW!, al m ln pr.," lions. SALMON EGG COLLECTION Total for B.C. In 1923 Reached Highest Figure Since 1915 OTTAWA, JiuTrr-T!ie largest collection of salmon eggs in tho province of dlritlsh Columbia since tU 15 has just been com pleted. The total number collected during the year was 213.900. They will go to the hatcheries conducted by the Department of Marino Fisheries SEVEN NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERMEN GO DOWN WHEN BOAT FOUNDERS CUIILINO, Nfd., Jan. 5. Tho P8-I011 fishing vessel Donald L. Silver left Day Of Islands on Monday and On Thursday encounlcr-ei ,a snowstorm and heavy guilo In which" she foundered with her crew of seven men.