25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and Cth 8t. MATT VIDEOK, Prop. VOL MV . NO, VS. - ultt ANNUAL i ! limfliiiK ra'-lna lo ii('iiiini or tl.runiali ami wliili virltl li to-aon on arh I rack I lpHr doiwilii" Mrvaiil in 1 I..- .IowihivIiI prohibition; I to . Iioiiii-. ; ! rf.iill in no! onrl Tin lull U Imiiik mt rodiiml a" Br"!n Will Make Demand of! Egypt as Result of Stack Episode Yesterday hOMMlX. Nov. !0. SI rung B,'d imiiiedialu nrllou will be de-""""''d by lM. Mrilisl, Kovern-""nl In rcprcsenlations to Ihe, ?ltian Riivcrnnienl as a result ',r Hk' allenipt on u life of Sir 'e siuek C(m .,,l).r,ny. ' . ,'cp f,',i" Cairo llils morning M''' Hial II,,. eoiidlllon of Slack 8b ou ..grated i.rx yrar. .if,n '-' '. '- MniHi - ad. .wud N. cou.luete.l by Hi 'I Mi- l,...r( n ri.oiiablc.aiii fotlovtinif mk'mi- aailaliuii lmM Imperial . ilajely ...... ,. the advice 'ini woiilil l rracliril. j"f 'In- S .,iti. --o-u-f nN ami Motor Vehicles Act "ilins n.iii niy ' ii Hut i'haii)' in Hu Moim ,cl wa forv,a'i'd ly 'lcirioy (iriii'ral lo roiii' 'i . i-mii1 of uliitr lii'Mior. ' "' firnl ronvirlioH 'of III'1 r I within Ihe six mouth he nilil pet a red Iiik and a third 'i"ii within six month" ft" hi I-on Hie suspension or Halion of his liceime allo-fi '!irr CRAY RETURNED Vessel Used by C.O.M.M. for Q C.I. Freighting Back to Owners lie whaler (fray, which ha '"r' userj this summer by the ' :ti iidiaii Hoverniiienl Meichanl Marine m Ihe Quern Charlolln ,k,aiii fri-iuiii service, was rc-'!!i"!'i In .r owners, ,(. ( ;iii -"liilatnl WhaliiiB f.o.. last week. RUMOR ABOUT be Called by President Cool-Idge of United States upon of bin Canadian Ministers ami that Hie obligation so incurred should be hiniliii? on am enforced by Canada alone." The event lakes place at Convocation Hall at Hie University. I L ::z z. .::,.:;;, i ARMS muz PARLEY ramr, i - starving man is were no roiiic(ii.ii fir . ( RRfllirHT TO PITY m .nil,, llie driver coiil.l ,.,.! . Oenoa ,t Tnal Mocllno W! DUUHUITl 1UU1I ii itp- winie mif mil ii con- W illiam Welili. an l-.ulishmau, ,ajied IH, was liiDUjilit in by (lie I provincial police last ufhl from (I:M;V., .Nov. '. 'Hie latest .North Pacific cannery .suffering rumor circulating here on I he from starvation. Ir. II. K. Tre-disarmamenl iueliou is that mayne also made (lie trip with President Coolidce of the l ulled Slates will convene a new arm's conference to meet in I'.urope perhaps at The Haunt', circulating Ihe rummr that Ihe Wash tnal on government has already sounded ihe Mriti-h Kovi'i'iimcnl on I lie jeel. Ihepolice. Webb was found in one of the cannery shacks in an emaciated couditinu and, on ar- TIiosp rival here, was admilled lo the insist hospital. He is said lo have he- come exhausted ami crawled into new I Hie shack where he was found by suh-'Ihe cannery walcliinaii after he Halibut Commission Hold GOVERNMENT IS U . . Sesswnat Q . Seattle c ,,, CALLED TO TIMEi Pemng SKATTLK, Nov. 20.- The iiileriialionul joint .immissioii reprcseiiliiig Canada mid I 'mlcd Stales esierday heard persons here who were interested in the halibut fisheries of Hie North Pacific. The commission was told dial Ihe closed season from Nov ember 15 lo February 15 was likely lo prove bencHc'ial, Some of Ihe fishermen who appeared before Ihe commission told or llio use of small hooks which lake Ihe fish lie Hire. Ilicy are Hilly grown and suggested that this ought lo be prohibited. The hearing here was com-1 ... . - plt'ted hul the commissioners will) T. II. Johnson, manager of (he. remain on Pugel .Sound for Hie Canadian Fish Cold Storage After pointing out that Hie object of Ihe law was more lo furnish a deterrent egect to crime rather than lo punish criminals, Mr. Justice Murphy went into Hid ilulic.4 of the (irand Jury and charged it in Hie two criminal rases on hand in which it must bring in Hue bills or no' bills. The (irand Jury lefl the rourlj room at 1.3(1 on Ihe adjournment' of court and was rrpucrdfil byj His Lordship to return with il decision, at IH:;t(l this morning. Heorge II. Muuro was chosen foreman. There were four counts in llo-indictment against Jack Mac-ilonald in connection with the alleged assault of Provincial Constable Arthur Collins at Ocean .Falls .some months ago. They were:' first, unlawfully and wilh intent lo resist lawful ap- had had nothing local for t day. .""'hension, nllempling lo discharge a loaded revolver; second, Unlawfully and with intent lo re sist apprenens,ioii causing previous bodily harm; third, unlawfully assaulting a peace olllecr engaged in Ihe execution of his duly; fourth, unlawfully assaulting with inlenl to prevent lawful apprehension. (icorge Hull ami Fred Ilretner, alleged accomplice of Mac doiiald, were jointly charged with unlawfully causing grevious bodily harm in an allempt lo prevent arrest, unlawfully in lulling previous uouiiy hni'in or Constable Collins, and unlawfully assaulting (he constable in llio execution of his duties. K. F. Jtiue is acllng as crown prosecutor and MacDonald Is defended by II. Caslllloil, of Kverybody - - please stinnorl PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMUNCi: HU'KKT, 11.(1, TIlt'MSDAY, NOVKMHKH 20, 1021. r.tdM', cirCuut.n 1.77s. Joint Oliver i, iilrrady iri'iiiring lo cul down e.'ii.es u f'ir'iuli'd by Finance Minister McLean in recent iet'rh. Assizes Opened Yesterday When Mr. Justice Gregory Complimented III addressing ihe (irand Jury al the opemiiir ol ihe fall ses sion of llie Supreme Court assizes yesterday afternoon, Mr. Jusliee tiregory eongralulalcd Ihe city mi Ihe lightness or Ihe docket coming before Ihe court. Humorously he staled that he did not know H Ihis was due to Hie hvo new church buildings he had noticed in course or erection. Seriously, he said that it was a good thing to keep the clinches in a stale or preservation. 11 indicated good reeling in a comnniiiily that was trying lo do the right thing. He mentioned the tine weather and apologized for iiuMiip iii-cii uiiiiwiiuitmy aie. FLYERS LOST GULFGEORGIA Left Nanalmo Yesterday For Anacortes But Not Heard of Since NANAIMO, Nov. 20. Two Seattle aviators, David and Edward Mooney, left here late yesterday afternoon presumably for Anacortes. No report was received of them since they left this place. There was a strong gale with rain over the gulf last evening and It Is believed that the men were forced to take shelter In the lee of some Island. They arrived here yesterday morning. WEMBLEY EXHIBITION REOPENING DISCUSSED Announcement Is Expected to be Made Monday Next Says London Despatch OTTAW A, Nov. 20. The 'matter of Canada's participation in the Wenihley exposition next year is under consideration. It is understood olllcials are favorable but no definite decision in regard to it has been made. LONDON. Nov. 20. It is understood Ihat a considerable ma- Jorily of the onies meul w cmiiiey ex- T I . I . . ... ...lint I... I f II. I. H' I I I- I .l .... .1 ... lv. .... , .. , MMLHII Strfft Stic. Sf BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing ftoor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed ding parties. For rates, apply to Boston Orill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PORT OF FEDERATION OF LABOR HAUWT COMMISSIOH CONCLUDES IIS OPENING SESSION AT SEATTLE Pattullo Replies on Taxation Issue; Number of Subjects Discussed Legislature Hears of Licensing Motor Vehicles; Horse Racing; and Sale of P.G.E. Railway YICTOlllA, Nov. 20 Hun. T. II. I'ullullo. minister or lands. lCMiiiiunf (he huihgel debate elerday rrilieixed Hie remark J W June, member fur South Okauagaii, in asking Tor a ! , lion of taxes, lie declared that (he opposition had a :c held lu cullivale when he lulil Hit' taxpayers Ihev were i-rrv-g loo heavy a burden, us nobody likes tu pay luxe. Mr. Fat tened dial the present high l.ix rde was I tie if. nil of t - i i idoii ol Ihe nalurul resource t,f Hie provn" ' during Ihe Milludc regime. Selllement was established m all ronirr- ol ;.ro tuft Hum causing Hi' . in -. - Uincry 01 girterilHieilt lo In' v rosily. P.O.E. Sale II II imic. member for F.s-mill Ii-uii- of Hit' I . I t 1 1 1 ( lilt' lllHIMl Kill iiii'-iil ! I hi Pacific liri'iil 1 Stall . TUi amendment I it the hIiiuoI complete j 1 .tfiin.- of the original rtMlu-l 'he i.i'itkfliiul i.LlfMtl iif u.lairli ! : j- 'to- curtailing of nn- lcr in favor of a deeMnn on liy Hie Legislature-. Horse Racing i nl ry declared Hi PROTECT WHITE WORKING GIRLS government Hi ronnoclMMi 'VILIOUtA, .Nov at v proposed ate of the . in Hi TILLAMOOK ARMS PARLEY Vessel Is Changed to Canadian hcglstry and Will be Operated Here The motorshfp Tillamook Is to be changed to Canadian raglstry and will be operated out of this port to 8keena, Naas River and other points, according to W. E. Warren, general manager of the Canadian National Railway, who arrived here yesterday and left this forenoon for the Interior. The Tillamook will be brought here and overhauled at the dry dock prior to being put Into the service. PREMIER SON WILL DEBATE Takes Part In Big Event at Ed monton Tomorrow Against Three Canadians Kli.MU.VroN, Nov. to be Introduced to Prevent '.-..lin .Macdooald mmi of Hu- fnr-Orlenlals and Whites In .wet labor Premier of lirqal Itrit-Sama Home -,n' J VV'HMlrulT. x -jr- iInl 4 - . rTWV)iniTfvrrily Liberal v ii.!l'm" .M. "mil, a young l?ilalurr ly .Mary Klleii Smtlli. iiiniiiVr fur Vanrou.fr, of hr iiiteiiiloii nl mi parly dalr In inlrodiicr a lnll IkIiihJ to iircvnl Hip eninloy ' wriirr, wii i inrf nasi urrnieiti.s of lli Oxford 'U'liivnisily debating Union. are lo engage in a debate here tomorrow night wild linn' Alberta University men, Ceorge Hryan. Jim OTIrieu and Jim "Ma-tialfy. The resolution i ! debated in whirli Ho Canadians tlaae Hit aillriualie it: "Itr.olvfd 'dial (hi t'tfrnal .itTatrs of Can- SPIRIT OF PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET Labor and Industry is j Discussed in Report of Federation at El Paso Pronouncement by Samuel Gompers'and com-! mittee to Annual Convention Yesterday I is Notable Document ! KL PASO, Texas Nov. 20. Industry must solve it own j iuIi!mi ur face the alternative of slate iiitruio!i, the American I Federation or Labor' Kieciilive Council reporled loday lo Hie uigauiuliou'.s annual convention here. Stale iiilriMuii, it added, , 'inii.-l iiH'vilahly lead lo bureaucracy and breakdowni." j "Indiislry must fm.l its own way through Ihe tdifricullies with which it is bcsel." said Ihe report. "There is no oulside agency, goverpmeiiliil or otherwise, which - may he called in as physician lu cut away the entanglements. Drcomcrury cannot t - - - - : Icoine to industry through ihe imirn iriirin slate.'' juKWaYALUfc I OF CHILDREN j Samuel (ionipcrs, I'resident of Hie Federation, and ten other members of the committee .signed Hu- report, which dealt with ac- j'lviiie spreailin-; over Hie preo. " jSfraphica! field of Ihe continent, J. C. Brady Makes Plea to Parent-! including Mexico, Canada and the .Teachers For Increased Interest Making a plea for heller en.: ' a" "'""T- Ltty on Lightness of the DocketilXZrSjZ. XS and enthused the large gathering with the need of heller home draining, more eo-operalion be tween parents and teacher ami improved moral and phvsical surroundings. He urged the value of education in the training of the child but also gave equal stress to Ihe value of careful home training ami a reestablislirnent of home life. Added to this should be Ihe best possible environment especially for Hie period between the Hi n.e of school dismissal and Hie dinner hour, and for Saturdays. The boys and girls of today were I lie future citizens and were or more value lo the city than elevators. Mrs. Arutdl presided ami music i was provided by Hie members of jtlie First Northern H.C. Hegiment 'band of nine pieces led by W N". .lloss. Miss Annie Ialby sang I accompanied by Mrs. C. II. Among Hie business of the evening was a Discussion on a i proposal to arfilialo with the provincial Parent -Teachers' Association, ami this it wi 3 decided lo do. I MR. WARREN PAYS 1 UICIT TA PITV!' morning by train enruute to his headquarters in Winnipeg. Mr.j v arreu : !"" " """" . .. rr.i.to nu. mk' liiirlstmas Cheer Caudle that a decision in regard lo Hie! vale secretary Panama Canal zone, as well as the United Stales, and vvilh objectives uv. poJiticaL,.aai social en of j Co-operation Necessa-y . prin-l "We must iKinl out." it con- cipal of Hie High School, addres- tiiiued"and we wish lo emplia- serl Ihe Parent-Teachers' Asso-jsize Hie point beyond mistake cialion at some length last night! the road to drmnernr.v in in.ln- m-i-ompaiiicu n I in. .Mr dominions and col- Warren's official parly inrlmled 4 have iadviswl the maiiage-'- Cauiero 1, assistant general 1 4 inai nicy are willing io;iuunser, Vancouver; Morrison participate in the llie hibition - next v... year. " L Z TV "epl"P conlest. A worthy re-opening will be announced on I Mr.WarrenwasanxiousioV.ee ' " u "" ' " ' c--i'ise. K itoy iicollier Hill. Mo m;iv. of the engineering depart inenl. Vancouver aniUI-. Mmpson, pri-'j. illM 'id f 'he Mpo iy .1iy!ih'. try is not a mad that labor can ravel alone. Democracy in industry implies and involves Ihe arlicipatiou of every useful ele-neiil in industry. While there are large groups of employers lial still holds the despotic at-ilude which denies to labor even U inosl elemental and fundamental rights, progress toward lemocracy is being made. While 'here are croups of employers 'haj still refuse lo recognize the (coiii inued on page two) TROLLING BOAT WAS WRECKED Madu Driven on Rocks Near Dun-das Island 3ut Crew Safe The trolling boat Nadu, owned ml skipperetl by Capl. Ivarson, was wrecked on Tuesday at Moffat Island olT lundas Island. The raptain and his male being brought into port yesterday afternoon on the Cape Spear by 'apt. Isaac Lear. The Nadu was nil getting clams and was an chored alongside the Cape Spear luring a north-easterly gale. The. wind veered round lo the soulh- C.N.R. Qcnoral Manager Spent "'"' w'"' reuh that the Brief Time Here Yesterday a,l,'.,l"r wa ,orn from ",0 l,oal A. 11011 1U Ul 1'. " The Cape Spear relumed to the " I scene of the wreck this morning ' warren, general managerjin Ihe hope of salvaging the cn- of t.auadian National western igine. lines, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince lluperl yesterday aT-ternoon in tin course of a tour of inspection On the Pacific 'Co'ist and continued Kusl this NOTICE A nieeling of the Canadian Halibut Fishing Vessel Owners' Association will be held in the City Hall ton I? hi at 8 p.m. Fleet ion of olllfer and oilier important business. All member please attend.