..All.V KDtTlOIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Transient Display Advertising 81.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on 1-ront Page.., jSJ.Hl) -per Inch Loud Headers, pep. 'insertion .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insBrlion 2c, per word Legal Notices, each insertion ...15c per agate line Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. X Thursday. Nov. 20. 192 1. Petty Restrictions " Are Annoying. The proposed, restriction against the custom of carrying a passenger on the rear of a motor cycle seems to he one of those petty rcsclriclion-s that might prove annoying. Stf far as we have heard there ha been no unusual number of accidents resulting from Ihe hiking of a passenger on a motor cycle. The custom has, herti in force for years and it is said that those who ritb that way get a great deal of exhilaration from it. Probably it i-Icss dangerous thair riding day after day in an unsanitary closed car. . There is a gfal tendency of late lo interfere, with personal liberty on these little things. On the larger issue that car drivers should be licensed, there can be lilllo objection taken. Then must be some check on the motor traffic which of ate has increased to such a it exlent as to Blake it dangerous and most of the danger is frum unrestrained drivers. What Will Be Next Plan To Restrict. Kveryoue knows that it i dangerous to hunt in the wood? in Ibis country, much more dangerous Ihnn to ride on the rear end (if a motorcycle, yet there is no bill yet introduced to prohibit hunting. Kveu mountain climbing has its dangers, yet it is not yet prohibited. TJiere are annually many .accidents from swimming and canoeing, yet people are allowed to ride in canoes and to enjoy a swim. It will be seen from these few examples thai there are plenty of opportunities yet for petty restrictions. If the cra.e is to be started, why not keep It up and make life ar miserable its possible. Fat men should lie prohibited from riding in cars at any time. It is dangerous to Iheir health. Sinking Fund For P.G.E. Debt. Whatever else the provincial government may be, no one can deny that they are, good .financiers. They have pulled the limviiico oid of a financial slough and made its securities rank wijji almost any ijJlje Y9fd. Xow they pr)po,Ji redee.' the j t ThtnTa, Nift. "IV PAGE TWO Hu daily mr:z ,-, . a The Daily News The Man in the Moon j pmxcfc hupeht - mutism columhia ..YS:- I Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited, Tided Avenue. IJ. F. PULLHN, .Managing Kditoi-. Advertising and Circulation Telephone r 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 .,1 HAM- the people of Prince Rupert seoui to be spending their thne wondering how the other half gel away with it. are reminded that in Hie land o: All advertising sJwMJid be in The Daily Xews Office on day pro Voua Fancy there are uumer-ceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval., guteksHn.ls. Gontracl Hates on Application PHOSPF.GT1YK civic candidates IB-some people were not so ffni&'anl they would not be ICKKP it dark,' as the young man said to his best girl when Ihe lights went out,, I KXl'KCT to hear Ihe British Liberals asking for the pa.osiiiK of a proportional representation 'law in older to protect minority I hi is in that coimlry. WIIKHK does Ihe wind all come from? There is no elec tion on. .'CH upon a lime there was a severe storm at Prince Hupert. hut that was a very long lime THK basketball boys play bas ketball iu order to keep fit so thai they may play more basket -nail. The basketball girls play basketball so thai Miey --lint why give theiit away DOWN in Montreal the oh! ;Vomen keep Iheir money in tio ansT Here people ride in them THE difficulty with this town i-I hat there is no sgile club here. If there were one, I know eTeral people I should like to recommend for membership. THIS hedtime story cra.e is being carried too far. Mother lls them to I lie kids before they relire and then her eldest son tells -ne lo somebody else'. a id just outidde her front door. i lifw-av debt by providing a-smking fund, lf-sulisequentrgnvern- , UATCI MAM iifiiN will follow up (he gyod .work and keep the sinking fiind:IEL mnl inlar!. we shall see ourselves emerging from Hie financial in-1 ciihus of the P.G.K. Financial concerns in particular will appre-j ciiite this action tf the government, it will benefit the province' ltiifAii.if il will imiL-tf rkruviiirMfftl IijiiiH mith rnor paaiIiK suli. t Retired able and they will command a better price than otherwise j would he the case. It always jwjfs to keep the credit-of the country good, and that eau be done ony by keeping lire finances of tho country in good shape. . Whers Are Prophecies Of Calamity Howlers. There have been visiting lecturers nnd professed labor leader visjl this city within the past six or seven years who have predfeted that Ihe whole financial fabric of the world could brspimty a few yeafs and that it was crumbling under its own weight and would collapse.' .Nothing has happened to bear "til thai prediction so far and there seems lo be no likelihood of an immediate change. We nre carrying on, using the same. kind of money to buy the same kind of goods at somewhat similar prices except that the purchasing power of rminey vn lessened as a result ,,f the war financing. There is a general tendency Inward u more stable condition rather than iu the direction "I jul love nuti" declared thei young lady as slit looked across the table, but neither of I he young men oiniosile took Ihe l. :.. i I nun . PRAISES DRECO hotel proprietor finds Dreco a splendid aid to health. One bottle of It corrects digestive disorders that had bothered htm for years. "Dreco heloed me after everything else failed," s-ays .Mr. M. J. Con I in. of II3K Card cro iSlreet, Vancouver, H.C.' "II showed me Ihe way. to better health. For a long lime I sulf.ered from stomach trouble And my food would sour and form ga, which ttas vei-V rtislpsln ' I u-na nlunvt Beware Of German had about given up bope of ever Money Or Bands. , gettirijr better. Itepeuted warnings are being senl out to (inadtans against1 "Today, thanks iti Iireep. I feel fa ..... i-i.i..'. elect ion weak, so tlial f often bad nharp pains across my back. My liver wan sluggish ami constipation bothered ine a real deal. I uf-fered in lTiis.wav for years and Hp- purchase of German money or bonds. Many of the bondsi'lKe a new iimn, f have onlyi Chintz. CASH SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY SHETLAND FLOSS In Pink. Ulne. While, etc; 2 skeins for 3 ONLY, EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS Pretty floral sateen covers, in Hlack and Hose, Black and Paisley, lleg. value .$17. r0; for .. CHILDREN'S BLACK SILK and WOOL HOSE In sizH (i oud (i'i only. Beautiful quality. 2 pairs for 6 ONLY, COTTON FILLED COMFORTERS Prelty coverings of Pink and Blue Meg. values 85.50. For or amuse-ilf'c pains in my back have disnp-! pea red, while my liver is active 25c $9.75 $1.00 $3.95 . S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Wc stock Pictorial Patterns. Phone 8. more. Dreco is made from the pure jiiicex of twelve medicinal herbs, .roots, bark a and leaves. J is a safe nnd reliable Ionic and regulator and contains no mercury, potash or habil forming drugs. Dreco la being specially Introduced In Prince Rupert by W, J. McCutcheon. It l8 also sold In Smlthera by J. Mason Adams, and by a good druggist everywhere. WHAT HE LACKED : The worried countenance of IJie bridegroom disturbed Ihebos! man. Tiptoeing up Ihe aisfe, he whispered: 'i "What's mafler. with yo' all. Krasmus? lias yo' lost de nnnV "No. I ain't Insl no ring." bturled nut the unhappy F.raS-rims, 'dal s safe enough. Itnf Joe. Ts certainly last malt en . ' li i-iasiii!" WINTER GOODS CANNOT BE SOLD IN SUMMERTIME. 300 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES GO ON SALE AT BENT'S .Friday & Saturday at Sacrifice Prices SALE COMMENCES T0M0RR 0W, FRIDAY, AT 9 A.M - WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK TO PERMIT OF US PURCHASING SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS PIERETTE TWILL AND TRICOTINE DRESSES . . . . . . In Brown, Navy and Sand. Sires 36-44. SALE PRICE Other beautiful models In Flannel, Wool, Crepe, Serge, Canton and Satin, In all In latwt ihadet, reduced to the lowest possible prices. - ,i Just arrived Hob McMillan of Stewart, well known in t'rince Huoerl and district, is losl in Ihe mountains-! above Slewart. A week apo he, went hunting up the Marnioli Itlver wilh tleorjre Itrujrpy, t;iiar-j lie" Williams, and Jack Andrews but failed to return Jo camp. , Xominatbuis for Ihe niunicip! THOUGHT HE NEEDED IT are .ibsolutnly worthless and Ihe old 'Herman hiouey is not worlhl'en IVreco, fb'ft; lcji "'day and I1 lhibby 'In sister's 'caller' Do I to- paper il is printed nn. There are some bonds thai are vain-' frel inn per cent belter. My : i),,. phlckens tet into your yard, able and tlic new money has value but except for an expert, this' food digests properly and no; Mr. Snftleigh? (h i niaii fmauce is not one to be played with. As one writer says ibinger sours or forms gas audi Snftleigh I hae ho yard, il would he much belter to be! money on a horse race where you i I leen soundly at niht. .Myjhobert. What made. yoii nsk-me i nim n:- some uiu ior your money man to nuy uonus on vii wnjcii niili.it i ;'Hy s .... are wronger -..p.. too. ami aim i that ? inure, is no jiossible chance of gelling either return meal. again. Constipation is a lliintr of pnle fhe pas.1 ino, and I owe it all lo Dreco, which has certainly ui'idei ni wonn-wniie ror tnn once Itobby 'Cause I hetird Ulster sny she wms goin' to'gtve you Ihe NOW FOR A Wool Dress UEMERS" HAVE THEM IN FLANNEL, SERGE and SILVERSHEEN. $8.50$25. HOSIERY IN SILK AND WOOL PURE WOOL Seeing is believing We shall be happy to have you go over our stock SATIN AND SATINETTE UN DERSKIRTS AND PRINCESS SLIPS from England, In all the latest shades. $3-75 to $8.50 Also a very fine selection of HEAVY ENGLISH PURE SILK H09E. Some of thMe hos. have wool 3'50 10 4,50 Pa,r lined feeL Priced from OUR WINTER COAT SALE IS STILL RUNNING AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL EYERY COAT IS SOLD. ALL SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM MAiL ORDEiJS Those of our customers living out of town can be assured of the same service. by mall as If attending our sale In person. TERMS -STRICTLY CASH "BENT'S" Hard Avenue il Ten Years Ago in Prince Kupert November 20, 1914. will close on January II and the election wi!l take place on January 1 1. Twenly-fje men are employed at Huys (ireek on Ihe excavation" for I4ie, Jmi'riul .)il, (Co.'s tanks. LABOR AND INDUSTRY IS ilo-ir member, with resource have enlisted DISCUSSED IN REPORT OF ielitiialed at 0.nno.notV Tbir opportunities . FEDERATION AT EL PASO, work wa prHied, but a warning crealiig dii' fti. .. . 'il lo i-tti'iii"ii Hint moreae raiuu lio'-l continued from jihkc one; right of wage earner to Ofl?n-iie freely ami lo be represented by men of their own elioosiiiK. projfre- UrAard dettHteatic practice still eiHitlnuen.M In cnnideraliou of national child' life of Anr Amerlcn." report said, in enneliHling, 'irgpineHf on the subject. Anti-Trust Law Ihe its coupled up Willi the reume. "Lalmr in till new field has not passed the complete periiHt of rx-werimenlatbw." the reiMtrt ahl. Labor Life Insurance 'rniHisa for a euernl labor labor i fniniii. in enllnral oppi.i! A rnliniiatiti llaklnit farm "1'hihi lboe In whoe rare the .union fn olate life liMiirunre company haveirtoiindllee. a-i(n 2 continued nccrssful ifinfnis.nioemenl wa I ml Ion of llieiie bankiiiR venture fjff w said to li deitend. there res a great andjfti lellerhig orh re,,Hm.ildl.ly. to inalntalii a- hae ln ottical effort to whirl. (i.Pjgrae fcleralion has eontmitled i.,elf.!I- Inlegrlly of labor n ability andUupnlenl other Ihe aelual pol.t,, Handling Ihe rep,rl place,! firl Ihe M.b- compelence. "r " l sntir.. IJ ' -o- l". I... ...nirw.. In Ihn IW V lll'OM-J of the consllliitlonnr amendment H""e ' nipowerintr felral regulation of liild labor, and notified its con-stitueiil membersfrin of anion (algn. vm pronn-' A Cfie of iv ... ami er ft union . .. .1. li I . . ...f.i.l.i I .r flint 11 wonhl still lie i.ecessaryi"'", I" ",r" ie.ierainiii., - u v Ihe eveculive commilfee prer-jdneflnienl. I be.. ,1 n keep up ednenlkwial work ;and fsenle.l without comment IhMind-iPropn.oU put l.. f. . Ihe Males for the purpo.e ehanghvir Ihe atlllihle Of "f inxe.llgallon.lainre,. Jiirls.b, folUTe" Invide into ihe subject by lis owrt mnild.efrn liad. ' ! members. , nlMr apcl of "li t. one of the httrfrM dlle nf hten and women nf ur tlinel "We " een ronxtnred, nd JiWl nnd Ihe oi in j.afijKbnnl and pAilect the persuaoi uinv iu . i on.,. ,-.-r- oniy nnviNni' ami saie inn mol the duly of unions Jointly to adopt some form of proper In surance," Ihe inellmilinr .".in in .i.n..i.i.. il.,, ii,. r n,-miiiee ueriareu. uowever WATia notice TUT Vntirr tt... we Atria for .nttnrr "t Hfdfci,irne of injunction In'"" "Ppo-ed lo having the AmerJ?,;.; tabor ' with whlel.i'"'" reurraiioii oi i.annr a " " . ton troversy. w,,,? ihi 'win" the federntfon has lone concerned '"'"'"""y '"!" ,n Insurance, vvr.irriv m.i dnm. ... ..j, .... o... biilne.s." "'L 1fLr. . 'f . . 1 . . . I . I . ,l. I I . n ... ...a........ . n . I . . . mar- "". r mi. i r; The federation had UMtltMFMKTJL'i 1 reyiewen prori-eiunn" ourinir nirj - niit-innnii i siiimi ir j trrim rmrn TakR Aim. t ,ear wliicn -aiseu ine isue. ll an proposal miriiiv uie yrar ior -d rrU1 H' v i considered Ihe ndvlsnbllily of abolish or limit the fimrlfoh ofi inrri r.lnn. ttr-1 constitutional amendment as well the railroad labor board of the ins federal legislation to support federal goerbmcnl, the general jibe position labor organization; 'report continued. H described the have taken, in challenging the finhl In (Jonirre . lo pn the use of such power. II included . Ilowell-narkley bill r, H). fin. io. "f I .. Dl some criticism of the Shornran unions endorsed for this purposs, i wii"nii'ii vir lieriir iii.j w if., f, fi aiili-lrusl law, on the ground that Hits status had been "applied to outlaw Ihe rightful and Just collective actions of wage eurners through their trade unions." "The development of logifda- ,1 inn lo provide for the fundamen tal economic needs nf workers and industry should come not I from one of the groups ron- milled lo Ihe project of rarfylnr rerned, but should be Ihe reenrn- rtnf educational elnhllOiment. inendatfon of all elements af- for ndult workers, it was said, nt jferlifl," K was said on Ihis poinl.pvell a In the preceding pro "Labor would welcome an op- Pram of supporting public porliinily lo parlfclpale In such. schools for the nation's youlli. constructive work." j"f'onfpreiense plans and fuihy Labor Banks nf nnlful accomplishment" bad As a result of recent labor . been made during the year. It was union policy, the report prnrrrd- declared, and the movement fins ed, there nre now 23 banks In been taken uti Internntlnhallvl existence which are owmd by Many unions were declamd lo nt. mm 111 nitwMi t ,, , a Thl wrtlrr fl' l:- 5 1 IIm (Slh art t "mr " , i1 iiii ttirr tnit rt ii llwrrln ami In llw Wit"' ' mill b filrd in b iff 'T. which I he;''.r. l..Vimi " ,.i "It H the Intent and purp,.. i.rit ViTOw. iMr.Tf- of all the force, of organized la. C""""'" A, bor Hnd of all friends delrontiiion of im MiKf i " ,,..i.Lu workers." II il .1 l ... . ' ' ... the was declared, "lo carry on Ibis figbT tnilcnly and vigorously." Education The labor federation is com Iiy Amlrr. .j Qun 0hfloU ItUnrf l.Untrrt nrif Its' - '?7jilljj Mtsnrtl lOaiiJ. Mint Cr milrr finrli Uiwre '",n".JUi,fl IjJ erly I rhlliKi lti'7 M,uJrl " renuinnit l itm .mtlrt1! ItlC rf.mlif. (! Adverti.e .n Ihe Dally N