DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Might or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, I PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. The best advice ever given to a man or a woman is: "Pave your lit money." Handy Andy goes a step farttier II! Mian this and tells you liow to save your cash. ill He tells ynu to buy your hardware and III home helps of us. He knows Dial our goods are of standard manufacture and that in you'll he satisfied with our service. Tli is week only McClary's Sray Enamel Potato Pots Reg. S2.C0 For $1.00 hi Kaien Hardware Co. Sterling Furnace COM Dtllntrad In Bulk. At 510.00 per ton. This l t very superior furnace coll. It tfivff i clean hot fire and In entirely frw from Miot, clinkers, lark and dirt. Some of the largest heitlnr Unt In the city are now uilrn It with entirely satlsfntory result!. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Barks. At S12.60 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COAL8. Prince Rupert Coal Co. eu'n orri i m 4 o.ntrai. iik is LAND ACT. Cuilar Land Dlttrlet. 1 Iicrordlnit district of t'rlnre lUiprrt,: and suunte In Allln Like, alumt out) half inllft due went of Allln Towtult. TAKE NOTICE that t'aul I-. EKir'rt, of Atlln, III the I'rovlnre of British tolirm-lila, occupation Jeweller, Intend;; to appljr for periiiUslon to purrhase tlie following ileirrlbed land! .... Coimnenclnr at a pott planted at the noiith plnt ., of . the email IMand knwn . i.iifl t -1.- a 1 1 a I .rl ahove; thenre northweat and on around thl Uland following the hor line to the place or commencement; and containing Inn acres, more or leal, Sept. rd, m.iuL Loul3 E0Qm BRINGING UP FATHER , By Ceorge I! itaHT it TtuvaedLe? ) I H?e.oT II 1 1 i MOtr co ic '&k I - i rivGO'T to I frP " ml ' P MOTHER lt A.MGR.'Y tOURMOTHCTv Tt-Lt. W Jl. ' B&'JXm. I lOb 1 HDOft WIFE, ( .7 . i I ATWHCRAND.. J eNO CONVltNCCD SOO ew fWiEfi TrT S will WEAK "l ' MX L ' 4- I ' j&. I t M 1 C i 1 J I W ,.th ,! M I I I .. ' i " . ' " j -- - - - - - - - . BILLIARD RESULTS War Veterans Took Lead as Re sult of Last Night's Games The (reat War Veterans look Hie lead in the first division billiard league last night when they tefeated th-o Prince Itupert Bil liard Parlor hy an aggregate score of 1210 to 1110. The Bil liard Parlor players won only a single game. Individual scores were as fol low. : George Mrllmoyle (Milliard Parlor . 239; Col. S. P. McMordie Veterans;, 250. Charles Halagiio, 209; Sgl.Jeb- son. 250. Freil Stephens, 217; Alex. Vol ume, 250. It. Jelich, 195; 'Fred Pyle, 250. A. Hasson. 250; J. J. Walsh, 210. League standing to dale fol lows: " fiames. Ttl. Ave. P.n.Il.P 2 2300 1180 . W. V. A 2 2393 1107 firolto 2 2079 1010 BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division Games. Ttl. Av.l G. Mcllmoyle H.P. 1 250 250 F. Stephens H.P. . . 1 250 250! H. Jelich 1 11. P. ... 1 250 250 250 250, A. A. Kasson H.P.) 1 250 250 :. Halagno (Il.P.N. 1 250 250 Col. McMqrdlft (V,). 1 250 250 Sgt. Jebson (V.) ... 1 250 250 (i. P. Tinker (V.) .. 1 250 250 W. J. Nelson ((!. ..1 217 217 X. Walsh V.) ..... 1 211 211 H. Morgan (O.) ... 2 127 211 E. Pearce (G.) 2 425 213 D. Hrown (O.) 2 108 204 G. Blythe (G.) .... 1 198 198 F. Pyle V.) 1 192 192 (i. Wtaiigh 'G.j 2 370 188j Second Division E. Fenelon (V.J 300 150 J. Beesley (G.) . 150 150 G. Blythe Ki.) . 150 150 A. Fort in ' H.P.) 300 150 F. Zieman 'U.l'.) 150 150 1). Howo fB.P. . 150 150 A. Donald Hl.P.) 150 150 G. Mallet (H.P.) 150 150 J. Allan S.A. . . I 150 150 D. McAuley (C.) .. 117 117, M. McLarhlans (S.A. 290 1 15 S. L. Warrior (V.). 280 140 F. Aldri.lse (H.P.) . 280 no Dr. West (V.) i..., 273 137 J J. May f G.R. ') . . V;'; 272.136 . J. Brown (S.) .. 135 135 f' W. Mitchell (B.P.) . 208 13il II. Parr fC.S.) 2C2 131 S. Dart on (O.S.) .. 2 255 128 A. Bales (C.S.) .... 2 255 128 C L. Voungrnan (V.) 2 251 120 J. Andrews 'S.A.) . . 2 212 121 M. Andrews (S.A.) . 2 282 141 Suga I 121 121 G. p Tinker (V.)'.. 2 541 121 S. Macdotiald (SA.) 2 pd 115 .1. Bulger (C.S.) ... 2 220 113 W. Murray (CI.) .. 1 112 112 D. McLean (C.) ... .1 110 110 ' M. Lamb (C.) ..... 1 10,2 102 J. McDougall (H.).: 1 89 89 W. Anderson ((.).. 1 82 82 M. Stephens f(i.) . . 1 00 CO Advertise in the Daily News I I Sport Chat S -a' Urnlto ami (billies, cellar teams, in the llillianl League, are si-hed-i ult'd to mel toniK'ht. With clean: sweeps all the rage in this particular leapue this winter, holli tenuis meeting loniichl are lu)p-iiiK hy that route to put themselves in a mom enviable intuition on the slamiiiiK sheet. There, have tieeri o many surprises in iutenueilia.le billiards so far that 1 1 he fans will not he shocked atm,'r ,w Kngland to take pun oh ! ... 1 e !. al mini.) nf I ha ltailiali anytinng mat might happen. "V, " . ' 'V heavyU-elghts. All of which hH The Ladies' League basketball I08"41 phlirtllil sport.-players wf .lh ,n,, lo oU," lln4, are certainly showing iU, Seniors and Interme.liales the '" unlihilisated In forsee ,,,rtpr ,,a" ,,h,,, for "rlW far tlgh!ev''n way as as putting up pames Is conceriwl. Nothing h P'' init bul- fmlld have been more inlereslil)gln rh,,r 's,'' bx,,r in " f lhan the two games so far played! helwe.cn the Matde Leafs and Gil's Htn who gives any promise and the jrlrls promise to he the hip Vlrnwhijr can! of the season. Their play "in lliese two games has been splendid, especially eoii-siderinK the early stage of the season and it should Imnrove with' further practice. The ipjestion of whether or not golf is beneficial in the matter of getting in training for other sports has again come up in baseball and Miller Hoggins, manager of the New York Yankees, has announced that he wj carefully supervise the in dulgence of his players in this line when they arrive for their spring training al SI. Petersburg, Florida. When asked what he thought uf golf as a training stunt for baseball players. Hug-gins said that golf in moderation did no harm to the youngei players but it did more harn 'than good to the older tine whose muscles and sinews are "sel." BRIER Edge-Holdlrtf SiwtB v I SAWS ) '" , uiwuS SANDY MACD0NAL1 SCOTCH WHISKr. 1 ANDY MACDONALD U vfclO ! m'fi ff fm t it llw.i wIhSj .I4, tttew.eoiaiat.Wa kf4 ik Ml lpti 9H.HLt, UIUU t WTUKf (MSTUflQ ttl v Laltb. Iteilaai. Special Li(iier, 4.21 per llottle. A.H.M., 20 years, s? 'i.7r per Bollle. This advertisement Is not published or displayed hy Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. lb. THE ECONOMY buy -4 Jf (Auoin Packages DEMPSEY MAY GO TO ENGLAND No Fighters There Who Have Chance of Winning In go With Champion I.TlXOOK, Nov. L'O .lurk Demp-sey has let it be noised about tlmt he wouldn l mind com inn i sianoing VP ngainsi lieropsey or WW a few- rounds, unles the champion had a mind to be playful. And the British know thin, n fact they poke just as much f their quirt fun at thrtf bn. ng predicament as do the- more loistenuis humot overseas. ' Possibilities After all. who raight be matfrtied vith Denp5y in a London ring? There i Frank Ooddard. the champion, wltt) got bin title on a find. Aie-1 just the other day h roted the Channel to dp a little ighling di the-ttasqua eonnlry villi a ma named Paolini. Nn wdy in te boxing game in Hril tin except Uoddard had ever ieard nf Paolini. for his mai' msiness in life bail previous I 'een f bopping down trees. II 'ave OcVdart) a sound (hrashinr 'Phen there is a Joe Reekell who has a long record of eol nockonts registerexl again' iim. Nit long ago Beckett re ired. married, and setlled dowt a quiet life of watching Hr ";iis cofut and go. at Southamp n H se ( Htle pice to the Mie Mitar day saying be 'iWe.tpi) a "rome-back." i-lse. e'eiiiinply r-iri's I iT. Ot'il ha- had !) the 154 & 20t) Daily News Classified Ad 2 CENTS Pt'K WORD IN WAKTCO AlTllr-S war.ted. Apply Bos-27 ton Grill. i KOIt Plumiiing and Healing, Phone Blue 518. t( WOMAN warned for Hotel work. Apply Hotel ntrul. 271 fOR RENT TO RK.NT. Three rnoinetl auile. anil moms. Federal block. Steam heated. David H. Hays & Co. If KGft H EXT.- four llvinit roMr4 one suitable for buaineaa, or oflire. ground floor; $311.60; Also Clapp flat. Weatanbaver ftroa. WINTER HARBOR for email boata. Uarataker in al tendance. Vpplr Northern E-change. If rViS ENT -four room. molern. heated apartment. jnly Smith ft MaHett. Lfd tf FOR SALE FOR SALK.- - liaby bnggy, I15.(K. Phone Green 506. 273 AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when you desire lo sell or purchaiw) furniture, or any article. PRINCK RUPERT KX-ClIANGti. Auotior.eera.t DRY WOOD CKDAR. HKMIiORK Oil- Fin Cut and split to any aize. 56.S0 Per Load A. ISAACSON. Real Cove Woodyanl. Phone Hlack Ml CLOTHING :itKDIT - Men's suits, overcoat", made to measure, easy monthly payment. Samples fret", ""ae-lionalda." Box 2384, Montreal. HELP WANTED. '.I. MS--Reliable man lo repre---t.i old enlnblished firm sell-i' - Made to Measure clothing "ii easy payments. Big commissions. Outfit free. "Mae-Donalds," Box 238-, Montreal. iieiiiiragemenl. Fun of 3loomfleld rier chuckling over the I'ei'kelt ambitions, one tutus ues thoughts, perhaps to Jack MI'Mimfield, the cruiser-weight -ii.'tmpion who had dreams earlier 'his vear of retrieving liritish n-tige in Jhe piibilislic pro- ".ion. Tommy Oihlioii came joer J.o F.ntrlHiid from, the ?late lid disillusiopeil Itloorafii'Id. ipiickly and forcibly. So he too got married and settled down, nnd even the caption, writer in lite lofleal movies made fun nf hi fei-ble -land against the American, who irjive him nn unmerciful thrashing, while Ihe beat Hloomfield could do before toeing put In sleep in Ihe third round wns lo land four blows, hardly more than love-laps, on (he energetic epidcrmji of his conqueror. 1 That .just about ends Ihe list. There are, of course, promising youngster doing their luff In small-lime hxing circle over here int ax there are plenty of nmbillnus to-MxyweighU active In' Anerlnn. Hut none of Iherrt are first-rater hy any slretcb of the Imagination. . . "Than , cm . IL.I ,, . i t uwy 1S man s tie-! rnend. I "f,li. I 'h. ii i Unr.w It's always levins lo gd away from ms." ADVANCE. No Adrarlliomenl LOST WILL the l:ify who took the wrong umbrella from the Bos-tou Hall plen. return same to Uie Boston lillll. Uftoer's name on liHlidle. BOARD AND ROOM BOAIID and Itoorn at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post OMee. 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If SINQINQ MILS. JACK IIINTON. pupil of MmIaih Saunder, Ottawa; Prof. Phillips. Boston; and Prof. Walkia, Ignition. Eng., will alve singing instruction y apiMiinlment. Phone Green 421. between 12 and 2 p.m. KAIEN OARAQE Agents for McLaughlin, Oldtmoblle, Maxwell and CrVtler Cars; Ro-and Q. M. C. Trucks WHY SQUEAL? Stop when you want to stop with out telllnq the world about HI Let us do your brake llnlno GOODYEAR TYRES $8.00 to $13.00 For Fords Modern Wrecking Equipment Service Day and Night Phone 52. CHtROPRAOfOR R. E. EYOLF80N Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours. 10 to 12; 2 lo 6; 7 lo 8. Saturday afternoons and Sunday by appointment. PI) one Illiib 85. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy. Sell and Kx- eh.-.nge New and Secondhand Oonds. QfeO. PAPADUPULI9, 839 Third Ave. Phono 146. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust" Prompt Service and Comfort Day or NIC t Stand: HOBS BROS. POOL ROOM Mee'ker Clock, Acrs from, itmurtts Hotel PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, November 20 High 8:20 a.m. 17.0 ft. 2n:;ii p.m. Irt.0 Low 1 :27 a.m. 7.4 14:1 p.m. 'J.O Friday, November 21 High 0:22 n.m. 18.4 ft. 2l:3!i p.m. 17.1 Low 2:32 a.m. 7.5 15:28 p.m. 8.fl Saturday, November 22 High 10:10 a.m. Ili.3 fl. 22:31 p.m. I7.U NOTICE To whom il nmy concern Take notice thai Ihe u.irlner. ship existing between (icorgo "drownie 'JVI,f'tnJ !l - Nagasue and Kakicl.I Naknyft. 'ThJT'ihl! us mi nft proprietors of the Cluh P.nfe I'lunn. ".,,ri,:.'.i:I .'St' V dissolve.! i. Ll? ZrzXXMimv' ' "lis inorsa in' i j -mmw I rrlll " bo continued hv Kaklch! ffiTK VaK-crSiV V..1 . ... ' : ... ..-Ml 'Ml .i s .u.ayn, who will all hills in' pay nMd M nei tid ,kA Tm' owing hv the fid rl tincali I rt riii1 at l'TtW?X signed. Kakichi Nakaya. 275 George N'agasuo Tkn for Le. lhn 50t MAIL SCHEDULE I - !For the Eatt Mnn.l. - vv urdat- : from thk EaU-Tlie.dii- I d3. i . j To Vncouyr Tuenda.v. Mini ' Ralurd.i . Friday-. CP II. , . From Vancouver-un4avs J Wediie.j;iv. yfti n Thui.lu. C.PH v 1VV r a Ammam Mil.. a .. inii Premier Wedii. . ! . SundM Frcm Anyoi Alice arm. U and Prtmltr Tuedi J Frida To Port Simpson and Nuil Points Thiirsil . - From Port Simpsoe-Aiturdaya To Alasks Points Noei!i.' ? From AlasKs Points Noveinlx To Queen ChsrlotU ll b From Queen ChsrlotU Points No ni!ii i OX COLLECflO. ir..am A I at Ave A l III e a Wh Ate l rirb w e lh .We , i!.. Circle :5 61b Ave A i 1 w ftlh Ave A M. I Pro. fov m Prov. Wov u J " O.T.P. W i i-i i f ?tid Ave v 3rd Ave A I Wl Ave A NOTICE i n i f r aiT- il thai llsemenis i Daily New-' ,tP.-t 4 p.m. t-dayl sertion in toinjrrv- sue. NOTlC . -'lie fl ..la TAKB NOTI'K l- ":"B ' " of LiiHlii fr am J 11 10 ejcwil 1 ' .... l" rroiu ibe tiiriuw : w Mmt'j. "-i M.r and li-l'-- ' I. Ml Claini. y .'., r, H'tV. "IH'I I ' ....... JUhd day 'if " ' .ii