Faliir-lHy Jaii-.arv 5, 10? nhtn lymptoma of indigestion occur. ACiquiCKiy ucjuie lhe trcurne obstinate. Take trttiium't IWt once. ,Tn mfnT c ' v'1 br.na rrlli. 1 LtH sw ...; in itnsch. li-rr UU iiiicrdtrt iroM tt.o wcnU ot whit I r Soft Finish Thplf-T-Service Wet Wash Thr-'O (tpfvi.cu, unit of which wjlil exactly fill your v nh day iu'ed. Phone 'is for pHrlleiilnr. Canadian Phone 8. (II mrt Ajtoue. Steam HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated - Hot and Colli Water Half y lay ir Month P.O. Box 75. Phone CSS. EDSON COAL N ran ii'n Supply our Famous coson coal In any j.innllt Phone B8. Congoleum and Linoleum INTERESTING St. Andrew's Society Heart Indian Agent on Progress of Natives W. I:. Colli..!!!, Illllfail Agfitll. iHIIWf l-ry ii-Mfi'.liiitr 1,1.1,,,- jon -'lii.. li-i(iptniiU ami pro. gro or ilu. I'urinr iuni Indian l.orori' (In. HI. Andrew' HociHy hist night in I In- noridy n room. I" Mftif of tin? inrlrmnit weather tin nilPiidaurn was large. In Iiik address Mr. CollNon jilwfll upon the nmrveou pro-'cn-H Hi.- In. kins on I lie coal had man1.' collectively during the past SO or f.o yars. Half a century a do ho naliM on Hie la-cifi- coast wire living in prae-ii ally Ilic n(oni age bill, through tin education they bail reOived Hi Hii- huii.li if the white nii-i(iiarii-H mnl other, llny hail progressed rapidly ami today were just a far advanced In their style of living us wit lhi while limn. Mr. (lollimin nl-o iiall with Hie different (henric which hail been n.lnccl a to Hip origin of Hie Iililian rari. ATar a could be ascertained. In view of Ihn fart Mint the In. linn hnif no written lungiinge an-. rorifcrquriilly no written Inalnr). il liulian lial Mong from IhJ" people of northern Aia at nini tery rpinotr period. "W'IihI is going to become of Hip linliai ?" jinked the lecturer. In nnowr-Kng I In- question Mret ('."llioon ai'ivaiieed the opinion thai Ilu1 Itiilian of today would, in yiuir (o come, become io ail-vaorfi in civilisation that he would In absorbed Inlo Ilu while rai!. In speaking of tli charnr. ler of the Indian Hie lecturer ulaleil there were, frond anil bad iiaiP.i liulian jnl the name u there ,nn(,M wvrf a-oivi ami im.i wnite mrn. Hi j,,),, a . t.i m i k ' MIM nm tlwt will ho rnmin jr ' w"" a'Upnl "f .fim-l men and w,..nen ,e had fc,rnK;,r " ,Pr millions. The. 'evr een in hi- life. Mr. Colli-! "'"f Urn, fro.faHmrl '"'' "'Howard nautical l.apien-iwfc ald lht hk own an Indian yand that he waajj"' m"r lh" 'Mv'' ,"aftn w" .pr.mil of (be fal. n"' rnn.llrtfr of Ihe American 1 So i.,tere.tltr m the Wlnrerp1,0,onr"n,rt',r- rlano, Ihy Mr. CollUon that the St. .n-lo"U,'l', '"Ikan early on Tue. .iioi- wielv will M.li.nvnr !n;,,a' "lorninfr. The boat went oh liav him leetuiv apaln dirlnft the!"" ' t.i vi svllaliii on Ibe Indian I'nU h,',fully Kifrh COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT 2falls from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SATTL,. Intermediate Point! Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX . Wednrsday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLCTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30 1 Feb. 13, 27 1 March 12, 26 PASSENGER TWAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. .. rri(Ki nuprri 4.4i pin. tor rnir.E CEonor, rMoxtin, wi.i. nirro, u tnti rtrti cni4. i:nivi fii' AOtNCr ALL 0CIM 8T"Hir tlNH. eiif rititt Offk. art Tinrs iinc aumh. r to. ..CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY K.C. Coast Service Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 4, 18j February 1, 15, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaflway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, ITaat Ballc Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamihlp Linen. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sillini. rrom rrlnr. nurnrt. Ocon FslU. 1. rUl, M. 0f VANCOUVER. VIOTOBI. " . ' No"-f.f rcf VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Al.rl B. W.I.I M " f " ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, ror rORT SIMPSON snd Nui Rlt Cmfl.rl.i. rrldi M- J, Brnlf A.n """ RUGS For Every Room In Your Homfy A'"- Wohnvcn wilier- bfffh tide but wa refloated and nr. rie in port an Thilr!ilay imornlntr with a very rttifaclory eatcli. The daina?e wa not .o erioii a was flril tlioiifrlit. Few of the xmall bnalo enfrafred in trapping operalfotH have yet pul inlo port with any fur hut .nne sroo.1 arrivali are expected ilu ri up Ibe month. ---- Co 'a Rotighs It The lojrrlnj pnwcr" boat -Cora, ('.apt. Ol'tii. hail a loupli trip to Prince Rupert from .orlli Arm. lrcher Island, recently. The little ve."el look tliree. ilayn lo make Ihe trip encountering ery high wind and heavy .ea en route. The sea were so roiiBh that il iterame nece.snry lo ilrop Ibe anchor several limes until Ibe weather abated. However, after several nerve racking experience, port was made without an' wrlnus happening. Cap i. Icavlnp for Ihe Wark Cnnal district over Ihe week end lo enframe in lotipinp operations with a partner hut il will not be, uirles Hie weather clears up (oiisiderably. The Sawyr In The power boat Sawyer, dipt. Frank Armstrong, arrived in port from I'orrher Iland during Ilu wreo. on a lumber hunt. From reports lo hand II look as though Cap Is gnipg; to take a partner into the ranching business. II is learned on high nulhnrity flint lie intend lol build a palatial residence on his! beautiful land. While the plans' THE DAILY NEWS. FOE FIVE yfc chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity Th" Admiral of Hie Mrmquiln fleet report Ihe halibut landing for the wepk light, arcouul-eil for by I be far I that Ihe ushering In of Hie New War interfered In a im-ajoirfl with Ihe. re(fiilar bipn'nefB. .The boyn ipenl a nuiel but very enjoyable of Hie holiday netaxon lo he home wild their families and this hn roiixemienlly afTeeled lli landing, lloals of Ibe Mana- lian fleet which have been over- durin? . Ihe riat two will obortly 1m yet I in tr Ihe. fume a 'ain and the lioune buililinsr will be lnlroilue-eil in HiM inlance, In aiblilion lo a revolving' staircase (he balli room will contain a billiar.l lable. The Mea of Hie billiaf-il I able h that one ran have a frame of billlariU while waiting for Ilie balh lo fill no. Frank lime on New Yearvn Day anfl theJia taken all Ihe. lumber nepeo i ..i i - i . iienavioiir or all rankn was ex emplary. The old man vows there nol a betie'r brbavel fixhiny fieri In Ihe worbl when il eomeM 'ilnwn lo morale ami behifr on Hie Job. The fe.livi-lien were ronfine,) n purely family entertainment ami no jreneral linlieaval look place. Keen opHniinn j eviibnl alonjr Ibe walerfront for Ihejnipytve inbenl of ron.lili.in in Ibe nan Ileal trame. Thine nflicern ami men engaged in the xalmwi Irol-linjr ami cannery huine. jirp-dicf a much earlier slarl in all ileparltnonlfi of the filiinpr frame Hii' year, clair .- thai arrattircmrnl have alremly been made for rrewx, hoafu, ele. The majoril' of members of bolli Ihe American ami Canadian fili. Inp lleeld bae taken ailvanlapre sary aboard nd has returned to I'orrher 16 crtnimeuce buildinfr operalions. Fish Business Iluriny Hut week 171.000 lbs. of halihul llax been markeleil on Ihe FihIi MxciiaiiKe. Americans were liiih at 18,7c and 10.1c and low at lf..2c and 10c. The arrivals were: Pioneer, Tom and 1.. W'irele, J?uinner. . .- Yard Activities Tin' X. M. MrJ.ean j.hipyar.1 ways are full to capaeily and all Ihe loime tool' around the place are working. The fisliinp scbonner Ii?Ie is. olT the ways afler iimlerjriiinqr her annual overhaul ami will in all probability be out fiver Ihe week end Cliaslnsr the' .'dairies halibut. The IllnzleailefV Capl. Sollows, is Ihe ncxl boat jn no inlo Ibe "hair for u ceneral lookinz to. The liull and deck is lo he re-canlked and'lhe enaino ihnrouffh- Bone over. The ?usa vards are occupied with Ihe buildinfr of a I roiling boat w hich i. rapidly lakinsr .shape and will be ready fur the water before Hie niniilh is out. Unite Van I t'reek Is full wilb small boats being pul inlo chape in readiness fur the forth-eominjr ija,h to lhe salmon r.und.. Oapl. Khort is busy MtiHinsr a rowbrmt. Il is under- KifHid he' hii several boals of this type nn order. The nower fiiferSkeena City l in port rrom ilie Kei-na river for supplies. ' Zorra Is Watched I be seeret -"enice of Hie fleet have been much exercised lately over Ihe remarkable nnlics of Ihe power bo.-jl 1 Zorrd, Capt. llrown. II is said this craft of ten goe out backward lo make believe she is coining in. Ac cording lo a nautical celebrity. another remarkable feature is the powerful engine. In fact II i said to be so strong thai it will turn canned milk sour. Skaters Out I'lte launch Oh Baby. Capt. Mybill Jones, olherwi.se known a Ihe ship of romance, made everal trips on New Year's, Day to Ihe Salt Lakes wilh Imppy parlies on skaling bent. The weather was ideal ami while the ice was n bit rough il served the purpose excellently. "Obser ve! s say that several pretty and noetic lillle love'romnnce.s were wilnesseil during jhe day. It's funny how a good sheet of ice and a pair of "skates will awake Ilie love sentiment of the youth ful. In fact it is not always necessary to he tlie proud pos sessor of Iwnr skate in some eases one"- skale is sulllclenl. Un fortunately Ihe sail break in the ivAiillinp lin Irillnil Hia Iav nf i ne ice ror a wmie ni any rate. or Ilie new limine nave not peen rain wliirh struck the rily on on public exhibition It I said Thursday night and continued thai sevcrpl' orw' Innovations' in throughout yprrrlay w-ns gen ESH from ihe roaster f$ natter uihere tjou buy it. ; Tho Storm The heavy wind slorm nnd NABOB w W VACUUM PACKED C0FFE i " w m r ' m MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day intakes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how mucb useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS II I eeral along Ihe North Coast. The steamer Prince Rupert reported the American schooner Harves ter wilh her engine broken down i olT Ibe mouth of the N'aa as a. I. consequence of dirty weather' and heavy seas, several logging! boals in for the holidays had! made all the preparations lo. clear from port yesterday morn ing but unon hearing the re-, ports as In the condition of thej elements outside the harbor lliey: decided to remain inside. Not ai single fishing boat put in on! Friday morning. Ileal. outside evidently thought it expedient to seek shelter and come to anchor until Ihe wind abated. - The launch 'Joy Hird, Capt. Jimmy Thomas, ha been busy during the past week between the Cow Hay base and .Mella- katla. Rata Again Skipper Sandy Finlayson. assistant commodore nf Ihe l'rlnce Rupert Yacht clnb. is suffering with a bad attack of the rals again. Since his appointment as chief rat catcher lo Ihe Mosquito fleet Sandy has been waging lerriltle war upon llm ro-flenls. This week he has the distinction of taking unlo himself an ipldilional rat's tall having caught one of the vermin trying lo swipe his travelling trunk. When Sandy spied the monster rat hi trunk was quickly vanishing through the door (he rat pushing behind. Hut for Ilie fact Ihe trunk caught on the side of Ihe ilnor In all probability Ihe rat and trunk would have been on il way south now, It is Sandy's ambition lo catch one nf Ihe giant rodents fllive with the -Idea of floating a syndicate to stage; a side show at Ihe nl fair. Bandy ays If one could only catch a rat alive and train It lo harness it would Shockleys pK?IMiljs Sole Agents for Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. ....... . . . Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co. , , . Hardwood Fraser Mills Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, -Spruce nnd Cedar. Spruce nnd Cedar Shlplap. Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Olass. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block; Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant make an excellent propelling! power for a sleigh. j STATION AGENT AT ! HAYSPORT IS ASKED! Board of Trade Receives Com. munlcatlon From Superintendent Walton on Matter ' Regarding the establishing of an agent at Ilaysport. station, the Hoard of Trade" received a communication last night from NT. Il, Walton, C.N.Il. assistant general superintendent, stating that light business there, in his opinion, diil not warrant an agent hut ho would go further Inlo the msilter. The railway and navigation committee of the board Iwd made a request for an agent at Ilaysport as a convenience to the peo ple of Port Fssinglon who re ceived considerable express through that station, BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemlsta, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. mISS? QUALITY mm ONDS SI5I0N11 CANADA UV CO. LMITri M. HCW it. .Ctrl AtC. Mtr,, Mf ytmf. I.C ii.M H., ,.,