lay October 22, 1924. le of Crown-Granted Mineral Claims For Unpaid Taxes in the Prince Rupert Assenment District '.e.aafle- " ' V?''l of '? riu' ."" "! IIM nereluAr '".el lill ,:r"n "'anted Mliu-ril u, loir, 144, end f.r r..M I ,., l,..mi(ni it, roIuVf ilr r d.. . L ''Am'", L' """ I""' "" , inf.t. t, l,l.t.ji1 , . . . . I. a rlv bi.w I.... ... . , , . j 1 """'' Mid Ml, ir lh total amount clue I- ! i' IK Or' (iilUM ; r 1 1 I M kl, I! iwii. lUllWd It't A. IWHIllit,ll r th (p ftarrlat i ' lUffU)) ..i f mr l , i r nd till. S: ltd. V . I.ll, . Ltd V - I Kl -, I. lit V - lid -J. ltd, t ; i ltd t- I.M V lid Mil Mil X. l.tJ 'Jin I ' and MIM, Ml'li.' Ltd. -. I I'jMt . . . . : Mmliif, Snirllmii ead I illlUMl .1 Mimnr, neHh and I Hutted i vmiiir. snieituit twt 'Untied -I-" M:r 'if, Smelilai tad Hutted ...... v .in. Siueltinr and United ;- J. iiiiii, Smeltta Hd i mitlod ... 1 Minfnr, sinelttnf end lmild ....... :. 5 Mioliif, flue Hint and t Hulled .. .1 Mminr, Jmelitni and rotted ....... trd Mminr, Sioelnni end I 'Hilled :1 Minim, mliri and t mtted Vi iinr, Smeiiinr and inmed v tini. smeitinr and led v n ut. iwiiiDf aad .iImT M .in, ' tinned ' M.iimr, United Smeltiar ami Smeitlar and d Mmitit, AmeHtM and " ill ' K iiiar. mHMr and r llftt v imr, mltHil ami r.lnill4 I; 'rk, and lf : r. i- urk. and ilir I.lmttfd, .x. T.U iir MitiiiM. .r. u ,r l.nnllMl. X. P. L. if- l.lutllrd. r. I.. ir I Itiiltfd. :. I lOltlrd. r t itrs Limilrd. M. P. -v : 1 Mtmnt-, fiiM-umr and l.ltnllrd .lid Mimnr, !niHilnr and LlOlltHl jici finrllHiif and l.ltimcd .u I Viinui iiwninr and ' 'Tiltrd u.i Vinint, !mltr and I luiltril . : 1 Miainr, .mflunr and I Hi' il tr.t Mininir, fnwllinc ami l.lmitnl Jlrl .Mminr, fiiMlllnr aihI Inillrd -lira Mnili1. X P. I.. :rt t.linlUd, X, P. I.. -lira Mmllrd, X. P. L. t .firtturltt.n l . . . i J rfiUrlrk i wiuklrr . u 'T A Mllhna OdntMnv. i I Arrii t r Wlrklfr . . . 1' r it Milllnr C.jnrwinv. i I ilrlk i: Wlnklfr . . t k viiiinr nmiiriknT. i: I I 'dfTli'k c. WIliklM- . . . ' .;rtlr l.llliltill. X. P. I,. r wntr i.imiiMi. M. p. I.. I .rtl l.nillrd. P. I.. P. iwrila limited. ..P. I.. l'rirn l.imitrd. X. P. I.. ' ami j (.nil M, Mnrrin .. '.' irilc Llmllrd. S. P. L. fi n it ii. II. UiimI Mminr. Pnirlllnr and n Limitt 1t,'d Mlnln. ffiiflllnt and nr iid - ti-l Mminr. Pmrillnir and i: I. ni UihI iimI Mimnr, Hnirlllnr and -.mti? I.llnllrd o Proniwfllna mmpanf, Ltd. 'r -irilnr Cnniiianv. Ltd. i'.' r. ..:.i:.. i: 'ji .. y P. r. f r r r F. :::c: LUT OF rROPlllTIIII SAME OF CLAIM AMD LOT 0. lillll Irinlnii iwMim rf.rn'.,n MAN4I f , iJir iei ttttt fir.rmiMiii, U,t 07 . .., In kln. Ij, 7 RAftOf 4 llriirifll, A ion Mcrnri-i. Iil u tlr, ttH KlU. Il IKIll Liit- Vlru, lx, fi, u.i mt . . trkrtkun. I Ail I It tl. Li.( 117 GrtMli. IM I I A ilwrvalory, U.l fu Vaimmvrr. ut si KrrMHif 4ur, l. ul I'MM-r llHfirrl. 11 1 1 ... ftkjlln. U.I l4 MU, Ul fit 4 ., !. ttA Ilda. IjI nmni I jbi iti . . CalfMhnla, li.l ttCt Kir lliinr. li.l ri7 tJlaiurrfr. I j.i tta WMilir, IjiI VlrHll. Ia.I ltd ImJM. U.i (ai rjriir. u.i Orrjr i ir. I! Wttr-itfiSK1-.::::::::: I.X.Lm ui lit I CAMIAR Xn. 4. Ud Ilk Vih1a Xn. V. I'd ! nlrn Xy. a. 11 I HI Imll) VarMi o. 7. 11 ll HaMn. 11 l Madm, lt llT mfc. 11 I4 lMrf4dl. 11 ! Xu. . 11 till l). ID. 11 lilt (juarti y. t. 11 im .... ouartl tl. 11 !.! Oaarll t4, 11 .. Ouarli N. fl. 11 Otitni . tl. U.t llkl ... orji . t. Ui JIM ... TltfrMl. 11 J3 Iuall rrarlbi. 11 1411 . Moly Mir rrartlxn. 11 Ikf ullitan. U'l A4 I, fikV Ulllh. li.l S4K4 Ul, 11 ST wir. uii Widf . I. Lnt 371 Wolf An. 1. U.I JJ WiihfrlW. 11 S1J , Vtiifriil frfiiiin. Uit lno ... llrrr hfll, mi inn Hrfh. 11 17 Iird iiiini . I. It 1, v lll Pnlnl Kt''"n. MMiik. 11 i n .t Muliawk . I. Uit SH4 Muhawk u. t. Uil kktl ;.. MiiIim- fraftlim. 11 Sl c.'ir i:rt, lt in i" Trinrt nupri. D.CM the lllh rty of Oftober, ltl. '.y.y. lurnHih Mi ft U 1071 ..... H1 nd lll. U. ,1074 v, laaaihiiii I At nil .. riirfftirtik. u.i tin oatrti Xo. i li i l7 .........i MlMMI .xa. T. tbl fail 0im . -'. 11 Outrtf o. . 11 I 4 ......,,.,... oru .o. I. 11 a OH4M1 . II. 11 (.xttrlt . It. 11 IU7 ............. Oatrt n. II. Ui ll Vrll . 14. 11 lM ...... 1 - i 11 141 ;.......... QMmo. i. ui iwr .. .A.a VlMrt Vj. K. IjM IHI . . ru Ik. UVt ....... Irll .Hn. If. 14 IAI4 .... 0rti X. fl, 11 IHI .... ycwrti . ti. it !- imht . tf. 14 i4j:v. .. Ommi tin. 11 7M, 5lrk knlhl. IM 1A17 KUik Salfbl Vo. I, l.t 1414 .r Maid. 11 llil HliMWuiili rrartkun frartlmial, 11 3441 mititoZt ::::::::: tXt w .n. . U.t lit No, fraction frartlnnal, 1114 .. n. . Lot f 13 A No. 7, 11 t tl QUIIN CNARLOTTI IILAIIOI n,. rm ti iii . lloii)uki, fttt 0, 4, It1t nJid. 14 ii -. Mirl(.n frarllon. Of! ....... Mimrir. Il fi) ri'MK-r Kinr. 11 AO I TUihln. Lot 0I t;lJ',' iti frafili'iii. t.ol 4AJ ...... Tknn, lt 411 Il(f, l.n Mi Indlmr Koy, Lot 0 ilwlnl. (107 1.1V f AM r im. loi " rjimuT .Oiircn. .11 .4 10 . . rhhm Jkfk, lot t 4(1 Ml iirlfif, Uit a If riilrlimififliw, J.nt. 4 ... ....... HifknillU'Intk frartlftit; 11 4,11 wnrwi'k. Lnt Mf.,. hint flrtV l.nt 414 rwr Chf. 11 AIT ai.i I m mo riM'rraVtffln. J0 I'M .t'of'Um. .1 "I T7.I m fKMInn. 11 4f 4 . . f.nli-r fint, lt 111 JAXK i: I t tl f 1.71 19.10. I7.I.II l.fiil in tuft M .U l.ku it.m HIM) m m linn I fi4) I J. n.i M 4.71 H.1A tl.fl 40 II Tl U.oo M 11.00 y.71 4 i.oo fk0 ! AJ4V ll.A I4.M !' fl,00 47Jf I4.iM' II ' i.oo' 11,00 U.oo ll on If.SO 11.71 1.71 14 tl.mi i j oo If. 00 f on lt.00 tt.oo - k.SO ,11.00 1 4. 00 13.40 9.50 11.00 11.00 17.00 1 1. in tvso 5.00 II 00 poo 4f its i.7J 1.00 4.1 M.7S .7 1.00 l.TS 7 00 7.; t SO 7.00 k.7S l 11.00 s t.s 1 so t 16.7S I iiwni-r vu iiirmir of the PF.X- I rr. l al ALTY .1 .44 .41 M4 'fl .41 XI .17 .40 .1 ss I. II I .HI 4J .47 .(I .14 .14 .M .t .14 .11 .tk .4k .4k ' I .llf ' t. f.4 t.kf 1.114 I.M MA t.71 I.M . f.M f.14 f.M ! t.7l l.M .At 8 Jf7 .11 .17 ' .41 ,51 i,i . ui fA 1.44 t.4 t.71 t. t.4 js .it .41 .41 .At M .14 .44 ,04 .30 .41 V .41 .40 i,n f.4f t.ta .17 .41 t.ll t.4 4 . mi 1.41 t.84 1.19 t.40 ill .41 .41 .11 .OS :il ,5 .11 .59 .10 .10 .1 .Sk .14 .It , ,S1 . .41 ,4S .04 .17 .41 tl I Oj1 11.71 11.71 13.71 11.71 11.7 11.7 11.71 11.71 M U.7 11.71 11.71 11.71 11.71 11.7 11.7k 11.7 13.7 13.7 i,71 11.71 13.78 11. 7A 13 7k 13.7 13:71 I3.74C 13.78 13.7k 13.71 13.7k 11.7k 13 7k 13 71 13.71 13 7k IS 7k 13 7k IS 7k 13.7k' 11 U IS.7S 13 7k 13 14 IS ' IS 7k IS -. 13,74 is is 13,7k I TOTAL 1.41 14.11 11.71 , m it., nil nt 11.71 H.Ik 11.71 tA.ltt t.M 41.71 11.71 fk.14 11.71 1. 11.71 tJ5 11.7k t.M 11.71 t7.4 11.76 17 t 117k, (740 11.71 tMt 11.71 til U.71 M.4 u.: . u.(4 in i.k4 il.7k ia.i; 11.71 ft.tA i i.m t- m ff:S 41.7 i 17.411 11.71 it? 11.71 I Ml 11.71 11.71 11.71 11.71 11.71 lf,7 11.71 11.71 14 11.71 11.71 11.11 Mil' f . 11.7 11.71 lf.l f-7 u.ji 11.71 11.7 11.7 1171 11.7 1141 11.7 11.71 tl. U.7 . tit 11.71 11.7 11.7 11.71 11.71 U.t 11.71 14.44 41.41 17.41 7. tl.fl 41.41 41.41 41.41 M.4I Mil 4f.A 41. If 4tJJ 114 Ml ll.k 41.41 41.41 4t 41 41 41 11. so 4 41 4t.4k tA.7 tT.lA t 41 til 13.4 torn tt.4l 41.111 St n 47.4k 78.41 S7.ll 4t.ll 17.41 41.4 M. 1 7 It .41 14 tt i tA 31 17. la I4.t 11.40 t7.19 17.44 f7.i tL7 I7.AK 13.44 14.0 TT.4 17.10 tl tl 94. SS 4 J 40 17 3I.IS It t 7.I0 4t.0 I8.7S 81.90 J S.I 4 .1K 31.41 9.4 ll.OJ 19 00 t7.40 97.40 to 31 Ik.OS 7 t3. 14 HO 90 31 S4.00 tl 99 lk.k 17 4 SI 10 tl.SA 15 37 tl 10 10.79 1 1 - 10 II no i '. n f. 17 4t 41 W S. FlSIIFfl, Provincial Collector THE DAILY NEWS PAGZ " FI73 RUBY CREEK PLACER MINE AT ATLIN IS TO OPERATE 5 YEARS Work Wilt begin with the Open-Ing of Spring and It Is Ex- , pected Thirty Men will be Employed I ATUN, U.G., Oclolier 22. The diieclors of the I'lacer fJolil Minns Company, opf-ralinif it placer gold properly. on Ituliy (2rek, .Ml in dintricl, have derided upon new work on their properly therd that will keep that company in the field for at leant fve yearn loriKer, according to word received from the company's head nlliet) lit Seattle. The decision of the hoard wan unanfmouily in favor of the action taken. The company ham Jeen hy-drauIickfiiK up stream, Jiuil when it liegan it was real f .fit lh;jl it had left good grouii(J,4hyJiiW the the place of beginning bit il wan Ihoflghl the itverhurdi'ii-woidd tie loo great to worjw the property at that time. II bas now been debtdttd to tie- gin again lower down the stream and worH on the ground, thai wa left. The invent igit ions that have been carried on ha convinced the iifanagemenl tlfat tic ground remaining to he worked is equally as valuable per square foot as that which has ben worked. John I', llartman, the promin ent Seattle lawyer, president of the company, and James M. Sparkinan, leading Seattle real eslaje man and projerly owner. a heavy stockholder in the com pany and a memlier of the Hoard! of Hired or s, visited the property in Atlin in August, and the do- cision to continue ofierations was ! made after their return to Seat-! tie. ! Tlte I'laeer Hold Mines has been operating a hydraulic plant on lluby Creek at a jmifU for a doien years of more draulicking will begin willi the opening of spring next year. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS "How to l"re-rnit Land," copies of tM.r..r' rmwn i.rsnt mn is xl. For more detailed Information aee the llulletln "How to rre-empt Land." PURCHA8E Applications are received for pur chase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; mlnlm'.trn price for first-class (Arable) land is 15 per acre, and second-class (Tk-Ing ) land $1.80 per acre. Further ln formation reirardlnK purchase or leAso of Crown tand is given In Bulletin No. 10, Lnnd Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." M11L factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of atumiuiRe. ' HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceedlnn 20 acrra. may be leased as hom'esltea, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the rirat year, title belnc obtainable after residence and Im-, proveinent conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For xraxing and Industrial pur poses arws pot exceeillnft 41 acres may be leaned by one person or a company. ORAZINQ Under the Qraxinit Act the Pror-lnce Is divided Into grazing districts and the range administered under a QrAzIng Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are Issued based on numbers rangod, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners may form au relations for range manaKement. Free, or partly free, permits are Available tor settler, campers and traveller, up to ten head. Advorttse In the Daily News, P "slv Great for a J "The radio is doing more to bring non-church-goers into the church than anything that I know of," declared Rev. Iir. Clem Davie4 in addressing lite Victoria Radio Club on "Radio and Re- boul "l?'on' Hiere are people who Jhirly men are employed. I're-j" 7 " r ' - paratiotx will be made U.ij. fall!" ,l" 1 f,8' e"d a c,,ur,cI'; "P'1 w,,!' aid of this wonderful r- ik-..-i4 ). i , inven- iui tatm i iVjwi iuii cir itrnri i part of tlte property aay hy- lion the doors of our finest churches are thrown wjde open to lhjin. "All the leading churches have hroaifcasting stations." continued Ur. iavies.."'hen tbe large els were installed many wondere! who won Id pay for their upkeep. Some thought that it would react j unfavorably. II reacted trenien-i dously in favor and instead of smaller eongregaiiorv,. congregations grew by leaps and houtnl which meant greater revenue to V.mnt. unrerrvd, aurvfyed "rcn ami iiei..Hi o no even Crown tamls may be by .greater work. Not only has the IX''JtVJlJZVXti radio helped the ehurch. but also! it become llrlllah aubjwti. condl- I lie hospital. Today modern tUKuU uton rwMence, occupation. l0spilals are equipped with large and improvement lor acrlcultural . , , . . sirpoM. ,'rm unu paiieuis wuii ucreioiorei Vail information concrnln ruru- could only He in bed and do their i which can be obtained free of charge jnjs jf ,0 ,,,usic oy KdoreeeinK ieirunrui w Lands. Victoria, n.C. or to any Uov-ernment Agent Ilecorda will be granted coverlne Dr. Davies spoke of the ex-ceptionnlly fine programs that JTu& liYuM. Mif,"" very evening from the Pacific Coast stations. Radio runo, and whirh la not timber- land. Le.. earryln: over . board waa a ronslanl! friend of the fan. ; feet per acre went of Ihe Coast Itange ...... . , , . i.nd k.nK) leet per acre east of that ,1'uring the cold winter evenings Itanse. Applications for pre-emptions-are to 1 addreeaed to the" Land Com-mlmloner of the Land Ilecordlnir DN vision. In which the land applied for la situate.!, and are made on printed forma, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner l're-emptlons ptust be oupifcd,for five yeara and lmprovemehta made to value of 110 per acre, including I dearies and culUvatlnn at )est flva.Jj)ri one could sit by his set and lis ten to concerts from every corner of (he continent. KQ0 Proqram The feature nf fvfiO. Thursday, Ooloher 23. will be a violin en semble senui.e 01 of ' e eleven' een instruments instrumenis. Trouble Shooting If vou are just trying out "LISTENING IN!" Entertainment and Education. Radio Supplies Speciality Prince Rupert's Pioneer Hadio Store. W. W. WRATHALL, Prince Rupert, B.C. Special Attention Given to Mail Orders. 2. uo over carefully new hook-up for Ihe first lime factory and you find it doesn't work like it should, don't get discouraged immediately and blame thehook up for not beintr right. Remem ber that every hook up has been tested nl some lime or oilier, or else II. would never have been puiillsheM. II' will he very 'useful 1. Use only good quality "apparatus throughout. Rather pay a few cents more and gel a good receiver, than buy cheap parts and get only fair results. Re- meihher this: Spare the money, use snaghelli tuhinc whenever o read over the following rules easily. II also clears lefore condomntng a set entirely, liort considerably. The GIN you Will ash fov acain T ti fl S'ainluul l'i iiiy liv.;r Years. This advertisement ts not published or displayed by the Liquor Contr ment of British Columbia. RADIO STATIC By The Daily News Radio Expert. Board or b: ! tie fJuvprn- the of tier hand if rec''ilnu is belter on dry nights Mian on rainy ones, look to the insulation of your aerial and lead in. Remember to have the aerial stretched tight so that it will not swing with the wind. If it does it will interfere greatly with your reception, by causing the signals to swing too. New Stations Two large and powerful broadcast stations; KAX of Hollywood, and WJJI) of Mooseheari, Illinois, have recently appeared on Hie air, and are being welcomed by fans all over tbe country, in-i ludiiig Prince Rupert The former is of 500 watls power and transmits on a wave length of ;i:tr meters. It is owned and operated liy the Los Angeles Ex-uress of Hollywood who are at present radiocasting from the Studebaker Building of the Paul . Hoffman Co. Reception of their Broadcast is. reperted by local listeners in to be excellent. Many line programs bave Keen served to dale. Moose Station The latter station WJJI), as the late! acquirement of the ; Loyal Order of Moose. They plan by means of the far reaching effects of radio broadcasting to embrace every single member of their order on this continent. WJJI) owns a i(IO Waft tifns-miller and operate on 27.8 meters wave length. .U present WJJI) rTi2e!i: P f weary .us -ne in buying and you will 7" will T ftKlly mi- tiiiv. .-inn i.tiiir.1 null . nil urnrili ill uir iuup iuii. nn Pnnn.lA.'j 1 1 .. ... I . . your connections . IkA w a . nniiiiioe i tv -rm a o See that lljey eon-' " ","""'' - form to Ihe diagram exatly, are: perfectly tight, and are goodj An jntpro,(j m, joints both mechanically and ()((;5(.riii,jv(i of .lv,kw;i jn eleclncallj. Ulc currell issUt ()f ,,0 western 3 ee. that the tubes are ,,,. Mnh)y a ,., maJ,. .f , .. . V T Jtne ..ublished r V. , . 11111a insmnlflAnnl font fl?.. Illl lllil. iii.--ij..ii.. nu 'H W'I'ltf alone has caused very many sets waM to he discarded as useless. ' 4. See that yqur batteries are in; po.od . condition and are c.on-.necied correctly. 'Reuiember that ,e0?nv pole f the detector lation or a i-ocrmng stiue. ,.,v0 ... j lt tx. ... i iii.iir ..i im- iin..- tlll'l i u inn?, .-1JM iitii.f, mil also be heard. The Merced Hoys' Band, led by 5, If your set is regenerative and it does not regenerate then II, a Metier nr nl.ilo vnrin- r.eorge Harcilles will Pj' .Mnoler connection. iM.t, nn.rAiay. UCioi.era. a. , ia oc ook f ie program is con-;(i( ,,irotllons snfn you follow in the des- o',' " "'Vriplion or the set. lo the T. It i, . , , , Post v. .NO. 83. and wil be made up 'me pnmi(rh nfpr , u of pieces by Ihe band, vocal num- . .k . . orj lt-rs. and an address by i. it. ,,,.. i J Pinal ideas. n. i f .i, lOUHliUII, UlllllllldUlll- Ul . ,,,,.. ,.. ...Ipo . Post. connections. The larger Ihe wire the less resistance, No. ti. 'in Winnipeg. It liy Mis. H. olynn BAWSpFr blue mI5?oM QUALITY X S SiNONDS SIHORM C AX AD A SAW Ca UxmD niKouvia oimu ar.jOMa, N.a. ,.M TIMBER SALE X 4725. Sealed Tender will be received by the . . ... . . . . , u n .i.r in i .'ill.. ! i i.'i.rx. im. i.irr some'or to will he round very satis-, Uun nui,n o. 10th (uy f xovember. 8. Make sure no two cross each other, thus causing a Itf l. for tile purrnte r LVMlre X lift, to rut 9.740.UUII feet of Itemlnrk. and Wires-Spruce im part nf Lnt "44. North lKire of Alice Arm. :iar iilrici. Two if years will be allowed for re- l.nsl n.V..!l Is n n.afitnl n I If A moVal Of timber. iin-Hii. v- . "' i ir....fc Fiirtner larl r .lu. I'M.r r,,r.. ter. Victoria. D.c.. two wire.s are likely to cross. i "wr. ni-r. 9. A phone condenser of .001, microfnfoii capacily will often help to make a set oselllalc more B.C. or imttict Forester, NOTIOC. i notice 19 nereov nrrn mat aprncaiwa UP recep-,HI be made to the Lerlslative Aaoembly lot the Province of Brlttah Cotahibia at the I neii SesnkMi thereof, tnr an Art niaklni to provlakm tar Ihe veatlna of renecal pni-ill. nlve U1C vonr JOlir sel SCI n a fair lair trial iriai. - Ih. ir-hvlrin rii.irrh In (" One night is not sutllclent. Try , ada." the Methodwt c.hurrh and the Ciiii- it for at least two nights before1, miled Church or Canada; for the huldliif. I u 4n1 aitmlnlstraUon of the property of voti forni-Voiir onlnlnn of tl oi It. you inrm jour opinion rontrenatlon rnterlnr the union or the d churches to form trie I'nited Churrh If von cfih hear slennl. slront?- . ,u jou can near signals strong-; r.n1,.u ..... th(. houi,, r the dn- Cr On wet IlightS than on dry perty or eonirrgallons vnlliur not lo concur ,.,li il. K.nA:.,AH n n,ia i . inerein: rnr ine inm rriaiing in irnerai spoil I ho receiver. Of course thls'ones examine your ground con-and rourreratinai pmnertv: and rener-does not mean that you have, loineclion, If it Is an exterior one. aiiytjor the rarryine r the saw anion .into buy gill edged tuning coils and. The remedy is to change it to a rtd at victnn. Brttuh Columbia, condensers with platinum bear- welter location or else see. that ,h" ,h d,i.EAniiW'fc StraitiV' ings, but use a little common' It is kept continually damp, On "on'ttniSf otr"the Vppiic'Ini?.0, 1